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Who are you dad? (Parisu-kunX1hinata28)


Jan 9, 2009
Kana stood outside of the house before turning her head watching the social worker drive away. She did not even bother to stay with her to meet her biological father. Yeah sure she knew him when she was two years old but she did not remember that time. All she could remember was that her mother and father were fought about everything but never did her mother try to bad mouth her father. Actually when she was on her death bed she started talking about her father and what kind of man he was. In the best possible way.

Her real name was Katharine candy McClain, She had no clue where her middle name was maybe her mom wanted some candy when she was putting her name on the birth certificate. She had been called Kana since she was around eight. She preferred it to Katharine or Kathy. She hesitated at the door her hand balled into a fist ready to knock but never did to scared of who here father would be.

She only had a black guitar case and her hand along with a blue trunk which rolled around the when she dragged it. A few boxes were sent to his house before she arrived, her only belongings and a few things her mom left her. The rest in a trust fund for her 18th birthday. Her mom had died on Kana's birthday less then a week ago. April 16th. Her funeral just two days ago and the pain was still visible on her face.

Finally Kana brought her hand to the door and knocked four times and waited. â??Mister?â? She called from outside. She did not know what she should call him. Dad? Mrâ?¦ what ever his last name was.. She did not know so she waited for him. Her eyes downcast as she waited. Her bright blue eyes were slightly teary. She was shy but never acted it at home. She did not know if that would change. She tucked her light blond hair behind her ear and waited.
He opened the door, a man in his late thirties almost forties with long well kept hair tied in a ponytail, he looked muscular and that he took good care of hie health. He left her come in without saying much. Quietly, he really was shocked to hear of his ex-wife's death. He guided her to her room to be where her things were packed, he had carried the boxes to the second bedroom, the one that was on the other side of the hallway opposite of his own. He then turned to her. He was unsure as if he should touch her, but trying to get close to her he tapped her shoulder and when she turned placed both of his hands on her shoulder and knelt in front of her.

"I am very sorry your mom is dead. I promise I will look after you. Like I always wanted to."

He tried to smile but he was also burdened by the loss of the woman he had loved, and even if they couldn't stay together he had loved her still. He looked down for a moment before he turned up to her and smiled.

"Im sorry I remember it was your birthday a few days ago. So I got you this."

He gave her a small velvet case and inside it there was a couple gold earring with small diamonds a simple design but he had never bought anything of the like so he expected she would like them.
Kana just followed him into the house not saying a word. She did not know what to say or what toi do in this strange mans presences. She was not that tall only around 5â??2â?? at the moment which was a little tall for her age group. She new her parents still loved each other, though her mom rarely spoke of her father. When they finally stopped she let her trunk down and placed her guitar on top of it. She was very protective of it. Her guitar was in a black case.

She finally lifted her head and took in her fathers appearance. She tried to remember him when she was a child and played with this man. All she could manage to find was a day when they were playing in the park and playground. Her mother always told her she was daddyâ??s little girl and when he left she had cried for a long time not wanting to eat or anything so her mother had to call her father to come and calm her down. Of course Kana did not remember it was twelve years ago,

Kana looked exactly like her mother at fourteen. â??Yeahâ?¦ me tooâ?¦â? She said when he said he was sorry for her mothers death. She was surprised with the hands on her shoulders but tried to stay still, this man was a stranger but still her father. She took the little gold box obviously not excited about her birthday. She opened it slowly wondering how he remembered after so long. She decided to be nice. She opened the little box and smiled softly. â??Thank youâ?¦ they are very pretty.â? She smiled again. It was true she did like them. She just did not like remembering her birthday.
He stood up and pat her head softly he gave her a soft smile and asked:

"Well Catherine. I wonder if you still remember your Father's name?" He said wondering if she did or in case she didn't he would remind her. "I am Paris, but of course you can call me Dad. And I promise I you wont be lonely again. I will be here from this day forward."

He then placed a hand in his pocket and asked her.

"So what would you like for dinner? I am guessing apple puree is no longer your favorite?" He said with a small smile as he was actually remembering feeding her baby food when she was little.
"Call me...Kana please... I really do not like being called by my full name... I do not mind but... I am more used to Kana then anything else..." She said softly, then shook her head of course not remembering his name. When he said it, it rang a bell somewhere in her head. Her mother having mentioned the name once or twice.

