Pokemon World Championship (Mofo x DuxT)


Apr 28, 2015
Cherry Trie was eagerly looking through her bag, a smile on her face as she hummed away. She sat in her little bedroom, located in a quaint little house in New Bark town. She was 16 and had just recently gotten her trainer licence, her father insisting she finish school. So, now she had done with high school and had qualified as a trainer, she was ready to go.

Now she was sure she was packed and ready to go, she strode out her house, Pokeball in hand. The moment she got outside, she threw the ball out. "Come on Apple!" Calling out as the red and white ball reached it's heights, bursting open. Red light formed into an object, taking the boxy shape of her first Pokemon, a Porygon. The Porygon floated just off the ground next to the trainer, happily zipping around here. "Come on, let's get going on our adventure!" Wasting no time, she began to run out into route 29, a set of Pokeballs ready to begin catching her team.


Crystal "Kris" Elm watched Cherry go dashing pass out of town, the older girl giving a little smile as she shook her head. Looking out into town, she frowned, where the heck was he? Kris was helping her father out by going and collecting data to further the Pokedex, especially in regards to eggs. She had been assigned a partner, Stiks to help her, well to help each other. Problem is, he was meant to meet her on the outskirts of town so they could get going... an hour ago.

Sighing, Kris headed for his house, quickly arriving and knocking on the door to find his mother. The look his mother gave, told Kris everything she needed to know, getting a sigh from the blue haired girl. "I'll get him...." Walking in and walking up the stairs annoyed. She knew which door was his, so she did not hesitate to start slamming her first against it over and over. "Stiks, get up! We're late!!" She didn't stop pounding at the door till she was sure he was awake.
Apple the Porygon Emerged from the ball and made its electronic sounding cry. Then began to follow after its owner. As she took off down route 29 being energetic as she was. Apple kept up best it could, she was eager and Apple couldn't be happier to finally be along for Cherry's journey having been a gift to her from her father who worked at Silph Co over in Kanto.

The moment Cherry made it into route 29, the world would look so much more open. The grass and trees danced and weaved as wind blew, flocks of Pidgey rose from the grass and flew off into the sky. The land was brimming with life going forward. The start of her journey would be one of amazement. However as she charged through route 29 after being allowed to take in the sights the sound of something coming for them from the grass could be heard. The pokemon leaps towards Cherry her first encounter.


Stiks was not his real name, but he had never really given his full name as it was dorky he always thought. So, he had it be known to Krys and everyone who lived in New Bark to call him Stiks. The young man was like any other 17 year old, save for the fact the only things he seemed to be passionate about was berries, fishing, and inventing new ways to be a real pervert. His puffy white hair which was a result of his father settled on his head making it a naturally wavy styled hair. His outfit a black and grey outfit but it was standard for young men other wise.

However when Krys pounds on that door the door swings ajar to reveal that Stiks was in fact not sleeping but with his pants down his ankles and his cock hanging out as he had been reading a rather filthy Gajinka megazine. He turned his head and looked seeing Krys there, and blinks rushing to pull his pants up. "Krys... oh...hey your here... weren't you waiting at the entrence to route 29?"

His tone revealed he had actually been planning to not come, he really was unusual he had no actual interest in pokemon however the page he was on clearly had a rather voluptuous woman dressed up as a Typhlosion . It was clear he had openly been wanting to just stay home and masterbate.. Funny thing is, he wasn't like this when he was younger... But things had definitely changed about Krys's rather perverted and lazy friend.
Cherry slowed her charge as she entered the route, taking a moment to admire the sights, sounds and smells of it all. She was happy, out of the house and on her journey, everything she ever dreamed it to be. Course soon the peace was disturbed, but it wasn't a bad thing for the girl, no instead it was exactly what she was hoping for. The first Pokemon she encounters in the wild, and she has the pokeballs needed to catch the thing.

The girl turned her attention in time to see a Rattata, the purple rodent, squeaking out and gnashing it's teeth aggressively. The action was just adorable to the girl, the rodent not being that fearsome with its small size. "Apple, quick, Tackle!" The Porygon was quick to respond to its master, flying out and slamming into the rat, knocking it to the ground. Cherry, quick to act, threw out one of the empty Pokeballs she carried, hitting and absorbing the rat. It shook once, then twice.... then a satisfying click came over them.

The young trainer was quick to rush forward and snatch up the ball, jumping into the air in celebration. "We did it!" Eager and excited, she was ecstatic to have caught her first Pokemon. Settling down, she looked to the ball, her smile wide. "Think I'll call you Grape, yeah Grape will do nicely." Now with her first two Pokemon, Cherry surged forward, onwards to Cherrygrove City and beyond.


Krys was quick to tun away at the sight of Stiks with his cock out, she only got a quick glance, but it was enough. "Oh Arceus, Stiks, get dressed now!" Glancing back after a moment, she gets the much better sight of seeing him with his pants up. Sighing, Krys shook her head, wondering what the heck she was going to do with him.

"I was waiting at Route 29 and you are an hour late..." Figuring a more forceful approach would work, she reached back to one of the Pokeballs around her belt. With practised aim, she threw it, landing squarely between the boys eyes before plopping down into his lap. "There is your first Pokemon. Now, let's get going before I start showing your mother your magazine collection..." She turned and walked out the door again, waiting for him on the landing, assuming that'd get him moving.

