- Joined
- May 27, 2012
So, I figured I'd had enough sifting through the female requests and decided to make a request thread of my own. I'm going to try and be as brief as possible in order to get to the good stuff... plots!
Rules and Facts
1. Don't post here, send me a PM.
2. I'm in my twenties and have been writing roleplay for over ten years.
3. I'm a guy and prefer to write males as my main characters, likewise I'd like to roleplay against a woman writing women.
4. I typically write multiple paragraphs per post with intros being longer. Sometimes much longer. I ask 3+ paragraphs from you, but with that in mind I definitely prefer quality to quantity.
5. Your posts should be legible and coherent. I definitely don't proof read everything I write and don't ask you to, but I also shouldn't be rereading over your post multiple times trying to figure out what it was you were trying to say.
6. Try to give me a post a week and I'll do the same. My real life gets kinda busy, so typically I'll manage around 2-3 posts a week. Any long delays and I'll be sure to let you know what's up.
7. I typically just use descriptions in order to paint a picture of my character. If face-claims are important to you though then I'm not opposed to using them, but let's stick to reality. No anime/cartoon stuff.
8. My preferred medium for RP is the Private Messaging system on Blue Moon. I'm willing to do e-mail though, just hit me up with a PM to transition to there.
9. Third person perspective in roleplay, please.
Plots - Fandom
Star Wars
Smuggler x any
Sith Lord x Force-Sensitive
Wheel of Time
Plots -Original Settings - Fantasy and/or Historical
The Barbarian and the Wild Witch [Currently Unavailable]
From the Corners
Stranger in a Stranger Land
Western ((NEW))
Plots -Original Settings - Future/Post Apocalypse
The Fire Lances
A Space Opera
Modern-day, non-fantasy
These are erotica-driven, short-term RPs. That being said most could be twisted into long-term pretty easily.
The Wedding Guests
Birthday Surprise [MMF]
The Room-mates Camshow
What Mr. G does for a Living
So, I figured I'd had enough sifting through the female requests and decided to make a request thread of my own. I'm going to try and be as brief as possible in order to get to the good stuff... plots!
Rules and Facts
1. Don't post here, send me a PM.
2. I'm in my twenties and have been writing roleplay for over ten years.
3. I'm a guy and prefer to write males as my main characters, likewise I'd like to roleplay against a woman writing women.
4. I typically write multiple paragraphs per post with intros being longer. Sometimes much longer. I ask 3+ paragraphs from you, but with that in mind I definitely prefer quality to quantity.
5. Your posts should be legible and coherent. I definitely don't proof read everything I write and don't ask you to, but I also shouldn't be rereading over your post multiple times trying to figure out what it was you were trying to say.
6. Try to give me a post a week and I'll do the same. My real life gets kinda busy, so typically I'll manage around 2-3 posts a week. Any long delays and I'll be sure to let you know what's up.
7. I typically just use descriptions in order to paint a picture of my character. If face-claims are important to you though then I'm not opposed to using them, but let's stick to reality. No anime/cartoon stuff.
8. My preferred medium for RP is the Private Messaging system on Blue Moon. I'm willing to do e-mail though, just hit me up with a PM to transition to there.
9. Third person perspective in roleplay, please.
Plots - Fandom
Star Wars
Smuggler x any
I've had a hankering to play a smuggler during the Galactic Empire era, probably somewhere between episodes 4 and 5. The character is a former pirate and Force-sensitive, though as of yet unaware of his abilities in the Force. Star Wars is such a varied setting that I really don't care what you'd like to play for this one. Since that's the case, the intro and plot will depend on your choice. Want to play an Imperial agent/officer cracking down on smugglers? Awesome. A Force-sensitive on the run from the Emperor's Inquisitors? Great! Another smugger/bounty-hunter/galactic low-life? Fantastic!
Sith Lord x Force-Sensitive
This one would be set after Episode 7, likely starting between 7 and 8. I would be playing a new, secret Sith Lord, hellbent on destroying the First Order and more specifically, The Knights of Ren. Seeing the rival faction of dark-side users as a violation of the Rule of Two, the character will stop at no ends to see Kylo Ren and Snoke eliminated, even if that means allying with Luke Skywalker and Rey. For this one I really don't mind if you play another Force-Sensitive that either aids my character or trains under him as an apprentice. I'd even be open to playing against Rey if you'd like to use a canon character.
