Fallen Champion [Azecreth & Ukai Nejasaki]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
A sigh of annoyance escaped Victor Lanston as he opened the door to his small apartment, his shoulders and back weary after a hard day of work, his t shirt and jeans stained with sweat and dirt. His skin was tan and muscles well toned, hard labour able to do that to a person. Yet he had little choice in the matter as it stood. He needed a job, and this was one of the few jobs that he could find. So long as it paid well, he was willing to put up with it for as long as he had to.

Still, that didn't mean he had to enjoy it. He would much prefer to be in the sweet house that he had owned, surrounded by luxuries that had preceded his fall from grace. Naturally it had come at the hands of some hotshot, and with that first slip the rest was a sad and sordid affair that had landed him here, where once he had been the talk of the Pokemon world. He had nothing left, just this small hole in the wall, some cash to his name, and a single Pokemon.

Another sigh slipped out as he kicked his shoes off before moving to the fridge. A quick search revealed what he was looking for, and he grabbed a beer from the inside, opening it up before he moved to sit down on the one reclining chair that he had. He wanted to relax from work, forget where he was ad imagine that everything was still alright, and that was what he was going to do now.
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