Kizan Uchiha (Me & VS)

He closed his eyes, enjoying how her fit ass felt in his hand. Groping her as he listened to her words. He pondered as to when she thought he'd lose his virginity. The Akatsuki he works with are entirely male. He never worked closely with Konan and he wouldn't invest in others until he met Kizan. She was his redemption. His only chance at living happily without all the self-loathing and wishing things were different. With her, he saw an opportunity that no one else could bring him. His eyes opening and looking to her, he thought about how she spoke about her own virginity. The words made him consider the possibility that she had come to place some sort of spiritual value on her virginity. He was happy to have it, if he could, but having the ability to bring Kizan the happiness he would is his primary goal.

"When would I learn to be romantic?" He mumbled in response, not a hard excuse for his lack of softness in that case. Still an excuse, but a fair question all the same. He never had a real relationship. He killed his own first crush, to save his brother, his village. Even though some question him, what happened has happened and Itachi knew the Uchiha clan, if left with any substantial remaining population, would come around to scheming to usurp the Hokage again. History has plenty of examples of the Uchiha's infamous hatred, and the hydra-esque problem with cutting off the head without killing the body. Itachi knew he had to do what he did, and he didn't leave room for error.

Lost in thought as he walked back down what-if-land, she snapped him out of it. His hand taking to her chest as she guided it. And then she moved to her back and pulled him ontop. His smile returns as his fingers danced along the bandages over her chest. With care, he unraveled the bandages to reveal her breasts and chest. Without a pause, he pressed his lips into the sides of her breasts. Moving his lips to tease her and running his nose over her nipples. Hjs eyes on her as he does. He brings his waist to her closed legs, letting her feel his bulge as he grinned. "What're you hiding? Hmm? I'm still a ninja, you know. Attention is key." He finally began groping at her breasts with his hands, feeling her with patience as he looks into her eyes. "Your breasts are the softest. And your scars are very easy on the eyes thanks to your skin color." He kissed to her seal over her heart, and then ran a tongue up her largest chest scar, slowly. He ran his eyes over her chest before standing on his knees. His hands cupping her hips. His bare chest in full view.
She moaned softly when Itachi stripped her of her bandages that were over her chest. She bit her bottom lip and whimpered in soft pleasure, his hands were not as rough as she thought they could have been. Kizan would moan out loudly as his lips kissed the sides of her breasts and caused shocks of pleasure to shoot down her spine. "Ah...that feels so good." she cried out softly. Her nipples grew rock hard as his nose ran over them along with his lips as well. "Itachi...." she whispered when his waists pushes down on hers and she could feel his hard cock against her knees, she gulps wondering if he could see or tell that she was soaking wet. "I am not hiding anything, but if you want to know you have to look for yourself." she said shyly.

"That is so sweet of you to say to me." Kizan muttered softly as he spoke about her breasts as well as her scars on her flesh. "I am glad that you think that way about me and my scars, it makes me feel so much better." she said gently. Kizan then moaned softly as his tongue ran over her scar, it caused goosebumps to appear under his touch. She then watched him as he got to his knees, grasped her hips and kept staring down at her. "What do you think you are doing Itachi?" she asked softly but he could see that she was happy and a smile was on her lips. He still had take the bandages off her hips before he could see her wet pussy.

"Your very handsome Itachi and if you get me pregnant I will be honored to have your child. I feel like you almost match me though we are opposites as well." she purred as her head came up and she licked his cheek gently. She laughed and slowly spread her legs a tiny bit, enough for him to pull them apart if he chose. Kizan's hand trembled and she reached forward and slipped her left hand into his pants and grasped hold of his massive cock. "I never felt one so big, so smooth and so hot." she whispered. Kizan flushed, she had touched cock before, forced to suck Orochimaru and Kabuto off, however she was not sure she wanted to share these thoughts with him at the moment.
His eyes grew wide at her admission to carry his child, his handsomeness, and the likes. Their children would be true Uchiha. And even something as significant as that detail was immediately dwarfed by his sudden realizations. He didn't just lust for her, he loved her. His wide, glowing yet focused eyes peered into her's with his thinking face on. He was admiring something in her eyes with his onyx orbs. His sweaty blank bangs tossed about from the previous movements, he certainly looked more rugged. His shirtlessness and bare chest proved his much more intimate demeanor.