Wheel of Time
Alright, on the off chance you know what Wheel of Time is then I'd be more than down to roleplay in that setting. Heads up though, if you haven't read the books through Crown of Swords then please stop here, because spoilers be ahead.
Still with me? Great. My idea here involves a pairing of an Asha'man and an Aes Sedai. In a small mining village in the Mountains of Mist, an artifact from the Age of Legends has recently been unearthed in the nearby mine. The White Tower has sent a Sister to investigate but over the past two weeks she has gone silent. Concerned, the White Tower (or perhaps the rebel Tower) have sent another Sister to investigate. Unbeknownst to them however, the Black Tower has also caught wind of the missing Sister and has sent a Dedicated of their own to investigate. Either without a Warder or seeking additional help, the new Aes Sedai unknowingly hires the Dedicated, who is operating undercover, to help her explore the mine.
There the two of them encounter the Black Ajah and the Dedicated is forced to reveal his ability to channel saidin in the ensuing conflict. The Black Ajah however escapes with the artifact, a powerful ter'angreal, forcing our two characters to put aside their obvious differences long enough to recover it.
Still with me? Great. My idea here involves a pairing of an Asha'man and an Aes Sedai. In a small mining village in the Mountains of Mist, an artifact from the Age of Legends has recently been unearthed in the nearby mine. The White Tower has sent a Sister to investigate but over the past two weeks she has gone silent. Concerned, the White Tower (or perhaps the rebel Tower) have sent another Sister to investigate. Unbeknownst to them however, the Black Tower has also caught wind of the missing Sister and has sent a Dedicated of their own to investigate. Either without a Warder or seeking additional help, the new Aes Sedai unknowingly hires the Dedicated, who is operating undercover, to help her explore the mine.
There the two of them encounter the Black Ajah and the Dedicated is forced to reveal his ability to channel saidin in the ensuing conflict. The Black Ajah however escapes with the artifact, a powerful ter'angreal, forcing our two characters to put aside their obvious differences long enough to recover it.
This can be set anywhere in the post-atomic world. Come to think of it, it doesn't even need to be set in the U.S., though in that case pretend everything ahead that says Vault or Vault-Tec says something else, but is otherwise similar. Anyways, the plot focuses on your character, a Vault-dweller who has escaped with a secret and/or special technology from a very xenophobic Vault that has not, before this point, ever had anyone leave. Sent after her is my character, a cold and efficient member of a special wing of Vault-tec Security, the Sentinels, under strict orders to bring the woman back dead or alive.
I figure to start things off my character successfully tracks yours to a larger sort of settlement, where he (both of them maybe) kinda stick out like a sore thumb. However, your character, either honestly or not, agrees to go back with him if he helps her with a task she agreed to, recover some tools stolen by raiders the settlement needs for their water purifier. Long term, I imagine things like this keep cropping up that prevent them from just going right back to the Vault. Sooner rather than later, other Sentinels like my character are sent to kill them both.
Notes about the Vault
Unlike other Vaults throughout the U.S., this one was not made with any sort of social experiment in mind. Our Vault was intended to house the social and political elite and it did so, however within the first generation things went... awry. Instead of joining the remnant of the government that would become the Enclave, the Overseer instead began reordering the social structure of the Vault to fit his or her own ambitions.
By the time our RP takes place, several generations have passed. The Overseer is never seen by any of the residents, though the Vault is now dictated by a strict social caste system. Highest in this caste are members of the Ascendancy, the Overseer's breeding program. The Overseer uses this caste system to segregate and more easily control the populace of the Vault, which has now swollen to well beyond its original capacity, though proper expansions and accommodations have been made. It is a stream-lined, militaristic and surgical sort of utopia. While outwardly the breeding program shows the Overseer's favor, it is in truth chosen at seeming random by the Overseer's hand to further their understanding of genetics. It is either through artificial life (like Synths), genetic manipulation, cloning or some method combining these that the Overseer, unbeknownst to the other Vault-dwellers, is the same Overseer from the first generation, having extended their life unnaturally. Your character may have discovered part of this technology or part of the Overseer's secret, leading to their desperation to see your character stopped at all costs.
