New Passenger (Me & Kratos)


May 13, 2016
Hannah let out a heavy sigh as she pushed her white blonde hair out of her eyes as she adjusted her lab coat over her front. She had been working for Miami Metro for about 8 months now, she started at age 17 and just the day before she became 18. It was her Uncle who had gotten her the job, even though she had never asked for it. Shrugging her thoughts away she slowly stood up from her chair and made her way out of her little corner office, a stack of files in her hands. She dropped then carefully on Dexter's desk with out a backwards glace at anything else of his. She was a quite and smart girl who tended to stay a loner. However with people like Mitsuka and Angel around it was rather hard for that to happen. She moved her sleeve back and checked her watch as Dexter made his way into her site. She lifted her head and stared up at him for a few minutes but didn't say much.

"The files you asked for, along with the reports are on your desk. Mr. Morgan." she said softly before she shook her head. "No thanks, remember I don't care for doughnuts. Though thanks for being considerate of me." she said giving him her rare smile. Hannah was rather silent when she was around Dexter only ever giving him the important facts when he asked for them or stating her opinion here and there. She really would never open up to many others but her Uncle had told them her story once, even though part of it wasn't the truth. They had been told her parents had died in a car crash with her in the car and moving to the US was quite a shock to her, and some other stuff to make them pity her. However only her Aunt and Uncle knew the truth and who and what she really was.

She checked her time again and went out for a quick coffee break before she had to make her way to another crime seen along with Dexter. She was back with in thirteen minutes and handed Dexter his coffee before she grabbed her bag and headed to her car. Once at the scene she pulled her gear out and began to scan the scene, Dexter had trained her well and when Angel asked her she simply stated the facts once more leaving nothing out. "You really are lucky to have her as an assistant, that kid has brains, even though she is a little strange." Angel said after walking over to Dexter. Hannah had her back to the two of them, however she had great hearing and she was are of what they were saying about her. Mitsuka tried to crack some joke but she only went about snapping a few photos her face a blank canvas. "I guess after what happened to her, it would explain why she won't let anyone in." grumbled Angel.
Almost everyday at Miami Metro was the same for Dexter Morgan, analyzing blood scatter patterns whilst trying to pretend to live a normal life. He never tried to get to close to people in fear they would find out who he truly was and how he spent some of his own time. Slowly he started his normal ritual of offering doughnuts first thing in the morning, walking around the office before finally coming across Hannah attempting to offer her one of the sugary delights of which it seemed today he had forgot that she never accepted. "Now Doakes should not be able to bother me" his mind briefly finishing off what he would have liked to add 'Not that it ever stopped him' a small laugh escaping him, it being somewhat forced. One thing he had noticed about Hannah when she had started working at Miami Metro was that she never tried to get to know to many people. Keeping rather reclusive but the story that was brought with her was quite the tragic one, but something of it never quite made sense. There was more to it, and more to her then everyone knew and Dex knew one day he would most likely find out.

Seeing as he had a moment he pardoned himself, walking to his desk to check the reports quickly scanning through them. He had definitely taught Hannah well, as he found no errors, nothing to amend. Although he was always still asked for his opinion and analysis his day time job had definitely become easier with her around, leaving much more time to focus on his targets when he set one. When he needed to relieve himself and make someone who deserves it pay. Hearing Mitsuka's excited tone he knew it meant one thing "Come on Dex, crime scene... there will be blood" letting go of the report he left his desk, meeting up with Hannah on the way out. ' coffee... dark and rich.. but not as dark as me..' he tried to flash her a smile as he thanked her before hopping into his car and heading to the scene.

Dexter grabbed his trademark camera and kit but doubted he would need to do much at the actual scene as these days Hannah was mostly capable of doing it all. He still took a few shots of his own, working out how the crime unfolded within his head before he saw Angel approach him. "I taught her well then don't you think Angel?" as per usual Mitsuka cracked a lame joke followed by his trademark laugh. ' There is something we do not know about her... something she hides from us.. is it like what I hide... what is her secrets ' he was in thought for a little before deciding to speak "Yeh... it has to be that.." he walked over to her deciding to compare his analysis with her own. "So what do you see Hannah, anything off the preliminary scan you have noticed?"
Hannah turned her head and looked at him as Dexter approached. She listened to him then moved her head scanning over the whole scene, she had a gift of photographic memory, every detail would come shooting back to her as well as small details too. She then slowly turned fully around and stared into his eyes for a few seconds, eye contacts never bothered her. It was like she was looking right into Dexter's soul as she did this however. Angel watched from afar knowing sometimes she spotted things that even Dexter missed but it was rare. In Hannah's mind she saw the scene unfolding like a movie behind her lids as she closed her eyes. Then she raised her hand and pointed towards a cracked tree limb that had was hanging halfway into a ditch, blood spattered the lower part of the trunk.

"We looked over their yes, but there is another body that the police and some of the detectives missed." she said as she straightened and walked past Dexter allowing him to follow her. She came to the edge of the ditch, raised her camera and took a few snapshots before she crouched down taking in the blood droplets. "One was a suicide the other was a murder. This victim was shot in the back of the head after his neck was broken. Do to the stab wound to his left shoulder I would say he was here fives hours before the suicide victim jumped from the rooftop." she said as she slipped into the ditch like an athlete and crouched above the body. Her eyes glazed over a moment and she stood up clenching her fist.

She turned to Dexter, Angel and Mitsuka who had followed her. "Its a kid under the age of 16." she said softly and turned to look at the ground. One thing that hit her hard was when children where involved, that was the only real time she showed emotion. "That is always the worst, I am going to get another body bag." Angel said as he walked over to the corner. After finishing her work of the new scene she slipped out of the ditch and narrowed her eyes, she new this was the same man she had been tracking for weeks who had killed this boy. "Fucking pedophile...murdering innocent children...I am going to cleave his head off." she thought to herself as she took a deep breath and slipped into her car only to look back out at Dexter. "Try muffins next time not doughnuts, Mr. Morgan." she called before she headed back to the station.
'It scares me almost how well she does that... Almost like fishing with a master fisherman... and catching something before they have even cast' Dexter was actually impressed, if he had been studying the patterns for a little bit longer he would have picked up on it also but as she had done a few times before she had managed to spot something before he had a chance to. 'Am I getting rusty... I should kill soon... maybe that will fix it' as she moved he closely followed, taking in a moment to observe all the details of the scene. He could see what she had seen now, and the case itself surprised him as it seemed they were only called out for the suicide but now how a homicide on their hands. Probably someone worth visiting. Looking at the bloodstained corpse he noticed they were so young, such a waste and for the first time he had managed to pick up on, it seemed like it had hit Hannah's nerves.

He took a few photos and some samples noticing that there seemed to have been a slight struggle, some dried blood underneath the young teens fingertips. It seemed like tonight would be a good night to hunt... if the person was on record. Turning to Angel he spoke, showing some slight remorse "So young... it seems like this was a struggle... almost a rushed killing, should see what Mitsuka can find when the bodies taken back.." he muttered a little as he tried to piece it together. It seemed almost as if someone had tried to take advantage, and when it went poorly the young man had met his end. 'The outcome probably would have ended up the same... This does not seem to be the first kill.. I need to find out who this is..' Slowly he walked over to Hannah.

"You okay... you seem shaken up, usually victims do not phase you" he paused for a moment studying her, he never really could understand emotions sometimes. Only simply guess. "I may have to make an exception for you and grab muffins as well next time" he offered a small smile before walking back over to Angel "Are we done here then? I think myself and Hannah should study the photos and build you an analysis report on the complete findings.." Angel simply nodded and gestured that it was okay to leave. Even Mitsuka was quiet, where as before had been making jokes all morning. As he turned back around he noticed she had already left. It seemed the case had really gotten to her. Before leaving he took a few more photos that would assist him in his report before driving back to the station.