The ball now sitting in Stiks lap had a small leaf engraving above the catch. Should he open it, the light will reveal a small green, adorable little Chikorita. The grass type looked up at her new trainer with wide eyes, a smile seemingly on her face, before nuzzling into Stiks. Even if Krys was annoyed, this little guy or girl was happy to see him.
As Cherry makes her way along towards Violet City after she captured Grape a little Rattata. The way along from route 30 to 31 was a bit of a stretch, thankfully they had rested up at a Pokemon center back in town. The Nurse Joy there had been nice, but she had a strange way of saying "We hope to see you again." As if she was expecting the rookie to get in over her head and come to have her Pokemon healed up again. The path way along route 30 to 31 gave Cherry her first taste of a journey. It was here she would encounter on route 30 a Pidgey that upon her entering into the grass attacked. It would swoop and dive at her from above. Making it a little harder to hit then the Ratatta, hopefully Cherry could manage it.


Stiks would grumble as Krys had him by his proverbial pokeballs. "Ahh come on Krys... have mercy on me a little will ya..." Stiks grumbled then looked at the ball that she threw with the skill of a pitcher but it landed short and landed at the center of his lap. The hard ball hitting him well... in the balls causing him to groan and grab his crotch... "Oww..."

Then he looked up seeing the ball suddenly open and from it a Chikarita emerged and began to nuzzle him like a cat and in the sweetest tone "Chik..Chika..." It was clear this was a little lady he had here.. Hearing Krystal heading downstairs he grimaced, and pulled up his pants and didn't bother putting Chikarita back into its pokeball, as he simply grabbed the ball, his bag then stuck Chikarita up under his arm carrying her out the door.

"Bye mom, going out with Krys don't check my room there is nothing perverse or erotic hiding in there.. also tell dad I'm looking forward to trying his latest berry juice, if it comes in when I'm away have a post guy send it to the closest pokemart okay?" He made sure his pokegear was on and that he had Krys's number and mothers, and looking through he saw Elm wanted to add his number.. "Hey Krys why's your dad trying to get on my calling list?" He asked slipping his shoes on not bothering to comb back his hair, while Krys was pretty, and likely very charming, but he had known her since they were kids and thus he had trouble seeing her as a girl sometimes.
Cherry was quick to shield her head with her arms as a Pidgey swooped down. However, Apple was quick to come to the rescue, leaping up and intercepting the attack, taking the hit for its trainer. "Apple!" Cherry turned, worried for her partner, but found Apple was okay, a little beat up but still hanging in there. "You're okay, good, now hit it back!" Hopping back to get herself out the line of fire as bird and artificial Pokemon clashed.

The fight was quick, the Pidgey landing a couple more hits on Apple before the Porygon could hit back. However, one hit was all Cherry needed before she threw out another one of her balls. Another couple of shakes and click and the Pidgey was hers. She was quick to grasp the ball again. "Welcome to the team Apricot!" Celebrating once again as she slowly began filling out her team. Using a Potion to patch Apple up, she'll continue on, making her way to Violet City.


"I'll have mercy when you actually do as I say!" Kris called back as she walked out, letting him get ready, least partly. She began to head out the door and back out towards Route 29, only hanging around long enough to make sure Stiks was following.

"Have fun dear, don't get into any trouble." His mouther responded as he left, honestly glad Krys was able to get him moving. She was more than happy for him to go on a journey like this, it good for him in the end.

"So he can keep you updated, also so you can let him know about your progress.... granted I'll likely have to do that." Krys was under no illusions as to who was doing the heavy lifting out of the two of them. For example, she knew she'd need to drag him to route 29, which is where she was trailing him right now.

The route hadn't really changed since Cherry got to it, just one less Rattata. Not that Stiks ran into a Rattata, instead there was another rodent, a Sentret standing on it's tale, poking out of the tall grass before them. Krys gave Stiks a look when she saw the wild Pokemon. "Now then, do I need to shot you how to catch a Pokemon, or have you got this?"
The ball shook 3 times then confirmed Pidgey's capture. Thus Cherry could continue her journey. However on her way to route 31 a boy with a blue baseball cap, and Yellow shirt jumped out from the wood works with a pokeball in hand and a grin on his face. Then he thrusts his arm out.

"You must be new around here, haven't seen your face... if your a trainer then we must do battle... and if I win I get to take your money... but.. you don't look like you have much, so I wager if you don't have any money." He giggles all creepy like and a nose bleed dripping from his nose which would be sucked back up and he threw out his pokeball and he grins out popped a Ratatta. "My Rattata is of the top percent of Rattata!"


Stiks would allow Krys to explain how catching pokemon works. He sits down and allows Chikarita sit on his lap. He pulls out some dried berries and would be snacking on them with Chikarita while Krys explained in a very intricate way on how to catch a pokemon requires one to think carefully and weaken the pokemon.

But as she was talking he and Chikarita didn't seem to be paying that much attention as he popped a dried pecha berry into her mouth and she murred in joy. "You like that one huh? Yeah I like the Pecha berry raisin too huh?" Krys would be used to Stiks flippant behavior yet it didn't make her scold him any less. "Stiks are you even listening? I can't believe you arn't paying any attention, don't come crying to me if it gets away.." She said sounding miffed at him, causing Stiks to sigh, and gently massage Chikarita's scalp and looks down at Chikarita.

Then takes her off his lap for a moment and sets her off to the side and moves past Krys by himself, taking a free ball off her belt as he passes by presses the button as the ball enlarges and then he just chucks it at the Sentret, 3 wiggles is all it takes and he retrieves it. "Kay, caught the Pokemon... what was that about weakening it oh yeah want some Berry Raisins?"

