A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and inny

Dec 22, 2014
United States

This is a one x one between myself and inny based on The Hunger Games.


Nolan Bedford
Age 18
District 2 ------> District 12​
Being the son of a Victor from The Hunger Games, expectations were high. Eighteen-year-old Nolan Bedford lived up to and exceeded these expectations. Growing up in District Two and in the Victor’s Village allowed him access to any and all resources he could ever need to better himself. Nearly twenty-two years ago, Nolan’s father won the Games in a dominant fashion. Everyone expected Nolan to enter the Games when he was of age but when the time came, it was going to be a random selection between him and three other competitors. Unfortunately, Nolan was not selected. Instead, he finished training and was offered a peacekeeping job. Unnaturally tall and strong, he was definitely sought after by almost every District. His job ended up taking him to District 12 and that’s where he had been the past week getting settled in with his new life. For Peacekeepers, they were offered luxurious homes in the District’s center near the Town Square in this case. He was not the head Peacekeeper but he was very high ranked and already well respected. Plus, he was definitely handsome and charming to go along with everything else.

President Snow spoke to Nolan before departing from District 2 and then arriving in District 12. He sent a few special medical supplies from the Capitol. The president really appreciated him helping out since District 12 could be rowdy and he wanted Nolan to have fun. His exact words were “find any girl you like from that District and take her. Nobody will stop you.” That sounded fun but what girl could really look attractive from 12? Maybe a girl from the Town? Sure there were a few attractive blondes but one girl really caught his attention. A dark-haired girl from the Seam that liked to hunt and provide for her family. She worked hard and her body actually looked nice. A tight, firm ass in those jeans and a set of breasts that he found were quite noticeable. His decision was made. In his attempt to grab her, the male waited for her to return back from a day of hunting. He sneaked behind her when she passed an old building and jabbed a needle into her neck. It was a sedative and within three hours she would wake up at his house.

She was in his basement and it was rather large. There were a couple windows high off the ground but nothing anybody could look into from the outside. A large bed was set up with a few dressers and nightstands along with a nice carpet floor. It was probably the nicest place the girl could have ever stayed in except for the fact that she was stripped of her clothes, left completely naked. A leather collar was latched onto her neck. Her hands were cuffed behind of her back with a chain attached from the handcuffs to a metal bar behind the bed. She only had enough room to somewhat reach the door and that was it. While waiting for her to wake up, Nolan spent his time just relaxing in his living room. A camera system was set up in her room so she could see. All he knew so far that the girl’s name was Katniss Everdeen and she liked to hunt, but he was certainly about to find out much more.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

this was never what the girl had been expecting. she had been rounding a corner, ready to finally go home after spending a day in the woods with little success, when she had felt a jab of pain in her neck and then nothing. she had let herself float away into the darkness. it really was a welcome relief, helping her to escape from the same old life she had already assigned herself to. the one bright spot in her otherwise dreary world was primrose, her sister. sure, her mother was there but no mother could compare to a sister, it seemed. after all, they were a kind of built-in best friend, sisters were. once they were old enough, one could confide and trust in them. prim hadn't yet reached that age, but katniss considered herself a patient girl. besides, prim was enjoyable company either way.

katniss wondered sometimes, what it was like outside her district, beyond the fences and in the trees. were there people who didn't live in districts? people who just were. she would laugh at herself every so often, because if there were other people out there, they would have come forward to help resist the capitol, right?

waking up was not something the girl enjoyed, even on a normal day, and today was no exception. katniss woke in an uncomfortable position, hands behind her back and eemingly handcuffed. she felt cold, and could feel air moving on her bare skin. wait. bare skin? katniss looked down with horror evident on her features. indeed, she was naked. there was the jagged scar on her ribs where she got slashed with a knife in a fight. her mother had only had a limited amount of medical supplies to use, so it had never healed prettily. the memory always left a bitter taste in her mouth. she took a moment to examine the various scars and burn marks scattered across her body. some were faded, and some weren't but thus was life living in the poorest district.