He found Hannah again and decided to do something he normally would not "How about we write this report together... I think we could probably work out the perpetrator before I even get results back on the dried blood i found under the kids fingertips..." he paused studying her, it seemed that although she was somewhat more composed now then since at the scene, she was still shaken up. An anger visible in her eyes, that most would miss.
She heard Dexter's feet coming up behind her and slowly she turned her head and looked at him as he spoke to her. "Of course I am shaken up, someone doing such a thing to a kid, a child...its disgusting." she said softly then blinked when he asked her to work with him on the report. She showed a bit of shock before her face turned to normal. "Alright, I am open to that." she said and pushed her chair back and stood up and followed Dexter into his office. However she was aware of what was going on with him and she got a vibe that he was like her. She felt a knot twisting in her stomach as she sat in a chair beside him, she opened her laptop and began to scan already through the pages she had made about the murder and the suicide. However she seemed to still be rather pissed off still from what she had seen. The door was shut behind them and they were alone.

"Dexter...the suicide weapon was cyanide pill. That was what killed the victim. I could tell from the smell coming from the mouth. He lost blood from when he was hit by a blue Ford Mini Van. You are looking for a left tired with a rivet the size of a quarter in it." she said giving him the information to close the other case. Her attention then turned back to the murder victim and she stared over the body of the boy on the screen. Her anger rose again but it stayed more in check. "I already have an idea on the killer. Its a man by the name of David Rynes, a serial pedophile who has been in and out of prison for years." she said as her hand ran over her report and she dropped it over a picture of a rather skinny man mid fifties with bug like eyes. "Cop last caught up to him in New Jersey, this is his third victim here and he has gone under the radar." she said.

She bit her lip as her eyes moved and she leaned back in the chair and brought up many pictures of past kills the man had made over the years and in different states. She froze though as she suddenly realized where the man was hiding and she knew where she could strike him down that night. However she would not show this in her face or tell Dexter, though she was aware deep down inside that he was like her. "The reason why I hate children killers if because I lost my brother to one when we were children, my youngest brother." she said before she looked down at her computer. Letting out a heavy sigh she leaned back in her chair and then looked at Dexter. "Guess I should put a BOLO out on Rynes." she said as not to give herself up.
It always felt as if their was a solitude in his office once the door was shut, the murmurs of discussions outside almost non existent, usually offering him peace and quiet. This time though he had actually brought Hannah in here so that hopefully he could find out more about the murderer, as he had a feeling just by the way she was reacting; she knew more then she was letting off so far.Cyanide... the lazy mans killer, effortless.. emotionless, cowardly..commonly only amateurs used it, as they usually killed with less conviction... they do not kill with a code like me.. he noted that down quickly on his own report that was open of which he would finish up later on. "I am surprised you picked up on that before even Mitsuka, unless that was in relation to the bad joke he made..." his tone was bland, not even trying to crack a joke as he watched her closely. So full of emotion, something he never would truly understand.

"You seem to have been following his cases for a little while..." he was actually genuinely impressed but was starting to wonder if this research had been done on the side as they had not had any cases with a man by David Rynes yet. He looked like a creep, and it seemed like he had been getting away with it for longer then he should have been. It seemed that Hannah had realized something but but was trying her hardest to hide it away. Finally she started to open up a little, and Dexter had a feeling he was the only one whom had heard of this so far in Miami Metro. He was a little lost of words initially before thinking about what should be said, comforting people was definitely not his strong point. "Someone like... if only they could disappear without giving him time to strike again..." this was more a test to see how she would react. At this point Dexter was starting to notice the darkness she seemed to have, it most likely brought on by trauma in the past that he barely now had any details on.

"I could always talk to Deb... get her to try and find the bastard..." the comment was more or less Dex trying to take a hold of the case, he was now interested, the urge for justice, to honor Harry's code in effect. She seems like you Dex.... you need to find out if that is the case... we can't have her running around with no guidance, if she is like you.. show her the code.. show her the way before you eventually find her as one of your targets if she spirals out of control it had been a while since he had heard the sound of Harry, commonly when he did they were always right. What was her secret... he had to pry "If you do not mind me asking... Hannah, why do you know so much about him... judging by your research it has been off case, in your own time... do you know.. where he is?" he paused for a moment, the next part hard to actually ask ".. Do you plan to do something Hannah..."
She froze as Dexter spoke about her been following his cases for awhile. She grit her teeth together tightly but kept her mouth shut as he began to speak to her a strange feeling taking over her, the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand up and she shut her eyes for a few moments allowing him to speak to her. However when he brought up the comment about having the pervert disappear she almost gasped but she did not say anything to him just yet as he seemed to keep integrating her more and more. "Shit shit shit...he is on to me. One fucking word to Deb and I am in huge shit." she thought to herself but she did not show the panic that was rising inside of her. She wondered how loyal he was going to be to Miami Metro, was he going to turn her in.

When the last of his words came out of his mouth she had clenched her fist at her side and gulped ever so slightly which he would not be able to pick up on him. She shut her eyes and took another heavy breath and let it out. "I have been following him for years, ever since he came to the States before me, this time he was here to stay. After I saw him kill another child back in Scotland...well it had to be stopped." she said coldly. "I know where he is yes, but putting your sister after him would just be dangerous." she whispered in a cold yet tense tone. She forced herself to stare into Dexter's eyes and she saw that darkness there, the same as her and she slowly straightened up in her chair as she began to relax.

"So your asking me all these questions so you can take him for yourself?" she suddenly said her face tightening into a mask of rage. "Fine I am gonna say it, I am going to kill him, but make him suffer first, see the faces of all those he had killed, get revenge for my brother." she said softly. "You can see it in me as I see it in you, the darkness. Can't you...?" she said and stared down at her computer. She glared at the picture of the man before shutting her lap top, other memories coming into her mind. She had killed many times before, but not as many as Dexter however, she was not sure what else she could say to him at that moment. "Going to kill me yourself or turn me in?" she whispered.
Sometimes Dexter almost hated being right, but it was what he was good at, analyzing and managing to delve into peoples lives. Knowing their secrets but only usually when they were going to be his target and meet his knife and justice. Unlike Dex though she was much more emotional to her cause, this could end up being somewhat a worry as it made her more unpredictable; which Dexter was not used to. His kills being rather calculated and ensuring that the risk was minimal, but that was mostly due to practice and him following his code. The thing he wanted to do most at the moment was to try and deter Hannah, he was not certain how much experience she actually had in the actual act itself, nor how long she had the darkness inside of her. Her own dark passenger that took the reigns and needed to be satisfied. I must not let her become like me... or at least need to ensure she is doing it without risk... Maybe I should teach her Harry's code

He was silent at first, watching her, it was not everyday he came across someone like himself, his victims as the police would call them. More like people that deserve it.. and in short he did not know what to say, his mind currently in a flurry of questions of how he was going to proceed. It would be a time like this that Harry's guidance and words would probably help the most. Her comment about his sister actually hit him, after all he had promised Harry whom he considered his father, that he would always protect Deb. Always trying to lookout for her. After all he was certain Deborah was the only one whom loved him, even though she knew just how weird Dex was, thankfully though he had still to this day managed to keep his habits to himself. If she knew just what he was, the thought itself scared him.

"I call it my Dark Passenger..." it felt weird admitting it, but it was true, he could see it within her eyes, even if it did seem a bit more naive then his own. "I..." he paused looking over her, she was so young, she shouldn't have to live his life. "I only kill those whom deserve it... " his eyes flitted to the doorway, as if double checking it was closed and that no one could hear their conversation. "We should not talk about this at work though... it could be bad for the both of us.." he was not going to tell her much about his own reasons, unless Harry permitted it and suggested it. Right now he probably just had to try and be her Harry, protect her from herself. "You do not have to tell me where he is.. I have my methods of finding out, But I suggest you do not do anything about it Hannah, I can ensure you he can be dealt with so you do not have to live this path..." he doubted that she could be so easily swayed, in short he would probably have to follow her and interrupt the kill, or at least observe.

