Kizan Uchiha (Me & VS)


May 13, 2016
Kizan Uchiha was her name and she was an albino, her hair was long and white. Her flesh was white as well, her body was covered to head to toe in bandages, only her eyes showed. She was 18 years of age, only just having her birthday one day before she ended up on the run once more from Orochimaru. She had been born under his influence when he had captured her mother just before the slaying of her clan. She was the only female left however and only few knew of her existence. The Kages did along with those who kept tabs on the snake, who watched him from afar and followed his every movement now and again. Kizan would let out a heavy sigh as she clutched her neck, trying to ignore the curse mark that had been given to her.

It was only part a curse mark however, she had managed to get only one puncture would before stabbing Orochimaru through the head, she knew he would survive though with his creepy jutsu. However she was headed to a new hiding spot, somewhere where she would not be found. However she was aware that someone else was following her but she did not take the time to look back. The pain was taking over her and she had to find a place to rest. She grasped her neck tighter as she activated her sharingan and relaxed when her eyes found a cave, it was not too far away so she pushed herself onward.

Once Kizan was able to get inside the cave she hid herself in the shadows, trying her best to hide her chakra, praying that whoever was following her would not find her easily. She was frightened, in agony and she knew she could not fight against someone else. She was injured on her left side, Orochimaru had landed a few too many blows. They could be healed but it would take time, she was aware that a few of her ribs were broken in a few places as well. Kizan let out a deep breath before turning her head, aware that the presence was getting closer towards the cave, something felt familiar about the person but she could not quite put her finger on it.
Red eyes follow her from the very moment she plunged a weapon into Orochimaru's skull and fled into the night. Crows lined the trees as she fled from the base. Without a sound, the red eyes appeared to peer down to here from the trees shrouded in shadow. At times, the red orbs open and spy on her from a great distance, and other times the set of eyes had been much closer. Never closing the distance that would force a fight respone from the escapee. As she continued to run, any large sound being met with a sudden burst of crows shrieking and flapping their wings suddenly. Every second of their fleeting encounter had been well planned ahead of time. Allowing for maximum observation and preparation. Neither allowing her enough distance to effectively vanish, or getting too close and letting her turn the table and strike early.

Behind these red orbs had been a masterful ninja mind and lightning quick limbs.

Soon after her attempt of hiding inside a cave had taken place, a flock of crows began to swarm into the cave. Darting all around as they bounced away from the hard rocky walls and escaped back through the cave entrance. They squawed individually. Sometimes at her, sometimes randomly throughout the horrorfying acoustics of the cave. It wasn't pleasant, it certainly was unnerving and would make any ninja who was unattuned to such an environment find a difficult time thinking at all. This crow storm came to a finale as the crows dispersed and only a blacked cloaked man in the moonlight had remained. He stood facing the supposedly shadow shrouded female, what little of the sunlight that entered the cave had left a metallic glare on his slashed forehead protector. Behind the slash had been the symbol of the hidden leave village. Red clouds with a white outline were all over the bottom of his cloak, the bottom of which had stopped halfway down his shins to reveal pale feet in sandals. Across the top of his forehead protector had been a minimalistic showing of short parted bangs of black hair. The moolight trickled across the left side of his pale face, revealing a portion of his tear trough and cheek. Regardless of lighting, it was impossible to miss his mangekyou sharingan and fairly easy to guess he wasn't smiling.

"You don't appear to be in a condition to fight me, you may run." He lifts his left arm to allow the long sleeve to roll back and reveal his purple nails and ghost-white hand. He held a kunai. "It isn't likely that you would escape me. Should you just give up now and spare yourself further damage? Or should I slow you down first and just wait for you to collapse to your wounds?" His voice was cool, dark and easy to listen too. It lacked hunger, and drive to hurt her like a killer's would.
Kizan's ears ran loudly and she narrowed her eyes doing her best to tune the noise out, however a headache was growing inside her mind. However she shook her head and slunk deeper into the shadows, she knew she was trapped but the red eyes of the crows made a shiver shoot up her spine. She knew those eyes, they were that of a Uchiha. She gulped and brought her hand up, grasping tightly as the dagger her mother had left for her before she had died. When he appeared before her Kizan narrowed her own red eyes and pushed herself to her feet and forced herself to stand straight. "Itachi...Uchiha....traitor and slaughter of our clan. Why are you here, why do you bring your stench to my presence?" she hissed pushing herself out of the shadows, however she did not want to fight, her half curse mark burning her flesh.

"I have no reason to go with you, yet you have given me no reason why you are here for me." she snarled lowly. She had the same eyes as Itachi but she had never used them. She had gotten them after she had watched Orochimaru slay her mother and her best friend right in front of her. She knew what using her eyes could do to her body and this frightened her. Kizan watched him from under her bandages, her body trembling badly as her pale had came up and grasped her neck, the other hung at her side with the dagger in it. "What is it that the Akatsuki want with me, hmm? I hold no tailed beast within me, though a dragon is what you might seek." she hissed lowly.

In a few ways she was like Naruto and in others she was not. She held no tail beast but the spirit of the Uchiha's hidden secret lay inside her. Few knew about it, even the Hokage did not. Orochimaru had tried to break her seal but failed, her Uncle had made it too powerful before he had died, did it while she was in her mother's womb. However she was never able to use the power of the creature and she never wished to either. "So what shall it be Itachi....are you going to kill me?" she whispered as she let out a groan and clutched her mark harder. However she could sense he had no hunger to kill or hurt her, however she knew she should not be too careful.
His eyes were undoubtedly worlds apart from her own. The life he had, though easier, also presented significantly greater opportunity for growth than her's had ever given. The argument could be made that Itachi could have squandered that opportunity had he been lazy. Yet, few if any other ninja had worked themselves harder than the cool-headed man who stood before her. While he carried confidence in his motions, he spared none of his elite observational prowess in this engagement. His eyes wouldn't give her a fraction of an instant to make a move without alerting him. And yet, they were a lot alike all the same.