I figure to start things off my character successfully tracks yours to a larger sort of settlement, where he (both of them maybe) kinda stick out like a sore thumb. However, your character, either honestly or not, agrees to go back with him if he helps her with a task she agreed to, recover some tools stolen by raiders the settlement needs for their water purifier. Long term, I imagine things like this keep cropping up that prevent them from just going right back to the Vault. Sooner rather than later, other Sentinels like my character are sent to kill them both.
Notes about the Vault
Unlike other Vaults throughout the U.S., this one was not made with any sort of social experiment in mind. Our Vault was intended to house the social and political elite and it did so, however within the first generation things went... awry. Instead of joining the remnant of the government that would become the Enclave, the Overseer instead began reordering the social structure of the Vault to fit his or her own ambitions.
By the time our RP takes place, several generations have passed. The Overseer is never seen by any of the residents, though the Vault is now dictated by a strict social caste system. Highest in this caste are members of the Ascendancy, the Overseer's breeding program. The Overseer uses this caste system to segregate and more easily control the populace of the Vault, which has now swollen to well beyond its original capacity, though proper expansions and accommodations have been made. It is a stream-lined, militaristic and surgical sort of utopia. While outwardly the breeding program shows the Overseer's favor, it is in truth chosen at seeming random by the Overseer's hand to further their understanding of genetics. It is either through artificial life (like Synths), genetic manipulation, cloning or some method combining these that the Overseer, unbeknownst to the other Vault-dwellers, is the same Overseer from the first generation, having extended their life unnaturally. Your character may have discovered part of this technology or part of the Overseer's secret, leading to their desperation to see your character stopped at all costs.
Plots -Original Settings - Fantasy and/or Historical
The Barbarian and the Wild Witch [Currently Unavailable]
Vercerix is a young barbarian of the northern tundra, one of hundreds of thousands split among various tribes that war and skirmish with another far more often than they trade or work together. After decades of decline, Vercerix's tribe finds itself near the brink of fading forever from history when their chieftain, driven by desperation, turns the tribe toward the worship of a dark entity their legends say sleeps beneath the frozen wastes. Disturbed by this, Vercerix challenges the chief to single-combat for the leadership of the tribe one night while the older man is deep into his cups. After a close battle Vercerix is victorious, though he has broken the traditions of his tribe, as he is neither bloodkin to the dead chief nor has he completed any feats of strength that would grant him Right of Challenge. The tribe descends into chaos and amongst the infighting Vercerix manages to escape, wounded, out into the snows. Wandering for days and delirious from hunger, bloodloss, and the elements, Vercerix doesn't know it when he stumbles into a thick forest out upon the tundra, made possible by its close proximity to volcanic vents and ready water. The place would be ideal for a tribe to settle, save that their legends say it is haunted by a coven, or perhaps several covens, of witches.
It is one of these young witches that discovers the unconscious form of the young barbarian in her woods! She takes him back to her hut or hovel or what have you, where she treats him back to health and offers him safe passage out of the place on one condition... he giver her his seed. Their legends are rife with the things witches can do with a bit of man's blood or his essence, and Vercerix is visibly apprehensive, untrusting of magic and especially of witches. She sweetens the deal by telling him, truthfully, that this 'ritual' will also give her a vision of his future. Whatever she originally intended with his sperm I'll leave to you (maybe a child or just a spell component) but during this vision catches glimpses of a grand fate, where usually she just sees mundane things. This barbarian will travel south, embarking on a path of danger and adventure that will eventually see him returned to the tundra and crowned king... this must happen, or a dark and ancient entity shall destroy the tundra unimpeded before moving south into the more 'civilized' lands.
The morning after they finish copulating, she informs him vaguely of her vision (keeping some details to her self), simply informing him that he must go south and she must accompany him. Again, I'll leave the reasoning here to you, perhaps she just wants to tag along and get a vacation from the forests, perhaps she legitimately wants to see him successful and save their mutual home, or maybe she seeks to twist the power and influence he will acquire to her own gains.
Essentially, this is a classic sword and sorcery adventure with a smutty beginning and a healthy smattering of sex throughout.