He sighed a little, an internal monologue occurring as he thought to himself what Harry would suggest in this situation. You do not know yet why she does it Dexter... are you prepared to kill her if it all goes wrong, Do you really need someone else knowing your secret? it was obvious Dexter was a little bit worried, a lot going through his head before he offered Hannah a weak smile "I know I can not probably stop you... but I do wish you would disclose to me the location.. " he was tempted to help her, to feed her need if she had it. Unless this was simply revenge of some form. If he helped though maybe he could work her out, know what she was, so that he knew just what to do with the situation.
Melia gave him a very sad smile before she adjusted herself and pushed her hair from her eyes. "Its far too late for me Dexter, I am no innocent...I am corrupt. But like you I do not touch the innocent, I go after those who deserve it, as you said." she whispered softly. She swallowed hard and bit her lip trying not to lose herself once more which was becoming rather easy for her for some reason. "My Uncle calls mine...something close to yours. The Darkness, the devil...there are many names for it." she whispered and stared over at the door. "I am not letting you take this one from me. I am sorry Dexter...its personal as well as something I need when I have waited for so long." she said lifting her head and staring straight into his eyes. "I will allow you to help me if that is what you really want. I can see it in your eyes that you do want to help, even though emotions are not your strong suite." Meila went on to say.

"I guess you should know the truth..about why I am this way." she muttered knowing that no one would pick up on them for it was coffee break for the next thirty minutes. "As you know I am from Scotland, well my parents did not die in a car crash nor did the rest of my siblings." she went on to say in a low whisper. Melia felt very uncomfortable with what she was having to relive but she had to get if off her chest. "Two men killed my family, the rest of it anyways." she said in a low whisper her face pale. "I was 10 years old when it happened. They broke into the house, tied my mother, father and my other three siblings up. My Dad had owed them money but he had payed them back, they were still greedy and wanted more." she said before falling silent for a few minutes, her eyes wondering to the floor and she grit her teeth together as she felt tears threaten to run down her cheeks and she fought to not shake.

"I was tied up as well, watching every one of my family members being beaten and tortured in front of my eyes. They killed my twin brother's first, slit their throats before hacking their heads off. My older sister came next then my mother, they raped her before cleaving her head off. I still remember their blood on my face, my body..drenched in it." she croaked weakly her voice wanting to leave her. "My father came last, he had managed to call Scotland yard secretly but...they removed his limbs while he was alive, then finished him off before heading my way. But the sirens scared them off and they caught one man, the other got away." she said now lifting her head as her brown eyes stared back at him.

"They tortured me as well, I didn't get away Scot free. Anyways my Uncle was the one who found me first, he protected me and kept me sane. It was my Aunt though who taught me right from wrong, who should die and who shouldn't. I never touched an innocent and I never will. I do own work to make sure." she said pulling her sleeve down her left wrist a bit further. "I still remember what happened every day, its always clear and fresh in my mind. But that hunger to kill...its always been there since that day and it gnaws at me if I do not feed it." she grunted before looking away rather uncomfortable now with what she had told him. Slowly she shifted in her seat and shook her head. "Its easier to kill back home than it is here, I have had to work so hard." Melia said to him.
Although he could see the pain within her eyes, he did not expect the story that followed. It was tragic, enough to drive most people to the edge, she was extremely similar to him. Brought to this way by what he called a trial of blood. It then controlling her every move, her every breath. He looked away from her for a moment glancing at the time briefly, she had picked a good time to unload everything upon him. This was everyone's usual coffee break after all, which meant they had about thirty minutes where they could talk about anything with limited risk. Her pain.... how long has she been down this path... how long has she been like me.. It was one of those rare moments where Dexter could relate to someone, and this had been the first time he had met someone like himself, someone that killed only because they had to. Sometimes it was for revenge, but mostly to feed the inner darkness within. Dexter by this point had learnt to compartmentalize his kills, usually not driven my motif of revenge but simply to make people pay that deserved it. To bring them swift justice. It had not always been this way, his first few kills very messy and unrefined, driven by ulterior motives and although he did not understand or know about it, a sense of emotion. At least his understanding of it.

He let her speak, not wanting to interrupt, taking it all in. If he was capable he would have tried to comfort her, but in reality he did not know what to say. He had been through something similar, but even then he could not remember it all entirely, just that something had happened. Something that made him the Dex he was today. He could hear Harry's words, his first lessons running through his head, and he could not help but agree. He had to help Hannah, guide her... before she went down a much darker path. Already she was stained, tainted by the same devil the inner Devil... a suitable name for what we suffer, but hopefully with Harry's code he could make sure she would not get caught, that she continued to kill for the right reasons. That and he hoped Harry would forgive him if he disagreed with teaching her the ways.

"I understand you a lot more then you probably think... but I usually work alone.. never have I shared a kill, or helped someone else with theirs" that had always been something Harry had told him, work alone, involving others increased the risk exponentially. "I will not stop you.. or tell anyone, as you now have something on me as well.. You can probably tell I have taken the lives of many victims... I have a momento of each kill, a memory to remind me of the good I have done..." he paused, somewhat uneasy to continue this conversation " I had someone whom guided my path.. Harry, he used to work here as one of the best detectives the force had on offer. He took me in after the tragic death of my family, I still to this day do not know entirely what happened, my father Harry made sure to try and protect me from the information, and taught me how to control my urges, how to get away with being whom I was."

It had been a while since he had talked about Harry Morgan to anyone except when his sister Deb had brought him up occasionally, usually reminding him of a past event or something that he used to say.
She stayed silent this time as he spoke to her, she frowned as pity showed in her eyes for him as he spoke about what had happened to his own family. However when she spoke of Harry she shifted in her chair. She knew about his father, well how good of a detective he was, not what had gone in the family. "He sounds like he was a good man." she said. She remembered Deb telling her once that their father was long dead. Slowly she leaned back in the chair and stared him over a few times before staring down at her sleeve, a scar of her torture hidden away under there. "I am not going to say a word about who you are. What you just wouldn't be right." she whispered softly. "I wonder Dexter, why are you so interested in me? Why do you want to help me? Most killers would be jealous, want to wipe the competition out." she said gently as she shifted in her chair and brought her hand up to the slender chain that hung around her neck.

He could see it was a locket, it said Daughter on the front, most likely something from her family. "I am glad you understand me but I wish I could help you come out of the emotionless shell that is part of you. Anyways if you want to help me then I am willing to allow it in some parts. But I do not enjoy the thought of someone taking something from me." she whispered. "I don't know if my Aunt and Uncle are like your Harry but they set basic rules for me. Its not like I am not watched, my Uncle knows what I am, knows I kill." she whispered softly. "I was trained more a a vigilante than anything I might do things that you may not understand or approve up." she said rolling the locket about in her fingers for a few seconds.

She was growing a bit more relaxed the longer she stayed with him. However she would slowly check her watch before she turned to look back into Dexter's face and take in his details. "Its strange...having my boss know what I am. Only to find out he is the same as me. Now what am I to do now? I am not sure really how to react knowing that I am not the only one if Miami Metro to take out monsters who are real monsters." she stuttered and forced herself not to slam her fist down on the desk. "Is there anything else you want to tell me or anything else that you want to know about me, Dexter?" she said softly as a groan escaped her lips. He made a strange sensation take over her body, she had a feeling he might be the only one who could calm her if she lost her temper.
This whole situation was causing Dexter to be off guard a little, letting out hints of who he truly was. Discussions like these would always cause such a thing, but it was honestly the only time that he had ever experienced such a thing apart from when he was taking someones life, as if to give them an understanding whilst delivering their judgement. Commonly he left Harry out of those discussions though, so in truth so far only Hannah had heard him talking like this unless it was to himself. "Only the ones who deserve it.... I have no reason to take you out Hannah" he was uncertain of the emotion he currently was feeling, it was something rare, something occasionally felt for Deborah when she broke down after a break up. Worry.. at least that was what most people probably called it, something that Dex rarely had to feel or experience. His eyes fixated upon the locket, struggling initially to make out what it said before working out it was a memento of her loss. Something that probably helped drive her, but also stay on the correct path.

"This is who I have been... I have learnt to fake it, to fit in, but it rare that I feel anything at all..." he paused, his own tone a little more quiet as he continued to listen to her words. So she had a Harry... someone to guide her, maybe I can help her then... reinforce her ways, teach her the correct way... save her from the downward path she seems to currently be on it seemed Hannah was something of interest to Dex, something of which he did not understand why. Was it because she to was like him, that for once he knew someone that understood what it was like, the struggles. It was odd to hear her state that she wanted to help him out of his emotionless shell, he had thought up to this point he had been doing well to try and cover up that flaw, only seeming a little weird at times to most. She had one thing correct though, it was definitely odd for her to working with him, and that he knew about what she was, and more to the point had experienced it.

