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In the African Heat (OldSchoolRPer and DarkRiffs)

Sep 6, 2009
It was a hot March day in the African town of Mbuto. Of course, as Elizabeth thought, there hardly was any other kind of day in this God-forsaken place. Except for perhaps two months during the rainy season, when it was comparatively mild, but wet.

She had taken the car to the market, bringing her daughter Audrey with her to help her shop. She was trying not to think too much of the political situation, with unrest growing by the day. Surely, she thought, the Crown would send some troops soon to put down the growing black insurgency. The radio in the car was broken--which she regarded as a blessing, not having to hear any more dismal news.

She pulled into the market, beckoning Audrey to join her. It was an open-air market, where one could buy all sorts of food and supplies, especially if one had British currency rather than the local money. And, thanks to her husband, she did.

She and Audrey got to the stalls. There seemed to be a hubbub of conversation, even more so than usual. Audrey then spoke. "Mother, I don't see the guards. Aren't there usually guards at the foregate there?" She gestured to a round, squat building at the head of the market square, where there were usually four or five British soldiers. The men were missing. So was the Union Jack....

"I think we should leave. Mother?"
A loud whooping sound began through the alleyways, primal and in great volume.There were insurgents at the flagpole in the square, burning the Union jack as they replaced it with their own banner.The men were armed and patrolling the market square now, herding the people around, even shooting a few.It was plain to see that It was a hostile situation, even worse off the only exit they hadn't covered was the one out of the town that lead out into the plains, then again they didn't need to_Outside those gates were the tribes land, their still "savage" relatives that chose to live the way of the land instead.As far as the insurgency was concerned, anyone that wanted to flee into the middle of nowhere was free to do so and die.

"N-No!" one woman cried, a shop owner just down the street.Her face was bruised and bloodied as the man savaged her up, barking in his thick tongue and waving his gun about.There were few options, stay there and be captured or wander off into the plains, both had pros and cons and both could prove just as fatal.
"Quickly," Elizabeth hissed, "out the back way, beyond the bushes!" Audrey nodded, and the two white females moved quietly to the back of one of the market stalls, then into the tropical sunlight. The sounds of chaos dropped away behind them as they reached the line of bushes about fifty yards from the market.

"We can get to the river, then double back to the right. There's a Royal Army outpost there, about three miles." The two women went into the bush. "There's the village, I don't think they'll bother us, but we'll keep a low profile." The women remained near the brush as they attempted to skirt around the edge of the native village.

The sweat was already beginning to form on their brows as the sun beat down...
The natives had noticed the two almost right away, and had been prepared.The raids on the town always forced a few delicious treats out into the open and this was no exception.Two delicious looking white devils had wandered out, a somewhat paunchy mother and her daughter...perfect.As soon as the two had entered the bushes the tribesman stood up, blowing through a long tube and landing a dart in the neck of each, a potent sleeping toxin that would ensure him the prize, he'd likely be rewarded greatly for presenting these two to the chief!.An audible smirk swept across the tribesman's face as he watched the two from his spot.
Elizabeth had no idea that the two had already been spotted. Indeed, she had managed to stay close to the edge of the bushes, going in a secant that skirted the edge of the African settlement, and that would move the two away from it after a couple minutes of fast walking.

Audrey felt a sharp pain in her neck. "Mother, I hate these insects, is there no end to..." Her voice began to get weary and muffled. Alarmed, Elizabeth tugged her daughter closer to see what species of local bug had bitten her. She then saw the small but unmistakable dart protruding from her neck. "Audrey!" She pulled it out, tossed it aside. "God damn it..." She scanned the brush to try and see from whence the projectile had came. She spotted a movement about twenty yards away, a dark flash of ebony.