she fought to sit up partially, calling out when she realized nobody was in the room with her. "hello?" she found the collar to be rather tight against her throat and made her voice even rougher than it already was: scratchy from sleep, that is.
A few hours felt like an eternity for Nolan. The excitement and anticipation was building up within the core of his body, wanting Katniss to wake up so they could have a little fun. His reading was interrupted by the soft, rough sound of her voice traveling through the speakers. A smirk spread across his face and he prepared to formally introduce himself. Walking across the living room, Nolan wore only a pair of boxers and a blue pair of shorts. His upper body was uncovered so his bulging, toned muscles were revealed. This man was shaped and built like a Greek God and the handsome smile on his face added to his charm.

Once reaching the basement door, he unlocked the multiple locks and then traveled down the first couple steps before turning and locking the door again. He finished descending the stairs and once at the bottom, Nolan turned to his left and took a few steps before being inside of Katniss’ room. Seeing her naked body being collared and handcuffed felt pleasing to him. She looked sexy and she was more than anything he could have ever wanted. A few scars were on her body but thanks to the Capitol’s generosity, one single injection with advanced medicine can cure those blemishes.

Looking into her gray eyes, he walked close to the brunette and placed his hand onto her left cheek, slowly stroking her skin with his fingertips. “It’s so nice to meet you, Katniss. My name is Nolan. I am sure you have plenty of questions right now but I don’t want you to worry. You’re going to be safe now and I will protect you.” The male whispered to his captive then pulled back to look into her eyes again. She looked so damn cute in this chains though, he could not help himself but to touch her.

Reaching down, both hands rested on her thighs and started slowly stroking her skin as well. His lips were pressing kisses up and down her neck because he could do whatever the hell he wanted with her. Sometimes he might be rough and sometimes he might be gentle. Right now, he wanted to take a softer approach but that could change at any given moment. He was free to do whatever the hell he pleased. “How are you feeling? Are you hungry? Thirsty?” Nolan asked, now stepping back from the girl.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

she had been kidnapped, that much was obvious. but where exactly was she? the girl's stormcloud-colored luminaries took in the details around her, noting each one of them. if this chain was long enough, she could try her luck with pushing the bed against the door and hoping her kidnapper couldn't break through. that would buy her some time, but what about until then? right now, she was stll groggy from her drug-induced sleep and her entire body felt weighed down.

she was beginning to realize that this basement was indeed a basement - a very nice one at that - when she heard footsteps descending a flight of stairs. her eyes gravitated towards the door and she frowned. was it going to be her captor? who do you think you are? the female wanted to ground out through gritted teeth. however, katniss kept her mouth shut and listened to the male as he introduced himself.

she studed his stance, how he held himself, his muscles, the way he spoke. all of it pointed to him being a self-entitled rich boy. well, not a boy exactly. "how do you know my name, mister?" she questioned, flinching back from his touch. human contact somehow just confirmed that all this was real. when he laid his hands on her thighs, the girl's head snapped up, eyes on angryfire. "i recommend you don't do that, mister," katniss hissed, determined not to use his name. "and no, i think i just want my clothes back. oh, and my freedom!"
“You’re so adorable.” Nolan gushed before chuckling dryly. The pads of his forefinger and middle finger placed down onto her clitoris and started to rub circles on her sensitive bud. The pressure he applied was ample and his free hand rested right on the center of the back. The man found it laughable when Katniss thought she still had a right to her freedom or clothes anymore. She better become accustomed to being naked around him. “You look too beautiful to wear any clothes.” He commented with a sly smirk on his face.

After an entire minute of massaging her clit, Nolan removed his hand before looking deep into her eyes. This girl was definitely fiery and would not go down without a fight. Thankfully, no amount of willpower could possibly save her body from multiple drug injections. Stepping away for a second, Nolan reached into his pocket and removed a needle. He primed it before flicking the top and giving her an evil grin.