In their blood and chakra, a simple truth of their relation had resonated between them. Their connection went beyond their eyes. But that connection never stopped him before, and it certainly didn't sieze him in any compacity here. He knew he shouldn't confess the truth behind his actions, and certainly not divulge the core of Akatsuki's interests in the woman. To both statements, he simply continued to watch her silently. Her eyes could be useful to him. Maybe providing a momentary relief to the darkness in his own eyes. The delicate eyes could also serve as a decent way to lead his dear little brother on the right path. Thanks to the use of the mangekyou sharingan stashed in one of his crows, he could easily program her memories to become the perfect bride for his brother. And even thinking all of these things, Itachi knew he wouldn't do either. The woman just simply didn't deserve either of those awful fates. Not yet anyway.

"Kill you? If it proves to be the only option, then you would leave me with no choice." Still upfront, precise, but without appearing to be murderously energetic or revealing any sort of information. The clacking sounds of his sandals began to sound off. Many plans involving disarming her had ran through his head prepared to retaliate to any sign of hostility instantaneously. His kunai lowered as he looked over her bandaged body. Silently, unintentionally wondering if she had been naked beneath her wrappings. "If you come with me, you won't have to worry about Orochimaru. I will hold onto that dagger, and we will move to the edge of this territory. You won't be permitted to do much. I cannot promise your life or safety in any measure. Your only other options merely make a demise for you certain." His empty right hand raised with a special ring on it, he gave her the means to forfeit her weapon peacefully.
Kazin had her own powers with her eyes, one that were powerful yet she did not wish to share them with Itachi at the moment, however she was more than aware of their connection, however she was not proud of it what so ever. She glared at Itachi as he stared at her, her hands dropped to her sides and she let out a heavy sigh, her body was still tense though just in case he made his way towards her. "Always the cold hearted bastard you have always been aren't you. You only care about your own wants and needs, you do not care for others." she spoke angrily as she backed away from him slightly, her body began to tremble as her curse mark spread over half her body turning her flesh black on that side, her eye went fully red, no white was left inside of it, her sharingan still there.

She however let him finish speaking to her and non of his options mad either feel any more happy, she just grew angrier. She backed away as she felt him coming closer towards her and she shook her head. "I am not going to give you this dagger, its all I have left of my mother." she snarled and closed her eyes slightly and stared down at the ground. She knew about the genjutus that he could bring upon her, she knew never to look into his eyes and have it happen upon her. "You offer me no comfort, I will not go with a traitor to a clan." she hissed angrily. She could not trust him, it just made her heart ache as she thought about the past.

"I think I rather run into Orochimaru again that go with someone who slaughtered my clan." she hissed. The dagger began to shift into a snake which slithered up her arm and morphed int her body. New powers her coming to her thanks to the mark on her neck, hissing softly she. "You should have died as well as your brother, going around and making a bad name for our clan." she said as she backed away into the shadows, her eyes slowly shifting until she brought out her own Mangekyō Sharingan. She was trembling now as she looked about the cave for a way out, wanting to be free of this trap she was inside. Slowly she lifted her head and shot up towards the roof of the cave and slammed her fist into it.
The woman didn't have much in the way of intimidation. Severely unprepared, outclassed, and feeble in general, men could have approached her just as Itachi had without considering her to be much of a threat. For Itachi, this would be true. For the lesser men, far from it! Though, it wasn't like anyone would send band of untrained cutthroats this way. That would be illogical given that virtually all of Orochimaru's own underlings possessed large amounts of talent and power. It was perilous to run around these areas as any average man.

Her words didn't bring about any hint of a change on his face or voice. Simply put, he wasn't an easy shell to break. He beat himself up over what had happened endlessly. Her awful shrieking, as if she really thought she knew an ounce of the truth, would be enough to snap most others. Again, Itachi breaks the mold by keeping to his composure and not rushing to spill his secrets or defend himself in any compacity. Her sudden reveal of her curse mark had forced him to reconsider his plan as she could easily undo the damage necessary to slow her down with her empowered cells. Without much of a warning, she leaped upward and punched the roof of the cave, causing significant turmoil within the cave and providing her a relatively respectable escape. And yet, he pursued immediately.

He kicked off from the falling rocks as he rocketed in her direction. He had a two-fold plan. The first step had involved his kunai. Taking a glance down to the glamorous metal of the weapon, he began to lean to one side before tossing toward her. The speedy Kunai had been aimed to leave crippling damage through her right knee. In the blink of an eye, he completed the hand signs for a jutsu. From his lips escaped a colossal fire ball to ignite the forest in front of her and limit her escape paths. The genius of his plan would ideally distract her from the soaring Kunai with the sudden burst of the fireball in the air. The damage to the forest, and potentially to her simply herding her into simpler predictable escape paths and also illuminating the area.
She felt her power sure, her eyes instantly picked up the flash of metal she watched his hands move as she kept moving her face towards him. She dodged his attack with the kunai, swerving to avoid contact with the kunai. However it moved and slammed into her shoulder and she let out a snarl of anger. She flipped through the air still not wanting to turn around and attack him, she just wanted to run and she would keep running as long as she could hold out. She hated Itachi and what he had done to the clan, however when she would learn the truth her mind would change on him. However she was not happy about the fireball that had singed her hair.

Her bandages were falling off as her body kept changing, soon she was fully showing her colors, however her mouth was still covered. She groaned as her body began to tremble and she cried out softly as a sudden pain shot through her body and up her spine. She became aware that her curse mark was failing and she knew that her body would soon give out on her, she was coming to the conclusion that she was going to be stuck with being captured by Itachi. "Damn you Itachi?" croaked as her body finally gave out of her and she hit the ground a loud crash could be heard as she smashed into a massive tree, splitting it down to the roots.