"Better someone like me whom knows... anyone else would probably freak out, and or think you were lying or end up getting you locked up.." it was an attempt at a subtle joke, but it missed the mark, humor not being Dexter's strongest point. After all he commonly only had Mitsuka to try and judge what jokes were, which were commonly somewhat sexual, or Angel's mainly to serious moments where no one usually laughed either except sometimes Deborah. Still he was someone that Dexter trusted, but not to the point that he would ever share the information that he had already told to Hannah, of which this was just the tip of the iceberg. "What do you feel.... when you do it? Do you enjoy it? or feel it needs to simply be done?" Dex had to make sure she was suitable for teaching the code of Harry, if he taught it to the wrong person, it would create a killer like him, but potentially someone whom also felt justified for killing almost anyone, something that had to be avoided to maintain the honor that Harry Morgan had to Dex, and the significance he had so far on his life.
Hannah raised her brows at his joke and cocked her head to the side but she didn't laugh. "At lease you don't have a mouth like Mitsuka, I'd be gone and out of here then. One of him is bad enough." she said but she showed a small smile on her lips. She hated Mitsuka's humor but she was alright with the man, he was not someone she would ever lay her murdering hand on. However she blinked a few times and looked at him like he had hit something personal when he asked her about what she felt. She bit her lip and chewed it a few minutes thinking if over. It was so strange to have a person ask her something like this before. "Well, I do it to get read of that hunger inside of me partly. But with how I was trained and with things i have thought about, I makes me want to remove the scum from this planet. I mean, they don't deserve to live when they cause the innocent such pain, do they?" she said cocking her head to the side before she pushed her bangs out of her eyes.

"I can get angry at a normal innocent person, but I never get the urge to put them to death. I still am able to care enough about people even if they annoy me. But when someone is murdered who didn't deserve it, well there is an anger there. But if I have gone for awhile with out a kill the hunger returns...I have to seek out another scum bag....then wait for the end." she whispered as she slowly pushed open her lap top, clicking through a few pages. "I have killed 29 people as of two months ago. All of them targeting the innocent." she said showing him pictures and her extensive work that she had done before she had taken them out. "I won't lie though, some of them made me so angry....I made it slow for them as they had tortured their victoms." she whispered and went slightly plale. She thought over her own trophies but said nothing about them for a moment.

"I take torphies as well, something that can not be traced, or seem out of place." she muttered before she shut a few windows of her laptop then her hand stood froze of a picture of a black man with long hair, he looked about mid 40's now. She shut the laptop with a small snap and she turned away. The man was the same man who had gotten away after killing her family, someone she as tracking at the moment as well. "Breaks over now, I think if you want to speak more to me, you can come by my place or we can go for a walk." she whispered. She had a cold intent in her eyes as she stood up pushing her laptop into her bag. With her work done she couldn't take it any longer, Rynes was going to die and it was that night.

"Excuse me, thanks for the help on the report." she said as she would normally do when she opened the door and walked out her back to him. "Hey Hannah, heard you out did a number on Mitsuka, cyanide ha? Your a smart one for sure." Deb said as she smiled at the girl. "Ah...thanks Deb, just doing my job." Hannah said softly before she headed out the door and vanished into her card. "Poor kid, did you say something to piss her off, Dex?" Deb asked as she appeared before him. "You know I always tell you to take is easy on her, she works so hard as it is." Deb said as she punched him in the arm. Meanwhile Hannah was already at home, getting ready for a few house later when she would kill the man.
If he was anyone else, the sly comment about Mitsuka would have made him laugh, but all he could offer was the smile he offered. No one in the office actually seemed to have an issue with him, after all it had only taken a few months to get used to the jokes, and then after that they became rather easy to ignore. Sometimes out of humor he had noticed occasionally Deb or Angel would smirk or offer a retort, even Dex had tried once or twice but that was Mitsuka, great at his job. Terrible with people in some ways. Her answer worried him a little as it seemed similar to his own, but not as refined or direct. It was not like he did not disagree, but her direct hatred was something that Dexter would have to keep an eye out. Emotion was something that could feed the darkness within more then it should be fed, which in turn would make it crave more, until eventually killings would simply happen because Hannah felt like it.

It surprised him how many she had actually put to justice, it was about a third of what Dexter had managed, but still considering just how young Hannah was, it made him question just when did she start giving in to her darkness. Dexter after all really only started to begin dabbling in his when he was around her age, when his father Harry Morgan had asked him to take out the nurse that was poisoning him and others. Dex remembered it well, it was a messy learning experience, but it was also exhilarating. When he felt her life end, and that he knew she would not be able to inflict agony on others no more he was happy. The icing on the cake was for a short time after Harry was healthier and made a recovery of sorts. "Remember to hide them well.. that is all I can say, as they are the only thing that is linking you with them, their story living on through you of the lives you probably saved going forwards" he paused before hearing her mention that the break had ended. A small sigh leaving him before he shook his head "I have to finalize my side of the report... so we will have to continue this conversation much later.."

Her eyes seemed colder then normal, her gaze furious of which Dex knew that look all to well, she was going to kill. Due to his lack of emotions commonly he never showed the look himself, but he knew it on others. It was also how he could tell sometimes that some of his victims would never change. That they would remain the same. Watching her leave he waited for the bombardment from his sister, it was never out of the ordinary for her to barge in and pick on her brother. "Just a rough day I think Deb..." it was not like he could tell his sister the truth after all Hey Sis... I am a serial killer.. and guess what... it seems so is my assistant... no.. that would never work and would be breaking his promise to Harry to not get her involved, to protect her from the truth for as long as possible. That and it did not help that she was a cop.

Lightly rubbing his arm he turned his attention now to Deborah "Have to say though... if I or Mitsuka do not pick up our game... she could replace us both" he offered a small laugh, his attempt to diffuse the situation. Right now he was more focused on getting the report finished and he had some legwork to do seeing as Hannah already had the headstart. Normally he liked to scope out his victims but he had no where near enough time to do such a thing, as he felt she would act rather soon. He started somewhat absent-minded into the distance as Deb waved her hand in front of his face "Earth to Dex.. Dex you in there?.. Just look after her okay? Its bad enough she has to put up with both you and Mitsuka..."

Dexter sighed before deciding he had to try and cut this conversation short "Sorry Deb... I got to get this report done or Doakes will not leave me alone..." he hated to sometimes have to do this, but if he left her chatting away she would go for as long as she could warrant which would leave him even less time to finalize the report, do a little research and more then likely for the first time ever, he would have to stalk someone else, to get to the victim itself and then try to interject.
Hannah let out a heavy sigh checking her gear over she had already set her own version of a kill room. However she was not quite like Dexter with the table and plastic however. Her Aunt had taught her well enough so that she would never get caught. She had scoped out the house set up the spare room which was empty to the point only a dresser was in it. Most of the items had been put in storage since Rynes thought it was time to move. "Not going to let this asshole kill and leave again, no it ends here for good." she said to herself softly. She still could hear Dexter's voice in her head though, his words echoing over and over in her mind. She bit her lip under the black mask she wore and she trembled slightly. She had her weapons in a belt at her side, a smirk on her face as Rynes made his way through the door of his house. She took her time waiting for him though, when she heard it go quiet she snuck from the closet she had been hiding in. Taking her chance she came across Rynes as he leaned into his fridge.

Slowly she attacked, her garret around his throat, her hand came down and she pinched a pressure point on the side of his neck cutting off his oxygen and heart beat for a few seconds. Rynes went wide eyed, let out a small gasp before she felt him pass out. She grabbed him by his arms and dragged him to the room. She may look small but she was a lot stronger than she let on thanks to her training that her Uncle had made her go through. She would strip the man naked, his arms and legs tied with nylon rope to his sides, his legs bound. She had gagged him however so he could not cry out. He lay on plastic sheeting on the floor, the whole room was covered just to make sure she left nothing behind. She now took a seat in a chair her eyes running over 20 victims the man had killed that were posted to the plastic on the walls.

