Pokemon World Championship (Mofo x DuxT)

As Cherry swamps the floor with team Rocket, Bugsy.. and Stiks. She makes her way off into the forest between Azalea Town and Goldenrod. The pass was relatively easy for someone as prepared as she was, and after beating, her self proclaimed rival.. was he her rival... He didn't seem like it, but something about him just made her want to challenge him any chance she got. Her happy chance of beating Stiks before she departed Azalea Town was fresh in her happy little heart.

Then she was met with a road block of sorts.. there was a tree in the way of the path it was thin and covered in sharp thorns that would make it dangerous to try and squeeze around. A road block like this wasn't good... But then there was this lucky coincidence, a Farfetch'd ran by her being chased by the son of Azalea Towns local charcoal maker. He was having a rough time getting the bird pokemon to follow orders.

It ran right between Cherry's legs and then ran off into the forest. The boy was a little older then her with baggy clothes and a white headband wrapped around his head likely to catch the sweat from his brow. "Oh darn... if only I had the proper badge, then my dads Farfetch'd would listen to me... hey miss... your a pokemon trainer right... and it looks to me like you've got yourself the badge from Azalea Town... I need a favor, you mind helping me catch my dads Farfetch'd if you do, I have this HM 01 on me, that I can give to you in return.


Stiks had been slacking a bit more noticeably now to Krys, sure he had done well at helping Cherry root out team Rocket. But he had pokemon designed to smash bug types like Onix, yet he had managed to struggle considerably against him, sure he won... But he could have easily done better. Then, he had actually pulled out a loss against Cherry right before leaving town. She sighs hoping she didn't make a poor decision in choosing him to be her partner. "Stiks... you really need to start doing better, if you keep going like this, you won't ever manage to reach World Champion Status..." Stiks looked over at Cherry, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"I don't know anything about this... World Champion stuff.. besides, I let her win that one, she looked like she could use some energy..." Krys sighed hearing 'the happy to help a girl out' side of Stiks, that was charming yet at the same time the reason why he infuriated her sometimes, and what made it worse is she knew he had been with her so long to the point he was immune to the idea she was ever a girl he'd need to help out, which caused her heart to hurt some times, she then gave him a light slug in the shoulder slumping her shoulders. "Idiot..." She mumbled, the hit not nearly as strong as it could've been since she limp noodled the impact. Then a sudden gasp from Chika who had managed to recover enough energy to stand up was looking at the egg.

"Hmmm Chika what is it.." Stiks asked, looking down at the egg in his arm, which had hatched without either of them noticing, the egg now was looking like it had been split open at the top. Till the two of them noticed feet and arms popping out of the egg. Krys went bright eyed. "Awwww its a baby pokemon." She really was a girl sometimes, the newly hatched Togepi looked around and then up at the two of them, as if it saw them as its mother and father. "priii." It said the team trek back to the pokemon center, Krys having taken a hold of Togepi who was named Serene by the two of them. Hadn't been let go of by Krys since she got the baby girl Togepi in her arms snuggling her to her breasts.

"Oh wow, I gotta call dad.. oh and, you should probably let your dad know how your doing too." Krys said as the group took the moment to restock on supplies for the trek through the forest, and well make some phone calls. A call to Professor Elm and one to Stiks father, Barkly. Barkly was the gene that made Stiks the way he was having spoiled his son when he was around, having gone to Hoenn for work he wasn't around much, so a phone call between the two was often lively banter about berries and juice, but this time his dad had a gift for him.

"Son, why don't you check your poke-boxes, I left you a present.." He said Stiks moving to check the pokebox for a moment there was the icons for the pokemon he had put away, and there was his dads gift. Which he pulled out and swapped with Ledyba right quick, also to make room for Togepi in the group Furret was boxed. Then he happily held the ball holding his dads gift in hand. Then would send it out. "Come on out!" The ball opened to reveal a pokemon that was every bit like Stiks himself.
Cherry watched the Farfetch'd run past with some confusion, before she turned and spotted the boy chasing it. She listened to the boy's plight, smiling sweetly to him and giving a quick nod. "Can do mister." Quickly dashing off to chase after said Farfeth'd.

After some time, effort and a lot of annoying spooking the Farfeth'd into running, Cherry was able to corner the duck and get it caught. Returning triumphant, she rather than teach one of her Pokemon cut, just went up to the blocking tree with the newly acquired Pokemon. "Just borrowing him a moment. Farfeth'd cut this down please." And with a quick slash of his leek, the tree was felled, clearing the path.

