Post Your Face!

Adorable wasn't what I had in mind; but it'll do!

The question when it comes to Machiavelli is whether or not you're familiar with his Discourse of Livy.

Everybody, whether they realise or not, knows of the Prince.
I'm gonna see about getting a few more pics together. Depending on how work takes off the ground - I may be getting a new camera. :3 I have a constant job now, so this will change things for me. I'll get a few more new pics of me and the people I hang out with. Possibly from an anime event - not sure yet. I do know this though - I'm going to be visiting some old friends sometime this month, even if I have to greyhound it to them. If I've gotten enough money from work by then - I'll definitely have a digital camera - and I'll definitely be getting pics.
First Curly haired pics of me.




I donno why but I really like the last one.

Next. Hahahaha I love when people send me super old pics I didn't know existed.


I look super tired in that one and I don't remember taking it, but I still dig it.


Fucking off in class with a friends camera.


Hahaha again, I donno why but I love this one.
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