It is one of these young witches that discovers the unconscious form of the young barbarian in her woods! She takes him back to her hut or hovel or what have you, where she treats him back to health and offers him safe passage out of the place on one condition... he giver her his seed. Their legends are rife with the things witches can do with a bit of man's blood or his essence, and Vercerix is visibly apprehensive, untrusting of magic and especially of witches. She sweetens the deal by telling him, truthfully, that this 'ritual' will also give her a vision of his future. Whatever she originally intended with his sperm I'll leave to you (maybe a child or just a spell component) but during this vision catches glimpses of a grand fate, where usually she just sees mundane things. This barbarian will travel south, embarking on a path of danger and adventure that will eventually see him returned to the tundra and crowned king... this must happen, or a dark and ancient entity shall destroy the tundra unimpeded before moving south into the more 'civilized' lands.
The morning after they finish copulating, she informs him vaguely of her vision (keeping some details to her self), simply informing him that he must go south and she must accompany him. Again, I'll leave the reasoning here to you, perhaps she just wants to tag along and get a vacation from the forests, perhaps she legitimately wants to see him successful and save their mutual home, or maybe she seeks to twist the power and influence he will acquire to her own gains.
Essentially, this is a classic sword and sorcery adventure with a smutty beginning and a healthy smattering of sex throughout.
From the Corners
Far to the north in the kingdom of Nyklov are four frontier villages, commonly referred to as 'the corners'. My character is a human, orphaned at a young age, raised and trained by elves in the ways of a ranger. As a ranger, he has been dispatched to these frontier lands to protect his fellow men and act as the reclusive elves' eyes and ears in the area. One morning he encounters a particularly well armed and well trained group of goblins. He manages to defeat them but, concerned about the unusual nature of the goblins, tries to warn the nearest village, Hulder. However, because he is a stranger and something of a hermit, his warnings are ultimately ignored. That night Hulder is attacked and leveled by a war band of goblins and orcs.
Your character could be pretty much anyone you can think of. A villager, a traveler/adventurer, a representative from the capital (had someone play a tax collector related to the noble family once), really whatever. The plot is pretty flexible, with our characters having to organize the survivors and try to warn the other villages and/or alert the crown. Like the plot above, lots of sword and sorcery adventure as they try to stop the source of the horde, developing a relationship along the way.
Your character could be pretty much anyone you can think of. A villager, a traveler/adventurer, a representative from the capital (had someone play a tax collector related to the noble family once), really whatever. The plot is pretty flexible, with our characters having to organize the survivors and try to warn the other villages and/or alert the crown. Like the plot above, lots of sword and sorcery adventure as they try to stop the source of the horde, developing a relationship along the way.
Stranger in a Stranger Land
A bit of a weird idea blending sci-fi and medieval/fantasy that I had recently. I'll be playing an alien, one stranded on a fantasy/medieval planet. His ship malfunctions mysteriously when passing over one of the planet's moons, causing it to enter the planet's atmosphere and crash.
Like the Corners plot, your character could be pretty much anyone. Maybe his ship lands in barbarian lands and she is a tribal member/leader? Maybe she's a young wizard or witch wondering what just fell to the earth near her place of study? The idea is pretty loose thus far, but I imagine my character would only have a handful of 'future tech' available to him that survived the crash. He would also be totally surprised and unused to the presence of magic, as it has not been discovered on his planet. I figure he'd probably act like he had amnesia or some such, and do his best to 'blend in'. Physically I imagine him as a tall, pale, almost 'angelic' looking sort of elf. Thus, most people just assume he is a very peculiar, disoriented elf.
We can hammer out the details of the initial RP. Maybe they have to team up as some wizard or king's forces also come investigating the crash? Maybe more of his people eventually show up and they're not exactly friendly?
Like the Corners plot, your character could be pretty much anyone. Maybe his ship lands in barbarian lands and she is a tribal member/leader? Maybe she's a young wizard or witch wondering what just fell to the earth near her place of study? The idea is pretty loose thus far, but I imagine my character would only have a handful of 'future tech' available to him that survived the crash. He would also be totally surprised and unused to the presence of magic, as it has not been discovered on his planet. I figure he'd probably act like he had amnesia or some such, and do his best to 'blend in'. Physically I imagine him as a tall, pale, almost 'angelic' looking sort of elf. Thus, most people just assume he is a very peculiar, disoriented elf.
We can hammer out the details of the initial RP. Maybe they have to team up as some wizard or king's forces also come investigating the crash? Maybe more of his people eventually show up and they're not exactly friendly?
