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Post Your Face!

*does creepy noise from the Grudge...or perhaps dances to Thriller?*
Thanks Vamp :) but your pics definately make a statement ;)..I mean "hot" is even labelled right on your side!! Very snazzy.
Ohh! Sorry Mr. Master..The blinded me for a moment @_@ *hugs vampy, who is still hawt too ^^*

Hahvoc: Well I'm only half-Asian :( but our babies would still be beautiful I'm sure!!
There's certainly a lot of attractiveness going around. It's like a glorious disease.

And then of course there's Mr. M with his spicy Narwhal style of life.
Werewolf_from_hell is mine -pulls over to me and smirks slightly- No touchy...-cuddles and nips lightly- My pet and my...hehe
werewolf_from_hell said:
~smiles and holds her close~ ~growls~ Im overprotective so...yeah...

and do you wanna tel them or me?

-stays close and nuzzles- Hmm you are ^^

-tilts my head- Mmm really it's your choice -smirks slightly-
^_^ Well for all of you who are oblivious...

We are mates, the werewolf is hapy with his mistress...and loves her so very much...~kisses neck~ yep
^^ hehe

-looks at you then stays close gasping as you kiss my neck- Mm and mistress loves her pet very much..and is also pretty over protective as well..

-tilts my head- Back to messenger -smiles slightly-

@ PadanFain : ^^ Thankies I actually plan on making us work out..he wants to move to WA state so ^^ I'm happy so very happy.
You know. While you're all jibber jabbing, I'm watching the screen and you know what I'm seeing? Not me. And this isn't the first not me page I've seen!

@PadanFain: Why thank you kind sir ^_^

Yes yes...indeed...

@Hero: DUDE! I have the same facaial hair O_O...well the hair on my chin is longer but...yeah!
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