Her little brother was one of them, the main reason she had gone after Rynes. Slowly she would move about after a bit her hand running over the blade of her knife, wondering how she should strike him first. She knew taking her trophy from him would cause him agony but leave him alive before she either slit his throat or snapped him neck, depending on what she felt like doing. She pulled the mask from her face and stuffed it into the pouch on her belt and did it up, her brown eyes glaring down at the sleeping man on the floor. Taking a deep breath she brought her foot back and slammed it into his ribs. Rynes went wide eyed and cried out in pain, his voice muffled by the gag.

"About time you woke up scum bag. I bet your scared and confused about what is happening to you, am I right?" she snarled at him. Rynes slowly nodded his head but she smirked. "I really don't care, I am here for a few reasons, any guess what those could be?" she whispered as she crouched beside him, staring into his eyes. Her hand grasped a smaller knife on her belt and it glinted in the pale light of the room. "Do you want to guess those reasons?" she whispered softly before stepping back and pointing to the pictures on the walls. "I am here for them, the children you raped and murdered you sick fuck. You gave them hell before you took their innocence and that is what I am going to do to you." she snarled before turning her head a shiver ran up her spine.

Someone was there, she knew it from the way the floor boards seemed to creak outside the door. She narrowed her eyes and slipped her mask back on and over her face before pushing a hood over the man's head. "I will be with you in a moment, don't fall asleep." she giggled softly. Before she opened the door a crack and began to move her way down the hall, her knife tightly in her hand. She crept into the shadows, waiting...listening and watching for whoever had come to bother her unaware that it might be Dexter. Her adrenaline was rushing and she had heightened senses and strength, she would be ready for the right moment as she stepped into the hall from her place beside the bathroom.
After blitzing through the report for the most recent case, Dexter let out a sigh. He specifically left it out that it was known who the likely suspect was. Since it was obvious Hannah would have also emitted that detail. Time was running out and he was uncertain when Hannah would strike. This worried him a little as quickly started looking for some information about Rynes before glancing over at a piece of paper that had what appeared to be an address scribbled onto it. He knew that hand writing, it was his assistant's and with a quick look online it seemed obvious who would be found at that address. It was still a little careless though, as if Dex had not spotted it and somehow it was found out that Rynes had been murdered it would not look good that he had the perpetrators address written down at the time of death. He folded up the note tucking it in his wallet, of which he would burn it once out of the office before he started packing up. At least now he knew where to go, but if she was leaving behind small pieces of evidence like she had, even if it was just for his sake. He had to wonder how she went about enacting the feeding of her desire, the judgement that she felt fit for the victims. Seeing how angry this particular perp had made her, he had a feeling it would be a slow and agonizing death. From what he had managed to find out as well, if Dexter had managed to get to him first, he more than likely would have given him a similar treatment, only rarely taking his time with the kills.

Commonly he would talk with them a little, try to understand them and find justification as to what he was doing. But other than that he usually then made the actual act relatively quick. It had taken Dexter quite a few kills to perfect his method, but it became easier once he started to use tranquilizers under one of his aliases that he used to cover his tracks. It had not taken long however to come up with the idea of plastic sheets to stop the mess, his smartest choice yet. Masuka tried to invite him out to drinks but he promptly declined “Sorry not this time... Got to watch my budget…” even as he was offered the first few drinks for free as a counter offer he shook his head before leaving. He could not tell his colleagues the real reason after all, usually he would have a reason but this time Dex was in a rush, hopefully he was not already too late. He was tempted to drive past Hannah’s house to check if she had already left to take out the target, but upon thinking about it knew he would be lucky to even make it in time for the actual kill.

He drove to the address on the note before finding an alleyway to pull into close by; it was tucked away enough and seemed to offer easy access to Rynes location. Quickly changing into his usual attire to sneak around, it seemed rather quiet, almost to quiet. Slowly he slinked around the backyard of the location, wondering where she would have setup her kill room, seeing as she had quite some experience he was simply assuming she would have one. It would be the only way she would have not been caught so far. Thinking briefly of where he would have setup one in this location if it had been his kill he then started to head into the house, a almost silent curse escaping his lips as he heard a floorboard creak. His silent entrance ruined. Knowing that it was wise to be careful from this point due to Hannah not knowing that it was Dex that had intruded on her kill he slowly walked, ensuring to be ready if anything happened. Fingers at the ready just in case he readied a needle, hopefully not needing to use it, but as he thought about it if someone had caught him, his reaction would probably be similar to what was about to happen.

Nearing closer and closer to where he guessed Hannah would be he deliberately dropped a box, throwing it just ahead of him, just loud enough to almost sound like a footstep. He was not taking any chances, not when knowing that his assistant would be on edge. Seeing her try to strike he quickly grabbed her arm before sliding himself behind her and placing the needle close to her neck "Easy... Easy, I do not want to have to use this on you Hannah..." he spoke with a slight worry in his voice, and even if she had not seen that it was Dexter, it would surely be obvious now that he now had her in a hold. This was the only time he had actually been so close to her, and he could faintly smell what seemed to be like a faint whiff of a perfume. "I was hoping to get here before you did... Have you already.." he paused for a second before hearing a faint muffle "Good.. I made it before you disposed of the trash.." he slowly let her go moving the needle completely away from her as he let go of her and stepped backwards a few steps. She was probably wondering why he had not simply announced his presence but it was just not the way he acted, he took pride on being able to sneak up and getting the drop on people. No matter whom they were.
Hannah was slightly startled as he grabbed her from behind, her knife grasped tightly in her hand as she brought it up about ready to slam it into his gut. But when she heard his voice she dropped her arm down to her side. She swallowed weakly as his needle pushed slightly against the flesh of her neck. She pulled her mask off and glared at him, her anger rising up inside her but she kept it in check and slipped her knife back into its sheath on her belt. She took a few deeps breathes wondering how the hell he had gotten here, how he had found her. Suddenly it came into her mind, the note falling from her pocket as she rushed to leave. She silently scolded herself as she clenched her fists in her gloves of black leather, she then turned and looked back at the room. "I could have gut you like a pig if I hadn't recognized your voice." she growled softly, her fists clenched again and she stepped in front of the door to the room here Rynes lay behind.

"I am not going to let you take this from me, I am not going to let you kill him yourself." she said softly as her anger flooded away. "Damn it...damn it.." she muttered as she looked back at him. He wasn't innocent himself, but he said he killed trash as well. She forced herself to take a deep breath and exhale it slowly. Her hand twitching at her side do to her past trauma, though she was slightly antsy. She slammed her fist suddenly into the brick wall beside her, she felt no pain as she released her anger into it. She knew she would have bruises on her knuckles the next morning, she was sore too but she did feel better. She felt cornered with now way out, she didn't want to attack Dexter for a few reasons. Mainly because he was bigger and stronger than her but also she liked him, he had taught her so much during her time at metro.

"Look, either leave or stay out of my way and let me do this. If you want to be around when I do it...fine. Your not going to take it from me, I have waited to long." she growled. She was a lot calmer now as her head lifted a bit higher and her dark brown eyes stared at him. "I thought you had stalked me but you found that paper that fell from my pocket. don't need to be scolded for that." she muttered as she grasped the door handle under her and pushed it open. He could see the room now as the door opened, plastic everywhere, Rynes laying on the floor his limbs tied tightly. "Insulation is sound proof in here, he did it himself. Not wanting people to hear the children scream when he took them." she hissed and walked into the room. She almost felt like she was showing her body to him, this was one of most private of things.

When he had stepped in the room she glared down at Rynes, her hand itching to grab her knife again. "I am not going to wait much longer, he already knows why he is here though and what I am going to do to him." she grumbled. Rynes went wide eyed staring up at Dexter, the gag in his mouth keeping him from speaking. "He ain't gonna help you so shut up." she said glaring down at the man. She didn't care anymore if Dexter was there, she was taking Rynes and she was going to do it now. But first she grabbed the small knife from her pocket, grabbed the gag from the man's mouth and slammed the blade inside, blood seemed down the sides of Rynes's mouth as he tried to scream.

