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Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura)

Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura kept playing with her brothers dick her hands going a little slower as she saw the precum. "no i dont mean that..i mean do you like, like me?"
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sho almost made her stop, even now he didn't want to admit to himself that he might like her as more then a sister. Even as she made him shudder and struggle to breath. He didn't answer until he couldn't take it anymore, and his cock started shuddering quickly in her hands, his seed shooting like a water house as he reached his climax.
"Yeeeeeeeeessssssssss" He let out in one long breath.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

sakura held up a hand as her brothers seed hit her in the face she giggled at it she heard what happened when boys came but had never seen it before. the video stoped playing and sakura got up covered in her brothers cum. "wow bro......this is your stuff........its sticky....i gunna go take a bath." she skiped away leaving her dazed brother laying on the ground.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sho remained still for a while, catching his breath, letting his heart beat settle and trying to think about what he'd just done. Really, to him it just kind of felt...right, and that was great, because he thought he might feel guilty. He snapped out of his thoughts though when his sister said she was going to go take a bath, he wanted to join her, and not really to wash up.
"Hey, wait for me!"
He got to his feet, ditching his underwear as he chased after his sister.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura was in the bathroom when her ran after her, so she closed the door and locked it. "ha, ha bro cant get in!" she said teasing her brother and turned on the shower. she felt it to make shure it was good and warm but not to hot. "so hot did you like that bro?"
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

He nearly ran face first into the door, but stopped just a hair away. He instantly grabbed for the knob on the door and tried to turn, and when it didn't work he shook it and kept trying. He could hear his crafty little sister behind the door, and the shower starting up too... she wasn't being fair!
"I liked it a lot, now let me in! I need to wash up to you know."
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

"no........we may have done that but we still take baths alone ok?" she go it and closed the shower curten and begun to wash off making shure none of her bro's juices were left on her.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

He had just been completely shut down by his little sister, older brothers everywhere were probably feeling his shame. He contemplated picking the lock and jumping her in the shower, but he wasn't sure how serious she was about this still having to take separate showers and stuff business.
"Aw...but I don't want too!"
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

"quit acting like a baby......." she was getting mad now and she wasnt suck a good girl when she got mad, in fact it was like a whole different sakura was there when she did get mad.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sho could be a little childish sometimes, and when people told him to stop he just kept going to annoy them. This was especially the case with family, because...well, not like they'd do anything big about it.
"Aw. But I like acting this way, and I still want you to let me in!"
He messed with the door knob again, at this point doing it just to annoy his sister for not letting him in.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura was now mad but then she smiled. "if you keep it up bro i wont do that thing we did any more with you..." she knew that he knew if she made up her mind about something shed keep it and if this kept up she would never play with her bro like that ever again.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Her brother froze, and instantly let go of the door knob, right before he hung his head in defeat. Beaten by a little sister, this was both the best and worst day of his life, he couldn't do anything but sit down outside the door and wait.
"Fine... I'll wait."
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura finshed up her shower and covered her self in a towel, she unlocked the door and walked out looking down at her brother. "your turn!" she left her there and went to her room to get ready for bed seeing it was night time all-ready.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