It toppled over and she lay upon the stump that had been left. Itachi would find her holding her stomach and spitting up blood, the bandages around her mouth were blood stained, her eyes were still blood red and watching him however. She held her side, her curse mark had receded and she was as weak as ever now. She no longer put up a fight nor did she try to run, instead she slowly pushed herself up so that she was sitting, plucked the kunai from her shoulder and threw it to the ground and clamped her eyes shut. "Just let me die along with the rest of the clan then." she snapped at him.
He was honestly a little surprised when she began to look back and countered his kunai. A shameful feeling as this meant he had not accurately predicted the movements of his opponent, leading her to actually burn some of her hair on a fireball that wasn't meant to touch her at all. With another surprising turn of events, the kunai took to her shoulder and wounded her there while she fumbled and her body crashed into a tree. The amount of damage caused had been unsavory, certainly not satisfactory. He couldn't give her the opportunity to keep running. Closing the distance, he watched her climb to sit on a tree trunk.

He watched her cough up blood and the kunai was removed, her curse mark receded before he noticed it wasn't active. She was feeble now. Too weak to probably slay Itachi for he had done and finally bring him the peace he longed for. Her words were nothing but air to Itachi. His face making absolutely no move as she wouldn't succeed in invoking a response out of him in regards to the clan. To him, she was on the outside looking in. She wouldn't know everything, not if he could help it. Telling even one person the truth about Madara's envolvement, Danzo's ultimatum, the third hokage's mercy, it was all too much for him to bare. And yet, it would always be exactly that: His to bare. No one else should know.

He stepped closer as he had before. Kunai readied in any case of retaliation. "If a fight commenced or the chase continued, with these wounds, you would perish." He stated the obvious, and for good reason. His pale right hand moved to cup her bandaged chin and lead her to look into his eyes. With his brow furrowed, he looked to her with an ounce of sincerity. Though, it was impossible to tell if he honestly worried about her, or if it were because his orders were to take her alive. "I won't allow you the room to cause anymore harm to yourself." He spoke as he looked intently into her blood red eyes. "Tsukyomi."

While the Tsukyomi is in effect, she would experience more time than he would and effectively be unconscious for three days. He had no reason to torture her in the Tsukyomi. Instead, she lay on a cross, bands around her wrists and ankles to hold her in place. Sitting beside the cross was Itachi, His hand on her knee before rubbing up between her thighs. Over and over. He would switch things up a little and run his hand over other almost-intimate areas, focusing whatever summoned the most reaction without removing bandages from her breasts or crotch or mouth, or even touching said areas. Informing her how much time she had left at each hour, studying her closely. This wasn't the real Itachi and this was all an illusion so Itachi wouldn't learn anything from this. But, the illusion would grow to better tease her to pass the time.

On the outside, she was layed across a pile of leaves with Itachi's Akatsuki cloak wrapped around her gingerly. Her hands were bound together in a pair of cuffs and her eyes were covered in a blindfold. She would be extremely famished once she awoke. They in a tiny cave behind a waterfall. The rushing water was a little loud, but they were a little ways back into the cave where it had become a dull roar. Itachi sat across tje cabe from her with a lamp hanging above him, to his side. He watched her sleep from the distance. She would awaken anytime now.
Kizan knew she could not fight anymore, she knew there was no way out of this. She didn't want to give up but there was no other choice for her. She laughed and spat up more blood when he stated to obvious, however she ran her hand over her wound feeling sick to her stomach as blood entered into one of her lungs. "You must be stupid Itachi, I already knew that." she said to him softly. She glared at him as he got closer to her. She let out a heavy sigh and then winced as his hand came up and cupped her chin, she grasped tightly onto his wrist wanting to pull his grasp away. "Why would you care if I was harmed anymore? I don't want to be some pawn to your groups fucking cause. You fucking traitor, blood thirsty monster." she spat at him angrily, she wished for once her seal would break so she could unleash her power.

She glared at him as he used his Tsukyomi on her, her pupils dilated then retracted, her sharingan was gone then her eyes shut. She would squirm in the world he had trapped her in. She would fight her hardest to get free but it was no use with how bad her wounds were. She would groan and squirm softly as his clone began to touch her in certain areas, making her cry out loudly and flush. "Stop torturing me, stop it..." she would beg him. She knew it wasn't real, though her subconscious thought other wise. Her body was reacting and she was trying her hardest to stop it. She could hardly believe what was happening to her, that he would not cause her pain instead, he was really starting to confuse poor Kizan.

She would let out a gasp and her eyes would widen under the blindfold as she awoke. She squirmed and twitched, pulled and yowled as she tried to yank herself free from her bindings. Kizan whimpered softly as her stomach growled and her mouth felt dry. She licked her cracked lips wanting something to drink. She could hear the waterfall, she could smell the leaves she lay on, she guessed they must be in a cave of some sort. "Let me go Itachi...and don't ever put such things inside my head again, your a pervert as well." she said to him from under her blinds. She froze as she sensed another chakra signal coming towards them. "Can't we just have some fun with her?" Came Kisame's voice as he stepped into the cave.
"A pervert, hmm?" He was whispered as his sharingan bore into the cave wall. It was a fair assessment of hers. The things she had seen, and felt, were initially inspired as a means to keep her sanity throughout the wait. And yet it didn't require an innately intimate touch. He fancied the idea of playing with her. It was certainly more viable that scooping out her eyes or turning her into a slavebride to appease his brother and guide him after their fatal battle. Itachi still felt a weight in his gut when hr thought about letting Sasuke finish him off. But, it was only to repent for the slaying of their clan. The only way to be brought to justice.

He stood and began to enter her side of the cave as he noticed the tell tale signs of Kisame closing in on the cave. His eyes narrowed as he finished stepping towards the girl. His forehead pressing to her's as he took her shoulders on his gentle palms. By now, the evidence added up that the only thing covering her nudity was his huge cloak wrapped around her sleak, beautiful frame. The blindfold was actually his forehead protector. Both items had his manly, but far from odorous scent. "My partner is coming. I need you to stay alive. It'll be harder to convince him to buzz off. I just can't risk letting you die, please lay down amd pretend to be alseep. I'll tell you-" He shut his eyes tight and backed away just as Kisame charged in. Immediately, Itachi put on his offensive glare. Though they normally cooperated quite well. "I won't let you do what you wish." His voice was different, deeper, angrier. "Leave. It will jeopardize the mission if you don't." Itachi blinked his mangekyou sharingan on, prepared to defend the woman whether she listened to him or not.