She yanked the blade out a splinter of bone in her hand which she slipped into her her belt pouch. She was smirking now, not caring about the blood that was seeping over her hands. She lifted Rynes's head slightly, her knife came into view. "Scream all you want, like those children did, no one is gonna here you." she said and slammed her knife into the man's neck slitting his throat from ear to ear. She cared not as the blood sprayed her in the face. She has spare clothes and stuff ready for the clean up, her inner demon finally fed she dropped the man's head and stood straightening up. She was glad she had acted fast, her mind clear as could be now but a look of release on her face.
He knew that there was potential that Hannah was going to wildly stab due to the situation, but that was why he had been prepared. All it would have taken was for her to move her knife dangerously and he would have quickly injected the tranquilizer, knowing all too well that it was almost an instant knock out, seeing it in effect numerous times. Slowly placing the cap onto the needle he put it away safely before watching her reaction. Dexter had been expecting her to react somewhat how she had, after all if the situation was flipped, he would have been somewhat similar. Remaining silent for a little longer even Dex was a little startled when she had hit the wall nearby, one thing was for certain was he would have to watch her emotional reactions and try to teach her some more control. Calmly Dexter finally spoke, it obvious that he was almost apathetic and not worried about the situation itself.

“You do not know me well enough young one… I will not take it from you, not after the effort you have put in…” He went to lecture her about being more careful with how she noted down her targets locations but seeing as she already started to beat herself up over it a little decided not to. Instead he gestured towards the room that Rynes was within before following Hannah inside it. His eyes glanced around the room, somewhat in awe of the room that she had setup. A laugh almost escaped him as he saw the tied up pathetic excuse of a human look at him with pleading eyes. He doubted that Rynes had ever stopped for any of his victims when they had given him the same expression, it was irony and deserving. Slowly he walked to the side; it was impressive just how similar the setup was to something he would do. At least it meant for the most part he would not have to teach her as much as he thought he was going to need to originally. Her prior experience now on display and to some degree he even felt honored to witness her kill, her setup, and how she would make him pay for what he had done.

The next part surprised him a little, she was a little more brutal then his technique, the hate for the man showing before he caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a splinter of bone, something he assumed that was her trophy. It was definitely somewhat different to his blood slides, but nevertheless he could appreciate it. It was a whole different spectacle watching a kill rather than performing it, the nuances, the expressions of her as she acted. It was a lot more emotional, a lot more personal but one thing in particular was very similar. Apart from it being a rather messy procedure he could see that she seemed relieved, it was simply showing on her face. Pausing initially before acting he could not help but actually give a slow clap, not to bewilder her, but due to him actually being impressed. “Although your methods need refining… and I can suggest a few ways to avoid having to discard your clothes due to the blood… you definitely thought this out..” he went silent before realizing it may sound like he was mocking her, he tried to change his tone of voice, something that he was not that great at doing.

“I saw it in your eyes… the relief; I want you to know it is similar to me… That I understand it,” he paused again before moving the man’s head with the edge of his foot turning the face away from him. “ At least he will not be hurting anyone anymore…” he paused for a moment again before looking at Hannah directly, his eyes fixating on her. It had really happened; he finally had met someone like himself, and someone he could teach Harry’s code to.

He would have to apologize to his dead father at a later point for breaking one of the rules of the code, which was getting involved with letting someone else know what he was, it was meant to be his secret, but her secret was the same. He felt no reason to hide, no reason at all. For once he finally felt as if he was not the only one stuck with the curse of the dark passenger. The ritual of blood fascinating him, the way it had splattered everywhere. He moved his hand to her face wiping off some of the excess blood with just his glove “What a mess though… we should get you… and this place cleaned up” he had already started trying to involve himself, even though it was probably an unwise decision.
She jumped slightly when he clapped, she had not expected him to do something like that. Melia could see that he was impressed, it was there behind his eyes. Though she frowned when he began to speak to her, however her eyes softened when he hanged his tone of voice with her. "Then next time I will let you show me the right way in yours yes." she whispered then flushed slightly as his fingers wiped some blood from her cheek. She stepped back slightly and stared around the room wondering why she didn't feel so awkward anymore even after showing him her private side. "I like the blood, the mess it makes. I don't like the kills to always be clean." she whispered as she stared down at Rynes and as she slipped the mouth open for a second. "Your wondering about the bone? I take it from the inner part of the mouth near the throat." she explained before stepping away and grabbing a machete like knife from her bag.

"I do it that way so they can still feel the pain but not die right away." she whispered softly yet again. Melia then stretched her body out and cocked her head to the side. "I hack them up, trash bags, ocean." Melia said simply. "I used to dissolve the bodies or throw them in a peat bog home in Scotland, could take thousands of years before found. However most of the time the body and bones are eaten away by bacteria." Melia explained as she untied Rynes and began to go to work slicing his body part, it was rather easy with how sharp her blade was. "Its an interesting process if you get to watch it over time." she said feeling a lot happier now that she didn't have to hide anything fro Dexter, who she really was.

She then stared down at the pile of body parts after she had finished hacking them apart and then looked up at Dexter. "You gonna help me move them? I am guess you want to see how I do things first?" she said to him. However once the room was clean and everything ready she opened her backpack grabbed her change of clothes out and grabbed another trash bag. She changed out of his view, her mind on what all had happened that day, it was really strange for her yet she was glad that she was no longer alone with what she was in life. "Thanks for the help with the clean up, would have taken a few hours if it wasn't for you." she mumbled.

If he would turn even slightly he would see a massive burn running over her back, down her spine and over her legs. Her arms were badly burned here and there as well. Her left arm taking the worst of the burns though. Not to mention she has stab wounds a few places, whip mark wounds here and there as well. She would cover the rest of her toned body up however with a long black shirt and black pants. She retied her hair and turned around staring at Dexter for a moment. "So anything else you want to know about my life? I mean why should I hide anything else now." she said and looked about the spotless room, she had been taught well how to clean no evidence would be left.
Dexter had never felt so curious before, as he listened to her words closely. They were almost to similar, yet different in some ways. For once he actually felt comfortable around someone and the fact that he had someone to share his secret with, made it all the so much better. If he knew what it felt like properly at this current moment it was probably safe enough to say he would be feeling happy, almost ecstatic but sadly even though he felt somewhat not so out of place in the word, emotions themselves would not be something he would suddenly understand or know how to express simply because there was someone else like him. Granted seeing how much Hannah was filled with emotions, even though somewhat in the wrong way at times still gave him a little hope. Maybe it was possible for him to actually feel something, instead of being the empty shell that he was, the only thing truly driving him was his dark passenger itself and its needs.

For the most part it seemed like he would not actually have to teach her much, and more or less if he simply showed her one of his kills, he had a feeling that Hannah would catch on rather quickly and start modifying her own methods a little. The only thing he would definitely run her through was the code that he followed, wanting to somewhat continue on its legacy incase at some point he potentially ended up caught. After all it was most likely bound to happen, but Dexter of course would be trying to play it careful to avoid it happening any time soon, if it ever happened that was.

“Correct, I will help you move them,… it is interesting to hear I am not the only one whom decides to hack them up and then dump them into the ocean… “ Acid… why did I never think of that… is it because maybe I enjoy the act of cutting them up to dispose of them as if they were simply just trash.. he let her initially deal with the mutilated limbs as he started to clean up, this was something he was used to and had almost mastered down to an art form. Between the two of them the actual clean up after she had done bagging up the body parts was finished in less than half the time it usually took for such a messy kill.

He studied the room, almost all traces that anything had even happened within the rubbish bags that would be disposed of shortly. He turned around and was a little startled as he saw what appeared to be various horrific wounds. Deciding not to say anything he turned away and for now would not say anything. Once he had heard her speak and the question itself he wasted almost no time responding “I would like to know what you have been through… but not here, we should save that conversation for another time… after we go fishing and throw out the excess bait…” it was an attempt again at a joke, of which sometimes Dexter wondered why he even tried.

