New Passenger (Me & Kratos)

Dex could remember when Harry had tried to do something similar, to help him express emotions. Once they both realized it was not going to exactly be possible instead he was taught how to fake it, to give people what they expected but even to this day he still had not perfected the art itself. After all it was hard to replicate something that had never been felt before. Now they had the whole night to get to know each other more it seemed Dexter’s interest, or more so curiosity in regards to Melia was growing. It was actually inspiring to see that stubbornness had kept her on track, that others like Harry were out there guiding people like him. In fact the biggest thing at the moment though was the fact that he was not alone, it was not just him whom suffered this fate. “A reason?... hmm maybe Melia..” he paused for a moment and sighed, a deep breath being exhaled in the process.

“I think the only way for me to get better… is to keep doing what I do… To find out the gaps that are missing.. Complete the puzzle that is my life…” If only Harry had not hid the pieces so well from me… he turned his attention to her now, the moonlight complimenting her, her eyes hiding a story behind them just like his own.

It was surprising that Melia had actually managed to rack up such a body count, but she did have one thing going for her in particular, no one would expect her in most cases. Thinking she would be traumatized from the events of her life, or simply trying to move on, hence working with Miami Metro, trying to help catch the criminals rather than take revenge. Or at least that is what it would seem like.

Slipping away from her for a moment his eyes trailed across towards where he hid his blood slides. Careful Dex.... how do you know you can trust her,... remember... don't get others involved... or better yet, do not involve yourself with others to much... it's dangerous son. After a short pause he exposed them before pulling them out. She can help me... and I can help her... with what you have taught me... He had never shown anyone his trophies, his stories. Each story reminded him of Harry’s code, what had kept him safe from harming individuals that did not deserve it. What had also kept him from being found out after so many victims so far. Turning to Melia he offered a small smile “Coffee…? Tea..?” he did not have much else to offer at the moment as Deborah had not randomly brought anything around and he had not shopped for himself just yet. He placed the container of the blood slides on the table, before walking over and filling up the kettle, a quick flick later starting it’s boiling process.

He walked back to Melia before opening the box, presenting the slides within. “These.. like the bone fragment you take, are my trophies… my memories, I was born into this life by blood… and I shall continue to remember who I am by blood” the kettle now had finished boiling but he did not stop there, outstretching his hand slightly he grabbed hers and held it softly. “Let me tell you what Harry told me… What has kept me safe… my framework, the rest.. Practice”

Clearing his throat Dexter then began “ Firstly there are two main rules, they might seem obvious.. but they are the most important. 1st Rule of the Code: never get caught… the reason this is the main rule.. is the other rules help achieve this rule.. 2nd: Never kill an innocent, only punish those who deserve it, that will never change.” He sighed a little, hoping he was not boring Melia, after all they were pretty common sense. “Other things I was told… Was never to get emotionally involved with anyone.. Just in case down the line I snapped or was caught, it would be unfair to them… to fake emotion to fit in… to be efficient and never leave traces and to never make things personal. “

Pausing once again he let it sink in “Think of them as a guide.. I have bent them a little before, but they are what I believe the only thing that has kept me out of jail… from being caught, and allowing me to keep taking out the filth on the streets..” realizing he had not made any drinks, he stood up now moving to start preparing. More than likely he would need to heat the kettle again, as he had now been talking for about five minutes or so since it had boiled.
Melia leaned back on the couch staring Dexter over from head to toe thinking as he replied to her. "I am not going to stop you, I will help you with your emotions as you will help train me, keep me safe by Harry's code." she said softly and bit her bottom lip, she was not going to force him to show emotions, just help him understand them as they came out. Melia's eyes followed Dexter's towards the air conditioner, were his blood slides were hidden. She had a gut feel what he was about to show her, his trophies, she knew it had to be. She didn't get excited though, no she showed respect towards Dexter knowing these were very private and precious to him. She watched as he got up and went to grab him though she stayed put unaware of what Dexter seemed to be thinking as, Harry warned him. If she had been able to see Harry she would tell him off, but she couldn't.