His eyes pierced into Kisame. The once familiar and docile Uchiha had become on edge and ready to defeat his fishy partner should he press the line. "We have her away from Orochimaru now. And she is safe with me. So go on ahead. Make sure none of Orochimaru's men were contacted via radio and waiting at the border. We'll catch up."
"I am going to do nothing of the sort, you are not my boss." she snarled at him as he made his way over to her. She flinched however when she felt his head pushing down against her own, their foreheads together while his hands moved to her palms. She growled slightly not being told what to do, she also hated having her senses being cut off. She was not going to listen to Itachi however, she was very angry at him for what he had done as well as the fact that she was no longer wearing clothes. "Give me my clothes back you asshole." she hissed and shook her head. She relaxed slightly though when Itachi had backed away from her and she felt a lot more comfortable, however she shivered do to the fact that she was naked.

She wondered why Itachi wanted her alive so badly, at his point she rather be dead then have more people wanting something from her. Kisame blinked and cocked his head to the side a bit shocked from how Itachi was talking to him. "Ah come on Itachi, Madara told me to come." Kisame muttered as he dropped a bag at Itachi's feet. "Konan was watching and saw you strip the girl do to her ripped clothing, she sent some clothing for her to wear. And stop being a jerk, your not my boss either." Kisame said shaking his head. "Fuck off fish face." Kizan snarled loudly as she tried to push herself up but she had no strength left in her from the fight she had a few days before.

Kisame however kept his distance seeing the mongekyo in Itachi's eyes and he knew better than to press him. "I am not quite sure she is safe with you, that look of lust in your eyes. I have never seen anything like that before." Kisame said as he slowly turned around and stared out the cave opening. "I will let Madara know, however he wants the girl in once piece and dressed when you bring her before him." he said before he stepped out into the darkness with out another glance back. "Why the hell are you taking me before my Great Uncle?" she muttered slightly confused. "I thought Madara was dead anyways." she said as her gut clenched.
Itachi looked down and away as Kisame mentioned a lust in his. He appeared to be a little timid. "I... Bare no such lust-" His eyes narrowed before he turned away from her. "In my eyes." He boldly lied, it was obvious in his voice and on his face. "Just leave me be, the woman will be okay." He whipsered this last part, just over the roar of the waterfall. Once Kisame had left them, he picked up the bag and tossed it against the wall opposite of Kizan.

He looked to her and waited with a subtle calm. His patience being a notable trait of the tall, handsome Uchiha. But, it was mostly due to him waiting for Kisame to finally pass into territory that made hearing their conversation impossible. In a slow, honest voice, Itachi began to speak. "Madara is alive. He is the mind behind the goals of the Akatsuki." With a sigh, he closed the distance between herself and him. A gentle palm taking her cheek as his fingers of that hand guided up the forehead protector of her left eye. Looking into her single blood red eye with his onyx orbs. His long fingers in her long white hair as he looks to her. He looked to her sincerely. "The massacre of the Uchiha clan..." He began, furrowing his brow as he looked into her eye.

"I... I thought I could die happy with the world knowing me as the traitor, the demon." He clearly spoke from the bottom of his heart. The net top to his shirt showing some of hus collar bones and his neck on display. "You won't be squandered on Madara or the Akatsuki's plans. You're my only chance at redemption."

He closed his eyes as he pressed his forehead to her's again. Fighting the urge to tear up or breakdown right in front of her. "I killed my parents. The woman that I loved. So many of my clansmen. And for what?" He blinked his onyx eyes open as he scanned her eyeball again. "Because the head of the anbu commanded it? The only way to save the village? My brother? Nobody knows the truth. I thought I left my little brother with the tools he'd need to become strong. But, I was wrong. I only pushed him away, I pushed everyone away. But, then I here of your existence." He moved his head away, no longer forcing her to feel his closeness, but certainly close enough to press her face or lips to his cheek, neck or chest. A single tear running down his face, against his nostril and down over his upper lip as he bit into his bottom one. "I don't want to die anymore. Not to protect the legacy of my clan from the fact of their planned coup. I can't be alone anymore."
She laughed softly, she could sense the lust coming off of Itachi along with something else but she was not sure what it was. Kizan glared at him under the mask when she felt Itachi's hands grasp her head once more. However she was shocked to hear that her great Uncle was really alive and it made her shutter at the thought of it. Kizan stared up at Itachi when she felt the blindfold come off over her left eye, she felt her pupil dilate to the dim light of the cave. She blinked her eye and glared at him still, her bangs falling across her face slightly. She bit her lip listening as he began to speak to her once more, watching his eyes carefully. She loved her family but they were gone now, and she was unsure if she could ever bring herself to care for this monster of a man.

She wondered what he was talking about until the full truth finally hit her. Gritting her teeth together she left out a heavy sigh and watched as he began to speak to her with such emotion and truth in his voice. "You did not have to listen to your commander, you didn't have to kill those who were innocent. You only had to wait, interrogate and let those innocent free." she hissed softly. "My existence was against my will, Orochimaru killed my parents when I was small, kept me captive most of my life. Did things to me that I wish not to share. Many times I wish I have died, almost have but he brought me back. I never wanted to live because of being the last of my clan and because of what is inside of me." she whispered softly as her body trembled under the cloak.