He was still pouting about the fact that she hadn't let him in, but didn't say anything about it less she cut him off. So he jumped to his feet and entered the bathroom. He checked the water for warmth before he undressed quickly and jumped in to wash himself...wondering if they'd ever even do anything like that again...soon. He hoped so.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura was dressed as she layed down on her bed her eyes closing the day flashing thou her eyes. her eyes opened as she remembered what her brother and herself did. she felt herself get warm and damp down there..... she started to rub her kitten above her clothes and smiled the feeling coming back to her she said her brothers name before she went to sleep.. she was gunna skip school tomorrow too.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sho walked out of the bathroom 20 minutes later, steam trailing behind him as he dried himself off properly on his way to the bathroom. He took a minute to look into Sakura's room, smiling as he looked at her sleeping form, she was so cute. He didn't know what tomorrow could bring, but he hoped it'd be as much, if not more fun. He jumped into a pair of boxers, and climbed into bed and drifted off to dreams of things he could do with his sister.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura woke before her brother woke, stretching she went to her dresser and took out a black thong her BBF Tomoyo had given her a long time ago before Tomoyo moved even farther into Tokyo, "these are soooo cute....... im gunna wear them today." she put them on but nothing else and left her room nude only in the black thong which now that she was wearing them that they were almost to small for her and a little tight. she went to the kitchen and started to make her brother's Fav type of Bacon and egg's, she wondered about when her bro could go back to school agian.........
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sho rolled out of bed with a yawn, dragging his feet across the ground as he left his room rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he went. He was still only in his boxers, since he didn't have school today he wasn't rushing around to get ready, not until they found a place to put him while they repaired the school. He could hear someone in the kitchen, and went to check it out... what he saw when he poked his head in nearly left him falling on the floor.
He couldn't believe his eyes, or his she was in a black thong that struggled to hide...anything. He could quickly feel his boxers growing smaller at the sight. He cleared his throat to try and regain his composure.
"Uh, what are ya' cooking?"
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura turned around showing off the rest of her body. "bacon and egg's........ what does it look like? also you like my thong i just found it......... its the one Tomoyo Left me before moving into Tokyo...... ant they cute?" she said doing a little spin before going back to cooking. "and im cooking cuz your cooking sucks bro...... i mean you burned toast........ i still dont know how you did that......"
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

"Uh, looks great on you" Well, it was officially time to go up a size in boxers, he was clearly flying a full on flag pole in his pants. He honestly wanted to have -her- for breakfast, right now...seeing her budding breasts, and her body in that little thong- he almost did...but she was cooking, and he was kind of hungry.
"The toasted was broken! It shorted out, there was crumbs in the wrong place!" He made excuses for his bad cooking. He entered the kitchen, standing behind his little sister.
"That does look good though..."
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura reached back into the slip of her brothers boxer's and felt his hard dick. "well i see your awake now...... and the toaster was just fine it was set normal and how does the crum's go into the wrong places?" she started to tease him by stroking his dick. "i swear you need to learn how to cook...... i got a idea. today at lunch ill teach you how to cook my favorite Italian spaghetti with meat-balls" at the word balls she traced a finger over his cocks head smiling a bit, a slight blush on her face.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sho was pleasantly surprised to feel her warm little hand on his rock hard cock. He hadn't expected it, so his knees shuddered when it happened, but he managed to stay on his feet. He could barely make out what she was saying, a dreamy smile playing across his face as he nodded his head to her saying she'd teach him to cook. His whole body shuddered as she traced a finger over the head of his boner, and he looked down at her... turned on even more by her blushing visage.

"Learning is good..." He mumbled, but he wanted to do something to, so he reached down, and started to rub slow circles on Sakura's nipples, using both hands, one on each of her little bubs.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura gasped as her brother played with her small breasts she took her hand away from her brothers dick and lightly smacked her brothers hands away. "not now im cooking.... now go sit down.... im almost done....." she slid the bacon off the pan into a plate, taking up one she nit into it making shure it was ok. seeing it was she broke a couple egg's into the pan and began to cok thou's.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Disappointment aptly described his feelings when she took her hand away, now he was back to being fully aware of what was going on. He pulled his hands back and rubbed the backs where she'd smacked them right before he dropped his head like a dejected kid...but he listened, sulking over to the table and taking a seat.
"Thanks for cooking, sis." He said as he shifted in his seat to keep his boner from straining against his boxers...until finally he just popped it out of the front slip with a sigh of relief.
Re: Love says no to no one, not even family(CardCaptorSakura

Sakura finished cooking and brought the food over to her bro and sitting opposite from him she made scrabbled egg's fro her self. "so what are you gunna do bro? your school is destroyed..... and the nearest school is across town and thats the all girls academy..... by the way i applied for it to! i hope they me me go to their school."
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