Western ((NEW))
This idea sees me playing an immigrant to the US and shall we say... minor outlaw, and you playing the daughter of a small town sheriff. I'm thinking my character is a Russian, but none of that's set in stone. Anyways, he rides into town one night and proceeds to get piss drunk at the local saloon. He accuses some guys of cheating at cards and pulls one of his guns on them (they weren't cheating by the way), but mistakenly shoots the wall instead of the man he was aiming at. Barely able to stand, let alone aim, he is quickly surrounded and pummeled into unconsciousness.
Enter the RP. The would-be high-roller is awoken to the sounds of gunshots the following afternoon, where he promptly learns he is in a cell at the local jail, guns and most personal affects on a desk some ways from his reach. In comes the daughter and/or the sheriff, who had locked the outlaw up the following night after the saloon patrons dragged his beat-up ass in. The town has always been small and the sheriff's only real deputy is his daughter, teaching her all he knew in place of sons he didn't have (or lost, up to you). Anyways, the town in under attack by a local gang from the hills, and being a little short staffed and desperate they recruit the outlaw to help them in the shoot out, in exchange for his freedom.
So our RP begins with an action scene, in which the sheriff is mortally wounded. Seeking revenge, the now anit-hero outlaw and the new sheriff set out to dismantle the gang, and learn that the bandits are more than they seem. There is of course, steamy romance along the way.
Enter the RP. The would-be high-roller is awoken to the sounds of gunshots the following afternoon, where he promptly learns he is in a cell at the local jail, guns and most personal affects on a desk some ways from his reach. In comes the daughter and/or the sheriff, who had locked the outlaw up the following night after the saloon patrons dragged his beat-up ass in. The town has always been small and the sheriff's only real deputy is his daughter, teaching her all he knew in place of sons he didn't have (or lost, up to you). Anyways, the town in under attack by a local gang from the hills, and being a little short staffed and desperate they recruit the outlaw to help them in the shoot out, in exchange for his freedom.
So our RP begins with an action scene, in which the sheriff is mortally wounded. Seeking revenge, the now anit-hero outlaw and the new sheriff set out to dismantle the gang, and learn that the bandits are more than they seem. There is of course, steamy romance along the way.
Plots -Original Settings - Future/Post Apocalypse
The Fire Lances
Zombies. The undead started it at least, but they did not deliver the death blow that fell nations and old empires. Perhaps it began as a some mutated germ or virus, perhaps by researchers looking for medical cures, maybe some unlikely accident or an old sickness released from the thawing ice sheets of the polar caps. In truth, few people survive who would even understand such lines of thinking. Most today believe the undead were the result of some great sin by humanity, meddling in dark and forbidden sorceries.
On paper, the nations of the world should have been more than able to handle the threat. But infighting and petty debates, the talking heads of money and religion, more than delayed any sensible response. The strain led to scarcity, the scarcity to war, and then to nuclear war. They fought over oil... and then they fought over water. The innumerable dead eventually rose to stalk the living, adding to the already countless hordes of zombies. The RP begins in a world four or five generations into this apocalypse. The walking dead far outnumber the living, whom wander about the flooded face of the world in tight-knit communities of trading packs or raiding barbarians. A primitive dark age, with whatever technologies that linger often only half-working and typically not being used for their original purposes. People dwell in mud huts or the skeletons of skyscrapers, clad in rags or animal skins, when they're lucky enough for clothes at all.
I only have an inkling of a character concept at the moment, I was thinking a guy who has left his tribe, unwisely traveling alone as he seeks out the "fire lances", great weapons of legend that he believes he can use to bring back the Old Age, before the pride of men had laid them low. He is on this "quest" of sorts when he encounters your character, the details of which we can discuss or just hop right into. The "fire lances" are ICBMs, but few are the people who can remember that name; fewer still what it means and are capable of.
On paper, the nations of the world should have been more than able to handle the threat. But infighting and petty debates, the talking heads of money and religion, more than delayed any sensible response. The strain led to scarcity, the scarcity to war, and then to nuclear war. They fought over oil... and then they fought over water. The innumerable dead eventually rose to stalk the living, adding to the already countless hordes of zombies. The RP begins in a world four or five generations into this apocalypse. The walking dead far outnumber the living, whom wander about the flooded face of the world in tight-knit communities of trading packs or raiding barbarians. A primitive dark age, with whatever technologies that linger often only half-working and typically not being used for their original purposes. People dwell in mud huts or the skeletons of skyscrapers, clad in rags or animal skins, when they're lucky enough for clothes at all.