He said holding out the bag and grins at her, watching her go wide eyed at how easy he made that look. "How... how did you?" She was in shock that her low effort child hood friend managed to make that look mediocrely easy.. "I just took the ball and threw it.." He picks up the ball and tosses it into his bag and looks to her "Okay, is this what you wanted me for?"
Cherry raised a brow at Joey, she had plenty of money, so even if she lost she'd be able to pay him. Course Cherry was oblivious to Joey's lustful thoughts, thoughts that weren't likely to come to fruition. Looking back she turned to Apple who still floated about with her. "Apple, the one two punch please." Taking a step back to let her Porygon handle this.

Poyrgon's were very intelligent Pokemon, so she'd already planned out some combo's for it to use at just a single command. Joey's ratatta was faster, the purple rodent lunging forward and tackling the Porygon... who just sat their and sharpened it's sides. Then as Joey's rat pulled back, Apple charged forward, hitting with an enhanced Tackle, sending the poor rodent flying and knocked out. "Good job Apple!" Cherry then took a step forward, holding out her hand. "I believe you owe me some money?" Giving a sweet, innocent smile.


You could see the rage and frustration building up in Krys' face, her eyes twitching a little. Here she was, learning all the advanced catching strategies and trying to impart wisdom to him.... and he just went ahead and caught it effortlessly. "You...." She shook her head, fingers rubbing her temples with a sigh. "That won't always work, typically won't work.... Come on, let's get going..." Sighing, she headed on out, towards Cherrygrove.

Unlike Cherry, Stiks was not accosted by the youngsters of bug catchers on the route. Instead his path was clear, able to nab a Weedle on Route 30 and a Leddyba on Route 31. This left the path for him and Krys clear to Violet City, the first major settlement in the region he'd come across. Also this was the first of many Gyms, something Krys looked to Stiks expectantly for. "So... Ready to go challenge your first Gym?"
Then Cherry arrived after thumping Joey and...everyone else along the way. Getting herself another friend along the way a Caterpie which was caught shortly after the last bug catcher on route 31 goes down. Upon reaching Violet City her team was looking sharp, having battled everyone from Joey onwards, she walked away the winner up to this point her Pokemon growing stronger along with her.

They stop at a Pokemon center completely disregarding a man standing outside his house asking if they've caught a Bellsprout and would like to trade him for his Onix, sadly Cherry hadn't a Bellsprout and had to turn the man down. However once her Pokemon were all healed up she was ready to step in and battle her first Gym Leader Falkner sat at the back of the Gym looking up as she entered. "So, are you a challenger..." The doors slam shut behind her and the gym trainers which she quickly made work of, then could proceed to Falkner, and thus their Battle begins. "I hope your ready to put everything on the line then, my pokemon won't lose."

The battle had been intense, but Gyms were nothing like the trainers out there. They were insanely tough, and her team didn't stand any chance. Being thumped by Falkner he looked at the girl her pokemon had all been taken out. He walked forward and gently he pushed her down on her knees the hawkeyed boy gazed down at her. "Does failure hurt?" He asked her, as he would look to his boys as he looked down at her.


Stiks and Krystal were now arriving in Violet City after he had caught a Weedle and a Ledyba with nearly no effort in it at all.. Krys was fuming now, how was he doing that, and better question why were their no trainers along the way here he hadn't battled any one once along the way. "You are possibly the worst...."

Stiks having stopped by a stall in town getting a three crepes from a stall outside the pokemon center handing one off to Krys having made sure all three were some sort of Berry type. He didn't seem to ever put Chikarita into her ball somewhat oddly becoming attached to the little Grass type he sorta just let it walk beside him.

Kinda humane for the weird berry obsessed pervert, he had assorted berries for all of them, even the one he gave to Krystal, his berry obsession had been cute when they were little now she wasn't so fond of berries.. she looked like she was pouting to him. "Why are you pouting..." Krys would get red in the cheeks as she looked up at him quite furious.

"How... how can you be so good at catching things, but be so... so.. ugh." She threw the crepe at him catching it, when you get used to things being thrown at you when the girl whose your friend throws a tantrum and likes to throw things to show she's mad you learn to catch things aimed straight for your head.

Then there was a man who walked up to them, while Krys stormed off towards Bellsprout tower shouting profanities all about, which may or may not offend a tower full of priests. The man was looking at him, "Please sir, if you have a Bellsprout.. do you perhaps wish to trade it for my Onix?" The man would have bothered another less easy going guy but Stiks was pretty calm and offered the man a seat on the bench to talk for a while. "So.. whats this about a Bellsprout.. oh yeah want this extra crepe, the girl I was with didn't want it."

He watched Krys storming all the way into the tower in her rampant tantrum. She would be fine... wouldn't she? He hummed and would look to the man, who declined the crepe he was offering. "I wanted a Bellsprout ever since I was cast out of the Bellsprout tower you see... they wouldn't let me join the Sages of the tower without one, and..." Sighing, Stiks gives Chikarita a belly rub after she finished the crepe and rolled over he napkins the cream off her upper lip, he had a rather... good nature towards his pokemon. "So... you want me to go get you a Bellsprout?"

He asked, looking at the tower Krys stormed off into... that girls tauros level tantrums might actually have given him an idea on how to help the poor guy. "If I get you one, promise me that Onix of yours is gonna be a good one?" The man's eyes sparkled brightly hearing someone answering his plee. "Oh thank you sir, yes... yes I will make sure it is the best Onix you will ever see if you get me that Bellsprout. Calmly Stiks stood up slinging his bag over his shoulder and looks to Chikarita.