"Um..griled cheese...please..." She was not that hungry nor very happy to be in his company. "DO you...think I could see my room and stay there for a little while, maybe eat in there... I need a little alone time..." She did not know where her room was. SHe grabbed her guitar and waited quietly. She was looking down for now.
"Of course. But just this once. I wouldnt like it if it became a habit of yours eating in your room." He said as he walked her to her room, going up the stairs and down the hall, and showed her where her things were, still packed, there was a queen size bed for her in the room as well as a television and other trinkets he had gotten for her prior to her coming.

"I will make your grilled cheese then and when you want to talk we can."

He left her for a few moments and came back with her dinner. He knocked on her door and waited for her to open.

"Kana, Dinner is ready. What would you like to drink? I have Cola, Milk and Iced tea."
"Mmhmm I understand Mama did not like it either... I prefer eating at a table rather then my room but...for today...." She was not used to him or this hour or anything. She noticed all the stuff in the room and smiled a little her room used to be very plan compared to this. Kana placed her gift on the end table before laying on the bed grabbed the pillow and started to sob quitely deciding to get her emotions out then and there. She only cried for a short period of time after her mother died.

She rubbed her red eyes when he knocked at the door and opened it before going back to the bed waitting quietly. "Um...cola... I guess.." She looked off a moment before back at her father,
He handed to her a bottle of Cola and her grilled cheese, then he once more caressed her head.

"I will be right across the hall if you need me or if you want to talk. I understand that you dont trust me yet but, I do know what you feel after all we both loved your mom and, well, you do look a lot like her when she was your age."

He then walked to the door and closed it behind himself walking into his own room to think quietly about what had happened he now had a daughter he had to watch over and had lost the woman he loved the most in a short period of time, Kana would surely change his life but to him it was for the best. He felt a sensation of sadness come over him as a single tear fell down from his eye, he would miss her so much but with Kana there there was no reason to be sad or lonely anymore.
Kana nodded when he spoke. "Thank you..." she said softly for the food and what he said she was starting to feel better about things. When he left she laid on the bed and ate her food and drank her cola before venturing out to find a garbage bin. She threw out the dish and can. She stayed in the kitchen and ran her fingers on the stove gently before going back to her room and laying down her eyes closed.

She decided a shower would do her good so she grabbed her toiletries before finding the bathroom. She turned on the water and stepped under the water enjoying the feeling of it on her skin. It helped her relax some then realized she forgot to ask where the towels were. Well she would not worry for the moment.
He had heard the water running and wiped his tears, figuring she wouldnt know where the towels were he remembered that he had gotten one for her and knocked on the door. "I got your towel Kana. It was in your room on the closet." He said waiting for her to reply.
She heard the knock and heard her fathers voice. "ah? really?" She asked looking around and moved the curtain to block the view. "Can you bring it in for me..? Please? I forgot to lock the door..." It was out of habit at home it was just her and her mom, no need for such things. Besides the one at her old house was busted, She was in the middle of scrubbing her hair.
He stepped in and did his best not to look but still the curtain was semi transparent, he looked the opposite way and handed her the towel.


He walked out blushing lightly... was he really looking at his 14 year old daughter? To him she looked reallly beautiful but those werent a parent's thoughts...
T-thanks..." She whispered as the towel was handed to her. She finished up her shower quickly before getting out and drying off before wrapping the towel around herself. She brushed her teeth nd came out in only the towel.

She quickly went into her room to get dressed.
It was about time to get to bed and there seemed to be some bad weather coming up. The news were casting a large thunderstorm alert.

He stepped over to his room and changed into a blue set of silk PJ's and walked to the door of Kana's room.

"Good night. Kana if you cant sleep let me know okay? I heard there is a storm approaching so... just remember im right across the hall."
Kana had pulled on her light pink night gown that reached her knees and had long sleeves. While it had long sleeves it was thin so she was not hot. Besides nights were still a little cold during April. She combed out her hair and let her blond locks fall to her mid back it had looked shorter earlier. She stretched and heard the knock.