I only have an inkling of a character concept at the moment, I was thinking a guy who has left his tribe, unwisely traveling alone as he seeks out the "fire lances", great weapons of legend that he believes he can use to bring back the Old Age, before the pride of men had laid them low. He is on this "quest" of sorts when he encounters your character, the details of which we can discuss or just hop right into. The "fire lances" are ICBMs, but few are the people who can remember that name; fewer still what it means and are capable of.
A Space Opera
Think 5th Element or Valerian. Or Outlaw Star. The RP opens up on Nefriti, a spaceport in the distant future that's become a sort of self governed city state. It is run by the various merchant and gambling lords that have come to occupy it and has been a sort of high-class pleasure resort for decades, as well as a hub for illicit and black-market activity by the galaxy's various lower elements. Enter my character, an outlaw and petty smuggler looking to spend his most recent, rather large, payday.
Your character could be pretty much anyone you can imagine in such a setting. A cop/special agent hunting my character? Cool. A famous entertainer/celebrity? Great! Wife of an important politician/socialite or the daughter of a mob boss? Excellent! A super secret spy? You get the idea... the plot is pretty flexible and open to whatever. Depending on how long term and plot twisty we get there's easy potential for multiple characters as well.
Anyways, the plot heats up when a pretty well armed and capable pirate group or alien force or paramilitary or combinations of these things, or what have you, invades Nefriti, searching for something on board and basically doing what they have to in order to get it. Maybe it's whatever my character just smuggled, maybe its a particular person, or maybe its some legendary key to an intergalactic fountain-of-youth sort of situation. The point is our characters get wrapped up in the mess (or meet slightly before), flee the space station together, and get sucked into the greater plot to stop the baddies depending on what sort of starting scenario we settle on I suppose.
Your character could be pretty much anyone you can imagine in such a setting. A cop/special agent hunting my character? Cool. A famous entertainer/celebrity? Great! Wife of an important politician/socialite or the daughter of a mob boss? Excellent! A super secret spy? You get the idea... the plot is pretty flexible and open to whatever. Depending on how long term and plot twisty we get there's easy potential for multiple characters as well.
Anyways, the plot heats up when a pretty well armed and capable pirate group or alien force or paramilitary or combinations of these things, or what have you, invades Nefriti, searching for something on board and basically doing what they have to in order to get it. Maybe it's whatever my character just smuggled, maybe its a particular person, or maybe its some legendary key to an intergalactic fountain-of-youth sort of situation. The point is our characters get wrapped up in the mess (or meet slightly before), flee the space station together, and get sucked into the greater plot to stop the baddies depending on what sort of starting scenario we settle on I suppose.
Modern-day, non-fantasy
These are erotica-driven, short-term RPs. That being said most could be twisted into long-term pretty easily.
I'm not too big a fan of the teacher x student dynamic, just because it has such a strong cliche-porno feel. That being said, the idea of a coworker environment between teachers sounds appealing, though I've admittedly never done it. Anyways, the general idea is that we're both playing new teachers or professors at a high-school or college, respectively. They maybe have five years at the school between the two of them, and have secretly crushed on one another from fairly early on. A desire to keep things professional however kept their interactions limited to just idle banter or work-related topics. At a holiday party however, after Christmas break has started or the students have been sent home for the holidays, and maybe after a few drinks, one things leads to another and "Oops, my dick's out."
For a long term spin perhaps we pick things back up after break and the two deal with the awkward tension between them before it inevitably boils over into more fucking, at work and/or dates. Perhaps one or both are already in a relationship? Maybe they get discovered by coworkers?
For a long term spin perhaps we pick things back up after break and the two deal with the awkward tension between them before it inevitably boils over into more fucking, at work and/or dates. Perhaps one or both are already in a relationship? Maybe they get discovered by coworkers?
The Wedding Guests
We'd be playing characters that are both from religious families but are not themselves religious. Black sheep of their respective flocks. They meet at a wedding between their families, maybe his cousin is marrying her brother or some such, and find each other's company a refreshing change of pace amidst their more squarish, stuck-up family members and friends of said family. Hitting it off they decide to leave shortly after the reception to find someplace more secluded or one of their respective hotel rooms, where they naturally start knocking boots.