Suddenly, she snaked a hand into his pants to sieze his cock. And she held it, which took Itachi as a curious surprise. She was so much more ready for sex now after they talked some. Perhaps he calmed her down or elevated her for his kind words, and honest heartfelt messages delivered by his lips amd silky voice box. Either way, the most curious part of her touch was how she simply held his mass instead of giving him a prolonged rubbing or squeeze. He was under the impression that it was a quickly learned form of stimulation to run a hand up and down the shaft. To this end, he searched her vehemently to find any trace of fear or displeasure in her eyes or facial features. It didn't matter that he didn't have conclusive evidence of her unease or fear, he had to help her. Resting his palms on her knees, he leaned in to plant a long, long deep kiss against her lips. Really taking her bottom lip deep between his own lips as he sucked on it and closed his eyes tight. His bangs falling to her forehead and hair from the position and closeness and deepness of the kiss as he sucked harder on her lip. He gave it every bit of his innocent sensuality as he could before pulling back with a stream of his saliva tied between his upper lip and her bottom. Breakimg after a little distance, it ran down their chests as he finally sat up.

"Kiz, I wouldn't possibly find a greater happiness than for you to bare me a daughter or a son. Hopefully they have your hair and your sweet nature. I wpuld gladly protect them just as I protect you." He speaks softly, barely at an audible level as he tried not to be loud in any form. Suddenly, his hungry fingers dug into the wrappings on her crotch without spreading her legs. Pulling and unraveling until she was surely naked. It was here that his hands took her under her knees and pinned her firm legs up near her head. His nose pressing into her pubes after rubbing past the little hood/upper area of her pussy to stimulate her clit. His tongue hardening into a tip as he painted her details delicately, with artisan focus, a textured tastebud coated tongue-brush, and thick saliva. His warm breath rolling over her sex as he does.
She was about to start moving her hand up and down his shift when his sudden kiss made her arch up and cry his name out into his mouth in pleasure. She made sure to return the kiss, panting as hard as she could so far until he pulled away. When Iuachi spoke to her about her having his kids she smirked softly. "I just hope they come out healthy and are as kind as can be. I pray they have your eyes though and your handsome face." she whispered. However Kizan would yelp and cry out when he pulled her wrappings free of her body and she lay naked under him. Her pubic hair was white but finally clipped above her clit, but she would cry louder when her legs were pinned high in the air and her pussy spread wide.

"Itachi, what are you doing?" she croaked unable to hold his dick anymore with how far he had moved her poor body. She however cried louder when his warm face pushed against her pussy and clit, then moved down to have his tongue push into her virgin pussy. "Itachi.....oh this is so embarrassing." she croaked softly and clamped her eyes shut tightly. Her toes began to curl as her walls dripped pussy juice and they ran down between her inner thighs. "Itachi, please your making that pressure starting to form inside of me." she warned him and slowly began to grasp at his shoulders, her hands moving down to grasp his biceps, she did not like the way he was holding her.

"No...not this way pleasure." she croaked pulling her legs free so the cramps in her thighs calmed down. "Itachi, your being a bit rough, ask before you spread me that way." she whispered. Kizan then would keep her legs spread enough so that she was comfortable and that he could still eat her out. "Hang isn't fair." she whispered and pulled him around so his crotch was in her face. She pulled his cock out and simply slipped her mouth down his shaft like Orochimaru had taught her. However she would be lucky Itachi would be nice enough of a man to not deep throat her(I hate that). Her hands grasped the base of his cock and then one moved to hold his balls as she took her past training to its best.
He smiled as she spoke out about the pleasure and how it was building. Even her words about his eyes and handsome brought a warm, generous sensation into his chest as it swelled throughout his body. The comment about his eyes, in a way, was like a comment about his strength and visual jutsu prowess. The comment about his handsome face had reminded him that she may have been falling for him for vain reasons. Which, really didnt bother him. It was a reminder that he was a valuable human for more than just his ability to kill. For than just his raw power. That their kids would be beautiful and smart and well adjusted and he could play such a large role in that. That he could be a father. His his hands groping at her legs, his tongue lavishly running over her pussy, half of his mind was discovering his desire to have kids all over again. To raisecthe next generation, to bring hope and love to their hearts.