"I tried to kill myself a few times but I am a coward." she growled lowly. "Sasuke only wants to kill you, he is arrogant and cold he has not heart inside of him." she said simply. She blinked however when she felt his tears run down his cheeks and land on her shoulders as she sat up on the leaves. "There is no legacy to protect anymore Itachi, our clan is gone and never will return." she put simply. She felt a strange pull between her emotions, anger and pity were running through her. "What makes you think I want to be the one for you? You almost killed me you know? You tie me up strip me naked against my will then handcuff me. I can not trust someone who will not give me my dignity and honor." she said simply as she pushed herself away holding his cloak against her body. "Maybe if you feed me, let me dress and remove the cuffs I will give you a second chance." she muttered as she pushed the blindfold off her face using the wall behind her for help.
His thumb eliminated the tear from his face as he turned from her, showing her his back. "I didn't kill the innocent people. Madara was there." He couldn't bring himself to finish as she choked back the sorrow and pulled his expression together to the same look he normally wears. "And Sasuke is reckless. But, after what I did to him, the way I manipulated him... It's just the necessary outcome of repeated failures on my end. As an older brother." He muttered the last line as he looked over the wall before him. "And yet... It isn't too late. To do what's right by him. To do what is right by you. The clan isn't dead. Not while I take the both of you out of harm's way." He didn't sound like he was as open with her as before. Almost as though he was maddeningly chasing any scrap of redemption that he could find. The guilt shaking him to his core.

"You want to wear clothes... That makes sense. But, not the clothes Madara sent for you. No." He looked back to her over his shoulder. "Your original clothing was shred beyond use. You're wearing my cloak only because I refuse to let them cloth you." He explained as he turned back toward her, his eyes on her as he thought over what she said. "The one for me? No... Not after what I did. I'm... I have irreversibly sinned." He looked down to his feet as he realized she misunderstood what he meant by what he said. Even if it was a happy misunderstanding, as though it was on her mind already, he didn't know how to explain what he meant.

"I have a loaf of bread and I can get you a cup of water. It isn't the best, but it should do. For now." He sighed as he let his shoulders drop lazily. Picking up a thin metal cup and swishing it through the fresh water of the waterfall. With simple steps, he picked up the loaf of bread from a pile of items. Setting both in front of her, he got to his knees and leaned into her. His chest near to her face as his cheek took to her head. His fingers rest upon the bindings of her wrists behind her back. He took a deep breath. "Try to eat slowly. I know you must be starving. But, we will run into more food when we cross the border into the land of wind. Once we reach a border town, we, can clean up and find you a change of clothes that probably aren't writhe with trackable material." He didn't know what to say about her suicide attempts. Something about it not being cowardice, but a will of fire. But, he did not know how to word it.
She raised her brow and then let out a heavy sigh as she allowed him to finish talking to her, her mind buzzing over what he had just said to her. "So your planning on setting me up with Saskue, is that what is going on in your mind? I am sorry Itachi but I hate your brother and someone else loves him. Sakura Haruno." she said gently as he leaned against her and removed the bindings from her wrist. She suddenly was hit with a huge wave of pity for Itachi and when she was free she slowly stood up, keeping his cloak tightly wrapped around him. "Your brother only cares about his well being, that is about it." she grumbled as her hand moved to rub over her throat and she looked down at the bandages that covered her wounds. "I can work with these." she said as she shut her eyes.

Slowly the bandages began to wrap tightly around her body as they extended and soon she was covered from head to toe once more, only her eyes and mouth showed, her hair falling into her eyes. She grabbed the water gently from him and then part of the bread and she slowly began to eat and drink. Slowly she would reach out and hold onto Itachi to steady herself as she slumped back down against the wall of the cave sitting beside him. "I feel sorry for you Itachi, I pity you and the pain you have put yourself through." she said gently as she shut her eyes and put the water cup down after finishing it. Her hand moved and she grasped her stomach weakly and then stared over at Itachi.

"So your betraying Madara? Your keeping me from your group? What are you going to do if I do not wish to go with Sasuke...I do not either." she said. Her head rested on his shoulder as she yawned and closed her eyes. "I won't be able to move much if we travel, my body hurts to much and I am still very weak." she muttered against him. "Please tell me what you have in plan for me, you really are making my head ache with all the guessing I have to do." she muttered. Her head slid down and she rested it on his lap, his cloak still wrapped warmly around her body. "I really wish things would calm down." she grumbled as her legs pulled up against her chest and she clutched her shoulder tightly.
"Our parents were in favor of the Uchiha plot to attack the village. Had they lived, they would have stopped at nothing to assume control of the hidden leaf. Including war. More innocent children and men's blood would spill. I had to kill them. But, what of my loyal little brother? He used to be quite the endearing child. Always begging me to take him with me on my missions and training. He just wanted to be around me. At the time... I couldn't risk letting him realize the truth. I put him on this course." Itachi looked to Kizan as she ate her bread, his onyx eyes and barely lit face relaying his ineffable grief. "So I turned my Tsukiyomi on him. While he was just a child, he witnessed the sight of his older brother slaughter his parents. Over. And over. And over." He covered his eyes and bit his bottom lip.

As he felt her head rest on his lap, his hand took to her uppermost forearm and rubbed his cloak into her forearm. Looking down to her with a weak attempt at a small smile. "My plans for you? Well, I can't let you run free all by yourself, the Akatsuki and Orochimaru would never stop tracking you down. And I understand that you don't like Sasuke. I can't force you to love someone, and I won't. We'll get you far away from Madara and along the way -Well, I don't really have much of a plan. You'll get to live life, and if I do this right, maybe you'll learn to love life while we're at it." He swallowed softly before using his arms to bring her into his lap more completely. Careful with her shoulder and ribs, he admired her like this, watching her face. "In this action, I will find my redemption." His smile grew just a little. "I'll carry you until you can move at a desirable pace for our travel. I'll have to carry you, because we cannot wait much longer here."

"The land of winds is known for their various market towns around their border. There we can pick up what we need, as I said before. Along the way, we will run into some trouble, but it isn't a problem. I can use genjutsu to minimalize the violence and try to reduce the chance of leaving a trail." He outlined his plan with his narrowing eyes. Memorizing her facial details. "I plan to meet with a correspondent in Sunagakure. Their security is great, and the Akatsuki wouldn't predict that I already have a way in."
She bit her lip listening to Itachi as he spoke and nodded her head thinking to herself. "Maybe in time Sasuke will change, we really do not know when that will be however." she whispered weakly. She groaned as he rubbed her arm, it made a shiver run up her spine but it was something good she felt, not anything bad. "So is it my eyes that Madara wants or something more?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side still keeping her head resting on his lap. "I don't think my Uncle will ever stop tracking me even if you try to hide me away from him." she said as a sad look came across her face. "Why do I want to live anymore if I do not have any freedoms, if life worth living anymore for me?" she asked him sadly as she rubbed a few tears away.

