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Last Movie You Saw...

District 9, which was epic.

Before that was G.I. Joe which was... uhhh... noticably less epic.

I would do dirty, dirty things to Megan Fox.
My god..
Eye for an Eye--last on the list of my Kiefer Sutherland movies and was a nice end to the marathon. Stellar performances by both Sutherland and Sally Field.

    • Went and watched a friend's kid last night and she wanted to watch a movie.
      So we watched Twilight(Ugh, shoot me.), Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix(Yay for Harry Potter nerds),
      and Spiderwick Chronicles(Fairly decent, I enjoyed it.)
The last movie I saw in theaters was Inglourious Basterds, which was pretty awesome.

Since then...I think the last one I watched beginning to end at home was Dark Knight, which remains pretty awesome even after several viewings.
I watched The Faster & The Furious with my dad. We both liked it.

The one I want to see or rent if it is out already is The Unborn.

Saw previews for it and damn I've been liking horror movies lately or really scary ones ^_^
The Salton Sea--very good. Lots of good lines.

Finn: They say he hasn't slept in like over a year.
Danny: Bullshit!
Finn: Naw, it's true. I've never seen him sleep. Seriously.
Danny: Have you ever seen Queen Elizabeth sleep?
Finn: No, why, is she a tweaker?
Danny: [pause] Yes. That's my point.
Transformers (the first one)
Not usually my cup of tea but I gotta admit, it was pretty good.
I'm also looking forward to seeing the second one.
To me, that's pretty scary because I usually hate movies like this.
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