And then she told him he was too rough and forced her way out of his hold. His tongue stopping immediately as he pulled back an inch, his bangs shadowing his eyes from her. His face becoming neutral and pale. He didn't know what to say, or how he felt. The warmth in his chest growing sour as he considered how he must of been just like the one who hurt her so much throughout her life. How he was no different. Yet he didn't pull a frown, look to her eyes, or complain. Surrounded by an army of hidden leaf anbu, Itachi would know exactly what to do. This man never froze. Yet here he was, his chest hurt, his thoughts froze in place, he couldn't make a move. It was haunting.

Suddenly, she grabbed him and guided him around. Taking his cock in her mouth like she's done it before. And he was sure some sick shit like that was what riddled her past. He would never alienate her for it. She didn't choose to be born. She didn't pick orochimaru, her mother didn't. Her mother was taken, and thus, so was Kizan.

His fingers trailed down her chest as he avoided her eyes. Looking to her belly as he held it in his palm, giving her a slow rub there. "I need to go." He spoke softly, his bold and more natural tone would have left a choking sound had he not softened it and spoke the way he did. His other hand took her cheek as he guided himself out of her mouth and pressed his thumb to her lips. The ecstacy of their actions and the euphoria from their words fading from him as he was reminded of how weak he was at the moment. His muscles and bones aching for him to just give up and pass out. Yet, he pulled and pushed himself onward anyway.

Without much of pause, he left the bed without his shirt. Pulling his cock into his pants and shutting the bathroom door behind him. His fading onyx eyes catching himself in the mirror. The lighting only revealing the bottom half of his face as he frowned. He finally allowed himself to think. The first thought being about how he was playing softly in his eyes, holding back, and that was too rough. He couldn't see any other way to explain it short of seeing less and less of a difference between his lust and the abuse she'd been through. His heart sank as she considered how selfish it was to push himself on her. He began to feel sick in his heart, struggling to stay up. He didn't want to think about potentially not being honest about his love anymore to give her a chance to love a weaker boy. Someone who could be gentle whereas he already failed her on that level.
Poor Kizan had really been enjoying herself, enjoying the warmth his dick gave to her mouth, his sweet and musky taste. It was nothing she had never felt before and she loved it along with him. Whimpering however as he pulled her away she stared at Itachi as he got up and left her, she bit her lip wondering what she had done wrong. She hung her head softly and slowly pushed herself up to her feet, tears streaming down her cheeks. She picked up her bandages and used her jutsu to make them wrap over her full body so you saw no skin, only her eyes, not even her mouth showed. "What did I do wrong Itachi? I was enjoying your touch, the way you make me feel, it was nothing I ever felt before. Then you go and don't even tell me what I did wrong. You didn't hurt me much I am not mad, I forgive you since you did not really mean it." she croaked up.

With that she grabbed their blanket and wrapped it around her body before she left the room with out another sound, heading through the shadows. She spoke to the owner and grabbed a few things along with her news clothes and made her way out of the home. She had opened her heart to him and now he didn't want her around. She thought she could trust someone not to throw her away but it happened again. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks and she shot up into a tree and began to run for it, a pack on her back and her weapons pouch on her leg. She no longer cared, her heart was closed off, she would never open it again. Kizan did not even look back as she headed towards nowhere. She didn't are if she was killed either, she was sick and tired of living her life, it was void now.