â??S-Storm?â? She said obviously a little scared. She had always been afraid of thunder since she was a baby every time she would cry and need to be held. She hid it a bit easier now then she did when she was little, no crying. â??Um..aâ?¦t-thunder storm?â? She asked slowly and carefully.

She had opened the door as she asked her father.
He was almost on the other side of the hallway. When she called out to him he turned at her and said.

"Yes a bad one actually but I am sure were safe inside since everything is reinforced. But if you get scared I wont mind keeping you company okay?"

He said and pat her on her head a very fatherly gesture from him as he saw she was actually frightened by such.
She nodded quickly when he said he would stay with her if she was scared, she did not like to admit her fear... but she really, REALLY hated such things.

"I am...afraid of you mind if with you tonight?: She asked softly her eyes half closed. She obviously ment to just sleep in the same bed, in his room. "Only tonight..." She said quickly. She was not used to this place so she did not want to be alone and afraid in her room.

If she was used to this place she usually would not bother. She moved her thumb to her lips and nibbled on it lightly.
He hesitated slightly but in the end he couldn't resist his daughters cuteness. It was okay if she just slept that night with him after all she was afraid; and what kind of parent would leave his child to cower in fear of a thunderstorm when she needed him like this?

"Sure you can comes sleep in my bed then."

He said as the first of the thunders roared mightily outside and the sudden light illuminated the dark rooms
"Thank you..." She whispered knowing he was a little reluctant. When the thunder sounded she nearly screamed her lungs out as she clung to her father. "O-One minute." She said running into her room, grabbing her pillow and her little stuffed toy which kept her calm something.

She reallt was terrified of thunder and it was obvious by the few tears in her eyes when she returned. She moved extremly close to him awaiting the next rumble. She was almost against him, the closest she had been since arriving.
He passed his arm over her and walked her into his room he knelt in front of her and kissed her forehead.

"Its alright Kana I know it sounds odd for me to say it, but I will keep you safe, nothing will harm you here."

They both entered the room and he left her get into the bed before o she could get comfortable before joining her. After all she had to feel safe with him. She was his only daughter and he loved her very much.
Kana blushed softly when he kissed her forehead. She had not expected such a gesture. The girl nodded a little, still not trusting the man completly. He was still mostly a stranger to her. A man she had been reunited with just this afternoon. She just smiled slightly.

She walked into the room and looked at the big bed, much like her mothers. She smiled again before throwing her stuff on one side before climbing into the bed and going under the thin blanket, after all it was spring no need for winter blankets. She held the orca plush close to her.

Then the thunder rumbled again and she jumped putting her head under the blanket.
He got into the bed and turned to her. Looking at her sweet little face it was almost like looking at a young version of his late wife. He held her for a moment in his arms and whispered in her ear.

"Good night."

He let go of her and smiled warmly before moving a bit away trying to sleep as thunder roared in the distance more menacing and louder than before.
"Night Night." She mumbled blushing a little as he held her. She tried her best to fall asleep, not having much luck. When a particularlly loud rumble rolled through she jumped and moved very close to him, wrapping her arms around his. She put her face against it. "I think...I will sleep like this." She said in a soft tone.

Her arms remained around his as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. It was obviously not very easy since the storm was not letting up.
He tried to sleep but having her close like this was not letting him sleep very well. It was hard for him not to think of his wife, she was so much like her. After many thunders a small blackout hit making even the streetlights fade, he could feel her squirm in his grasp each time she heard the loud noise of thunder. Her warmth was causing his dick to grow stiff and he could tell she could feel "it" too.
She noticed something hard as she squirmed now and again, but she did not say anyting not sure what to say. She was only fourteen and had breifly learned about this stuff in school. Though she did not put two and two together. She squirmed again as she soon fell asleep, not complet sleep but a small sleep. As she slept she pulled herself closer to her father and in her sleep whispered. "Daddy. I love my daddy." Kana said it just like she had at only two years old, right before he left. Her eyes opened after a moment as she looked at him. "Whats this?" She asked as her leg nudged his dick. She had awoken from her small sleep.
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