"Come on Chika, we gotta go stop our raging Ryhorn before she offends the nice monks of that tower over there." Stiks says to Chikarita who was nicknamed Chika along the way. Chika would salute Stiks with her leaf before turning and bowing to the man before walking on her stubby little legs after Stiks who walked to the Bellsprout tower.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to lose either!" Cherry proclaimed, full of confidence as her and her Porygon got ready to battle. "Apple, let's do this!" The Porygon charging forward... before getting destroyed by Falkner. His Pidgey had gone down easy, sure, but his ace? His Pidgeot swept through her team, leaving her alone and defeated, eyes wide in shock.

As he approached, Cherry reached into her bag pulling her purse out. "Right... I suppose I owe you some mon..." She stopped though as he pushed her down, looking up at the taller man, a little fearfully. "I.. guess... Plan to get better and try again though..." She glanced around at the other men in the gym, confused why she was getting those looks...


Krys arrived at the temple, still fuming but a little settled. Only a little though, she kind of barged into the sacred tower, several monks looking at her in disaproval before going back to their duties. She herself began to tour the place, still muttering under her breath her frustration at all this.

"Can I help you mam?" One of the kindly monks asked, approaching the frustrated woman.

"Knock some sense into my best friends damn head..." She huffed, glancing away and muttering under her breath. "Fucking idiot..." Referring to Stiks.

The Monk heard of course, frowning, misunderstanding but still trying to show restraint. "Mam, I'm going to have to ask you to leave..."

Krys raised a brow at the monk, this seeming to annoy her more. "Leave, why the hell would I leave, this is a public site right?"

The monk sighed, reaching for a Pokeball. "I must insist..." The stubborn Krys, who was without Pokemon right now, about to be challenged to a fight. This is where Stiks would walk in on, a single monk about to throw his Bellsprout at his partner.
Falkner tisked tisked, "You shoulda known losing would cost more then money, remember what I said at the beginning, your gonna put everything on the line.." He smirked and would unzip his pants. His boys gathering around them rather miffed about losing before Falkner shot them a glance. "You guys aren't getting any of her..."

He had a dislike for losers and the gym trainers were clearly losers alright. So he wouldn't let them enjoy his victory. His pants dropped and his cock flopped out, he shoved it straight into the young Naive novice trainers mouth. Roughly hammering her down in the back of her throat his cock thrusting in and out.

The whole situation continued for quite some time even as she was begging for mercy, or what sounded like it, was hard to tell when someones genitals were pressed into your wind pipe. Falkner took his victory like a champ, taking her mouth this time and then cumming in it roughly filling her belly full of his sticky thick seed. Before dropping her and pulling up his pants. "Now get out of my sight... or come back when you've trained a little more, either your pokemon... or your gag reflex..." Sending Cherry back to the pokemon center with a real hoarse throat.


Stik did in fact walk in on the sage about to throw his balls and sprout at his partner. "Krys...what did you do to upset the nice religious skin head?" The monk turning to hear that didn't look any more pleased with Stik's attiude either. "Young man I will have you..." Stik looked at the man and then Krys, "Now Krys apologise to the man..." Krys would grit her teeth seeing that the man was really edging towards a fight, and well, if her foul mouth could get him to actually show some effort well... Krys then screamed at the top of her lungs. "FUUUUUUCKKKKK!"

It would appear that Krys at this point could be heard not just from the tower but well back into Cherrygrove. Covering his ears and Chika's as well using his legs to block her ear holes he would recover to see the whole Monastery of sages brought down to him. They including their leader came to see what vulgar language was being shouted within their sanctity. "What is all this?"

The balding aged bearded monk at the center of them all was the leader. Seems he had the most hair out of the other skin heads. "Wow... so are all of you guys... related, cause you all have the same male paterned baldness." This, this right here was sort of why Krys and him were both the best of friends and the worst of enemies as he effortlessly angered the entire tower of sages, he wound up actually taking them all on despite himself resulting in him womping the whole tower including the Sage leader, it was so effortless too.. like... like it only seemed to make Krys's anger stop and quickly return to her slump of surprise.

"How, you.. just got most of them and haven't used them once... how did you know how to win..?" The sage leader chuckled. "It has been a long while since we've had a good thrashing like that... now then tell me why have the two of you come here?" The aged man seemingly humbled down after all the bellsprouts and everything went down. "I came here to...calm.. down." Krys looked to Stiks her shoulders slumping down as her rage had watered down and seemed no longer present.

"I came for one of them Bellsprouts you guys have here... is there one I might have seeing as this establishment seems to be one rooted in Charity right?" The elder would stroke his long grey beard then chuckles tossing his over to Stiks. "I wager it will do better outside training then with me." It was a shame that he'd be doing this to the poor old man, but in truth... He went from taking it to handing it off to the guy wanting it more then he did.