Going over the room a few more times to ensure nothing was left behind he was finally happy with it “Alright, we should both drive back to mine so I can drop off my car… after that it would be smarter for us to use just one car… if you need we can use my boat for the other matters” I sure hope you know what you are doing Dex… this is dangerous waters son… You want to help her… but remember, make sure you will not endanger your chances to do what you need to do without being caught… rule number 1 Dex… rule number 1
She could feel eyes on her when she had changed, though she said nothing of it, wondering what he thought about those scars that ran over her body. She let out a heavy sigh when he had finished speaking to her and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Always wanting to move the conversation to another time. You really are an interesting guy." she said softly. She however nodded her head when he spoke to her about moving the bodies and using the cars. "Alright that makes sense. Oh my Uncle suggested the idea, using the ocean since he was here a few years before my Aunt moved me." she said gently. A smile came cross her lips and she laughed softly when he tried to crack his joke. "Your a lot funnier than Mitsuka." she said gently and brought her arms to rest across her chest as she crossed them. She would then help him load the trash into his trunk before she nodded and headed towards her car and slipped inside it.

Once they had gotten to his place and loaded up the boat she slipped on it with him and slumped down in a leather seat as a sigh came from her mouth. When they had arrived at his dumping grounds she looked over the side of the boat and watched the current. "Ah, makes sense. Takes the trash out to sea, good bye for good." she said gently. She then stood up, pulled on her gloves and started helping him drop the bags into the current, smirking as the splash sounded, though no one would be around to hear it. "Hmm, mine is a few more miles out further to the south though." she said as they threw the last bag into the water and she turned to look at him.

Meila let out a sigh again and slumped further back in the seat and closed her eyes for a few minutes, thinking about the day that she had gone through. "Its amazing how fast things change in a blink of an eye. You do owe me a sorry though, what turned you into what you are today? I mean you must have been born in blood yourself." Meila asked him as she stood up and walked over to Dexter. "And I felt you watching me, what do you think of those scars? Disgusting hmm?" she asked cocking her head to the side but she gave him a soft smile to show him that she was not mad with him peeking. "I mean you can tell me part now or later, I am not going to push you." she whispered.

Turning she sat down again her hand running over her locket before she closed her eyes. "Your lucky you know, not really able to remember what happened to your family, not having to see them flashing behind your eyes every day and night. Maybe that is why I am so emotional, not a turtle hiding in its shell." she said wiping a few tears as they escaped from her eyes. She opened her locket, staring at the pictures inside, through the low light of the full moon ahead. "Family of six wiped out in a matter of hours and years." she said before slipping the locket back into her shirt after closing it.
It was unusual for Dexter to have even looked when she had changed; normally his apathetic nature meant he would not have cared. It seemed his car had been the closer of the two, which partially worried him; after all it should have always been somewhat close if a fast exit had to ever be taken. It was not an uncommon thing for his boot to have the remains of a victim within them, but it was a first for the kill to have been someone else’s. What was common though was the fact now they had driven to the harbor, deciding to use his boat after all. He wondered how she normally would sneak out to dump the evidence, wondering what type of boat she used. It surprised him just how close her drop zone was in comparison to his, and it was almost tempting to actually find out where it was instead of using his own area. But the drop zones themselves had no significance unlike the trophies, they were simply somewhere to throw out the trash, somewhere hopefully no one would find the remains.

“That close?” it was obvious for once about the surprise factor, as it was noticeable in his voice. “Maybe next time we will have to go there… I just happened to drive out here as second nature for what task was at hand…” the splash sound had been rather satisfying, the existence of Rynes now nothing but a trophy and some bags at the bottom of the sea. Wasting limited time as he was not the type to hang around near this area he started to return the boat to the harbor. “If I knew how to apologize and mean it Meila… I would, but my baptism in blood made me like this…” it was something he tried to avoid talking about, It leaving more questions than answers so far. Harry had done well to ensure the tracks were covered; only some news articles and what Dex had managed to find out by research mixed with faint memories being the only thing he could actually remember about the ordeal.
A silence fell across him for a moment, again an uncertainty crossing him as to how to answer her statement.” I would not say disgusting… They each tell a story, a horrific story by the looks of it… but they are a part of you as a whole, something I would not mind hearing about at some point” it was odd to have an interest for someone and he looked out at the ocean somewhat absent-minded “I only know so much about my past, before Harry came along anyhow…” instead of explaining it now, he decided it would be better to show her what he knew, the articles themselves having some of the information. Recently he had also found old pictures of the scene itself, but rarely looked at them as they made him feel rather uneasy. It was gruesome after all.

Lucky… that is an odd way to put it… It is not like I chose to forget… something made me this way instead… it was obvious he was in thought. “I have flashes of the event sometimes, but It is rather hazy, I was very young… and when Harry saved me, well most of my memories are the times with Deborah and him…” he paused looking over at her, slowing the boat down almost to a stop he walked over to her lightly placing a hand on her shoulder “I suppose you would say I was more lucky to have someone like Harry distract me… , Although I have never met my father… Harry had told me had gone missing not long after the tragic event…” sometimes it actually made him wonder if there was more hidden away from him since after all, he did not know his father, and also had not met his brother either. Rudy at this point though, was someone he simply did not even know about at all.

He sped the boat back up and shortly afterwards they docked. “I would not normally be the type to ask… but I can show you what I know of that night… we have to go back to mine for your car anyway… so would you like to come inside?” no one ever really got to see his home, occasionally Angel, more often Deborah if she popped around to check on him, but for the most part it was his own private sanctuary. Mainly being used to gather information and keep is sacred trophies away from the public. Driving them back to his Dexter’s place he slowly opened the door and invited her in. “It is not much… but it is home…” he would spare her the tour, as there was not much of one to offer as he then rummaged around briefly pulling out a box, a photo of the scene on top, followed by some news clippings, a case number he had never managed to find. Most likely destroyed or locked down as confidential, and various other little bits.

Either way he ran her through what he knew, it had been somewhat a massacre, a mess, and it stated that he was found very young in a room full of blood, covered in it, his mind broken as Harry carried him out. It had taken him a while after to even start to warm up to Deb and her father. But they still kept on trying, as he was declared now a Morgan. He fell silent letting her take it all in before speaking once more “I could however for days tell you about Harry… but for now, what about those scars Melia… I want to know more about you…”
She allowed him to touch her on the shoulder, it was something she rather now have anyone do to her because of her scars but when it was Dexter she didn't feel so disgusted or awkward with herself. "Going back to where I take out the trash, if you really want me to take you there I can, maybe my old ground as well, though there isn't much left there but bone dust." she muttered thinking about a few of her past targets. She however turned her attention back to Dexter when he began to speak before they zoomed off back to the dock and he gave her a ride to his house. She looked about his apartment when he let her in and watched as he went to get the only information he had on his past. "You have a very nice home Dexter, its better than the dump of a place I live in." she said and sat down beside him on the couch allowing him to show her all that he knew. She froze slightly though when she was told how young he had been when Harry had found him and she froze a look of pity coming to her eyes.

"That would be very traumatizing for the brain of someone so young like you." she said sadly before she blinked softly a few times. "I'm sorry Dexter, for what happened to you, your mother..." she whispered and you could tell she meant it. She bit her lip slightly wondering really who this Harry really was and what he was like. "If you want ever, I can help you track down more of your past, just let me know and I will be on it." she said softly before she froze up again when he asked her about her scars. "I can tell from your face and your eyes you really do have a keen interest, no one ever really shows that when they even glimpse a scar on me." she muttered before she put the last of the clippings back in the box and shut the lid before turning her head to look at the clock on the wall. She stopped realizing it was midnight, making it the weekend now, meant no work tomorrow which made her let out a sigh, glad to have a bit of a rest.

Melia then turned her head back and looked Dexter straight in the face. "Alright then I will start with the worst ones, the burns." Melia said clearly as she pulled the sleeves up of her shirt so he could see the flesh. "These I got when my family was tortured and murdered. They are chemical burns from acid, those sick fucks thought it would be funny to make my father beg for me...and he did. They didn't stop though, started from my arms and threw acid on the rest of my body, but the leader said not to touch my face, he wanted me to remember, to see what he had done to me and my family." she whispered and brought her sleeves down trying not to break down again. "When they found me my skin was falling off, it took many surgeries and graphs but I was a fighter and refused to be bed ridden for the rest of my life." she said then ran her hand down her side.