“Before long, you will be at my beck and call. You will listen to your Master.” He spoke to her and used his power to easily create a mismatch and hold the girl still while stabbing the needle into her neck and injecting the drugs. This drug was from the Capitol and it allowed people to become very receptive to suggestion and pretty much out of control of their actions. Their mind would not work properly but their body would do almost anything they were told. It was pure mind control. On a side dresser, Nolan retrieved two bowls. One was a bowl of water and the second bowl was food. It was basically chopped up meat and vegetables with essential nutrients sprinkled in here and there. Nolan wanted her body to look good so feeding her properly was key. Plus, it was fun to watch her eat from a bowl on the floor. “Be a good girl and get you something to eat and drink. I’m sure you’re hungry and thirsty.”
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

the girl stiffened when nolan began massagng her clit and tried to squirm away. how dare he! touching the most intimate parts on her body as if he were her lover. not that katniss had any experience in that. hell, she had never been hugged by a boy, let alone had someone touching her in this way. it felt uncomfortable to her mind, but her body responded positively by secreting liquids from her pussy lips. what was happening to her?! "stop that!" she snapped, but as he continued, katniss found herself fighting the urge to moan.

she finally relaxed back into the pillows as he pulled away, but her anxiety rose once more when he produced a needle. she grit her teeth in silent protest, her eyes pleading with him as she fought in vain. it was only a few moments after he injected the serum that he suggested she obey him from now on. her mind only somewhat rebelled against the idea but her body, her head just nodded.

eat. . .on the floor. her lip curled in distaste but she moved anyway. part of her was humiliated at doing this, but the larger part of her brain was too famished and parched to care. she went to the bowl of food first and settled herself down in a crouched position, leaning her head down to pick up a piece of meat in her mouth and quickly swallow. her mouth watered from the taste and she began eating more, not caring that she was eating like an animal anymore. when she finished with the food, she sat up and looked mournfully at the water bowl. now how to do this? just lap it up like a dog? no, that wouldn't work. after a brief while, she gave up on the water and sighed.

she then licked off her lips, stood, and made eye contact with nolan. one of her eyebrows was raised in a skeptical manner as if to say is this charade done and over with yet?
It was adorable watching how quickly Katniss shifted her mindset. President Snow was not kidding when he told Nolan this serum works hastily. Watching her eat food like an animal was both cute and sexy. She was no longer a person that had any value but she was his piece of property. Granted, he would not always treat her like an animal. Nolan was double-faced as the saying goes. Sometimes he wanted to be rough, kinky, and mean while other times he might cuddle Katniss all day long. It would honestly vary from day to day but setting the tone now was important.

Noticing how she gave up on the water, Nolan frowned and crouched close to Katniss, pushing some hair out of her face. “You have to learn how to drink like this Katniss but I’ll forgive you the first time. I don’t want you to get dehydrated.” After telling this to the brunette, he held the bowl up to her lips and tilted it so she could drink and allowed her to drink until it was empty. After this situation, Katniss would be fed and her body would have plenty of water. It was also about playing some mind games with her. What kind of kidnapper would actually make sure she had plenty to eat and drink? This had to be the first time in forever she could actually feel full. Maybe he was not such a bad man after all.

“I know it’s hard to see right now but I really want the best for you. You and I will be a wonderful couple together and be together forever. I bet you’ve always wanted to find a man that would love you and take care of you. I’m that man.” Once saying this, he picked up her bowls and then placed them onto the counter. “Now, get back onto the bed. You need some rest.” She might have been sleeping but that was only drug induced sleep. Before playing with her, he wanted Katniss to actually get some real rest.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

annoyance bubbled up within her at his voice, telling her that she'd have to keep living as if she were his pet. there was no way she was going to continue eating and drinking like -- and just like that, the serum quickly eradicated those thoughts, made katniss willing to do the male's bidding. she gulped greedily at the water, eyes closing for a moment. it sure was nice to be well fed and not thirty for a change. she couldn't remember the last time she hadn't been hurting from hunger pains in her stomach.