Holding her daughter, she hurried toward the brush when she felt a prick on her own neck. "God damn you all," the Englishwoman shouted as she fought to get into the cover of the brush. But the world around her was becoming hazy, indistinct...her legs no longer seemed able to hold her up. She collapsed to the dusty ground, a few feet short of the brush, and felt inky black overtake her...
In a flash he was over her, grinning widely down at the pair, mmm they looked so ripe!.His hands ran over the mother first, groping at her well developed breasts and ass through the fabric of her clothing.There was no reason he couldn't enjoy them a little before tossing them to the chief.His thick dark rod rose to full mast as he groped at the woman, tugging open her blouse with a depraved look.God, no woman in the village had breasts like these, he had a feeling he was really gonna enjoy this.Quickly he rolled the woman onto her back, kneeling and straddling her stomach.Groaning he placed his thick dark meat between her breasts and squeezed them around himself, starting to thrust away happily between them.It hadn't been two minutes after the dart hit and violation had already started, It only begged the question, what more was to come.
In her state of sedation from the native chemical, Elizabeth was at most dimly aware of the big African man getting atop her, lifting up his loincloth as he fondled her. Vaguely she thought she should get away, and run, but her body did not respond to her muddled desires. She felt like she was floating, somewhere, as the muscular African seized both of her milky-white breasts, and proceeded to place his growing, ebony manhood between them. She could not move her eyes, so she could not look down to fully see what was happening to her. She was only aware something was happening to her breasts, and someone--a big, black someone--was atop her.

Audrey had come to rest facing her mother, but as she was young, and smaller, the tranquilizer had caused her to lose consciousness entirely...
His lusty moans filled the air as he slid his large endowment back and forth between Elizabeth's lush breasts, letting the soft flesh of her breasts stroke his aching ebony fuck rod.Leaning his head down he quickly spat on his member, his thrusts now slicking her breasts up and allowing him to glide back and forth between them faster and almost friction free.His balls slid softly along her flesh with each thrust, full and heavy with his filthy black seed, seed that in a little while would be defiling her perfect white skin.
Elizabeth felt herself gently rocking. Was she at sea, she wondered? She had talked over with her husband the idea of taking a Mediterranean cruise, maybe they had gone. Rocking back and forth, the something touching her between her breasts. She thought it was silly, the way the sea was washing her there, so she reached up a hand to try and dry herself, but not really. Her hands wouldn't move. There was someone standing over her on the deck. A big, African man...
It was a few, short heated thrusts later he erupted, gushing a thick font of his creamy, frosty white seed onto her neck and chin, splattering her in his thick heated cum before he slid off.He shook his member off, flicking the last few drops across her skin before he re-fastened his loincloth.His strong arms hoisted Audrey over his shoulder, leaving him to drag Elizabeth across the dirt behind, dragging them both the few feet back to the village.The small tribe made way for him, letting him stride right into the chiefs tent to deposit the two new gifts.Quickly be knelt down, the rotund chief beaming brightly at offering.Only a few words were spoken in their thick native tongue before the two attendants began to bind the two women, tying up their wrists and ankles before hoisting them up to rest on a couple of hooks by the wrists, leaving them dangle a good foot off the ground.

The chief stood up and strode over to the pair, inspecting them with his walking stick before he began to tug the clothing off the younger, tossing her pretty little garments aside.His fat lips turned into a wide grin as he began to squeeze and grope the soft tittyflesh of the young lass, squeezing and tugging her young puffy nipples.His walking stick came up to prod and nudge at the white girls clit in her sleep to test how responsive her young body was.
As the tribesmen bound the women, they began to slowly come around, especially the larger mother. She was aware of her surroundings now, realizing she had been captured. "What...what are you doing with us...we are from the town...they'll look for us..." Her voice and mind still wandered. Were they on the cruise ship still? No, she knew...not the ship...someplace else. "Get your hands off me..."

Audrey was also beginning to awaken...
The chief chuckled with a wide grin as they woke up, speaking in a deeply thick english accent."Good morning, ladies" he cooed softly, smacking Audrey's stomach roughly as he strode to Elizabeth.A few of the men were grinning towards the little girl, recounting their mighty fun rhomp in the back bushes with her not too long ago, boy had they ever had fun fucking the stuffing out of her sweet form."I see you are coming around, goood" the rotund chief cooed, reaching up and groping the mothers breast in his fingers."I trust you slept well?" he mocked.
"The Army will deal with you savages soon enough," Elizabeth spat.

