T Taren Planetoid Joined May 2, 2010 Jan 13, 2012 #8,052 Cant believe I'm doing this but here goes nothing.
darkangel76 .:The Vampiric Fae:. Supporter Joined Jan 26, 2010 Location Why do you care? Jan 13, 2012 #8,053 Nice pics, Taren! Guys in glasses = major win.
TheDuchess Supernova Joined Apr 1, 2009 Location United states/Eastern Jan 13, 2012 #8,054 Guys in glasses IN THE MILITARY= total hotness on duchy's radar
Defiant.Anjeru Star Joined Dec 13, 2011 Location Pacific Northwest Jan 13, 2012 #8,056 Didn't want to get out of bed today.
Minatei Super-Earth Joined Jan 5, 2012 Location Mictlan Jan 13, 2012 #8,057 I took a few pictures today. Thought it would be nice to be silly. XD I still got some hair changing and cosplay objectives~
I took a few pictures today. Thought it would be nice to be silly. XD I still got some hair changing and cosplay objectives~
Perlin Supporter Supporter Joined Aug 5, 2010 Jan 13, 2012 #8,059 So that is what Minatei looks like when not playing Amnesia and Penumbra.
Minatei Super-Earth Joined Jan 5, 2012 Location Mictlan Jan 14, 2012 #8,060 XD That is what I look like when I'm in my house most of the day because I don't feel like going out. In other words... That's me today. Haha.
XD That is what I look like when I'm in my house most of the day because I don't feel like going out. In other words... That's me today. Haha.
Redking6 Star Joined Nov 28, 2011 Jan 14, 2012 #8,061 Oh man...I usually never do this but... Here goes nothing I guess [/img] [/img]
Ms Mojito Star Joined Apr 2, 2011 Location Florida Jan 14, 2012 #8,062 I love the glasses Redking!! You look delicious ^_^
darkangel76 .:The Vampiric Fae:. Supporter Joined Jan 26, 2010 Location Why do you care? Jan 14, 2012 #8,064 So pretty Mina and Anj!<3 And more guys in glasses! Red, you've made my day!
Redking6 Star Joined Nov 28, 2011 Jan 14, 2012 #8,065 lol...Well then I'm glad I could be of assistance
Minatei Super-Earth Joined Jan 5, 2012 Location Mictlan Jan 14, 2012 #8,066 Thanks to everyone too. XD I swear I always come out with a blush.
sinfulrook Supernova Joined Feb 2, 2011 Location In a room with four walls, ceiling, and floor. Jan 14, 2012 #8,067 So many pretty girls, and so many guys with glasses! I have to post my face with glasses, but not while I'm sick...
So many pretty girls, and so many guys with glasses! I have to post my face with glasses, but not while I'm sick...
3ngag3 Supernova Joined Jan 9, 2009 Location The Pits of California Jan 14, 2012 #8,068 I haven't posted a photo of me forever. So why not break the streak with the first photo of myself of 2012.
I haven't posted a photo of me forever. So why not break the streak with the first photo of myself of 2012.
darkangel76 .:The Vampiric Fae:. Supporter Joined Jan 26, 2010 Location Why do you care? Jan 14, 2012 #8,069 <3333 *huge grin* Very lovely, hon.
Minatei Super-Earth Joined Jan 5, 2012 Location Mictlan Jan 15, 2012 #8,072 Hottie Rogue by the way. :3 And Shovel still hot. Haha.
Shovel Supernova Joined Apr 23, 2009 Jan 15, 2012 #8,073 Haha Gracias mamasita. They are reading glasses from a local grocery store. I just popped out the lenses. It cost me a whole $2.50 :3 Best buy ever.
Haha Gracias mamasita. They are reading glasses from a local grocery store. I just popped out the lenses. It cost me a whole $2.50 :3 Best buy ever.
Minatei Super-Earth Joined Jan 5, 2012 Location Mictlan Jan 15, 2012 #8,074 Wow... I have only bought 2 (and they're still perfect) but they cost me like 20 dollars. XD Nice ones.
Wow... I have only bought 2 (and they're still perfect) but they cost me like 20 dollars. XD Nice ones.
Shovel Supernova Joined Apr 23, 2009 Jan 15, 2012 #8,075 Haha I assure you it was a combination of great luck and meticulous decision making. They were stuffed in a clearance bin with tons of other reading glasses and it took me about 10 minutes to find and pick those pair.
Haha I assure you it was a combination of great luck and meticulous decision making. They were stuffed in a clearance bin with tons of other reading glasses and it took me about 10 minutes to find and pick those pair.