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Post Your Face!

Well here is me...

Not really.
Hello everybody! Been awhile since I've chipped in here, so I'd thought I'd say hello! Now, those of you that remember, I have no clue what I've posted and not posted, so here are two (possibly) new pictures for you!



Now won't you come play with me? ;)

Just got back from AWA this weekend, wanted to show you a few shots of me in cosplay!

Me as Ikkaku Madarame from Bleach

Me as Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Me as Allen Walker from D. Gray-Man
Gosh. I haven't looked in this thread in..... forever! Ok, not forever. But a freakin' long ass time!!!! O.O

And all I have to say is this. DAYUM! Yep, BMR... I <3 you so. You and all your hotness. *noms on everyone*
So much deliciousness. I swear.

Love the glasses, Seren. They look really pretty on you.
Gorgeous as always, Alex. <3
Loving the cane, TT. You have that 'something' that allows you to pull it off so perfectly! *noms*
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