Kizan let out a soft sigh allowing Itachi to pull her up into his lap, her head now rested against his chest. "Well I am glad to hear that I will have a way to get around. Its gonna hurt though as you carry me. You smashed my ribs up pretty good." Kizan said laughing but groaned as pain shot through her body. She wished she could just stay in the cave, curl up and fall into a deep sleep where she didn't have to wake up. "Oh, and why did you molest my in your Tsukiyomi?" she muttered as a huge flush came across her cheeks. Her body trembled and she let out a sigh feeling very tired, she let him finish speaking however before her red eyes slowly turned back to onyx and she shifted her body, pushing her bangs out of her sight.

"I want to stay in our land, I don't like the land of the winds. They hate me being around there. Last time they almost killed me." she remembered a few years before. "But I guess you know what you are doing, I have to at least try and trust you." whispered Kizan as her head buried into his chest and she fell asleep. She was so worn out, her body was doing its best to heal but it was not easy. Kizan could still taste some blood in the back of her throat and it made her gag. She no longer trembled from how cold she had been before, even with his cloak on top of her. "Itachi...." she moaned softly in her sleep as her hands grasped tighter on his mesh shirt, dreams came to her about what he had been doing to her earlier.
He pondered his brother's potential change. Sasuke was sincerely a victim of his lies and attempts to do what's right. It wasn't that Sasuke couldn't change, Itachi was certain that his little brother's nature was never truly as rotten as his previous actions led the world to believe. It was his little brother's forgiveness that he doubted. Not that Itachi was actually entire opposed to dying in their fight either. "Madara wants to use you just Orochimaru does. I would be lying if I said I was entirely different. I just... I would never become like them. I merely wish to give you the chance to live. My own feelings, desires, none of them matter."

She mentioned his choice of Tsukiyomi, the illusion he decided invite upon her had been brought into question along with her quality of life. He gave her his serious, all business expression. "Beyond the land of wind lies a beautiful paradise town where no one wil find you. The nature there is far more potent and it is simply impossible for you to not find peace with the awful haunting memories in your head, there. I will help you find the biggest reason to live and I can finally be at peace. Only then." He whispered the last things as his arms craddled her body. Her head onto his chest with her fingers in the mesh of his shirt. In a way, she was his distant, young cousin. A female with a womanly body and her cute flushed face. He tried to lie, timidly. "It was too... Maintain your sanity through the long passage of time of Tsukiyomi. Stimulation of your skin and limbs help to keep your mind active enough as to prevent madness. I didn't want you to lose it."

She fell asleep against him after agreeing to trust him. It pained him a little that she trusted him so much. His hands holding her back had pleaded to sneak dowm and feel her ass between his long thin fingers. To touch her breasts and taste her lips. Her groin in his lap, with only his cloak protecting her from his bulge. It was all too much to bare. But he did bare it. He wasn't a rapist, the guilt of such a thing would break him down all over again. The bridge of his nose ran into her hair as he smelled her. Holding her close as he almost melted beneath her. And then something happened to make his heart throb beyond control. A line of red growing over the top of his cheeks ans across the bridge of his nose as he began to feel his heavy hot breath moisten her exposed face skin. She moaned his name in her sleep at it made him become so, insanely aroused. He felt his own rapid heart beat plop so rapidly as to run up to the back of his ears.

Without giving himself the chance to molest her sleeping form, he gathered some items in a sack and tossing it over his shoulder. With a little preparation he held the sack over his shoulder, his right hand keeping it's opening shut and his right arm beneath her legs and his left arm beneath her back. His crows creating a part in the water before he leaped out into the night. His powerful legs and back and arms carrying her and their things across great distances. He wouldn't stop until he entered a border village and purchased them a safe room. Not in the inn, but in an advertised building where a young male was looking for more permanent roommates. Itachi paid to stay the night with Kizan in the spare room. They would be safe like this, undoubtedly.

Exhausted, every sign showed, he huffed and puffed with sweat on his face and bangs as he laid her cloaked and bandaged body onto the bed and sat beside her.
Kizan could smell the scent of arousal coming off of him, she had a gut feeling it was for her but she knew that he would try his best to control himself. When th uey had arrived at room and he lay her on the bed she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I am so sorry that I made you work extra hard Itachi." she said and sat up weakly. Her body was covered in bandages now since using her chakra. She was no longer naked when his cloak fell off around her shoulders. "So you were telling me before that Madara wants to breed with me like Orochimaru wants too?" she said as she cocked her head to the side. That had been what Orochimaru had told her and she knew he was telling the truth when he had said this. "Kind of gross, my Uncle wanting to mate with me." she thought as her eyes closed again and she pulled Itachi down beside her on the bed.

"You need to rest as well Itachi, don't do it for my useless sake. I am so still makes me uncomfortable when someone wants me to live." she muttered. "I wouldn't go insane from you putting me under those eyes of yours. I don't work that way, Orochimaru tried to break me but he could never." she growled as she sat up only to wince and rub her shoulder. She slowly pushed herself up and off the bed holding tightly onto the wall as she made her way to the bathroom, she felt herself flush as she shut the door behind her until only a crack showed her body. She slowly unwrapped her bandages, along with the ones on her wounds. However her wounds were healing very fast but she still had big scabs and bruises. She turned the shower on and slipped with in it and pulled the door shut behind her.