Kizan would stop for the night, her Sharingan searching through the darkness, she slowly activated her mongekyo aware that Tobi was following her. She turned her head instantly before she brought her kunai out and straightened herself up. "Your not going to take my eyes but your welcome to kill me Tobito Uchiha." she whispered as she brought about her susanoo, the massive dragon samurai enveloped her with black fire. If Tobi even brought one foot forward or tried to teleport behind her he would have no luck, she was faster and could sense it well. She would take her own eyes, wreck them and take them with her to the grave. She would kill herself with her own chakra if she had do, her loving and happy seed was gone, her heart now scarred over.

"You can tell my Uncle that his plans to bring this clan back it useless and not going to work." Kizan growled lowly. She then let out a loud cry as her dragon that had been sealed away took over her body, adding chakra to her susanoo. She felt a tiny bit of blood streaming down her left cheek but she no longer cared. "I tried so hard, I gave myself another chance and it was all in vain. Let the Uchiha go extinct with me" she croaked softly. Tears mixed with the blood on her cheek. She coughed as her wounds reopened and her ribs ached to contain her breath. She growled lowly and began to let the accent creature inside of her take over, her mind no longer wishing to put up with the pain that Itachi had brought to her.
Itachi mumbled to himself in sheer exhaustion. His onyx eyes fading in both color and clarity. "Shit.." He managed as he turned to open the door and pursued her. His body straining to produce the steps he took, and yet he forced himself to leap into the trees. He could feel his whole world turning upside down. His eyes dropping into a closed state over and over as his pale skin began to sweat again. He didn't have time to grab his cloak or shirt. Tree branches whipping at his chest and legs over and over, leaving cuts along his pale, firm body. Blood ran from these cuts, the scent and stinging pain driving him onward. His sharingan appearing as he kicked forward one more time.

Itachi's cut, sweaty, tired body launched from the treelines as he landed between the susanoo dragon and the man he knew as Madara Uchiha. His sharingan firmly glaring at him. "Why are you running from me, Kizan? I promised to protect you." He managed to speak. Pooling every ounce of his strength just to stay awake. His muscles went from the pain of being damaged, to the complete numbness of over-working and back again. He took a deep breath, in and out as he pulled out a kunai from a pocket on his pants. His eyes narrowing now as he is visually prepared to fight off the masked man. "Don't lose control Kizan. While you may be confident in defeating him now, he won't be alone for very long. Please run. I don't care if they team up on me. I don't want you to die."

He finished his plea without looking back. His right hand fished out his forehead protector from a separate pocket. With deep breaths, in and out, he brought the forehead protector up and tied it firmly to his head. The spinning pinqheel of his mangekyou sharingan took shape as he smiled amd glanced back to her. "He can beat me, as I am now. But, dying isn't the wrost thing that can happen to me here." He noted one more time as looked back to the masked man
His vision dropping to bis opponent's feet. "Amaterasu" He choked out as blood ran from one of his eyes.
This nearly ripped her apart inside when she saw the condition that Itachi was in, the emotions he had still towards her. She whimpered softly as her body began to tremble and she brought her chakra back into her. "Itachi, don't do it. If you die then I want to die, I love you." she croaked as her hands came out and she clung onto the man tightly. She glared at Madara/Tobito and the cloaked figure just laughed. "So it is true, the female really does love you and you love her. I have decided that you are going to be the one to breed with her Itachi, I am too old and your brother is hated by her." Madara said as he simply teleported himself away from the black flames. Shaking his head he brought his arm up, kunai suddenly flying towards Itachi just to test what Kizan would do.

Kizan moved in a flash and took the kunai in the back, sinking to her knees she winced and pushed Itachi's head up and stared into his eyes. "Stop running from me, emotionally, I need you Itachi. I will sooner kill myself and take my eyes with me before I live with out you." she whispered. Itachi would feel her hands push him up, her arm wrap around him and her chakra shoot around them. She held onto him and soon they were being carried back to the room, she lay him down and used her chakra to heal his wounds, letting him sleep with the blankets over his head. "You better not die on me." she whispered as he slept before she left the room and headed next door.