"I will just have coffee, black. I don't care much for sugar." she said gently as her hands rested in her lap. She raised her brow when he placed the wooden box with his slides inside, upon the coffee table. She watched him as he walked over filling and starting the pot, her eyes never left Dexter the whole time. She smiled however when he had opened the box for her, she leaned forward staring at the slides as he spoke. "The are amazing, beautiful actually. There is an art to them, blood slides...why did I never think of that?" she asked softly with a smirk. She nodded when he spoke, hearing the pot boiling in back ground until it fell silent. She blinked slightly and stared up at Dexter when he took her hand and she cocked her head slightly wondering what he would say next to her.

She raised her brow listening to what he was explaining to her. She stayed silent until he had finished speaking, she grasped his hand gently, a slight flush on her cheeks. "It pretty much sounds like what I was taught. Though it was more of a unspoken, silent message taught to me." Meila said softly. "But it will be a bit harder for me with the emotions, where I come from...when someone hurts your family....kills them you get revenge." she said staring down at the floor. "I can let go of most things, child murder usually but not the one who touched my brother. And I can't let go of the one who murdered my family." she said before taking a deep breath. "My Uncle told me to let Aunt not so much, her own family was killed like mine." she said and looked away. "But I will try, try my hardest, I understand what you have told me, I will do m best to honor what you teach me." she whispered.

When he spoke again she nodded her head agreeing with him. Her gut clenched though and her hand slipped to her pouch on her belt and she bit her lip. "I however promise if he comes across my path here, I will rip his heart out. The man, who's idea it was to slaughter my family." she whispered, she didn't care about the other in jail. However her hand moved to her chest and she grabbed her locket again, it was maybe about the size of a quarter, heart shaped. She opened it again staring down at the pictures inside of it before shutting it. She brought her hand back to her pouch, knowing it was time to show him her own trophies, he only seen her take, not all she had taken. When he would come back she would drop a smaller fist sized box in front of him on the coffee table.

It had a tiny key hole to it, she would then take the key from behind a picture in her locket and unlock the box. She opened it and brought it before his eyes. There were quite a few bones splinters in there, marked with a small symbol on them. "The locket and box came together with the key. It belonged to my mother. I was given it by my mother the day before she died. The key hides in the locket, I usually keep the box hidden at home though." she said and took a deep breath. "Those marks are a type of code my Great Grandfather came up with during world war two. Only my Aunt and Uncle know it as well as me, its dead with anyone else." she whispered then smiled. "It was my Uncle's idea." she said with a smirk before losing the box and locking it, putting the key away and hidden.

She would give a small yawn and take a sip of her coffee as her hair fell back into her eyes. "I remember the first splinter I pulled as well, never thought I would ever be able to share this all with someone who would understand. I still have a long way to go though." she muttered before shifting in her seat and removing her belt and pouch and dropping them to the floor. "Sometimes my scars start hurting around this time every once in awhile." she said rubbing her side, her scarred flesh peeking out from her slightly raised shirt. "I am glad my Aunt was a nurse, now I am able to stitch myself up the right way with out having to go to the doctors. So if you can't do it well yourself, I'd be happy to teach you." she said with a grin on her lips.
Blood to Dexter always had been fascinating; this was due to the trauma when he was young. At times it was all he could focus on, and others times it seemed to terrify him. It was always a mixed reaction and for the most part he felt his life was simply about blood. This was why it had felt so natural to have the last reminder of his victims to be immortalized within a slide, a splatter of blood, what had made him whom he was today. As Melia had requested he made her a black coffee, its rich aroma filling the room as it was then brought over to her. It was bizarre to hear someone other than himself to refer to the slides as beautiful, but at the same time calming. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, his mind now more at ease with not having to carry the burden of the secret alone.

It seemed it was her time to share, and although it seemed a tad barbaric to him that her trophies were the bone splinters, they had a beauty to them. A purpose and what surprised him more was that she had them on her to show him. Picking up one of the shards he looked over it, this was her story, one of her kills. The only thing kept hidden in almost plain sight. And now for even just a brief moment he was holding it, amazed something so simple was the only evidence of her escapades, her dark passenger. “I can understand that, I spent a lot of time trying to track down who had murdered my family… but I never was 100% sure… and that was one thing I was always told, be sure Dex… be sure” it felt weird repeating aloud Harry’s advice but he did hope one day he would make them pay for what was done.