Her hand ran up to the seal that lay over her heart before moving to touch the curse mark on her neck. "I really am a freak, some kind of monster." she whispered to herself before she began to wash her long white hair along with her pale body. Scars covered her body from her neck down, things that Orochimaru had given her along with many enemies she had fought during her life time. "I think he really means well but it makes my gut feel funny being around him like this." she said softly to herself. She whimpered when her side grew soar from standing and she sat in the bottom of the tub. Kizan would make her way from the shower later, turn it off, dry off and wrap a towel around her. "I really wish I had some new clothes." she growled to him as she wrapped his cloak around her naked frame once more and let the towel fall. However what she didn't know was that man's sister who owned the house was grabbing clothes for Kizan at that moment.
Looking at Kizan's open eyes now that they had been safe to take breathe, Itachi felt a tiny bit of his prized redemption course through his body like a pulse. Her voice, her look, it was all too much. He couldn't summon more than an intake and then an exhale. Long ones, he moved so much air with his powerful lungs. His eyes still hung low, almost shutting under an invisible weight. His body moved easily with her touch, joining her in the bed as he pressed his face to the inside of her neck and shoulder where the cloak left bare, except for the bandages. His nostrils took in her scent. It was more pure, unclouded by fresheners, products, or, sweat. He smiled to her words softly. "Keeping you alive is for me as much as it is for you. Do not be sorry, you are free to say what you wish now. However, I don't think of you as useless." He was breathless by the last word, but forced it out before taking more breathes. Letting out his laughter. "And I am your cousin. It seems you are surround in unfavorable options." He slipped to the pillow with a soft smile on his lips. Letting her leave to take a shower.

His eyes, fueled by the lust Kisame noted, found the chakra and will power to pull out his full-fledged sharingan. Making maximum use of the crack of vision she gave to him, he finally took a rest as she entered the shower. He didn't need to think about anything stress related. His body was actually releasing endorphins as he had finally challenged himself excessively for the first time in a while. He felt the pumping of his heart from the raw physical labor of moving Kizan to the border, a ways into the land of wind and into a border village while keeping in a timely fashion. It was impossible for most and a ridiculously daunting task for some. But for Itachi, the physical exertion had felt incredible as he lay in the bed. Breathing in and out harshly, with his lips curled upward.

He finally sat up and blinked his eyes open. He was too warm, even though the room would be mild for his partner in crime. Putting his hands behind himself, his fingers clung to the back of his shirt as he pulled it off and tossed it across the bed. Revealing a hardened, but lean upper body. His skin was pale all over as he laid back down to the bed. Itachi looked to her with his onyx eyes as though she were radiant, shining. His hands reached over to hug his cloak to her hips. Picking her up off the ground easily, but with care as he let her sit on his lap, the cloak ridding her hips as his lap was between her thinghs. Some of their bare skin touching no matter how she may move. "How waa the shower, hmm?" He teased at first before looking to her lips and running his eyes over them. "We'll get you respectfully dressed soon. I'm just... Elated to see you naked in my cloak. It is arousing." He grumbled the last part with some excitement, finally looking back to her eyes.
Kizan blinked and let out a soft yelp when Itachi picked her up and brought her up to sit upon his lap. She flushed red in the face, though her pussy and breasts were covered in bandages she could still feel his skin in contact with her own. Kizan shifted her weight within his lap and kept blushing from the way that his eyes ran over her. His words caused her to whimper softly her face flushed as red as it could go. "I...I um had a good shower. But your seeming perverted again." she said softly but she did not pull her body away from him. Groaning I know the brought her head upon his chest and closed her eyes while she listened to the sound his heart beating with inside his chest. "I felt your eyes on me, you were staring, were you not?" she muttered, his words came up in her mind once more.

"Madara is old that is why its gross. As for you, well it doesn't bother me as much. I know that the whole clan is related to each other so their is no escaping it." she muttered to him. "Why do you like my body so much? There isn't really anything to look at Itachi, its scarred and I don't have much chest wise." she muttered as she pulled a blanket around her to cover up her bandaged chest. She brought her hand up and touched his lips with her pointer finger of her right hand. "Your smiling Itachi Uchiha and you look a lot more handsome when you do." she grumbled to him before she leaned foreword and kissed him gently on the forehead before her eyes shut again. She bit her lip and groaned pulling herself back as she thought about when Orochimaru used to molest her and shuttered.

She was still a virgin though, Orochimaru was waiting until she was a full grown woman, now that she was 18, well she was ripe for pickings. "I'm sorry Itachi...the things that Orochimaru did to scares me. I don't think...I feel comfortable with it, he was so forceful and hurt me." she said and looked away. Even though she was a virgin her pussy had been invaded by toys and fingers, sometimes a tongue but that was about it. "Nevermind that, I am sorry I shared that with you." she croaked and Kizan rolled over off of him. She lay down beside him and put her head back on his chest as she kept the blanket wrapped around her body.
He smiled more to her accusation, nodding. "Your scars are there, but they don't make you less of a beauty. I saw you well through the crack you left open using my sharingan. And your body is wonderful. Kiz... I don't think I've ever felt quite like this before." His hands didn't leave her sides as she wrapped a blanket around her upper body. Her kiss to his forehead and press to his lips made him light up even more. She was really rocking the position before a sudden fear took her and she rolled off him. She let her head rest on his shoulder. She told him of her fears, the things that bothered her. And then she did something that really did make his heart drop. His arm opposite of her had raised to his face. A painted index finger running up the tear trough on the side of his face opposite of her as he wore a thinking face. His regular expressionless face was what was there as he glared out against a wall.

Without warning, his cheek pressed to her's and his hand opposite of her hand reached over to run all five fingers through her gravely intriguing hair. Massaging her scalp with thin, long, expert fingers. "You have no need to say you are sorry. The only person who did wrong would be eliminated by my totska blade if he showed his scaled-hide around us again." Itachi didn't notice how he was suddenly grouping them with his words. It was incredibly subtle. His arm beneath her had looped to her back. His hand fanning out against the lowest of her back. He held her firmly as his hand in her hair had looped down to her cheek. "You have been through a lot. I can't ask you to just get over it, that's ridiculous. Time will heal your wounds, and I'll kiss your scars. I'll kiss them until you understand that they are not what stains you. They are you. And you are beautiful." He showed her a smile as he raised his head and guided her to his kiss. His soft, admittedly thin lips had taken hers as he showed her his passion. Parting from their kiss, he kept his smile in vision.