She yanked the kunai from her back and threw them on the floor. She pulled her shirt off and began to bind her wounds. Soon she slumped onto the floor and lay there passed out, curled in a ball. She had used what she could of her chakra to heal Itachi, however she left non to heal herself. The owner of the room would look after Itachi every few hours, unaware of where Kizan had went, though she was not that fair away. Kizan slept for a good two nights with out moving, however the thought of Itachi doing better was what kept her clinging to life. "I need you to live, if you die then I die." she thought in her mind and pulled her knees up to her chest.
After the Amaterasu, Itachi was certainly out cold. A stream of blood down the side of his face from one of his closed eyes. His body was a mess, his pants torn and his bare chest all torn. With his body giving up, so did his mind. There wasn't much in the way of help from Itachi, but he sincerely gave his all. Ready to protect her to his last breath, unfortunately that breath came too soon. If it weren't for Kizan's immediate interaction with him, he would have been slain by the kunai and completely off his feet. His body's condition in terms of literal damage was perfectly recoverable. However, he was going to be out to rejuvenate his muscles and energy.

He failed her here. If the Akatsuki were to push it and had everyone ready to engage, he wouldn't be able to Kizan, himself, anyone. It was just plain stupid, in his opinion, that he played in he cool and strong card while he obviously drained from their trip. And yet, he couldn't of had let her escape him with such a major misunderstanding. He couldn't let her go because he needed her. And when he saw her in a confrontation with the Akatsuki ring leader, he was already willing to sacrifice himself for her. To successfully complete his debt to the Uchiha clan, and to rid himself of the endless days of self-loathing and regret. But, when the time came, he dropped the ball. He wasn't prepared. For this, Itachi would be embarrassed.

She returned them to their current place of residence. Healing Itachi's scratches as she prepared to move from the room. His eyes opened two days later as he shivered. His dull onyx eyes looked around as he pulled himself together. Wearing just his cloak, he began darting from place to place in search for Kizan, to both his greatest relaxation and fear, he found her laying down. She didn't run, it would seem. His arms scooped her up as he effortleesly moved her back to the place they were renting. His hands occasionally touched her cheek as he watched over her. Careful not to let her get too warm under the blankets and mindful of her wounds,if they hadn't healed well. He brought her food and drinks for when she woke up, eventually falling asleep beside her in bed.
She had not healed well, her body was in bad condition, she had used everything she had to heal him, to heal everything she could. She would wake up with a groaned and stared over at him. She could feel that he was better and that he was glad that she was alive and this made her smile. "Itachi, you are better, thank the gods." she whispered as she rolled over and buried her head into his chest. She winced her back aching from where she had taken the kunai for him. "Don't ever do that to me again. I need you to live for my own reason to live. If you die, then I die and that is the end of it." she croaked weakly into his ear. Breathing heavily she pushed her head more into his chest, her body was relaxing as she felt the warmth he gave her.

"Lets push this past into the past, I want you to know that what you did not make me mad or anything." Kizan would say. Adjusting her body she would bring his hand up and brought it to her heart, he would be able to feel the way it raced for him. "I love you with all my being, my heart and soul are yours. If you ever try to die for me again, you are going to take me with you." she hissed softly. She slowly pushed herself up and sat upon his chest, her head came down and she kissed him hard on the lips. She then slowly moved and ate the food he had brought her then drank down the tea, her insides feeling a lot better. She then leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips again her body trembling.