she felt satisfied, and the warm food had an effect on her that she hadn't been expecting: sleepiness. and his voice was rather soothing. she listened as he explained how they would be together until the end of time and then frowned, doubting that. "but what if you leave -- ah, nevermind," she ended up mumbling. it was best not to question the inevitable, yes? he would end up leaving her, she was sure of it. it was just a matter of when it happened.

listening to his advice, she clambered back into bed and sunk into the pillows, closing her eyes. she stayed like this for a few minutes but then her eyes fluttered back open. "i can't sleep, nolan," she whispered, squirming a bit to get comfortable. "i'm tired, believe me, i just can't fall asleep."

/ rushed
For the next few minutes, Nolan busied himself by refilling her water and food bowls along with making plans for later. His thoughts were interrupted when Katniss expressed trouble sleeping. He could definitely help with this, he thought to himself while a smirk grew on his lips. Looking to her and then looking around, he shed his pants so he was only left clad in a pair of navy blue boxers.

Approaching the bed, he crawled beside of Katniss and pulled the covers over both their bodies. She was kept handcuffed with hands behind her back but it was still easy to cuddle from this position. Legs wrapped with hers and arms wrapped around her slender body, pulling the girl’s head close to his chest. A light kiss was pressed to her temple and the smile was broad across his face.

“I will never leave you Katniss. I want you to be mine forever. Just cuddle with me and then maybe you can fall asleep.” Doing his research, Nolan realized how this girl probably never knew what it felt like to be held or cuddled. Hopefully this would do the trick and ease her mind around him. He was still charmingly smiling at his captive before pressing a sweet kiss onto her lips, waiting to see if she could sleep. At this point, he refused to remove himself from her body, wanting her to feel loved.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

katniss stiffened when she witnessed the man removing his pants and immediately feared the worst. she was in the process of scooting backwards, her mind slowly gravitating towards methods of escape, when he slid into bed with her. he gently jostled her and then pulled her closer to him, leaving kisses on her head and mouth. she blushed a light pink and sucked in a breath, as this was her first kiss. she bit her lip, the sudden urge to admit that to nolan overwhelming her. the words came out in a rush, breathless: "that was my first kiss."

being this close to a guy made her well aware of how bare her body was and she wriggled a bit, trying to put as much space as possible between them without it seeming obvious. up close, his smell was distracting and his hands felt so nice. katniss let out a stuttering breath and replayed his words in her head.

"i will never leave you katniss. i want you to be mine forever. just cuddle with me and then maybe you can fall asleep."

he was right, cuddling was a foreign concept to her, but she found herself liking it quite a bit. she eventually relaxed into his embrace and let the beat of his heart lull her to relaxation. she normally had to stalk sleep with poisoned arrows but today it came to her easily.

the windows near the ceiling were dark when the girl was thrown from dreams. she woke with a start, a tremulous gasp being sucked down her throat. her dreams normally weren't something to be desired, and it was no different this time. she had had nightmares about white dragon-like things with two beaks that hissed and clawed at her like she were their next meal. it was dark in here, and it made her tremble in fear. "nolan?" katniss found herself murmuring to the black room.
Knowing their recent kiss happened to be Katniss’ first kiss ever felt rewarding for Nolan. It was music to his ears knowing he would be her one and only. It was the kind of romance story he only ever dreamed about. With the combination of his care and the serum, he hoped to win Katniss over within a couple days. Still, some effects of her true self showed when she cowered away from him after removing his pants. He just wanted to get comfortable to sleep. He was actually doing her a favor because he normally slept nude but out of respect for her, he at least kept on his boxers.

Soon, he fell asleep with her in his arms and was happy she could get some rest. However, it did not last long because he felt her rocking in his arms during her sleep. At first, he wondered if she was trying to escape or something like that but she was mumbling and showing clear signs of having a nightmare. This made him frown and she soon had called out his name but he was already there.

