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Lost but not Alone {Atroxa & Andronic}

As Setus stepped away the girl took a seat in front of her and smiled."You don't have to say anything else, the video is enough to condemn those fucks to prison." She took her hand and squeezed it. Looking into her eyes."I heard what Setus is doing for you. Going to marry you so you can get your pretty little ass off the docks. He's a good man, even if he is a Turian." She smiled as she looked back at him."...And even though he is doing it to help you. I dare say...he needs a little love." She looked back to her."His fucking wife took everything, right around the time he begged her to come to the Citadel, telling her Palavan was no longer safe. She decided to divorce him instead." She shrugged."That was a decent amount of time ago, so he's recovered i'm sure...but don't tease him too much. He's a strange alien, he likes the forbidden fruit." She smiled.

Taking a deep breath she stretched and pushed hte paperwork forward."Just read over it and sign here, and here." She pointed to two different pieces of paper."The first one makes you two weirdos legally married, the second one is a statement of residency. It'll be at his place...I'm curious now if Turians and humans can even....nevermind." She blushed and chckled nervously."Piper, if you need anything, you can speak to me. Even if it means beating up my old partner. Got it?" She touched her hand, gently patting it."I'm sorry that it happened to you, but Setus is a good guy, he will protect you."

Piper would notice Setus off in the distance looking at his two women. One his partner, the other one a woman he had realized slowly he developed feelings for. He couldn't even reproduce with her, but he wanted her. It made no sense, but he had children already, so what did it matter? His mandibles opened and closed as he rubbed his three fingered hands together before trying to appear as if he wasn't looking. Making "copies" onto his omni-tool, but in reality he kept looking at her.
Piper nodded when she was told she wasn’t going to have to say anything else, honestly relieved by that. She didn’t want to talk about it. She looked at the other woman when she took her hand and talked about Setus, about them getting married. The girl looked a little unsure really, she knew that she didn’t really have a choice, she couldn’t stay on the docks, but she hoped that this didn’t turn into some giant disaster. So she just nodded, and looked at the paperwork that was pushed her way. Piper frowned at the other woman thought when she wondered aloud about whether or not humans and turians could have sex. She wished she wouldn’t even talk about sex, Piper didn’t want to think about sex right now, if anything she was repulsed by the thought of sex, having just been assaulted. She didn’t say anything though, deciding it wasn’t worth it.

“Thanks,” was all the girl said quietly before she picked up the paperwork and started reading it over. She glanced at Setus and saw him looking at her before he looked away, and she could tell he was trying not to look like he had been watching her. Piper just sighed a little and went back to reading, signing it when she was done. “Well… I guess that’s that then…” she said as she handed the paperwork back over, folding her hands in her lap and sitting there, trying not to look too crestfallen. This wasn’t how she imagined she’d get married at all. Piper knew she should feel more grateful but she couldn’t help it, and really she just wanted to go home right now. Wherever home was she supposed.
Setus tapped his fingers as everything was finalized on the report and he processed the bags of shit who had touched his friend. he came back to her about an hour after she signed all the paperwork."I think you need something to eat my friend?" He put out his three clawed hand and 'smiled' as his mandibles opened a bit to expose his sharp teeth. He helped her up as he draped a jacket over her shoulders to hide the ripping of clothing the animals had caused."Does my favorite human have a favorite food? I'm sure we can order it for you." He spoke with a low tone. He was afraid of startling her it appeared. He slowly walked her out of C-sec and to his aircar. He opened the suicide doors and helped her sit.