"I love you Itachi and I am not going to stop saying it." she said and grasped his hand tighter and brought it down between her legs. "No where were we, oh were going to put your tongue inside of me. And I was going to suck your cock. I want to do it Itachi, please let me do it. I want to taste you again so badly." she whimpered giving him a sad look. Shaking her head slightly she slowly moved and sat down on the bed beside him. "I want to be made a real women for once, my body is aching with that want and need. And the only man I want to take me is you." she said as she wiped a few random tears from her eyes. She was wet between the legs again from the wet dreams she was having about Itachi.
Itachi couldn't hide his gentle smile and bright eyes from the woman as she had awoken and began to speak about her feelings for Itachi, and her relationship with him. He happily attempted to help her eat as she was still injured. He opened into the conversation here with his smooth voice. "If keeping myself akive is what you ask of mr, then so shall it be, Kiz." He touched her sides as she spoke of how she'd never stop saying that she loved him. His left hand guiding her white hair around her ear. "I won't live without you. My redemption as a person leans on you. If I can't bring you happiness, if I fail to give you the life that was stolen from you..." He almost began to look down before pulling a smile together and kissing her. "I'll just have to try harder. I love you Kizan."

He watched her keenly as she brought up their naughty actions. Her desire to have him finally get his tongue inside her and for her to taste him. It sounded like she was suggesting they would perform oral sex on each other simultaneously. A position more well known as sixty-nine. Itachi considered the possibility that she wasn't suggesting such a thing, but the possibility certainly was there. And then she drew a sad face and moved to sit beside him. This motion caused Itachi to furrow his curious, worried brow.

His arms moved to wrap around her as his chest pressed to her back. His fingers tickled under the beltline of her clothing to touch at the hidden nudity of her body. "I can't keep myself contained when I see you. Kizan Uchiha, how will I ever keep myself from giving you a whole litter of Uchiha pups? Hmm?" He whispered before moving in front of her with his soft smile. His right hand taking her left and locking fingers with her as his left hand whips his boner out of his black pants. "You have nothing to fear, do it just like before. Make me cum, love."
She groaned and stared up into his eyes, his words made her smile happily, she then shivered as his fingers ran over her body. "I want to have as many children as you can give me. I want you more than you know." she whimpered and brought her body forward when he moved in front of her. Her hand moved and she allowed him to take it with his own hands. She then flushed madly when he brought his massive cock out and his words made her flush. "Oh my goodness, I am so happy that you want me to do such a thing. You can taste me as the same time if you want. Maybe you can make me cum again if that is something you want." she purred and brought her hands up and pulled his pants all the way down and removed his shirt. "You are so handsome Itachi." she whispered and brought him down upon the bed.

She pulled her pants and shirt off laying naked with him upon the bed, her wounds bandaged but she seemed to be ignoring the pain. Her lips were wet as she licked them. Her hand went down and she grasped the base of his cock as her eyes watched him for a few minutes. "I like how you taste, I can hardly wait to taste you again." she giggled softly and brought his cock into her mouth and began to suck him off happily once more. Her mouth turned up into a smile as her head bobbed up and down, her tongue moving over his mighty cock head and then around his fat shaft, she then moved down and licked his balls happily as well, glad he was not hair as others she had known of.

She moved her body enough so that he could have access to her pussy, once his face was close to her own she would cry out softly happy as his warm breath hit her. "So god." she croaked softly with his shaft still inside her mouth. Itachi could already see that her pussy was dripping for him with want and need. She wanted him to take the barrier out of her and make her a pure women. Groaning hotly she would move her fingers down between her legs and play with her clit, her other hand still holding up his massive shaft so her head could take it inside. Whimpering when she touched her own clit she would shutter and feel her walls quiver crying out for him to slip that cock into her but right now she would like this tongue as well as his fingers too.
Itachi wondered to himself as to what specifically swallowed his heart with guilt the last time she had his dick in her mouth. He knew he felt like a monster when she pointed out that he had been too rough with her. And yet, that didn't quite seal it, as he kept going last time. Up to the blowjob. He groaned softly to the pleasure she brought him, causing him to grunt at times as she sucked him off so readily. Her talk of his taste before taking his base had caused him to feel much more at ease about her heart. His previous concern was how he might hurt her just like orochimaru had. But, even after he crossed a line with her, she can talk of having his children and his taste in such a way. It was clear to Itachi that Kizan had felt very deeply for him.