Just like promising her, he was by her side and would be there forever. She feared he would leave but when she woke up after a nightmare, he was there. “What is it, Katniss? Did you have a bad dream? It’s okay… I’m right here and you’re safe with me. You can tell me about it or not. I just want to make you feel better.” His voice was quiet and hushed, remaining calm and soothing for Katniss after such an ordeal.

Aiming to get her mind off everything, he grabbed her cuffed hands with his owns and squeezed them before tilting his head and pressed a kiss to her lips. This kiss was lasting longer than the first one and filled with more passion. His tongue teased the entrance of her mouth and slowly licked her upper and lower lip back and forth, prodding for entrance.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

her breath was panicked and she felt like the dark was reaching out to choke her, as if it would wrap long tendrils around her neck and squeeze until the life abiding in her limbs was drained. she tried to calm herself by taking deep breaths, but it was nolan's voice that eventually soothed her, asking her what was the matter and that he would keep her safe. however, she tried to shut down her fear and become emotionless, as that was her first line of defense against affection. the serum was still at work, though, so that ended up faltering.

katniss closed her eyes and kept trembling, still fearful but now she was becoming cold as well. "i just had a bad dream, and these horrible things were chasing me and trying to eat me alive. they had beaks and wings with claws on them, they were like monsters!" she confessed quietly. "i'll be fine though, i'm used to having nightmares."

upon feeling the man take hold of her hands, katniss involuntarily jumped and her eyes opened. at his kiss, she tried to pull back. if her hands had been free, they would have been pressing gently against his chest. kissing was just uncharted territory for her. to say she knew nothing about how to do it was an understatement. "nolan, i. . .i can't. . .i don't. . ." she got out, heart pounding in her chest and her breathing a bit rapid once more.
Nolan was a very patient man. When Katniss pulled away from the kiss, he did not grow upset or become frustrated. Instead, he cupped her cheeks and leaned close towards her face and looked deeply into her eyes. It was imperative that he teach her and show her it was okay to open up to people. Plus, he could teach her how to kiss.

“Katniss… I know that for your entire life you have had to build up this wall, okay? But you can stop that now. I am here in your life and I am never leaving you. I want to make you happy. And those bad dreams will stop. I want to make you so happy that you have no choice but to dream happy things about us. Just let yourself relax and give into the feelings. Let me kiss you. You don’t even have to kiss me back right now. If you want, you can just lay there and learn how it feels. I will teach you everything you need to know.”

After whispering this to her, Nolan slowly pulled back and looked into her eyes again. He was wondering how she felt about all of this. Hopefully she felt relaxed and calm after his assurance. If he kissed her a couple times then hopefully she would grow used to the feeling and learn how to act and answer with those emotions. While waiting for a response, he just caressed her face with his hands and gave her a loving stare.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

a soft sigh left her lips, her normal thoughts trying to break through the serum's haze. this is too good to be true, he doesn't really mean those things. nobody wants to kiss you, katniss. no one would be willing to show you. she carefully examined those thoughts, and then laid them to rest. sure, this was new and exciting and maybe just a bit terrifying, but she'd give it a try. for both of them. her innocent features projected confusion and uncertainty as she looked back into the older male's eyes, and she bit her lip, thinking. "i. . .i'll decide to trust you, nolan," she whispered, closing her eyes once more.

/ rushed + just woke up
“Thank you, Katniss.” Nolan answered immediately and kept his blue eyes wide open. Deciding she could use some more affection, he leaned down to press a quick kiss to her lips, holding it for about five seconds. “Your lips are so soft and so sweet… they taste amazing. I’m happy to feel them against mine.” Then, he reached down to kiss both sides of her face and then her forehead and right over her eyes. “Your face is so beautiful. I want to see you smile and I can’t wait to see you smile when you’re ready. Plus, you have the most gorgeous set of eyes I’ve ever seen and I cannot stop looking at them.”