Birthday Surprise [MMF]
We'll be playing a couple that's been together for about a year/year and a half or so. Recently while they were discussing new things to mix-it-up in the bedroom a little, she confessed she's always had a threeway fantasy involving herself and two men. He took it well, they laughed over it and some other shared kinks, and it seemed to have drifted to the back burner somewhere. Now it's been a little over a month and they go out for drinks for her birthday, inviting a guy-friend of hers along that she's known for years. While she's away, (bathroom, getting a drink, whatever), the boyfriend tells the friend about his plan to surprise her with the threeway she's always wanted. He agrees and after another hour or so they go back to the house the couple share, her under the impression that her guy-friend is too drunk and needs a couch to crash on. He and her boyfriend go along with this until the couple retire to their bedroom, where the boyfriend ties a blindfold around his lady. She thinks they're in for some kinky fun between the two of them, but then maybe recognizes the cock she's sucking isn't her boyfriend's. She removes the blindfold to find it's her friend's dick in her mouth!- and her boyfriend is nearby, ready to fulfill her fantasy.
The Room-mates Camshow
This one follows a guy and girl who have been friends since they were in the single digits, things between them remaining platonic all the way until now, their 20's. When she had it out with her longtime girl-friend and room mate at the time, he offered to let her stay with him in his apartment. Fastforward a year or so and he has recently been laid of from his job and has had a difficult time finding work. They begin to fall under risk of losing the apartment or having utilities shut off, and her wages as a waitress and what temp work he can find are barely making ends-meet. Thus, she begins doing camshows and to her surprise begins bringing in enough money to scrape the two of them by, though she keeps this a secret from him. One lonely night though he stumbles upon her stream and, with an idea fueled more by horniness than logic, comes into her room and fucks her on camera for her viewers.
For a long term twist perhaps she's more than a little upset with him once the camera is off, yet the money the pair of them bring in is tempting and they continue doing the shows. Eventually they are approached by an agent from the adult film industry and they both retire from their more mundane jobs to fuck each other (and others) on camera.
For a long term twist perhaps she's more than a little upset with him once the camera is off, yet the money the pair of them bring in is tempting and they continue doing the shows. Eventually they are approached by an agent from the adult film industry and they both retire from their more mundane jobs to fuck each other (and others) on camera.
What Mr. G does for a Living
Your character has babysat for mine, a single father, for a few years. Starting in high-school after answering an ad and wanting to earn some money after school and over summers. Now in college, she finds herself looking for easy money again while home on break and takes up babysitting for my character again. All this time she has been unaware of what my character, Mr. Grandt, does for a living beyond that he's in the "entertainment" business, but he pays well enough so she hasn't pried too deeply. One night after the kid crashes early she finds herself too bored and maybe too curious, and starts snooping around his room for clues. There on a dvd or usb drive or whatever she finds a small catalog of porn starring, you guessed it, Mr. G. Only more curious and getting a little horny, she starts to masturbate and doesn't hear Mr. Grandt come home. He walks in on her but rather than being upset decides to show her first hand how he's paid the bills. Alternatively I'd be willing for her to still be in high-school, though no younger than 17.
Oral (giving/receiving)
Rough (hair pulling, choking, dirty talk, face-fucking, the like)
Even mix of story and smut
Soft/Hard facials
Multiple Partners (mmf, ffm, orgies, gangbangs)
Internal Cumshots (risk of pregnancy)
Public (risk of getting caught or straight-up fucking in front of others)
Light Bondage (cuffs/bonds, blindfolds etc.)
Sure (stuff I'm not necessarily into but have zero qualms writing)
Double/Triple penetration
Gore (violence outside of sex is whatever)
Pregnancy (fine as a story element, not for smut scenes)
Heavy Bondage
Foot stuff
Oral (giving/receiving)
Rough (hair pulling, choking, dirty talk, face-fucking, the like)
Even mix of story and smut
Soft/Hard facials
Multiple Partners (mmf, ffm, orgies, gangbangs)
Internal Cumshots (risk of pregnancy)
Public (risk of getting caught or straight-up fucking in front of others)
Light Bondage (cuffs/bonds, blindfolds etc.)
Sure (stuff I'm not necessarily into but have zero qualms writing)
Double/Triple penetration
Gore (violence outside of sex is whatever)
Pregnancy (fine as a story element, not for smut scenes)
Heavy Bondage
Foot stuff
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