Then reaped the reward... he would take the ball holding the Onix in exchange for the Bellsprout the tower Sage gave him. Krys was stunned by this, but she didn't scold him. As he then openly sent out Onix. "By the way what is an Onix.." He said and tossed it out and saw that what it was... was a giant rock snake. Onix, roared as it was freed from its pokeball looking to its new trainer and the Chikarita standing beside him. "Hey there Rocky." He said looking up at the big guy. Then looked to the man. "Now you did train it up a little right?" Stiks asked turning his head to see that the man had vanished.. Looking up, he aimed the ball out and returned Onix to its ball looking to Krys... "So what now?" He was still new to this being a trainer thing after all.
"Everything on the line, what do you mean by that?" Her innocent amber eyes wide and looking up at him. She really was as innocent a she looked, she'd always been about Pokemon, never really touched upon sex herself. Well that was about to change, her gaze falling as he dropped his pants. Her mouth and eyes went wide, shock coming over the little pink haired girl.

"Sir... I..." She didn't get to finish that sentence as suddenly his cock was shoved down her throat. She struggled but the girl was quite a bit weaker than him, forced to endure it as he gripped her pink hair. She gagged around the cock, but even the tears streaming down her face didn't stop him. He seemed there for his own pleasure and soon the pretty young girl was forced to swallow a load.

When he let go, she collapsed down, coughing and gasping for air, spitting up some cum but not much. She was quick to crawl away, getting herself up and practically running to the Pokemon centre in tears. She wasn't the first or last girl that Falkner had done this too, so her stumbling into the Pokemon centre looking like this was quite the common sight. So Cherry went and sobbed in the corner while she waited for her team to be healed, her first day of adventuring not going well...


Krys had stood and watched him beat the entire order of Sages, alone with fresh Pokemon. Her face was red, she just couldn't understand how he did it! But still, it got him training, one step closer to doing the gym at least. Also on the bright side, he got himself an Onix, seems like he was really getting prepared, ready, maybe he wasn't a lost cause after all?

Then he went and asked what they were doing now, which nearly got Krys to snap again. Sometimes she couldn't believe they were friends! "Gym! Falkner, Badge! You know, whole reason we are here! Gah!" And with that, Krys went and dragged Stiks to the gym, not having the patience to deal with him.

The gym fight with Falkner went much like it did for Cherry. He beat the other trainers, then had him down to his second Pokemon... and lost just like her! Falkner sighed at this, having enough of losers right now. "Fine, fine, give me the money and get the hell out. Come back when you're ready this time?" Reclining back in his small throne, kind of hating beating male trainers.
Stiks was a little surprised at the whole situation, but he shrugged his shoulders. Actually looking over Krys looked a little more stunned then he did. "How... I... we had the perfect plan.. you... you lost.. like that.." Krys said. Then it was here the ugly truth about Stiks came out. "Umm Krys, did you bring any money with you... before we got here, I spent my last bit of allowence on the crepes..."

He plainly said, bringing Falkner to look over at Krys and then to Stiks. "Well... if you can't pay the losing fee.." The gym trainers all gathered around Krys, and began to lick their lips. "Well.. I can't pay you and well... I dunno.." Krys turned and looked furious at Stiks. "You... you failure.." Stiks shrugs his shoulders. "Well Krys you have fun, these guys look like they wanna get to know ya." Stiks said leaving Krys surrounded by the guys, and then wandered off in to the Pokemon Center having his team recovered, and he would look over seeing a pink haired girl... "Well...then, you look like you've taken a pounding from the gym also?" His Chikarita walking beside him instead of being in its ball.
"Wait, where the hell are you going don't leave me!" Krys shouted out, ready to throw something. She'd chase after and beat Stiks if it weren't for all the guys starting to crowd around her. Two gym trainers and Falkner himself, starting to bare down on her, leaving her to be slowly backed into a corner. "Listen, I know what you're thinking and it's not worth it. Look let me call my father, he's a professor, I can pay you back with interest!" Quickly she reached for her Pokegear, the blue haired girl hoping they didn't stop her...


Cherry quickly cleared her eyes, taking a deep breath. She didn't want to be a crying mess to everyone and had mostly stopped now regardless. She looked up, eyes a tad red, but mostly fine. "Yeah.... Flakner was stronger than expected..." She glanced down, looking at Chika, a smile forming on her face as she looked at the cute girl. "Say... " Her amber eyes sparked up with insight, looking up to meet him. "How about we train with each other?"

She was so eager she almost forgot to introduce herself, almost. Rising to her feet, she blushed embarrassed, trying to put the thought of the gym behind her right now. "Names Cherry by the way, nice to meet you!" Extending her hand out to Stiks with a smile. She recovered quick for someone who just got raped and face fucked for the first time.
Falkner and his guys were not so easy on Krys. Each of her holes had a dick in it. Falkner at her mouth. One trainer at her cunt, and the other.. the other penetrated her anus. They worked on her for a bit, the other two were a little more built up then Falkner as he had just been sucked off not long ago. Falkner's dick likely having some of Cherry's saliva still on it.

Krys was a strong girl, but three guys was more then she could handle and the fact her most sacred of holes were being plundered by these bastards... he would make them pay, she would find Stiks.. she would beat the hell out of him, then drag him back here, then have him beat them, so she could beat them. It was clear Krys had a tad bit of a vengeful streak. The men had their fun then pulled out and would leave Krys a dripping cum filled mess. "And tell that boyfriend of yours to get stronger, he won't be going anywhere if he can't get passed me." Falkner and his goons smirk as they snickered and left her to pick herself up.


