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Last Movie You Saw...

I saw The Accountant the other day. I give it a 3/5, stale cliche story, but I enjoyed the eccentric main character if only for educational purposes.
Undecided, a mockumentary about the current elections. Was quite funny actually, sort of taken on like Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Borat'.

It was amazing! All those references, jokes and fourth wall breaks! But a little bit sad that there were only two X-Men in it.

Finding Dori

I bawled my eyes out. That movie broke my heart right at the begining. Poor Dori...
Memoirs of an international assassin 2/5 {Had a lot of free time and nothing worthwhile watching on Netflix. Sue me}

Fantastic Beasts 3.5/5 {Amazing protagonist, but some flaws in the story kind of jump out. I guess this is for those who look for character-driven stories. I personally prefer plot-driven}
Thirteen Days (2000) - An older movie (now that its officially 17 years later), but it stars Kevin Costner and that guy who played Captain Pike in the New Star Trek (forgot his name already), about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Very good movie, lots of suspense and well done. I always loved history and this was the closest we ever came to a nuclear World War III. Really puts things into perspective.
I rewatched an old favorite of mine, Cherry 2000, to celebrate the New Year; made in 1987, it was set in 2017. It's a cool little movie about the value of actual emotion in relationships, as a man seeks to replace his broken lovebot with the help of a sassy female mercenary. There's plenty of pointed satire and some very cool moments. The title character was played by the beautiful Pamela Gidley, who became a mainstay of my teen infatuations. Highly recommended.

Helter Skelter (2012). A Japanese movie about an idol that who spirals out of control. A good watch if you want a psychological thriller with a Japanese, popular culture wrapper.
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