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Last Movie You Saw...

Marvel's The Avengers. Definite thumbs up. Even though I know he lives on in the Agents of SHIELD show, but I still tear up a little when Coulson supposedly dies.
Well. The last movie I saw is the movie I'm watching now. Godzilla.
Its the same movie I've been watching every night for the past month or so. =x
Lucy with Scarlett Johannsen and Morgan Freeman.
Let's Be Cops

A goofy movie (don't expect Citizen Kane) starring the next generation of Wayans, Damon Wayans, Jr.
BlackDog said:
Let's Be Cops

A goofy movie (don't expect Citizen Kane) starring the next generation of Wayans, Damon Wayans, Jr.
Honestly wasn't as bad as I expected it was going to be. Not exactly some kind of underground cult classic of this generation, but it was relatively funny in some parts. Worth the $1 I paid to rent it haha

I'm not sure why people don't like this movie, it has all the classic elements of a giant rubber monster movie.

1. Dumb humans who through their own stupidity put the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions at risk - CHECK
2. Evil monster is either created or awaken from dormancy through some sort of ecological disaster caused by (see above) - CHECK
3. Good monster shows up to kill evil monster and save lives of dumb humans therefore restoring nature's balance - CHECK
4. Instead of eating dumb humans, good monster leaves for parts unknown - CHECK
5. Dumb humans end up realizing they love good monster like its their pet dog - CHECK
6. Dumb humans sort of learn their lesson until the next movie - CHECK (unless they never make a sequel)

And then there's the biggest reason- Godzilla actually looks like the old Godzilla (unlike other reboots which shall not be named, but then it had the same name so I guess I've already named it), has much the same powers as the old Godzilla, and acts like Godzilla should.

So there. :p
Turbo. I spent the day with my nephews and nieces... It was a bit of a bearable torture.
Guardians of the Galaxy
It was a little cartoonish, but it was a ton of fun to watch. I never understood why people liked Rocket Raccoon before, well now I know. :)

P.S. Howard the Duck? Please Marvel, don't!
Reservoir Dogs from Quentin Tarantino.

Rocket Raccoon is awesome :D
And I hope Howard the Duck remain in the past, that movie was just terrible.
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