Cherry had been a nice girl so far, she hadn't thrown anything at him. So, while he could have gone back and helped Krys out seeing his pokemon were at full health now. He decided to chat this girl up. "Yeah... names Stiks.." He said shaking her hand his Chikorita at his side not in her pokeball seeming to affectionately follow at his side like a good partner. His gaze looked the girl over, she was cute he guessed a little young and baby face looking. "So, you um... into this whole pokemon trainer thing then?" He said looking at her as she seemed to be an eager one..
Kris wasn't like Cherry, she didn't sob and panic about this. On the contrary, she just got pissed off! At Falkner at Stiks, men in general, mostly Stiks though for wasting his money and leaving her high and dry like this. So yeah, she was forced into it by these men, having many firsts, but her thoughts weren't on this situation, they were on getting revenge. So the entire time she was just glaring up at Falkner as he forced her to give head.

When he was done, she hardly even waited, not responding to the taunts. She just got cleaned up, readjusted her clothes and headed back to the Pokemon Centre. There was fury in her eyes, all of it directed at Stiks right now....

Cherry gave a nod to him, smile still present. "Uhuh, wanna be the best trainer in the world!" Glancing down again, she knelt, gently patting Chika on the head. "Real cutie you have..." She was about to ask something, when suddenly, the door to the Pokemon Centre burst open, an unexpected thunder strike crackling in the distance to go with it.

Krys was there and her eyes went straight for Stiks, if looks could kill, Stiks wouldn't of even had time to react. For now, she stormed over, immedietly throwing a punch at his chest. "You complete and utter ASSHOLE! You left me there as fucking payment!?!"

Cherry, who had been friendly so far frowned, before glaring up at Stiks. "You did what? How could you!" She wasn't as angry as Krys was, but the outrage was carrying over between the two.

Krys glance at Cherry, looked her over, noticing the Pokeballs, before grinning, this'd teach him. "Hey, what's your name pinkie?"

"Uhm, Cherry." Suddenly the young girl went back to her previous demeanor as Krys turned to him.

"How'd you like to fight my asshole friend for me, teach him you don't treat a lady like that?" Krys suggested, glaring at Stiks. Cherry didn't even hesitate, now having two women starting him down, one ready to fight him...
"Well... what did you expect me to do... it was clear we couldn't leave without paying, and he didn't have any interest in me at... all so I sorta kinda thought you had the money to pay them... why what did they do?" He played the oblivious card while knowing exactly what Chika didn't really see a problem and so was wobbling around on her feet trying to get a better idea of what was going on.

She then saw the two girls ganging up on her trainer not liking that. So she would take the stage stepping up to defend him. Then Stiks sighs, he really was used to getting hit by Krys so even her hardest punches bounced off him with ease.

Thus from there Cherry outright joined Krys in the scolding him, which.. was to be settled in a pokemon battle. Sighing, he was very uninterested in fighting Cherry or Falkner... But, he digressed, and let her fight him.... To by the end of it all thumping Cherry's well planned and thought out strategy's didn't really work on him. Thus when he trumped over Cherry, he had his pokemon brought to the center to heal them up. Then Krys gauked at Stiks and punched him in the arm and drags him back to fight Falkner again. She kicks in the door. "FALKNER! FIGHT... FIGHT NOW!" Cherry aparently came along for the ride a moment to try and figure out how the hell this guy beat her.
Falkner watched the three come in with a sigh, it hadn't even been a day yet and they wanted a rematch. Reaching over to the healing machine he had in back, he pulled out his two birds again. "Please don't waste my time, as much as I'd love to beat you all night long, I do have other things to do." Right now he was thinking on being harsher on the girls should he win, maybe that'd teach them to take him more seriously.

However, much to his shock, Stiks won, not only Stiks, but Cherry too. The girl quickly went and trained, getting her team caught up before fighting and taking Falkner down too, Apple sweeping like she originally planned. Cherry left with a big smile, a gym badge and a TM for her trouble. She turned to Stiks, smile wide. "Thanks for the help, you aren't a bad trainer yourself." Despite how he didn't seem to be taking it seriously. She prepared to head out, unless he tried to stop her as she went south, down Route 32.


Krys was giving Falkner the finger the entire time as her and Stiks left the gym. "Fuck you asshole!" Slamming the Gym door behind her, feeling ten times better about herself. Smiling she turned to Stiks, before frowning again. "Now... NEVER do that again, I can and will kick you ass myself understand?" She really thought about getting a team of her own, just as a backup for when Stiks wasn't up to the task of protecting her.

As the two returned to the Pokemon Centre, they came across something quite unexpected. One of Professor Elm's aides was running over, panting from the run, poor guy must of ran all the way from New Bark... He had a box slung under his arm, seeming to be very careful with it. When he saw Kris and Stiks, he headed straight for them, raising an arm to wave. "Cystal, Miss Elm!" He called out as he closed the distance.

Krys stopped, frowning a little, she much prefer people use her nickname, but couldn't be helped sometimes. Shaking her head, she stopped and let the aide catch up with them. "I take it dad sent you, is something wrong?"

The aide stopped for a moment, panting to get his breath back, shaking his head to the question. "Not quite, he wanted you two to have something." With that her offered the box to Stiks. Opening it up, he'd find a Pokemon egg, bundled up in straw to protect it on its journey. "A rare egg, your father wants to see how it might grow in the company of other Pokemon!"

Krys frowned, not liking the prospect of the normally disinterested Stiks taking care of something so delicate. However, she was with him, so she could make sure it gets the care it needs. "Okay, we'll take it. You'll be able to take care of it, right Stiks?" Giving him a look that told him he better take good care of it.
As Cherry was down along her way with TM in hand, victory and badge under her belt. She would be pleased as Pie when along her way she saw a new route before her, finally out of the town and walking the world again. She would encounter a few trainers along the way as she made her way down Route 32 managing to do well until she came across a Bellsprout that got in her way. It would be a little tougher then the Pokemon on earlier routes but she was in way to good of a mood to let this Bellsprout bother her, with her head high chest puffed out she was ready for new challenges.