Cherry made her way to Goldenrod then, fighting trainers and catching Pokemon along the way. The Hoothoot from the forest was nothing special, so she boxed it, the Drowzee on the route after that was another matter, replacing Blueberry the Butterfree on the team. She felt pretty good about preparing for the gym, but first the Game Corner had TM's and she wanted them and had just the Porygon to cheat herself to coins...


"It hatched into a Togeipi, isn't it adorable!?" Krys was at one of the machines calling her father, using it for the full video rather than just the pokegear as a phone. She still clutched the little baby Pokemon in her arms, quite taken with the adorable thing. "Apparently a few are around in Sinnoh, but to see a egg native to here!"

"Ah yes, I'd heard of Cynthia using a Pokemon like that. Rare thing indeed, hope you and Silver take care of it and yourselves now." Elm stated with equal parts worry and pride for his daughter.

"It'll be fine dad, I'm a big girl I can..." Krys was cut off from her sentence by the sudden feel of something clinging to her back. At first confusion, but then shock when slimy tendrils began wrapping around her breasts from behind! "Uhm, gotta go dad, love you bye!" Quickly hanging up the phone before he could see.

The newly released Shuck, was quick to lose interest in his master. However, seeing Krys caught the Pokemon's eye. Evidently taking after Stiks and Barkley, the Pokemon liked women and unlike Stiks, he saw Crystal for one. So he leaped, leaping far for a mobile rock and wrapped himself around her, breast first of course.

Krys began struggling, her movements limited by still holding the baby Pokemon. "Stiks, what is this thing and get it off please!" Squirming she felt the thing starting to slide its tendrils down her shirt. "Ewww, no, no, no!!!"
As Cherry exited the forest after having the spiky tree cut down, and catching the hoothoot and making her way past a strange shrine along the way. A soft briii cry was heard before something small and green darted off into the forest before vanishing like a mirage. It was likely nothing, as there would be no sign of it when she looked for it again.

So she easily made her way along to the next leg of her journey of course Goldenrod City was lively as the Contest Queen from Hoenn May was in the area. But strangely enough reporters around the city hadn't actually seen her. A figure wrapped in a dark cloak darts into the Large Goldenrod Department store and rides the elevator all the way to the top floor.

The elevator taking them all the way to the top. Then as they stepped onto the rooftop the figure takes in a warm breath of air. Plopping down onto one of the seats and sighing in a very feminine tone before pulling back the hood "Escaped, the Paparazzi at last..." The figure possessing brown hair and a red bandana tied into a bow. Grabbing her wallet as she stood up and moved towards the vending machine but in the process of doing so she clumsily drops her wallet and it scuttles under the machine. "Oh...no.." She would look around helplessly.


As the pokeball opened and the Shuckle was released out, it took one look at Stiks, then over to Krys and would readily extend out its yellow stretchy limbs and latch onto her. The naughty mold pokemon began to do what Stiks himself had never bothered to do to Krys.

Because if he had she would have punched him. While this was going on Bayleef came over and would use its vines to grasp and take Togepi out of Krys's arms for a moment while she made sure Krys didn't toss around the newborn to much and make her sick. Shucks would squeeze down and grope onto Krys, the poor girl unlike with Falkner was wriggling around helplessly in the middle of the poke center the Nurse Joy was just giggling at the scene behind the counter as if this happened all the time... Nurses were awful people.

Then Stiks came up and was trying to tug the stubborn naughty Shuckle off of Krys's back, the slithering sticky tendrils of Shucks wrapping around her waist and her breasts tightly. The thing didn't seem to wanna let go, as he tried to pull and force it off, he came to a randomly good idea. He pulled out Shucks ball and would return it. "Well.... that was funny.."

He said looking to Krys... "You alright?" Stiks finally asked, seeing Krys looking red in the face as she closed up her shirt and looks over at Stiks... "You... keep... that thing away from me... we clear?" Her nipples obviously hard from the rough treatment. From there on, they walked through the forest easy enough, an encounter with another Kimono girl after the place where Cherry chopped down the tree. She looked to be praying to some shrine so, the two of them didn't disturb, but did not go unnoticed.

The trek through the forest went pretty quickly, also bagging himself a HootHoot, which was boxed, and upon leaving the forest he caught a Drowsee which he had with him in place of Onix for a bit till he met a guy in the Department Store when they arrived who wanted it for his Machop, seeing opportunity to help someone he went for it. In return, he got a Machop. Which would definitely be a big help in the upcoming gym, however that was far from Stiks's mind as he would look around the place, noticing there was a lot of folk with cameras and microphones moving around.

