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Post Your Face!

Rave said:
MissClover. I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.

Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers.

Okay, that was cheesy.

Do you know what my shirt is made out of?

Boyfriend material.
All of those made my day. Thank you!
D'awe thanks errybody! ^_^
I did the icebucketchallenge
That's my face
Yes I'm ugly
And sound funny I know ;A;
But there
Oh wow Manada I think it's cool you did that! ^_^
And no you are not ugly and no you do not sound funny!

Rave said:
A buddy took a picture just before I did the Ice Bucket Challenge! Iced me before hand so I had to chug a Smirnoff Ice. Haha pun -.-

I do like how the wind is blowing through my hair all fabulous though ﴾͑๏̯͑๏﴿


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