"These other ones, well the stab wounds you saw was from when I tried to take my first target out, didn't go to well. Luckily, with the training my Uncle gave me I know how to take someone down using pressure points on their body. Buts its not easy when your 13 and your target is a junkie." she laughed. "Ended up returning the favor to his kidney and he went down like a drugged animal." she laughed as she thought about it. "My Aunt dragged him by hid feet, hung him upside down and into the acid he went. I can still remember the hissing of his flesh." she said before she shut her eyes. "As for those belt marks...they are from my mother's ex, long before my family was taken from me." Meila replied as she fell silent for a moment and bit her lip feeling sick to her stomach as memories flashed before her eyes.

"There was a point when I was six years old and my parents split for half a year, my mother moved in with her new boyfriend bringing my older brother and me with her. You see my other siblings well, they were from my Father's first wife but I grew up with them and loved them as if they were my real full siblings" she said making a point he knew how her family worked. "Well it turned out her boyfriend was a pedophile, he had a thing for boys though. Always went after my older brother but when I got in the way he would take his belt off and whip me until I could no longer stand. Once he used a bull whip on me, luckily it was broken though or he could have killed me." she explained as she lifted her shirt up showing him part of her back and her left side. "Four broken ribs by the time we were brought back home and my father was told about this." she said before staring back at the floor.

"Her ex was my next target, I was almost 14 when I took him down, it was easy though. He was piss ass drunk, as naked as you would want to see. He was puking his guts out behind his barn next to the pig pen. I simply kicked him in his bullocks and he hit the ground, I took my boot to his head ans it caved in so easily. I dragged him to the sty, cut him up and the pigs ate him clean, moved the bones and dumped them into one of the bogs in the moor. They found nothing, no evidence and claimed he had run of to Morocco with his whore girlfriend." she would finish before she turned and looked at him. "I a few others from fights I got to in the past, from my defense training from my Uncle." she would say letting her shirt drop over her flesh hiding it from him. "Ever watched pigs gorge themselves on human flesh, its fascinating." she laughed.
To this day he was rather used to sympathy from others when the story of his mother’s murder came up, but this time was different. It seemed like Melia genuinely seemed upset for him, which made sense as she too had been through something tragic, an event that had made her into the person she was today. Dexter was actually a little curious as to what sort of place that she lived in, if this was considered nice, it was simple yes, very organised but apart from nothing fancy. The real-estate value was quite decent though due to the location, so maybe that was what she had meant. He really did not understand normal conversation well sometimes, even after all this time of trying to study it to act more normal to try and blend in better to society. It was odd to hear her offer help to try and find people of his past, he had been trying for a long time now, the information almost impossible to find.

It was rather a surprise at how late it was currently, not that this bothered Dex, considering he was used to being able to function from limited sleep. After all sometimes the only time he could catch a victim off-guard was when it was the early hours of the morning. Thinking for a moment he realised it was the weekend, this in particular was a good thing as he could spend it getting to know more about Melia, telling her about Harry’s code that he followed so closely. Dexter watched her as she started to show him the scars, his eyes looking at them closely, observing them. Each told a story, a wound that had been inflicted, and even though he did not know in particular how to comfort, he at least hoped the people that had inflicted them had received justice.
After thinking for a moment a few choice words came to mind, “People can be so horrible sometimes… you did not deserve to have to go through all that, to be forced to live with the scars off your past… figuratively and literally..”

He sighed and tried to offer a feeble laugh as she told him about some of the other wounds. The tone went serious though relatively quickly, as she moved onto something that seemed to upset her. He listened intently before actually joining in with her laughing. Her perspective at times was rather morbid, but still relatable, he had heard of times where sometimes the mafia, or at least that was what the stories foretold. Would use a method similar, as pigs were greedy and were rather useful to remove any form of evidence because if they were starving or you got them to start eating, they simply would not stop until the food was gone.

“I have never personally witnessed it… but I have heard it is a very effective method…” if it was two normal people having such a conversation, well it probably would have ended rather quickly, but neither Dexter or Meila were what people would not call normal. He actually wondered what they would call them, had they known the truth. More then likely they would be called monsters, murderers and be lumped with the scum that they removed from the city that actually usually enjoyed causing death or exploitation for greed and many other reasons. Not Dexter though, he killed only when he felt he had to, and only people that deserved it and so far his understanding of his assistant from work, was she was the same.

“… How did you continue to feel… emotions I mean…” this was one thing Dex struggled to even remember having, only occasionally feeling anger, but other than that usually nothing at all. His eyes looking over her . Melia had been through so much, enough that most people would have gone insane or probably taken their lives. Still she seemed for the most part strong… capable, and a little rough around the edges. She probably broke down sometimes, but considering the circumstances, well that was to be expected.

Thinking for a moment and due to the time, he decided to offer something somewhat out of the ordinary “… You can stay here tonight if you wish, I want to continue talking to you… to understand you, and by the time we finish with that… I think it would be to late for you to drive home…” At this current moment it was an innocent offer, but considering he now felt as if he had someone to reside and talk with, someone similar. Well anything was possible… who knew what the night would hold for the two of them. Even Dexter was curious, his eyes still had not left her before he saw her hair had become messed up slightly. Fixing it with one of his fingers and tucking it behind her ear he then ran the finger down her cheek. “ We are so different Melia… and yet the same… and to think this whole time, I thought I was the only one whom had to deal with a inner demon… a dark passenger controlling my life… or in my case, my emotions.”
Meila sat there and listened to him as he spoke about her not deserving it and the people were horrible, she would agree with him for sure. "Sometimes you can't stop what happens and it happens for a reason, Dexter." she replied to him with a smirk on her lips. She smirked when he spoke about being eaten by pigs in such a casual way and it made her laugh a bit harder. "If a normal person heard you say that, oh they would shit themselves I think." she said her accent infecting his ears before she fell silent a small smile still on her lips, thinking about what she had told him so far and showing him her scars. However her eyes widened slightly and she cocked her head side staring at him in confusion when he asked about her keeping her emotions. She fell silent for awhile trying to think of the right answer before she let out a sigh and opened her mouth.

"I think it was because I wasn't so small, I wasn't able to forget, my brain was stronger than most who have gone through such a trauma. Not to mention my Uncle wouldn't let me put a shell up, he was a therapist to me as well as my Aunt. I mean as I said before I am a fighter, I fought to hold onto my humanity. I didn't want to lose being able to feel and express who I am." she said staring up into his eyes. "I had more control, a child your age wouldn't have much. Your brain was still developing and it seemed maybe there might be reasons Harry could not bring the right feelings and emotions out of you. Its not a bad thing Dexter, its just who you are." she said gently. "I almost died many times in my life but I will not go down easily, its because I am stubborn." she explained simply to him.

Meila's mouth dropped open though in shock when he sort of ordered her to stay with him, at his apartment that night. She flushed lightly then gulped slowly nodding her head as she let him finish talking. "I guess your right, don't think the old bags who live next to me would appreciate if if my car drove up at such an early time on a Saturday morning." she said. Meila smiled softly glad he seemed to show some emotion, she knew his interest was strong. "Alright...alright...I'll let you into my head some, I never would have thought you would be that interested in how I work, to want to understand me." she said a small laugh escaping her lips as she bit back the urge to touch him, it was strange for her to want to touch anyone.

She was startled when his hand suddenly moved and pushed her ear behind her ear. She blinked slightly and felt her cheek flush slightly when his warm finger ran over her pale flesh. She smiled though when he continued speaking to her, his voice actually had a bit of a soothing tone to it. "Maybe their was a reason for me to end up here, I guess it was for you to find me. I will help you with your inner demon as you will help me. But I will help you work on getting your emotions back, to make them normal for you. I thought the same as you just said now and I am glad I found someone who can understand me, as I can understand them." she said and brought her hand gently up and touched his own before shifted her face. The moon showed the details of her young yet tired face, the demon hiding behind her eyes as she looked back at him.
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