"Has anyone seen the Contest Queen anywhere?" One of them asked, to which the rather mischievous little Shuckle of his simply came out of its ball and went up to where the cloaked figure was dealing with her Wallet under the Vending Machine. Being a smooth Shuckle, Shucks would act like quite the gentlepokeman and would use its long stretchable yellow limbs to help the girl out Shucks would slip its tendril like arms under and grasp the wallet. It made its little cry and held up the wallet so the figure could take it. The mischief nowhere in its beady black eyes.
Cherry watches the figure zip past, confused as she watched them go. She was debating chasing after them, seeing if they were Team Rocket, but she elected to leave that be right now. Besides, with all the press around, Cherry made an educated guess on who it was.

For now though she looked to Apple as she approached the little Game Corner. "You know the plan, right Apple?" Getting a happy little electric noise from her Porygon in return. Smiling, she headed on in, to the Voltorb Flip machine that replaced the slots.

Not long and many hacks later, Cherry came out having cleared house. She bought all the TM's and was debating coming back and buying a Pokemon or two from the place, but was going to save it for now. Now with a fully equipped Porygon, she headed for Whitney's Gym.


May had heard she was popular oversees, but this was just over the top. The moment the train pulled into Golden Rod, she could see she was in for a rough day. Paparazzi everywhere, waiting to ambush her on the train. Sighing, she wished she could just have a normal holiday somewhere without being hounded.

Still, she had a plan, not the best one but a plan anyway.. Pulling out a black cloak and hood from her bag, he put the disguise on, quickly leaving from the rear car. She didn't stop to see if she had fooled anyone, just kept walking, turning to a run when she left the train station itself.

Zipping past Cherry, the girl went for the department store, quickly heading for the roof, where she could see the city it. In the end, it worked, she got up here and nobody followed her. Breathing a sigh of relief she headed to the edge and took in the majestic city of Goldenrod with a smile, enjoying the simple view.

Now she was done taking a breather and could hear others coming, she moved over to the corner of the roof with the vending machines. She went ahead and ordered a lemonade, reaching for her purse... and finding it missing. Her eyes went wide, trying to figure what she could of done with it, did she leave it on the train? No, she couldn't have, where did she put it?!

Her mind was put at ease though by the appearance of Shuck, the little thing holding her purse in one of its tendrils. Giving a genuine smile, she bent down and petted the little Shuckle on the head. "Good boy, thank you for finding that." Taking her purse, she rose up again and went to get a drink, turning her back on Shuck for a moment.
However as Cherry stepped out of the Game Corner the Game Owner ripping his hair out on the inside due to having never seen anyone come in and walk out with so much coin. The Cops would be left unaware for now, leaving it easy for her to Bee-line straight to the Golden Rod Gym, however she would notice before she entered the looks of a woman tending to some flowers. They were carrying inside some of the newer pots and some of them looked a little heavy for the middle aged flower girl. She looked over towards the girl about to enter the Gym. "Oh, you must be here to challenge Whitney are you, be careful in there she is a tough one."

With that Cherry let herself into the Gym, which was full of... busty bodacious women all around. Each of them turning to look at the more slender petite Cherry and giving a smarmy smirk her way. The Leader Whitney however had a modest looking bust, yet an openly snarky smirk looking towards Cherry, she had pulled the milk bottle from her mouth and licks up the milk mustache she had. "You here for me? Awesome, been a while since I've had a good battle."


Stiks had just finished the trade, and Krys would happen to notice something odd. "Hey Stiks, did you see Shucks anywhere, I saw him come out of his ball and wander off." Stiks held the new Machop's ball in his hand and looks over to Krys, "No, haven't seen him, think he wandered off somewhere?" Stiks looked around a little, Bayleef would join in having never been inside her ball. They moved all over the Department Store calling out. "Shucks!" Then the sound of someone screaming and moaning on the top floor could be heard after he shouted for him. Rushing upstairs, he saw something amazing and yet likely to get him in trouble.

After Shucks had given May back her Wallet he had stretched out his limbs and tangled up May massaging and groping her all over the place she was moaning rather lewdly sounding from the sound of it. "No... please no not.. not there..." She was crawling towards the escalator. Seeing this, and the crowd gathering, Stiks looked around, should he stop this.. the crowd was gathering.. so yes.