Her tongue was one of the stars of her happy head bobbing show hosted on his mighty cock head and thick shaft. The way she licked around the tip and then his length had him groaning more and more. What she had done next caught him by surprise, but only a little bit. She licked at his balls happily after moving her head down. Itachi imagined she licked at his balls in a way some would lick up a delicious mound of vanilla ice cream. She managed to make a thin red line grow from the top of his cheeks and across his nose, almost like a blush. His heavy breathes grew heated as he let her mouth send him on a trip of pleasure and joy.

Kizan proved to be quite the firecracker in bed as she moved her body to present her wet pussy to his face. Helplessly, his hot breathe continued to escape him. This would force her to croak with his cock in her mouth, making him moan loudly at first. Before he would lose control over his vocal capacity, he pressed his face to her pussy. His eyes no longer lingered on her hand stimulating her clit, he instead would scan over her nude ass while he licked at her pussy fast. Making circles and even pulling one side of her pussy lips between his lips to suckle upon.

With his tongue cleaning his lips of her juices, he smiled to her with his clean white teeth. With unprecedented speed, he guided her to lay facing down and got to his knees. His legs hugged hers as his hands grasped at her ass cheeks nice and firmly. His cock head, glistening with her saliva, was guided between her spread ass until his tip met her previously suckled and licked pussy. "Relax and take a deep breath, Kizan. I'm not sure if I am especially big compared to your average man, but I wouldn't want it to hurt you either." His rumbling voice spoke in a clear, smoldering whisper as his hips moved and he began to spread her. With effort, and patience, one had on his shaft and the other on her ass, he continued to pressure his way into her evenly. His thumb kept her spread wide as he viewed her assets with the same boundless joy of a million children at an endless toys, ice cream, water/thrill theme park that never closed, all melted into one. His cock was long and hard and fat with it's fleshy outer layer treating her spread pussy good, she squished this layer thin to find his pole-like rock center while his tip reached deep and kept tunneling into her.
She was glad that he seemed to be enjoying himself, a smile came to her lips, however when he grasped her and turned her onto her hands and knees she went wide eyed. She stared over her shoulder and up at him, she bit her lip slightly worried about what he was going to do to her. However she relaxed when he spoke to her and slowly her eyes would shut and she would rest her head against the pillows. "Your the biggest I have ever seen Itachi." she said and groaned as he slowly began to push his cock deeper and deeper inside her. When he pushed past her barrier she would cry out in a bit of pain, however her body began to heal rather fast and there was only a little bit of blood. Kizan then let out a soft sigh and bit her bottom lip when she pushed herself all the way down on his cock to the base, a shiver shot up her spine as she felt him fully lodged in her and spreading her pussy to shape around his shaft.

"It didn't hurt as badly as I thought it would. Thank you for not being forceful or harsh with me." she whispered and shut her eyes tightly. She moaned and slowly began to move her hips up and down his shaft at her own pace. She flushed when she heard the wet noise that they were making as their bodies started to slap gently together. "I never felt anything like this before. You are perfect for me and you fit me so well." she muttered as her hand moved over her clit over and over again. " not stop....oh Itachi its amazing." she whispered and pushed her head more into the pillows. Her nipples gently dragged across the sheets as he made her body rock back and forth. Slowly Kizan would get onto her knees and lean back against him, her head would turn and she would kiss him hard on the lips, her tongue pushing against his own.

She would keep working her pussy up and down against his body, her pussy holding him tightly. However after awhile she would have them switch so she was laying on her back and his cock would be deep inside, him on top of her. Her legs would be gently wrapped around his waist giving him enough space so that he could still move. " keep hitting me there with your cock head and I think I might cum." she warned him as his cock kept hitting against her sweet spot over and over again. She groaned and grit her teeth together while her hands grasped sightly as the bedding under her. "Fuck...Itachi....Uchiha...keep going. Its amazing, please don't stop it." she whimpered as her red eyes stared deep into his, her hands grasped his cheeks gently and she leaned up to kiss him again.
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