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A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)


Ven takes a shaky breath, knowing that if he fails that he will surely be executed. He mutters an enchantment, an orange flame appearing in front of him. "Find what happened to him." He whispers, the flame slowly leaves the room, Ven follows it.

The flame makes its way to Daerk's room, it flickers a little for some odd reason, making Ven bite the inside of his cheek softly. The flame makes its way into Daerk's room where it forms two figures, one a woman, not recognizable as a pack member, and the other is Daerk laying on his bed.

The flame shifts and voices come from inside the room. "I can't do this any more.." Daerk whimpers.

"I know.. Here, let me make it better for you.." She says before straddling the wolf.

Ven turns away as about five minutes of fucking occur between the two. Daerk, at the end grabs her hand, they had gotten dressed. "I won't let what happened to Abe happen to us, love." He whispers to her.

The flames run out of the room, making Ven sidestep so that they could pass. He follows them out to the front where it shows Daerk strangling the guard, knocking him down before running out.. Then the flames die.

Ven's breath hitches, the spell would not be able to show where they went.. He turns back to Isaac. "Master, I hope it has shown enough.. Maybe I can try it again.." He says softly, feeling quite in danger with nearly the whole clan council behind him.


Dominik smiles as he feels the flame flicker, the idiot wizard had chosen a flame to represent what had happened, and he easily contorts the flame to show what he wants it to show, it's simply time to sit back and relax.

He shakes his head at Stephen. "Quit embarrassing yourself." He says to the weasel wolf. He had been reading the book he had gotten from the ceremony, as Katerina never took it from him, he was only about halfway through considering they've had a few days to sit around doing nothing.

"So what do you guys think happened to Daerk?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows. "I wonder if he made the same mistake as Abe.." He says with the shake of his head.

They had all seen it, even Kayden. When the flame died Kayden winced, knowing this was bad. Very bad. Abe hadn't been an Beta's son. Killing Abe had caused a small rift with the River Pack that Issac and Gareth could easily smooth out. Finding Daerk guilty of treason in front of his father and the other Beta's...

"I did not know my son was doing this!" Gernesh pleaded as they all stormed towards the Throne Room, "Honestly he's been so busy preparing for the Trials, how could this be so?"

"It is obviously so Gernesh, we just saw it!" Ivory snapped, in full Beta mode, "Are you so blind you cannot see your son had another agenda. You presented him to the Katerina, without thought he might want another."

"That is two! Two candidates that have sullied the Trials, commited treason against my daughter, and tarnished their pack's standing," Issac snarled, storming into the Throne Room as they followed at his heels. Kayden was the last to enter and she quickly turned to Ven.

"Get out of here while you have a chance," she whispered, nodding back to the halls, "You've done excellent."

Closing the oak doors she turned back to the argument, all of them bickering and yelling at one another.

"We should have better preliminary checks on these things," Ivory put in, "We've already had two mistakes, what if there is a third? We aren't running background checks."

"I do not need you to tell me how to do my job," Issac snarled back and the group fell silent, the tension high, "May I remind you that just because you mated my son does not mean you have any say in Alpha business."

"We do not need background checks," Stephen's father piped up, obviously trying to score points with Issac, although Kayden found it odd how quiet he had been before now, "We never have. It is up to the Beta's discretion to pick the best candidates from their packs. If we are to lay blame, lay blame on the Beta's that misjudged their candidates."

"That's my son!" Gernesh snarled and the fighting ensued, voices snapping over one another. Kayden treaded around the bickering group up to Gareth who walked with a disdained look, only turning when he saw her approach.

"I'm going to go alert the candidates of the findings," she whispered and he nodded, "Can someone advise me with the conclusion of all this when its over."

"I'll send Christian," Gareth nodded, "Be careful my niece."

Slipping out of the throne room, she almost ran into a red head who looked rather upset and had Ven shoved up against a wall, her elbow at his throat.

"Hey!" Kayden snapped, pulling the girl away with ease as she scuffled back realizing who Kayden was, "Why are you attacking our court mage?"

"I need to know what happened to my brother!" she sounded exasperated, "And he won't talk. Plus his bit me."

"His little pet bit you because you got aggressive," Kayden shot back, "And Ven's been sworn to secrecy. You're brother deserted, ran off with some girl. Everyone is in a tiff because of it. You'd be best to go back to your room and hang there until your father finds you. Please."

"As you wish princess," she gave a short courtsey and sent a glare towards Ven before stomping away.

Dominik's words made everyone speculate what might have happened, as attention turned off Lukai and onto the gossip. Stephen, however, stood up and walked over to Dominik, giving him a dirty look and motioning him to follow. Dumb kid probably thinks he can take that man in a fight. He'll get his ass beat and scurry back over here.