Calmly he sighs, having been slightly enjoying May's rather lewd moans as Shucks happily molested the human girl. Sighing, yeah, yeah he had to stop this. So he held out Shucks ball and returned it. "Sorry bout him, he's a bit of a problem child." He looks up noticing May sit up after Shuckle was returned, and saw her eyes roll back into her head and a loud moan erupted. As she orgasmed heavily right there on the department store floor. Sighing Krys brushed past Stiks and would put the cloak over May's shoulder. "Come on, lets go clean you up.. and get you some clean clothes..."
Cherry looked the the girl at the door, tilting her head some. "Hmm? Well I can't imagine she's that bad..." Cherry did get a worried look on her face, remembering her first loss to Falkner... However she figured she was better now, so wasn't going to let doubt seep in and ruin her chances.

Heading inside she walked through, looking through all the busty women giving her looks. Cherry dropped her cute demeanor and frowned, absolutely hating the type of women these people appeared to be. Whitney didn't seem much better, but she put on a polite smile for the Gym leader. "Whitney I presume? I'm here to fight and beat you mam." The porygon behind her giving it's staticy cry of agreement. With all the new firepower she loaded into Apple, Cherry was confident in her chances here.


May and Krys eventually came out again, returning to Stiks. However, May once more had her hood up, a blush on her face from what happened. She'd changed outfits from the blue one she wore, though still not the classic outfit people knew from contests, seeming to avoid that one. Returning to Stiks, she bowed her head a little. "Thank you for getting that Shuckle off me... I'm not normally not so easily bound up." Blushing a little deeper.

"Don't worry about it, that annoying bug got me stuck too..." Krys commented, patting May on the back. She wasn't a fan of the Shuckle, the bug as perverted as the trainer but with none of the restraint, hardly a good combinations.

May then held her hand out to Stiks. "My name is May, thank you for saving me. I however can't really remain long, don't really have much time before the press start hounding me...." Her face paled as a thought came over. "None of them heard me right?!"
Cherry and Whitney stared eachother down. It was down to the wire for both of them as Porygon and Clefairy clashed. The gym trainers all sat at tea tables and watched, the busty girls sitting all fancy and with their chests thrust out. Cherry didn't like the look of those over grown udders.. Even though she had no interest in boys, nor sex she'd always disliked busty women, even Whitney who was only slightly above a normal C-cup irked Cherry. Whitney seemed to notice the way Cherry eyed her. "Something the matter?" She asked feeling a bit of a heated glance her way.

Meanwhile Stiks stuck his hand out happily taking and shaking her hand. "I've been a huge fan since your debute names Stiks, I uh.... am a trainer..." Then Krys butted in "He's destined to be Pokemon World Champ." May blinked, then her eyes sparkle. "Then you must battle me, I wager if your aiming for World Champ your really strong." Her outburst drawing attention one of the TV crews blurted. "There she is!"
Cherry sighed, turning her attention back to Whitney as their Pokemon were about to square up against each other. Her frown deepened, crossing her arms together. "Just not a huge fan of this gym is all..." More along the lines she was parts jealous and wasn't a fan of the attitude of the other trainers.


May was about to go off on battling him, but then the press showed. She froze, like rabbits caught in the headlights, before her head snapped back and forth between Krys and Stiks. "Please, get me away from them and I'll be in your debt!"
Whitney huffed as the girl was saying she didn't like her gym. "Well, thats fine after I wipe the floor with you and send you packing my girls might just take you out and get you a real nice make over." Whitney would say as her pokemon give Cherry a good run for her money till the sound of her Miltank falling with a heavy thud to the ground.

She starts sniffling and balling her eyes out chucking the badge at her and a CD containing a TM. "Your a meanie." She collapses to her knees and loudly continues to cry, and Cherry while she felt bad, didn't in the long run, so she made her way out to witness a rather awesome spectacle from the Department store.


When the Paparazzi had caught wind of May after her outburst about wanting to challenge this loser who she still had her hand in his. They managed to get a few shots of May and Stiks holding hand each others hand as a result of a simple handshake that would be blown way out of proportions in the tabloids. May was trembling she didn't wanna get stuck in a crowd of flashing cameras and questions, sure she came here for that, but it was to be with Mary over at the radio tower and very relaxing, this was hectic... "Please just get me out of here..." With the pleading look she shot Stiks, the white haired young man whose hair was simply to wavy and to curly sometimes, gave a nod.