Initiating another kiss, his hands were tangling in her long, brown tendrils. “And your hair… so long, so perfect… I could play with it forever and not get tired.” Nolan admitted with a sweet smile before kissing down her chest. “Your body is so sexy, too. You have such big breasts and a firm ass. I love touching them both. And the rest of your body is so slender and sexy. You could be a model if you wanted but I’m glad I am the only man to see you. I know you must not get it but I swear, you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world.” His voice was so pure and so sweet that he could only be telling the truth.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

her grey optics blinked open and she tried to kiss him back briefly, figuring she might as well get some practice. once he pulled away, she pondered on the way she felt: happy, anxious, even a lttle dizzy. was all this even normal? she watched and listened as he made her way down her eyelids, face, and forehead kiss them. when his hands tangled in her hair and pulled slightly, she gasped softly and let out a soft moan. god, that had felt amazing to her! "n-nolan, can you do that again? it made my stomach feel weird, but a good weird," she whispered, her eyes closing again as she motioned to her navel.

katniss couldn't help but moan quietly, sweetly, as he kissed her chest and talked to her about how attractive he thought she was. she bit her lip, not wanting to make any noise in case she disturbed his actions.
Nolan would exploit Katniss’ affinity for him pulling on her hair. Not answering with words, he instead grabbed a fistful of her long hair again and started pulling. While doing this, he planted his lips onto her neck and started kissing every inch of her skin possible. His free hand reached down in between of her legs to start rubbing on her clitoris, applying ample pressure with the pads of two fingers.

She seemed to be enjoying herself already. The serum helped for sure but part of it was Katniss’ own free will because the serum would take time to completely overtake her mind. Knowing she consciously enjoyed their interactions made Nolan absolutely ecstatic. After a few minutes, he started kissing the other side of her neck and filled both sides with plenty of hickeys. Seeing those love bites made him smile.

His fingers teased her clitoris for only a minute or two before stopping. His plan was go get Katniss riled up and horny for the first time ever before stopping and forcing her to beg for him. Once she felt how good sex was, then Nolan knew she would be so happy with him. Removing his fingers from her bundle of nerves and removing his hands from her hair, his arms tightly wrapped around the girl again.

“You can try to sleep again, Katniss. I’ll be with you all night long and I’ll try to keep away the bad dreams.” Nolan murmured so sweetly into her ear while nuzzling his nose against her cheek, pressing a few kisses onto her face again before planting a final kiss onto her mouth and then tucking his head under her chin and cuddling close. Today was a massive success and Nolan hoped it was not quite over yet. His next moves depended on Katniss’ reactions.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

she relaxed into the sheets, shivering each time his teeth met her skin. she angled her head so he could better access her neck and sighed a little. when he pulled on her brown locks, a small moan or noise would slip out of her lips and into the air. all of this felt so good and was so overwhelming! she squirmed at the touch of his fingers and found her breathing growing more rapid by the second.

wait, wait. he was stopping? she couldn't help it, a protest flew out of her mouth. she shifted and tried to sit up, frowning. that's when she noticed how wet it was between her legs. was she bleeding? she let her eyes wander down, blushing as she encountered the form of nolan's body, and surveyed herself. no, no blood. it looked clear? confusion and worry immediately made itself at home on her features and she made a concerned noise. "nolan? is something wrong with me?" she asked quietly. "and no, no, i don't want to go to sleep."
The smirk on Nolan’s face after looking in between Katniss’ legs was wider than anything before. Seeing how wet Katniss was really made Nolan feel amazing. It was not an orgasm because there would be plenty more of her sweet nectar but it was a start. Taking the pointer finger on his right hand, he slowly rubbed it against her inner, upper thigh and collected some of her cum.