Ven nods, Kayden had never really complimented him before. He leaves the throne room, his chinchilla jumping from his hood on to his shoulder, he uses his thumb to pet the top of its head before he feels something hit against his neck, then his back is against the wall.

"Tell me what happened!" A furious but beautiful looking redhead says to him, he chokes and his chinchilla bites the arm of the redhead before retreating into Ven's hood. She cries out but doesn't release hold on his throat.

He is so happy when Kayden shoves her off, giving him a moment to gasp for air. He watches the two of them argue before finally the redhead steps away, glaring at him, making him shrink down a little bit.

"When they told me humanoids were expendable, I did not take them seriously.." He mutters while rubbing his throat. "Thank you." He says before standing up, having slid down the wall when the redhead let go of his neck.


Dominik chuckles at the look Stephen gave him before following him, cracking his knuckles to make it seem like he is in the dominating position here, he can hear a couple of laughs and chuckles as he leaves, the conversation continuing without them.

"What?" Dominik asks, his eyebrows raised at the boy. "What could you possibly need?"


Flynn spots Hayley stomping off to her room, he had just gotten back from a training session with just himself at the Pit, so sweat glistens off of his skin now. He approaches her. "Hey!' He calls out. "What's wrong?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows, having not been informed of the news other than that her brother is missing.

"Don't blame her. Her big brother is missing, her father's probably on her ass. Tensions are running high. I do suggest you bunker down in your room though, until this blows over."

She pets the little chinchilla on the head then moves on, heading towards the library. Meanwhile in the library Stephen led Dominik into the far back where they couldn't be heard. Finally he turned to him.

"Can you lay off being an asshole," he snapped, "Father hired you to help me win, not make me the laughing joke of the Trials."


Hayley paused and turned, looking none too pleased, "I don't even know. My brother's gone, no one will explain why, and now I've been ordered to my room. I feel more like a prisoner in here than I did in my pack. Can't do this. Don't do that."

She shook her head, turning away to continue walking before shouting out in a little calmer voice, "You look damn good after a workout! I'm sure the missus enjoys it!"

Flynn nods, understanding her stress, if his sibling was missing he'd probably be acting the same way right now. "I'm sure some news will come through eventually." He says in an attempt to reassure her, never having been one for emotions.

He catches her words as she walks off. "There isn't a missus!" He calls back, watching to make sure he didn't turn his back on her in case she turned around.


Ven nods to her, mentally hoping his chinchilla wouldn't bite her when she pets it, which it doesn't. Once she walks away the chinchilla disappears into his hood.

He walks to his quarters, closing the door and locking it before laying on his bed, his chinchilla hops out of his hood and wanders the room freely while he stares up at the ceiling, having nothing to do.


Dominik raises his eyebrows before grabbing a fistful of Stephen's shirt and shoving him against a wall. "Listen here, I've done nothing but help you, the fact that you seem to know nothing about women or social interaction is not helping you in the slightest." He says lowly.

"Second off, I'm not your fucking servant, I work for your father, not you. I fucking killed to help you win and you haven't even said anything on it to appreciate that, have you ever killed? It's not a fucking good feeling." He growls.

"So next time, fuck off." He says before letting go of his shirt and returning to the library, sitting back down in his normal spot.​

She didn't turn around, just barely catching his words as she turned into a new corridor. Had he said there wasn't a missus? That made no sense to Hayley. Flynn easily looked much older, and wolves mated at eighteen. So what happened?

She pondered this as she found her way back to her own guest room, locking herself in and collapsing on the bed, knowing the wait could be hours before her father came back.


When Kayden arrived Stephen was shuffling from between an aisle, looking moody and unhappy. The rest of the men were sitting around two tables, reading or chatting. Heads turned as she waltzed in and Kayden had to remember who she was pretending to be, for a second almost forgetting in her all time favorite room. Growing up the library had been her sanctuary, the only place she could hide from her family and escape. Now it felt odd to be walking in as a lie, pretending to be someone she wasn't.

"Daerk won't be returning to the Trials," she announced, glancing at each of them, "Like Abe, he commited treason but he fled. My father will likely send scouts to hunt him down, but as it is, we are now down to seven."

"Is the Trial still postponed till the end of the week?" Reagon asked.

Kayden nodded, "It will give everyone time to settle. And perhaps for all of us to learn more about each other. You have free range of our home and amenities while you are here, so please feel free to use it."

"Does that mean we are free to wander?" Bear asked, looking hopeful.

Kayden nodded and most of them hooted or howled as they jumped up and left, chatting lively about what they wanted to do. Only Stephen, Lukai, and Dominik stayed in the room while the rest barged out.

"You are all free to go," Kayden smiled, then turned and walked down an aisle, intent on finding a book to calm her nerves.