His car was a plain blue model. Nothing fancy, just went from point a to b. Though honestly he considered splurging with all the "end of times" reports they were getting. What was his money worth? But then again, who knew, he was fond of this human girl, and he wanted to protect her. That was somehting worth living for again he supposed. She felt like he was rescuing her, but he was slowly realizing she rescued him."...I hear human's love this thing called "Pizza." He looked at her as the aircar lifted up and he began to drive towards his apartment. "My partner says the pizza by my place is the best she's had on the Citadel, do you want some?" He was just speaking to fill the silence. He was nervous if he stopped talking she'd be afraid again, or she might change her mind and go back to the docks.
Piper looked up at the turian when everything was done and he helped his clawed hand out to her and asked if she was hungry. The girl took his hand and stood, nodding a little and giving him a small smile of thanks when he draped his jacket over her shoulders. “Yeah, food sounds good,” she told Setus as she left with him, walking to his car and getting in when he opened the door for her. She sat in the passenger sit with Setus as they drove home… which was odd for her to think about. Piper looked over though when he asked her about what she’d like to eat, mentioning pizza.

That made her smile a bit and chuckle, “Yeah, I love pizza,” she confirmed for Setus. She frowned softly though as she glanced down at her ripped clothes. “Do they maybe deliver though? I’d like to change, and I don’t really feel like being around a bunch of people right now,” Piper told him, not wanting to seem like she was being demanding but she felt self conscious in her damaged clothes, and after being on those crowded docks and then attacked, she really just wanted to be somewhere quiet and not full of people. “And I’d like to see you place… our place… whatever,” she told Setus with a sheepish smile.
Setus 'smiled' his teeth showing."Aye, we can call for delivery." He pressed a few buttons on his omni-tool and a voice came forth. He quickly ordered the pizza to his apartment and grinned."Yep, our place. It's a good thing you want delivery, you need a bath like...two days ago Pipe." He teased and carefully ruffled her hair. Being extra careful of his claws. They landed on a large balcony like structure and he walked her in. His apartment was bare, barely furnished. A chair with a computer at one side, and a bed in a single room off to the side, but surprisingly it was still very spacious.

Taking a deep breath he helped her unload what little bit of belongings had been loaded into his car before they had left."...Umm...Make yourself at home, I have been told by my human partner that it needs a woman's you can touch whatever you like." He grinned, his mandibles opened and closed. Obviously he didn't understand the saying.

Piper smiled when he agreed to just ordering out for food, feeling more than a little relieved. She didn’t want to be around a bunch of people right now. Her face turned red when he teased her about needing a bath, “You try sharing public facilities with a hundred other people all while having your water rationed…” she muttered, not really seeming to find it all that funny but she didn’t hold it against him. She knew he was just joking, but she was sure she was pretty dirty, and stinky.

She followed Setus to his apartment, their apartment now she supposed, and then inside, looking around curiously. It was rather bare, but that wasn’t very surprising when she thought about the fact that he was recently divorced, and a male. She looked at him when he spoke and gave a soft laugh at his misuse of the phrase his partner had said to him. “That just means you need to decorate,” Piper told him, “It used to be that women were the ones that decorated a home. I guess I can do that, it is pretty bare in here.” She sighed and looked towards the bedroom, “How about you order the pizza and I’ll go take a shower? I’ll just take pepperoni on mine.”

Piper walked to his bedroom, closing the door behind her, undressing and getting a shower going.
He stared at her as she spoke of decorations."Why did she not say that? You human's have the weirdest of sayings.' He ran his claw over his chin and smiled."I'll get a robe ready for you." He spoke with a 'smile' his fangs showing."I'll hang it on th door." He shooed her as she ran into his room to take care of herself.

Quickly he raised his omnitool and made the call, ordering a simple pizza for her, and something a turian could eat as well. He walked over to the fridge and eyed his foods."I'll have to separate this stuff for stuff she can eat, and stuff I can eat..." He sighed and closed his eyes. He was married again, it was odd. SHE WAShuman, she could not give him children. Ah what did it matter? They'd all be dead soon enough. He was helping a friend get off the docks. Taking a deep breath he closed the fridge and walked over to a closet, removing a robe, it was loose enough where she could just close it. He'd earmark some of his salary to buy the girl some new clothes. She couldn't wear the same things all the time. Hearing the shower going he stepped into his room and tossed the robe on the bed. His thoughs becoming a bit less than pure. He wondered how sexual interaction between a human and a turian would work.... He violently shook his head and stepped out. They would never do that, he was sure of it. No reason to, they were friends, he was helping her out. He expected though it would work a lot like it did with a Asari, human's and Asari looked rather similar he supposed.

