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darkangel76 said:
so deprived, battleship.... so deprived.
Your are not kidding. Weird Al has been going for 20 years and keeps making the best musical parodies out there. Consistently. Love the man. Love him.

I remember back when some celebrity died about 3, 4 years ago... I said yeah, that's sad, but just wait till someone I care about dies like Weird Al... and then I really thought about what it would be like to hear that Weird Al died, and I got so sad.

I'll fly my flags at half-mast on that day. Presidents and kings and rich people can come and go, but one must commemorate those who have meant something to us.

Also, it's possible I've had a wee bit of rum this evening. Maudlin drunk!
Its been a while since i posted something...i think

I finally got a chance to play with my 120 Pallet soooo here is a pic for you!
Raziel99 said:
It's been a while. so I thought i would take a picture in my new pj's.


Raz is my tall mofo. No. there is not enough to go around. -steals back- Besides, I stocked those pjs at my target job!!!!
Vivid Fizz said:
You have more definition in your arms than before, which I guess is from the B-Ball XD

And I am jealous of your metabolism.

That came quickly then o_O
I only played for like maybe 20 - 30 mins before my dogs got into a fight.
Mind you my thigh still hurt from like 3 days ago, or two I forgot but yes they still hurt, and that was from B-Ball to. Want to get in shape and such.

Lol I hate my matabolism for the reason above, but love it cause I don't need to watch my weight. I'm free from diets unless I want to.
darkangel76 said:
lol, remec! you men and your infatuation with 'butt shots'!!! LOLOLOL!!!!! hrmmmm..... *ponders*

When it comes to the loveliness around BM, any shot is fine with me. But I will admit to having certain fetishes that will out way others when it comes to having to decide on which pics I'd want more of...

Personally, I like butt shots where the person is looking back at the camera since I want to see them not just their butt...*smile*

:cool: nice as those were, Bunny...I hate having seen them all so quickly, 'cause now I've got a hankering for a taste of rabbit...*licking lips, chuckling*

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