"Hey Nina?" Lukai stepped into the aisle with her, using the nickname Christian and Kayden had used for their sister growing up. Kayden had told him he could use it the night before, a sign of good faith on her part. It also didn't seem to sting as much when he used the nickname over hearing her sister's full name over and over.

"Yeah?" she half turned, looking at him from the corner of her eye while browsing the books.

"I finished the short novel you lent me. The one about the lost pup. I loved the ending."

She took it with a smile, placing it under her arm as she led him down the aisle and to the next one placing the book in its rightful place. From here she could see Stephen and Dominik only feet from them at the table.

"I do too. I find it inspiring."

"I found it uplifting and hopeful," he added, being none too subtle with his flirting, "I can see why you enjoy reading it often."

Dominik stands and slips his book on to one of the shelves before grabbing a couple on tradition, particularly on the North, the ceremonies, trials, everything is there. He leaves the library.

He walks to his quarters and sits on his bed, pulling his shirt off before starting to read tge book, deciding that studying would be the best way to help Stephen win.. Or maybe win it himself.

Lukai kept an eye on Stephen as he flirted with the princess, making sure the weasel of a kid saw how a real man did it. He got Katerina laughing, to the point she almost fell over and he caught her. Rolling her eyes at him she playfully shoved him back, making him laugh.

"Well I should probably catch up with the men," Lukai grinned, "See you later beautiful."

Stealing a kiss on her cheek he ducked out, leaving her to her books and Stephen to his...whatever...


"You fucking pig!" her voice snapped, echoing down the guest hall where all the candidates and their families were staying, her bare feet pounding against the cold rock ground as she stormed after Stephen, "How dare you?!"

The red head she'd seen earlier poked her head out and with one look ducked back into her room, being cautious. Most of the rooms would be empty now with the Beta's in court and the men enjoying their free time. Kayden didn't know Dominik was in his room, but he could hear her now as she swore and yelled at Stephen who was trying to flee to his room.

Christian begins to grow weary of the fighting, he stands up before yelling at the top of his lungs. "Hey! Shut the fuck up!" He yells, the room goes silent.

"There is no point fighting about this any more, Ven's magic clearly showed that Daerk is a traitor, the only solution now is to send out a party, attempt to find him and continue on with the trials instead of arguing like pups!" He yells to them, stepping between Isaac and the South Alpha.

"I don't care if Daerk is your son or your mate, you clearly saw what happened and you're just attempting to gain back the pride you've lost over this, but it's not going to happen." He snaps. Then he turns to Isaac. "And you, calm the fuck down, this entire week of celebration is being ruined by this bickering, all of you are acting like pups and stops RIGHT NOW." He says.


Dominik places his book down and peeks out, still shirtless. He jogs out of the room and sticks his arm out, Stephen runs straight into it and falls.

Dominik grabs him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up. "What'd you do?" He asks, sounding bored if anything. "How have you managed to piss off Katerina?" He asks while presenting the boy to the princess herself.

"The weasel for you, ma'am." He says with a laugh.

Kayden caught up, anger dancing in her eyes. She rarely got upset, or rose her voice. After all she was just a mere wallflower. But even wallflowers had their limits, and their dignity. As Dominik presented the wiggling kid Kayden acted on instinct, her arm pulling back before flashing forward and sucker punching him in the nose.

"That is not how you treat a princess!" she snapped as he fell to the floor, holding his face, "You come near me again with those grubby hands and kiss me and I'll have you disqualified so damn quickly."

She looked up at Dominik before storming straight past the both of them, angry, "You look good shirtless! Fucking men. I can't believe...why...fucking..."

She rounded the corner and stormed away until they could no longer hear her mutterings, Stephen still on the floor rocking as blood bled from her now broken nose.

Dominik leaves Stephen there, jogging to catch up with Katerina. "Hey!" He calls out to her. "What happened?" He asks when he catches up with the angry princess. "I was studying and then I heard that commotion.. And you punched him.. Something about a kiss?" He asks, obviously confused by the whole ordeal that had just taken place.

Issac rises from his throne as his son lashes out, like a child having a tantrum. He's been tired of the bickering, but he cannot sit idly as his son lashes out on not just them, but him directly too.

"Christian kneel," he orders, forcing his son to his knees, "I am tired of all of this. And fed up with your lack of respect in my court. We will send search parties, and when he is found he will be brought to justice by my hand. Gernesh, instead of wallowing you will pick your pride up. You still have a second candidate in the running. The rest of you will hold your tongues."

Christian was still kneeling and Issac beckoned Ivory closer, and when she hesitated he ordered it of her. His son needed to learn a lesson about command and respect, as did Ivory.

"You both seem to believe you have a certain amount of free speech in my court that will go unpunished," he lectured, "You may be my son, and she may be my daughter in law, but that does not make you ammune to law."