"Alright, I'll get you out of here." He calmly grabs all 6 of his pokeballs and sent everyone out. Everyone from Baleef to Flaffy had come out, Onix would roar out as it stretched out his whole body towards the sky crashing through the roof. Togepi would use Extrasensory to catch the falling debris and Machop, Flaffy, Bayleef and Shucks would handle the crowd. "Now May I want you to climb up onto Onyx... and hold tight, he'll be your ride out, Krys you take the elevator down and meet me outside."

Krys blinked, well this was a change, "Are you really Stiks?" Krys had to pause and ask, "I think I am yes... now get going." Krys was a little happy to see her child hood friend like this, even the sounds of camera men and news anchors struggling to push through his pokemon, and well the sounds of News Anchor women getting forced to orgasm by Shuckle were all about. Still she gave him props where they were due. "Alright, Krys heading out." With that she dashed to the Elevator and went down to the first floor. "Alright May... you ready."

The woman was bright eyed at this very big way of helping her out, Rocky was a solid enough Onix and once she climbed up on his back and held on tight. "Alright... I'm, I'm ready..." May stammered out as the order was given. "Alright Rocky, I want you to do me a huge favor and tunnel upwards and help her down to the ground outside." The Onix complied by returning a knowing roar, before shooting upwards through the ceiling and then coiling and keeping right along the side of the building as it snaked its way down to the ground, the rush of how fast the big rock type moving at full speed to keep from falling from the building itself was impressive.

Then managed to get her to the ground safely outside the Department Store. "And it only cost a few thousand Pokedollars in damage...." He looked at the group of Paparazzi being thrashed by his team and he then whistles. "Alright, everyone Charge through them." He then took a piece of ceiling and charged through the line making his way down and outside.

If this feat of helping a starlet escape a Department Store flooded with Paparazzi didn't get May's heart thumping, it was surely the way his pokemon worked well together. "A...amazing.." She said after it all was said and done, and all of them were settled at a restaurant a little ways in town, his team having a well deserved meal and May, and Krys having time to catch their breath.

Stiks, on the other hand was simply playing it nice and cool afterwards. But May, had sparkles in her eyes. "That was Amazing, I can tell you and your pokemon work really well together!" Krys for once had to agree she was amazed a little dumb founded at least. "You did great.. but are you sure causing that much damage to the store was necessary.." Krys asked, everyone having a drink in front of him, and of course Stiks went with Berry Juice. "Hey I did what she asked didn't I?"
Cherry let quite happy with herself after a short time. She really didn't like those girls and why would someone cry after losing as a Gym Leader? It was kind of her job to battle and give out badges to worthy trainers. Shaking her head, Cherry couldn't quite understand those girls mentality. But she won, a hard fought victory and her team deserved to rest...

However before she could even think about getting to the Pokemon Centre, her eyes went wide and mouth gaped at the sight. The department store, half destroyed as an Onix scaled down the side of it, a woman on her back. Watching, Cherry got to experience what she quickly figured to be Stiks in action, his Pokemon tearing through the press. The whole thing was baffling to Cherry... also not her problem.

Electing to let the chaos play out, she left for the Pokemon Centre, going ahead to proceed down the route north. She figured she might be able to get in on the Bug Catching contest before night fall... she had a certain green insect in mind for her team...


May sat astonished in her seat, still disbelieving of what happened. It was incredible, she'd never seen anything like it. Sure it was highly illegal and Stiks could be in big trouble for it... But it was so exciting! She knew she wanted to see more of Stiks and a battle sounded like just the right thing!

Turning to him, she gave a small nod, decided in her head. "Stiks, I want to fight you and your team. See how you stand, how you worked out there, you are bound to be amazing on the battlefield!" She pulled out and held in front of her a single Pokeball, her prized Blaziken. She wasn't much of a battler, but her Blaziken usually got the job done, having left the rest back home.

Kry raised a brow at this and looked a little nervously between the two. "Well... thing is Stiks is kind of new, still working him up through the league before he even stands a chance at the Championships...." Krys tried to explain, though stopped when she saw the look Stiks was giving her, seeming to want to fight May.
So, Cherry fought her way up the next route. Then noticed as she approached the pass towards the next route that there was a strange neon glowing sign. The sign read Gajinka Mansion.. not her interest, not even a bit...