"Mother," Audrey said, still slurring her words, "don't antag...antag...make them mad." Her eyes wandered to the two natives who had raped her a month and a half ago. She forced herself to remain calm. "They're not used to women who...are fussy..."

"Get your hands off me," Elizabeth barked at the chief. "Or there'll be hell to pay..."
The chief's hand came sharply across Elizabeth's face before she could even finish her sentence, leaving a stinging red hand print on the woman's cheek."If you get into the habit of spouting such stupid nonsense, I'll have your lips sewn shut!" he stated, growling at her irritatedly."Besides, I might get In a little bit of trouble when they do come, but I know It's going to take them quite some time to get to you, and until that're gonna experience things no white woman ever gets to enjoy!" he sneered, grinning widely as he moved his walking stick down and pushed the fat end of it into Elizabeth's womanhood.

The two men strode forward to Audrey and began to molest her young form, groping and sucking at the soft feminine flesh.How sickeningly ironic that the two had threatened the girl never to tell and here she was again at their own perverse, lusty mercy.One of them reached down and inserted a finger into her young sex, pushing the thick digit deep into her pussy and wriggling it.
"Oh, I hardly think being molested as you would constitute enjoyment." A tear came to the woman's eye as her cheek burned from where the native had slapped her. "Just stay away from my daughter...what, what do you think you are doing, she's young..." Elizabeth looked in horror at the natives who were coming to Audrey, groping her with their dark hands. "Get away from her, get--" Then the chief poked his walking-stick into Elizabeth's exposed blonde tufts, which cut off her speech as she gasped and shrieked...

Audrey, on the other hand, did not resist or talk back to the African natives, not trying to pull away from their hands or thick lips. As one native worked his finger inside her, she gasped and then opened her thighs a bit more as she dangled there from the rafters of the chief's lodge.
The chief gave a big grin and a deep rolling laugh."You're MY slaves now, and as such you will obey me, whether you like it or not!" he stated, twisting the smooth stick inside of Elizabeth before he began to push it back and forth, fucking her with the end of it as he turned to watch the show to the side.Thick black hands practically worshiped the young girl, always rough but never to the point of making her wince, well at least not as much as they could have made her wince.Eventually the thick finger probing her slid out and one of the muscular built natives pushed Audrey's thighs up and apart before he bent over, starting to trail his thick tongue across her moist young sex repeatedly.
The chief was treated to a withering gaze of hatred from the older white woman as he casually began fucking her with the end of the walking stick. "You bastard" was all she said as she squirmed and did everything humanly possible to get herself away from the end of the stick. Given how she was dangling from the ceiling of the African's home, that was rather little, much to her chagrin...

"Mother...if you would stop cursing at them, they might treat you a little better." The white teen, while clearly a little uncomfortable at her predicament, was trying to put the best face on it. She allowed her body to react, her nipples hardening under the touch of the tribesmen. When he got down and pushed her legs open further, she did not try and stop him. And when his face moved between her thighs and licked, the white girl moaned...
"Ahh, see!'re daughter recognizes a good thing when It happens" the chief stated, watching with a pleased grin as his comrade lapped and suckled at the young teens clit.It had proven true that her lack of resistance had made them less open to hurting her, at least as much as they would have, but they would still be rough."Why don't you just shut your dirty little mouth and follow your daughters advice, It'll save you a lot of trouble in the long run" the chief growled out, shoving the stick further into Elizabeth.His fingers moved up and roughly groped the white woman's lush breasts, squeezing and fondling them, even giving them the occasional smack.
Elizabeth squirmed to get away from the stick...every time her breasts were smacked she let out a yelp, as the pale flesh jiggled. "It is NOT a good thing," the woman said defiantly. She squinted in pain as that stick went in further...about as far as her husband did.