"I will never be them. I might need you... But, I need you to need me too. I'll protect you with all my heart. It's simple. Because, without you, I wouldn't feel so alive." He spoke to her, his softness im touch and the kiss matching his eyes. He would take her and be as a man should in their embraces, but he would never devolve into the monster that hurt her so. He let her hear his hear beat as he strained himself to keep his face in hers, their lips just a bit off, his hand on her back and the other on her cheek. He wanted her to feel absolutely consumed by his presence.
Kizan's face softened and her heart began to race in her chest when he told her what he thought about her scars. She flushed again when he spoke about watching her, however it did not make her feel sick or grossed out that he did so. She allowed him to role over and touch her once more, allowing Itachi to wipe the tear from her cheek, she removed the rest and stared at the man as he glared at the wall. She gasped softly when his warm cheek pressed against her own and she returned the touch, allowing his fingers to move through her hair. She smiled when he spoke to her again about not being sorry and that he would hurt Orochimaru if he came back to get her. Her heart clenched and she knew it was too late, she was falling in love with this man and she wanted no other.

As his hand ran down her lower back and smiled her biggest when he said he would kiss her scars and help heal her and make her feel better about herself. "You speak such flattery Itachi but I know that it is true." she muttered. However when he brought her head up against his and kissed her, she let out a soft moan and kept her lips pressed against his. She whimpered when he pulled from the kiss though, she did not want it to end at all. "I want you Itachi....I want to be with you as well. I am falling in love with you, I feel things I never felt before." she croaked and buried her head into his chest for a few minutes. After a couple seconds she brought her head up and touched his cheek with her left hand while her right grasped onto his bare chest gently, she breathed his scent in deeply as well.

She then flushed as she was about to say her deep secret that was not her dragon spirit. "Itachi, he may have done things to me but I am still a virgin." she whispered very lowly her face hot and red. "I uh...pray that it doesn't bother you." she muttered as her head came up and she kissed him hard on the lips. She moaned into the kiss as her eyes shut tightly. She would not pull herself back from him however, she enjoyed the way he tasted too much. Her heart began to race once more in her chest and he could feel her tremble slightly. Deep between her legs however she felt an ache grow and something began to drip down her inner thighs, she slowly pushed her legs tightly.
He narrowed his eyes as she kissed him hard, his hand on her lower back traversing down over her ass and holding her nice and firm. His onyx eyes searched all of her own eyes as he did. Noting any subtle changes he may find, he resumed memorizing her. But, not the details of her extremely kissable face. This time, he learned every one of the mannerisms in her eyes. Studying the woman, he found that there just wasn't an angle he didn't like about her. She may have been on the aggressive end when they met, but she just couldn't trust him. That made perfect sense. Now she was adorable, sexy, every bit the woman he was falling in love with. He just didn't know how to deal with these sudden, violently potent, sexual urges that she pulled out from his chest just by looking into his eyes.

"Your desire to be mine has moved me in a way I could never experience had you perished before now. No matter what happened up until this point, the most important part is that you are in one piece and that you are alive." He pressed his lips to her again, fondling her ass with one big skilled, thin hand. "I simply couldn't imagine how long I would torment myself. Hate myself. How the only alternative to you would have been dying by Sasuke's hand. How flaud that was." Itachi's bare chest had been grinding into Kizan's. He paused his sexual advances as she became serious again and spoke more of Orochimaru.

With a soft sigh, Itachi spoke gingerly into her cheek. "I am happy to be aware that you still have your virginity. I do too." He became a little worried that Orochimaru was all she could think about. Balancing the moral argument for and against using genjutsu to ease her state of mind, Itachi decided such a tactic would be to much so he smiled wide and moved to lick at her throat, whispering into the mark of saliva. "Your past haunting, Kizan. And I have already assumed that such a thing took place. But, your past isn't anything more than the past. It won't rob you of your happiness with me. I won't allow such a thing to happen." Curious, he kisses her again before giving her lips am ounce of space. "Show me your breasts, little dove." He spoke tenderly, and endearingly as he looked into her eyes with a more aroused look. He gave her a nickname while he was at it.
She whimpered softly as his warm lips stayed pressed against her own, as his body pushed against her own, her head laying against his chest as she lay on her side. She flushed once more when he began to share more flattery with her as well as serious talk, all she could do was nods her head softly in reply. "I will stay alive for your sake then. I see now that you are giving me a good reason to live." she whispered softly to him as his hand grasped her athletic and tight ass. "Don't you go dying on me now." she grumbled as a shiver ran down her back, she felt happier than ever to know how her feelings towards him were making him feel. She could sense his lust and his love, and almost smell his arousal on him, for her.

She moaned softly as he moved his lips against her cheek and began to speak again. "I will put my past behind me now, I just wanted you to let you know how I feel and that I am not dirty." she croaked weakly. "I would have thought you were not a virgin though." Kizan said as her face went red as could be. She moaned louder when he licked her throat and began to speak to her once more while his hand sat on her ass. "I will try and not let it ruin our life together." she croaked as her head moved and she kissed him on the forehead once more. She cried out louder than ever when he kissed her so deeply yet again and she pushed her legs together tightly wanting him so badly now but being a virgin she wanted her first time to be good.

"What, that isn't very romantic you know." she whispered when he told her to show him her breasts. "You saw them already as well." she whimpered and put his spare hand on her chest and them moved the one from her ass up. "Go ahead and take my bandages off for yourself, it isn't going to be hard." she said softly as she rolled onto her back and pulled him upon her. "And don't think about using your eyes either like you did before...." she teased him not knowing that he had thought about it a couple moments before. Kizan would let out a deep breath and then lean her head up and kiss him hard on the lips, her legs pushed together tightly though so he could not see her wetness.
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