First of course though the full story would have to be uncovered, until then Dex doubted that he would be able to grasp the feeling of emotions correctly. But with Melia’s help maybe it was not impossible to at least start feeling the basics. A code passed down, but known only to a few… I wonder if that is what Harry’s code will be… or if it will start and end with me… and now Melia he offered a weak smile as she continued to speak, listening to every word that was spoken. “I have rarely had to stick myself up… so I will have to rely on you until you have taught me” it was not that Dex had not had to already, but it would be better to be shown by someone whom had learnt from a nurse and in particular, already had practice doing so. Unfortunate for her, but at least it would be a useful skill if things went poorly.

He felt somewhat sorry for her that she for this whole time, still had to put up with residual pain, a phantom presence. Then again he knew what it was like sometimes, as occasionally when around blood something would trigger, a memory most likely of when his parents had been murdered. Taking a sip of his coffee Dex smiled a softer smile then what would usually be seen “Maybe we can beat our dark passengers together… or at least if not, keep each other in check…” his eyes moved to the clock once more, it was already almost 1am. “My first proper kill… it was messy, sloppy and far from graceful… It was also what helped me realize my purpose…” a small sigh escaped him, sometimes he wished he knew what it was like to be living for something else, but for now it was just who he could save, by removing others. A partial backwards logic but if not for the interventions provided, Dex felt there would have been many more victims. “It was a nurse… she had been slowly overdosing my father.. Harry,” he added the last part to ensure Melia knew whom he was talking about. “ It had been making him weaker and weaker, and it was not the first time she had been forcing patients to take drugs that would worsen their condition.

“Once I had found out, I took her out… she struggled, and it ended in a rather bloody mess… but at the end of the day she was gone… and Harry, he recovered for a little while. I wonder if I had managed to stop her sooner… if I could have prolonged his life even longer”

Another sigh escaped him before he ran a finger down the side of Melia’s cheek, it was odd but even with all her scars and trauma he actually found himself interested in her, a lot more than most others. “What was your first?...” his hand lingered before sliding down to grab hers, holding it. It was warm, and the feeling itself inviting. Was it like this to spend times with others; it almost seemed intimate and rather nice. “… I always distanced myself from people… with my profession, both at work and at home… Part of me has always wondered what it would be like to spend time with someone I could trust… tell my secrets… someone that would understand..” he paused on that before slowly letting his hand slide from hers before taking another sip of coffee intent on listening to what she had to say.
Meila sat there silently listening to what Dexter was saying. "I think everything will work its way out, we just have to be patient." she said in reply to him. However when he spoke about what happened to Harry and his first kill she slowly nodded her head. "I am sorry that happened to Harry, its not easy when someone you care about or who means a lot to you gets sick or hurt." she said hanging her head sadly. You could tell she was really meaning what she said. She flushed beet red when his warm finger ran down her cheek and she closed her eyes, she enjoyed the way he made her feel, it was nothing she had ever felt before around a man.

"The first person I ever killed was a child murderer and rapist, kill three kids in my neighborhood and many before that. I tracked him for before me and my Aunt could get our hands on him, we had him tied up and I made a mess of severing his jaw to get my splinter, he died to fast. My Aunt was proud though, however the blood made her so pale." Melia said with a small smile on her lips remembering the fun time she had. She held his hand back gently, enjoying the warmth he was giving off, she didn't want to let go of his hand as he spoke to her. She sipped her coffee with her free hand, her eyes never leaving Dexter's.

"Well you don't have to distance yourself from me luckily, maybe I can help you have a more normal life." she said gently. "You really are the most interesting man I have ever met, I am glad we have come together. I think sooner or later you will be happy to have me around you once we get those emotions of yours free." she whispered gently. "So, what are we going to be doing this weekend? Its not like anyone is going to miss me." she said gently. She downed the rest of her coffee and let out a soft sigh before she leaned further back in the couch.

"You know you have a hole in your shirt right? If you want I can sew it up for you." she said softly. Meila slowly moved her hand and touched his shoulder, he could feel her warm finger poke through the hole. She laughed softly and slowly yawned, covering her mouth with her other hand. She then leaned slowly against Dexter, her head resting on his shoulder, her eyes slowly closing. She enjoyed the warmth his body gave off and the way he made her heart race, the way his spicy smell entered her nose.
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