The moment he was given the egg Stiks looked to Krys and gave her a lazy little look. He was a little to tired for her to be nagging him, but this... this egg. He held it in his hand was looking it over calmly, it was white with red and blue patterns all over it he was very meticulous about the oddest things. However a buzz on his pokegear had him take a moment to look at the message across the digital screen an alert was going off, "Top story, May of Hoenn and the worlds top coordinator will be in Johto for 3 days touring and then will leave on the 3rd day after her interview with Radio show host Mary in Goldenrod..."

His eyes lit right up and he looks to the Professors Aide. "I uh... need to ask you professor's aide whats the fastest way to Goldenrod from here... so I can make sure to be there before the end of the 3rd day?" The Aide looked to Krys hoping she'd help the boy along. "I uh must be going maybe Krys can show you the way." With that the Aide left Stiks looking rather distraught, hugging the egg to him. "If I promise to look after this egg would you know how to get to Goldenrod within 3 days?" He asked her hoping she might.

As this was one of the first times she may ever have seen Stiks show ambition about something. How could she not want to help him, even if his reason for getting to Goldenrod was a rather strange commotion. "Well, we have to go through route 32...." Krys said, and would feel Stiks grasp her hand "Great lets go that..." He said about to rush off but managed to bump head long into a woman dressed as a Geisha, the sound of an "Oomph" as she hits the ground drew him back to reality. "Oh so sorry miss." He bowed humbly drawing back to reality before looking down at her "Hmmm a Geisha girl...?"
Cherry was quick to catch the Bellsprout, using Apple to aid her. The ball clicked and it was hers, bringing her team up to five. Collecting items upon the way, she was getting herself well equipped for the next gym... sort of. She was worried by only having the one answer to Bug types, but there was still a route and a cave to go before she got there, plenty of time to get something to deal with Bugsy.

She reached the end of Route 32 by nightfall, stopping to rest in the Pokemon centre just before Union Cave. Resting up and relaxing, she prepared herself for the trip into said cave the next day, figuring she should have little issue getting through the pass.


Krys frowned at Stiks sudden eagerness, there was very few reasons Stiks ever got this worked up on doing something. However, he promised to take care of the egg and he wasn't really the type to go back on his word, not when he really wanted something. Giving a sigh, she gestured down Route 32. "That'll bring us to Azalea town, from there it is a short hop over to Goldenrod City."

However before they could even get going onto route 32, a strange lady in a kimono would find herself face to face with Stiks. Literally, least until she fell from the impact. "Oh my..." The woman didn't seem upset just surprised. Looking up at Stiks, she rose to her feet, before looking at thee egg he was holding. "Very special egg there... hmm.." She looked back up at Stiks, smiling wide. "Take good care of that, I'm counting on you..." With that the girl danced away.

Krys looked on confused by the random girl, shaking her head. "Well that was weird... anyway, come on Route's this way."

Heading out down Route 32, Stiks would find many trainers, though most of them able to be skipped. In the grass though, he'd find a particularly stubborn Mareep, something Krys insisted he caught, once more anoyed by how easy he managed these tasks. It'd be nightfall by the time he reached the Pokemon Centre and Union Cave, having a choice of sleeping the night, or trying to move through the Cave and get a head start.
By the time Cherry had arrived at the Pokemon Center the News on the TV's provided in the Pokemon Center were all talking about May having come to Johto for a Radio Interview. The News crew going about talking about the top contest Coordinator showing up in sleepy ol Johto.

The fact that people hanging around were talking about it had the Pokemon Center a buzz even at this late night. The fact Cherry had to hear all her Johto fans that were in this route going on about it.

Eventually the doors would open and Stiks and Krys would enter the place. Stiks looking bright eyed up at the screens holding the egg in his arms and snuggling it close to his chest "Wow, she really is coming to town, I can't wait to meet her.." He pulled out a small candy tin which had a variety of pokeblocks, some really well blended pokeblocks at that. It was no secret he and his father were huge berry nuts. He settled his pokemon up to be rested at the pokemon center for a bit, along the travel down here his Chika had become a Bayleef and was now a little bigger, but just as eager to snuggle her trainer. In fact more then a few pokemon had evolved the Mareep they had with them had become a Flaffy relatively quick it was a shock to Krys to know he was actually a competent trainer, having a great few of his pokemon in their final states.

"Yo, Cherry your looking well." Stiks said carrying the strange pokemon egg in his arms, having not let go of it since he had received it... the words of the Geisha girl running in his mind. "I wonder what she meant by that..." He muttered under his breath before sauntering up and relaxing on one of the couches provided and Krys following just in turn.
Cherry looked up at the news report, listening to it for a little while. May was certainly world renowned, sweeping as the best Coordinator in both Hoenn and later Sinnoh. Not too known for her battling ability though, but she'd sometimes let her fans challenge her if she felt in the mood for it. Which seemed to be what the various trainers were hoping for, a chance to meet and fight May.

Cherry however wasn't interested, settling down on one of the couches and relaxing after a hard day of battling and walking. Falkner still bothered her but she wasn't going to think about it too much. She won in the end and she was well on her way to her next badge. Bugsy she didn't think would be a problem anyway, so wasn't worried about anything happening there.