Audrey was making no such protests. In her young mind, she knew it would be futile. And what the African men were wasn't altogether unpleasant. In fact, she let out a definite, unmistakable moan as thick lips kissed her now engorged clit, deftly moving around her young blonde snatch.
"Ahh, but of course it IS...a good simply haven't learned of the splendor that is an African male" the chief remarked, withdrawing the stick and removing his loincloth.At least eleven good inches of thick black cock sprang up, uncut and purple at the tip the cheiftan was so erect.His thick pudgy fingers gripped the shaft and peeled the foreskin back from the head, releasing a strangely musky aroma from his arousal.His balls hung low and heavy, full of filthy negro-seed to soil her nice english body with.Striding forward he quickly pressed the bell-end of his shaft against her, rubbing a tad before he bucked forth,roughly penetrating the woman.

The second man began to bite and nibble at Audrey's young nipples, his thick tongue washing over them with soft groans as his brother below lapped and licked at her young mound, upturning the soft pubic fuzz as he wetted it.His thick probing tongue slid gently inside the young girls slit and began to tease at her inner walls as he parted her thighs further for his own pleasure.
Elizabeth moaned in relief as the stick was pulled from her...only to begin to scream as the African chief bared his manhood. She shook her head, trying to desperately to wriggle her pussy away from it. Of course, given how she was bound, she managed to move it maybe two or three inches. The chief easily moved the tip to her. "Please--no--I'll do anything, but don't do man will want me..." The look on her face was sheer terror. "You have to understand, your kind and our kind are not meant to mate!"

But the chief pushed his hips forward, and the white woman just screamed.

Audrey was quieter than her mother, moving her pale legs apart a bit more as the tribesman pressed them open to lick at her. This elicited several moans from her. "Mother...if you would just...stop screaming and insulting...maybe he would be nicer to you..." Her leg quivered as the black man's tongue reached her clit and then moved beyond.
The chief began to slowly glide his thick sweat organ back and forth into her, savouring the feeling of her deliciously hot honeypot."Ahh, you white women always scream so loud!" he grinned.His balls smacked lewdly against her as he slid back and forth, skewering her warm pussy around his immense shaft."It wont be long until your body betrays you to my assault" he remarked in a tone of simple absolution.

The heated male quickly stood up and removed Audrey from the hook, setting her over the chief's bed, letting her ass hang over before he squatted behind her and guided his aching prick towards her.With a bit of manipulating and a grunt he penetrated her young maidenhood easily, starting to slowly work his smooth dark flesh into her more than willing body, his partner kneeling in front of the young girl to prod his prick at her lips.
Elizabeth did not disappoint, in that she did scream, loudly. "This is unnatural," she cried out, "like laying with an ape...oh God no!" But she was helpless, able to do nothing other than utter a stream of curses as that fat black tool relentlessly sawed in an out of her. She felt like she was being pulled apart there, sickened by the heat and unwashed smell of the African chief as he took full advantage of her.

Audrey smiled as she was removed from the hook. "Thank you," she told the tribesman sweetly. As the black man lowered her onto the chieftain's bed, she parted her gleaming white thighs, showing him her now-wet blonde snatch. He mounted her from behind, she she let out a gasp as that thick black prick found her opening. A shudder ran through her body, and the girl cried out as the black warrior pierced her. Then she saw another black, even taller, step around to her front, his thick African manhood in his hand.

Audrey only hesitated a moment before moving her head toward it, lips wrapping around the tip.
The chief quickly grew tired of her whining and crying, and quickly tied a fabric gag around her mouth to silence her."Just shut up and enjoy it" the chief remarked.The portly black man hoisted her too off the hook and laid her on her stomach on the bed.He laid Elizabeth at the foot of the bed so she could watch her daughter rather willingly service the two filthy tribesmen before her own eyes.The thick black cock easily found Elizabeth's snatch again as he slid forth and began to thrust hard with a grin."A mother and daughter serving together" He remarked.

The big man behind Audrey was gentle enough with her, slowly working his thick prick in and out of her moist blonde cunny with ease, his thick hands massaging and smacking her ass.The man in front of her gave a groan and began to stroke her hair, holding her head gently and thrusting some of his member back and forth into her mouth.The only reason they weren't overly forceful was she was so subdued, it made it easier for them to gain pleasure and in turn pleasure her.
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