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A video of glomping XD
Anyway here is a pick i just took hope im not scaring anyone XD
lol, Duchess I have tons of cats too, 8 of the little furries.

Oreo: not as intriguing as some other pics you've posted before, but quite lovely!

Laughs low in her throat, if you saw the rest of the picture you might wonder about that remark, but it is not about to go up for public display. Thank you, for the compliment. -winks-

I missed the show...and I was sad

Godforbid gave me a bunch of stuff and put a smile on my face
In explanation of my ever seen 300 lbs in spandex that contains barely 100...thats what I was looking both pics...I couldn't smile..I'm thankful they're not pics of me wasn't a woman...I hate SoHo sometimes
Anansi said:
In explanation of my ever seen 300 lbs in spandex that contains barely 100...thats what I was looking both pics...I couldn't smile..I'm thankful they're not pics of me wasn't a woman...I hate SoHo sometimes
I would've been laughing my ass off. But hey, stuff ftw.

this is as close as I got to electric six...cause I had to leave early

This is why I had to leave early

I was the only person he took a pic with..I was smiling for the first pic which came out blurry...and by the time the second was took the people staring daggers..well got to me a bit..but I am fuckin happy
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