As his new wife bathed he heard the bell ring and went to pay for the pizza, he placed it on the kitchen table and hummed as he set the table with 'soda' it was a bubbly concoction he had seen human's drink before. It was odd to him, but most human's liked it.
Piper sighed happily when she stepped into the stream of hot water going in the shower, glad to finally be able to take a proper shower where the water wouldn’t be cut off after only a couple minutes. And she had all the privacy she could want. It felt good to finally be able to wash off all the grime from the last few days, and to wash off the dirty feeling that still lingered from those men grabbing her. She tried not to think about that, it was done, they’d filed a report, and she was off the docks. All thanks to Setus. She didn’t know what she’d do without him, but she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t a little nervous about how life with him would be now that they were married. Would he expect her to be his wife in every meaning of the word? Or was this just for show? Piper supposed she was just going to have to wait and see.

When she was finished she got out, dried off, and cautiously ventured into the bedroom, glad to see Setus wasn’t there. So she pulled on the robe he’d left off, tying it securely around her waist, and went back out into the living room. Piper was sure he’d be able to hear the loud growl her stomach let out when she smelled the pizza waiting for her, she hadn’t realized how hungry she was! She gave the turian a shy smile as she sat down, feeling a little odd being like this with him, the robe covered everything that was important but left a fair bit of her upper chest bare, with just a hint of cleavage, and her legs were bare from the knee down. “Smells good, hope your partner is right about this place,” she told him as she opened the box and got out a couple slices for herself and opened her soda.

It only took a bite for Piper to decide the pizza was definitely good and she practically inhaled the first piece before she stopped to take a drink of her soda. “Sorry… kind of hungry,” she shrugged and laughed a bit, looking embarrassed, then looked down at her other slice, though she didn’t start eating it right away. It was just something else to look at besides Setus since she couldn’t quite manage to look him in the eye as she said, “Thanks for all this…”
He stared at her quietly as she ate quickly and apologized. His mandibles opened and closed as he brought up his clawed hand to his mouth and coughed to conceal a soft chuckle."For such small creatures, with mouths that seem no good for eating real food...You are quick to down..this "pizza." He smiled at her. His fangs showing as he dragged his blue tongue along his 'lips.'

Taking a deep breath he poured himself a drink and poured her from another."We'll have to segregate the fridge from now on. WIFE." he teased with a smile."Half the stuff you guys eat provides no nutrients to us..or is you know, deadly poison." he chuckled"I'm glad you like the pizza." He stood up and stretched, all his bones cracking."I'm going to wash up and go to bed Piper. My room is yours. I'll sleep out here." He touched her hand gently, his claw gently scraping against her skin."...You smell wonderful now my angry little friend." He chuckled.
Piper shrugged a little at his comment about how fast she’d eaten her pizza, “It’s kind of a favorite among humans. Most of us anyway. I grew up with it.” She let out a soft sigh, feeling so much better now that she had had a shower and gotten to eat something, and being off the docks and never having to go back certainly helped. She watched as Setus got up and told her that he was going to go wash up and that she’d be sleeping in his room and he’d take the couch. Piper frowned a bit at that, but didn’t argue, she could tell he wasn’t the sort hear anything about it. But she gave him a shy smile when he told her she smelled wonderful and ran his claw gently down her arm, “Glad to hear I don’t offend anymore…”

She sat and kept eating her pizza while Setus went to shower, and slept better that night than she had in weeks. The next day he called in from work to have the day with her and they went and bought her some news clothes and went grocery shopping and got her a few other necessities. Soon, Piper had everything she needed to live quite comfortably in his little apartment, she also bought a plant to keep as well, trying to add a little color and life to the place.