She looked up to see Stiks arriving, carrying an egg and accompanied by a very eager Bayleef. Smiling, she waved to Stiks, watching him and Krys settle down on the couch with her. "You're looking good too Stiks. Heading to Azalea too?"

"Well he wants to go to Goldenrod, but yes." Krys commented, settling on the other side of Stiks, leaving him between the two girls.
"Yup, shooting for Goldenrod that is definitely for sure, gotta get there before May leaves for Hoenn again, so don't have much time to waste." He flashes the girls a smile each, it was clear he was a fan of May's he would pop one of the pokeblocks from the dispenser and feeds it to Bayleef who happily noms the treat down.

Settling away the dispenser he took the egg and looked at it, putting his ear to the egg to see if he could hear anything in it. Not much but the egg was nice and warm. He nuzzles his head against the shell, causing a really odd view of the young man showing that he wasn't all that bad of a choice perhaps.

Then the group rested, then departed through the Dark Cave, Cherry met a Geodude, Stiks met a Geodude, both caught one, then went on their way, fighting trainers along the way. Stiks being oddly determined about the whole time and he and Cherry made it out of the Cave a little around the same time. They then from there caught a Hopip and the other a Zubat, the party had experienced their first lesson on boxing pokemon, something to do with pressing a button on their pokedex. Then it sends the pokemon to a storage system that is able to be accessed at any terminal at any pokemon center. The outside of the cave began to show signs of dark looming clouds. The teams had finally parted ways and passed by the looks of a well surrounded by thugs in dark suits with a giant red R on the front.
"You are a fan of the Pokemon Contests then? That's pretty cool." Cherry said, watching Stiks treat his Bayleef with a smile. She kind of bought into what seemed to be his love for his Pokemon, something Krys was worried about at first, less so now. Still, she didn't quite buy the May thing, something seemed a little off, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

The night passed and they went off into the Union Cave, there being little issue while they travelled as a group. The Geodude she called Cantelope, keeping her fruit naming theme up, what happens when you call a girl Cherry. The cave was soon passed, as was the small little route between there and Azalea Town. By this point, Cherry was more than ready to fight the gym.

Before they hit the town though, there were the men in black gathered around the well. Cherry stopped, looking suspicious, until she saw the red R. Frowning, she remembered stories from her father about Team Rocket, when he was held captive with the rest of the Sylph Co staff. Gritting her teeth, the normally cute girl got a determined look in her eye as she stormed forward, Apple trailing behind. "Hey, what are you doing here!?"

Krys face palmed at Cherry charging forward, shaking her head. "Girl's going to get herself hurt.... Stiks, can you help her please?" Crystal looked to her partner, hoping he wasn't just going to abandon the girl to charge head first into a gang alone.
Stiks calmly nods. Handing the egg to Krys for a bit. "Sure, hold onto this for a bit will ya, don't want kids getting hurt.. and gotta get the other one before she gets herself hurt charging in at criminals.." He said leaving the egg for Krys to hold. "Meet us at the Pokemon Center would ya, I think I can handle punks like them."

With Bayleef in tow, they stormed the operation of team Rocket cutting off Slowpoke tails for some sick delicacy they were making money off of. Thankfully with Stiks's help Cherry didn't wind up getting herself into to much trouble. Thus working together they rooted out the criminals from the Slowpoke well together, and met up with Krys a little after at the Pokemon Center. Stiks looked to Cherry who seemed to have a great dislike for those criminals.

"I wager you've got a personal history with those guys huh?" He asked, with her looking as she had when they left the well till now. It was clear, but upon receiving the egg back from Krys he smiles at her. "Well we flushed the scum from the well, now I wager we can beat that Gym, and be off on our way to Goldenrod." It was clear he was real eager to try and meet May over in Goldenrod before she departed, as much as he wanted to sympathize with Cherry and her dislike for Team Rocket, they did have to get on their way. "Come on Krys lets go punch out the Gym Leader here and be on our way." He flashed a grin at Krys showing a really odd amount of eagerness to be on his way to Goldenrod... this whole thing with May seemed fishy to Krys, and she wagered it was some pervy obsession of his.
Cherry slowly calmed as the rocket grunts and their leader was sent packing, their operation here ruined. Looking at all the Slowpoke, she sighed, wondering who would do such a cruel thing. Turning to Stiks, the girl smiled, returning to her old self some. "You could say that, thanks for the help, I'll catch up with you later." Bending over, she tended to some of the Slowpoke as they were brought back out.

Heading to the Gym, Stiks would find Bugsy a challenge, but not to the degree Falkner was. The Bug type gym leader was much more interested in collecting bugs, rather than battling it out with people. Still a job was a job, so he fought and lost Stiks, soon Cherry too, having a much easier time than Stiks.

Speaking of Cherry, before Stiks and Krys could leave town, the pink haired girl ran up to them, pokeball in hand. "Hold it there Stiks, I want to battle you, rematch for back in Violet City!" She proclaimed, holding out a Pokeball with a wide smile. She wasn't going to lose this time, she was sure of it.

In fact, she was right, Cherry managing to more or less dominate Stik's team. Smiling wide, the girl leaped into the air in excitement. "There we go, one each! Will make sure to beat you next time too!" With that the girl left quickly a whirlwind of movement and energy.

"Well... she's eager." Shaking her head, Krys looked to the midday sun. "We should be able to hit Goldenrod by sundown at the latest, maybe sooner. Just got to get through the Forest and Route 34."
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