“There’s nothing wrong, Katniss. This is a completely natural, bodily reaction. I can tell you’ve never been sexually stimulated before. This is your body responding to pleasure. I bet you also feel different emotionally too because your hormones will be acting different. If I keep pleasuring you, you have an orgasm and that is this wetness times ten plus it just feels euphoric.”

Nolan thought he explained everything pretty well to Katniss, even taking his finger and pushing the tip of the finger into his mouth, licking and sucking up her juices, giving a satisfied moan. “And you taste so sweet, Katniss… Do you want me to show you what I’m talking about?” He asked curiously, hoping she would want to explore and feel what he was referring to right now.
RE: A Mockingjay Fettered [The Hunger Games One x One between randomname98766789 and

her fingers twitched as she felt nolan touch her so close to her core. it was an amazing sensation, one she wanted more of. "touch me more," came her voice, a breathy whisper. she might have been enjoying this a bit too much but it was only her first time; a sensory overload, one might call it. katniss loved the way he was so gentle and loving, like nothing she had ever known before. she didn't love him yet, but she was quite fond of the man right now. this wasn't nightmare fuel, like her normal day to day life. it was actually something very, very enjoyable.

orgasm. that word was foreign to her, but she was lucky he explained it to her. it sounded great! she lay back down, a smile tugging at her lips. "yes, please continue!" she said, although she blushed a light pink when he tasted her juices. "do i taste good?" katniss asked as she settled into a comfortable position with her eyes half-lidded. well, as comfortable as she could get with her arms wrenched behind her back.
Deciding he could trust her, Nolan actually reached behind of her back and undid one of the handcuffs. However, he did reattach the cuffs in front of her body this time so she could move her arms freely and touch him if she wanted. “I know being handcuffed and tied up feels weird right now but you will get used to it. I also want you to remember that I won’t tie you up to be mean. If I tie you up, that’s actually a good thing because it makes you look even more beautiful and I want to explore that with you, too.”

Nolan figured since she had no experience with sex or anything sex related, she was essentially a blank canvas. He could mold her and shape her however the hell he wanted so it was imperative to quickly get her associating being tied up as being good and making him happy. But for now he was okay with just cuffing her hands. Straddling her, he pressed two fingers back to her clit and started rubbing again. While massaging her sensitive bud, he leaned down and kissed her again but with much more passion this time, allowing his tongue to poke and prod, asking for entrance into her warm mouth.
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the female stretched and let a small grin pass onto her features when he rearranged her hands in front of her. "thank you," she murmured. as he spoke, her mind automatically equated being restrained to being a thing that made nolan satisfied with her, and made her look good. she nodded slightly to signify that she understood but soon, his mouth presssed agains hers and she moaned slightly. she opened her mouth, letting his tongue slip inside and her own gently grappled with his. she trembled, letting her fingers glide over his muscular torso as their breath mingled.

she broke away after a few moments, turning her head and spasming every so often because of the pressure on her clitoris. panting, she buried her face in his neck and stayed there. "nolan," she sighed softly.
Everything was happening ahead of schedule for Nolan. Before this scenario even began, the male planned diligently and thought about a few goals to make by certain days but this was insane. Clearly, he was not complaining about it though. It made him even happier to see Katniss understand his love for bondage and accepting it as something romantic and loving. Feeling her hands on his muscular torso made him shiver because no woman’s touch ever felt like this before. Easily, Katniss was the sexiest girl around even throughout Panem, not just this District alone. He never expected to find a girl looking this good here.

While she turned her head away, he continued kissing her neck and leaving her a few more hickeys so whenever she did see the reflection of her body, his marks would show and she could remember all about their fun together. Suddenly, he stopped rubbing her clit after she breathed out his name and decided to do something even better. Quickly crawling and kissing his way down her body, his mouth stopped right on top of her pussy lips and he quickly connected his mouth to her folds, licking and sucking on her pussy lips before sliding his warm, hot tongue inside of Katniss and rubbing up and down her walls, just loving how she felt.
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