A couple weeks passed and Piper settled in nicely, becoming more comfortable with Setus living with him like this as they got to know one another both through conversation and through just being around one another that much. Piper still wasn’t entirely sure how to act with him though outside of their casual friendliness. She still wondered what their relationship was meant to be, but hadn’t had the guts to ask him. Something else she was figuring out was what to do with her time, since sitting around all day was boring to her. So Piper had been looking for a job, nothing special, but something to get her out of the apartment and not feeling so useless.

So far she was having no luck though, there were so many people looking for work right now. And Piper had no experience herself, and she was so young. So after another day of fruitless searching, she returned home trying not to feel too down. At least she was getting used to getting around the Citadel, she’d gotten horribly lost the first day she’d gone out on
her own, and often got turned around. But today she made it back home without getting lost or turned around, though she had to stop more than once to really think. She didn’t expect Setus back for another couple of hours, so she walked into the apartment and headed for the bedroom to take a shower and start cooking up something for dinner. Piper had been trying to learn how to cook turian food, she felt like if she couldn’t contribute to the household with some sort of money coming in, the least she could do was clean and cook.
As the weeks passed by, Setus had caught his mind wandering to the time he had walked in on Piper changing. He also had felt his body react to that squishy frame he had seen. He was thinking more and more about human sexuality, and this day, he knew piper was going out hunting for jobs. He had taken off from work early and ran through the human red light district. He bought a few films, "blow jobs" had interested him most. Watching human women devour the penile muscle of the human male and come back up without it being torn to shreds... It was an interesting concept. If a Turian woman did that... He shuddered at the thought.

He made his way home early and tossed off all his armor and placed his gun on the shelf. He pressed a few buttons on his omnitool to get the video started. The women were all so gluttonous, all dropping to their knees, smacking their lips with that pink looking penis, all their sexes were also pink. That confused him. However, he felt his own cock come out of its internal hiding hole. He began to slowly stroke himself as he watched the humans perform such lewd acts. He groaned softly. The video consuming all his attention, he did not hear Piper come home, let alone into the room.

His blue cock stood erect, moisturized by his own fluids, his mandibles opened and closed with every up and down motion of his clawed hand as he groaned. Still unaware his "wife" stood in the doorway staring at him.
Piper kicked off her shoes and walked towards the bedroom and it was only just before she started to open the door that she heard sounds inside. She didn’t really think to stop and listen, already about to open the door, so when she did she stopped short and stared a bit. The sounds were heated moans and slurping noises coming from the images of a woman lewdly sucking a cock half buried in her throat. And there was Setus watching them, naked with his own hard blue cock in his hand, clearly enjoying himself. Piper let out a strangled sort of yelp and her face turned bright red before she quickly darted back out of the room, closing the door hard behind her.

“Sorry! Sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were home! I’m sorry!” she blurted out quickly, her face burning, looking and feeling very embarrassed. Piper retreated from the door quickly and went to the kitchen, sitting at the table there with her hands over her face, trying to just calm down a bit. She hadn’t exactly been prepared to see something like that. And she couldn’t help but notice that Setus had been watching human porn, not turian.
Setus sat there, shellshocked, as if he was under artillery fire once more. His hand still on his blue member. He slowly let go. Piper had just seen him, seen him watching human pornography. He had promised her she didn't have to do anything as his wife, but here he was...He shook his head, grabbing his pants as his blue cock slowly retreated into its cavity. He cleared his throat and walked out slowly, looking at the pretty blonde over the table, skin red. She was so adorable. He wanted her, he admitted to himself finally.

"D-don't be sorry Pip...." He walked over and placed his clawed 3 digit hand over her five fingers."I'm sorry, I could have locked the door. I don't mean to make this awkward for us." If he could blush he would, his mandibles opened and closed in his nervousness, he tried to force a 'human' smile and chuckled nervously." guys are so pink and squishy inside..huh?" He teased trying to make it less awkward.
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