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Mx Any Resident Protogen Looking for fun, submissive Partners


Fel Infused Protogen
Jun 10, 2016
Eastern United States

1. A Little About Me
I have been rolepleying for around 15 or so years, with a few hiatuses in between there. I work a first shift job, between the hours of 6am-4pm eastern standard time in the United States. This leaves my hours to reply from 5pm to around 9:00pm Monday - Friday, and pretty sporadic around the weekend. I try to very punctual with my replies, but I do occasionally find myself swamped with a little thing called life, so keep that in mind as well.

I am VERY flexible when it comes to my style of role-playing. I can do anything from a few sentances to a max of 5-6 paragraphs. Buuuuutttt, there are always exceptions to the rule. Once in a blue moon (teehee) you may catch me in a mood of inspiration, while also loving the content we are writing, and I might get a longer post going. I also consider myself to be fairly literate. My number one problem, however, is a somewhat limited vocabulary. So keep that in mind.

I am a gamer. An avid gamer. So, if we are posting back and forth consistently, and I just stop, It might be that I had my short attention span pulled away by the almighty vidya. So yea, that may happen.

That being said, I do have an F-list for those of you curious.

For my own personal interests, I have an attraction towards futuristic stuff. Postmodern, cyberpunk, sci-fi, and anything in between. I enjoy plots or rps that involve some sort of crime orginization, either gangs or some larger crime syndicate.

I am currently looking for smutt heavy plots. I don't have any plots set in stone, as I prefer to craft one with my partner. I would ask that amy prospective partners come to me with at least some idea of a setting or character they would want to play. I only have a desire to play anthropomorphic characters, but that isn't 100% set in stone if we wanted to try something else.

Any more info you need, feel free to ask. Direct any questions to my PM box. If you are still reading, put "wiggle wiggle" in the pm you send me, just to show you actually care a little. I RP on site and on Discord.

I just want to thank anyone who went through all of that, you're the real heroes.
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