In fact Cherry's dark side would have likely took a match and set the whole mansion on fire... Then she would approach the man who allowed for her to sign up for the bug catching contest. "Hey there little lady looking to sign up?" The registrator asked her. The girl would happily sign up, taking her beloved Porygon with her, and heading out with the 30 park balls she was given, and rushed on out into the grass, getting her knees all stained and getting down and dirty to get her that rare green pokemon she wanted, then there was her first encounter.


Stiks calmly looked over at the press now distracted by the sight of the partially damaged Department Store with an Onix trail bore down the side of it. He hummed a little, Shucks was hanging on his head like a hat at this point stealing sips from Stiks glass any chance he got, Shucks and Stiks seemed to be two of a kind alright. It was strange to Krys witnessing them both behaving.

Then there was May popping out the question to battle Stiks. Looking at Shucks he thought. "A one on one then?" He thought, "alright come on Shucks, you and me... everyone else enjoy your meals." He wasn't sure he had it in him to beat her, heck he'd just try and impress her as much as he could.. afterall she was one of the few people he looked up to, as she likely had to use a lot of berries and pokeblocks to get her pokemon to where they were.

"Let's see what we can do then, may need to get a bit of lip service from Officer Jenny before I see that Gym Leader here.." He stood up, acting cool strangely which was way out of the dorky loser mood he usually had. The fight began with May sending out Blaziken, a pokemon not found here in Johto to be sure and it looked pretty strong. Shuckle settled onto the field and looked up at Blaziken not sure if this was a good idea anymore, looking back at Stiks kinda not liking the looks of this fight. "Shuuuckle..?" Stiks read Shucks look well but he wasn't really planning on winning, so that was completely okay. "Don't worry just do your best."

The fight began, and well ended Shuckle had managed to withstand a few of Blaziken's attacks, but in the end it was May's victory to be sure. Shuckle coiled back up into its shell after the fight and waited to be returned to its ball. The pokeball held out and the red light zips out returning Shuckle, he walked up to May. "Good fight... now, hold out your hand.." May blinks after returning Blazakin.

"Oh.. no no you don't need to pay me..." But Stiks boldly seized her arm before she could move it out of his reach and placed in her hand a case full of his specially blended Pokeblocks. "Here, made these myself, I checked and made sure they were of the best quality... you can have them." Krys would watch this exchange and would hang her head moving up and grasping the hem of his shirt and tugging.

"Come on Stiks, she's gotta go to her interview." Krys had her voice so small at that moment, and it was noticable by May who flashed them a smile, and collected her stuff and clenched the pokeblock case. "If your ever in Hoenn I will have this ready for you." Later that day, on the air, May could be heard signing off with "Stiks I'll wait for you in Hoenn, champ in the making!" As he was making his way towards the Gym he and Krys stopped by before entering to help the ladies with the flowers get their product inside the house, and were rewarded with a spray bottle.

Then they finally entered the Goldenrod City Gym, and Stiks felt his eyes bulge. "Holy crap, look at all the...ow,ow ow ow." Before he could finish Krys pinched his sides. "We've come to battle the gym leader is she around." Whitney had long since stopped crying, and looked up seeing the dopey looking Stiks, and then his partner. "Oh.. um yeah, we can battle.." Whitney seemed a like a nice enough girl and her breasts were slightly bigger then Krys. He looks between them that is Krys and Whitney's breasts. The Gym trainers all of them well endowed women had him a little nervous as it was hard for him to focus with such gorgeous... then Krys pinched his side again. "Ow...owowow..okay okay I'll fight her, if you drag me to smell the flowers expect me to watch the petals and the bees too.." He shrugs and pulls out his pokeball, Whitney also took her place.

"Ready when you are... um... whats your name.." Whitney asked having broken from her stupor a second. "Names Stiks, now what are we wagering in this fight, I am not carrying any money..." Whitney heard this and tilts her head to the side index finger pointed out as she looked to her girls. "Well, you can... carry my bags for me when I go shopping, and your girl friend there can enjoy a nice relaxing time at a spa with my girls... and if you win, you get the badge of course.."

She said, speaking as if she had already won. "Wait where would you go shopping at? The department stores closed, I sorta... helped someone out by having my Onix break through the ceiling..." Stiks asked in a rather admitting way. "Hmmm, so thats what all the noise out their was... well then I guess I'll drag you to Officer Jenny as a delinquent." And then it became a case of if she beat him she'd bring him to the cops, "I assure you it was for a just cause..." Stiks remarked, "Save it... and fight."
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