Ivory stepped up next to Christian, giving him a worried look. Suddenly Issac's hand shot out and caught Ivory by her braid, dragging her close as his other hand wrapped around the wolf's throat, squeezing it tightly. Christian could nothing, forced to kneel and watch as Ivory choked and gagged, her eyes popping wide, her nails digging into Issac's arm.

"I could snuff her life out," he snarled, staring at Christian, "I could snap her neck right now and end the little happy family you've dreamed up. This would be your consequence to talking back to me. Do you understand Christian? Every action comes with a consequence. You are not immune boy. This is my court, and MY clan. Not yours."

"Chris-tian," she choked, scared.

Issac let go, pushing her away as she scuttled behind Christian, mortified and submissive, "I do not wish to harm, but order and respect must be kept."

"Agreed," the other Beta's chimed, knowing when to bow their heads and offer their support to the Alpha.

"Rise," he ordered Christian, so that they were face to face and lowering his voice, "I can be merciful when I need to be. Especially when a wolf is carrying my future grandchildren. Do not be so hasty to snap at me next time Christian. You have your family to think about as much as I have mine."

"Your dismissed," he told the others and the courtroom cleared out in seconds, Issac strolling past the two Eastern Pack Beta's and out the door with Gareth, leaving them to speak.

"Not now Dominik," she growled, still storming through the halls, "Go ask that weasel if you want a play-by-play."

She turned a sharp corner and quickened her pace to get away, annoyed. Knowing better than to slip into her own room she marched straight to Nina's and slammed the door, resigned to stay in there till dinner, if only to calm down. The little weasel had tried to flirt with her after Lukai left and when she stunted his advances - god they were awful pick up lines - he'd grabbed her face and kissed her without permission, even sticking his tongue down her throat. The taste was still there, and she gulped down water now in the bathroom to rid herself of it. He deserved the broken nose; hell he deserved to be kicked out of the competition, but she had a shred of kindness left to keep him in.

Christian struggles against Isaac as he watches his mate being choked, the whole situation drives hate through his veins, he would find a way to get back at Isaac for this.

When Isaac leaves Christian throws his arms around Ivory, holding her tight to him. "I'm sorry.." He says softly, tears getting ready to burst from him, this is all too much for him to handle.

"We both need to stay away from Isaac for right now." He says to her, starting to stroke her hair in order to calm her down.

Dominik just nods and walks off, going back to his room and locking the door. He continues to study from the book he had borrowed, learning a lot from it. Eventually he finishes the book, immediately starting with the next.

By the time it is dinner he has finished his books, he gets something quick to eat at the mess hall before returning to his room, easily falling asleep from the day of exhaustion he had endured.
Ivory folds into his arms, her breath shaky her heart racing as her lungs grasp for air.

"Why is he so cruel?" She whispered, burying her head in his shoulder, "to do that in front of everyone."

When he finally calms her down and she regains her composure Ivory knows there is still an elephant in the room to address. With all the chaos and stress on Christian these past few days she hadn't had the time to tell him, and he'd been too busy to notice the extra heartbeats fluttering quietly with hers. Issac noticed though.

"Are you mad?" She asked, lookin him in the eye, "are you mad you found out this way?"
Christian sighs. "He's a bastard, that's why he does the things he does.. He won't bother us once we return home, I promise." He says softly.

He bites the bottom of his lip, a part of him is happy for the fact that they are going to have kids.. But the other part of him is terrified, would he become like Isaac? Or worse, would he even be able to father these kids? The tradition for males of the East is to become a warrior, he doesn't know if he could watch that.

"I'm not mad.. I'm scared Ivory.." He says softly, knowing that she would find out his emotions eventually because of their bond together.
"I'm scared too," she whispered, leaning her head against his, "mother doesn't know yet. Telling her scares me more than Issac finding out. You know my mother. She can get a little crazy."

She sighed, her fingers kneading Christians shoulders, "When Kayd- Katerina becomes Aloha things will change. Issac won't hold power over us. We won't have to go to war. She can bring peace and protection for us. For our family to be."
Christian's breath is shaky as he listens to her speak to him. "I don't know how to feel.. I'm not angry I'm just.. Like I said, terrified and.. How did I not notice?" He whispers, tears start to run down his cheeks.

"I'm not ready to be a father Ivory.. I could turn out like Isaac, no matter if Nina is Alpha or not I could turn into that.. I don't want that.. I don't even know if I want kids.." He leans back and runs his hands through his hair.
Ivory was a bit hurt at his words and took a step back, crossing her arms under her breasts, "your talking nonsense Christian. What has gotten into you? What wolf doesn't want children? They are our future. Our bloodline."

"Stop crying," she snapped, annoyed, "you won't become that man if you don't want to. Issac thinks about power and that's all he cares about. What do you care about?"

She pushed past him and stormed out. What did he mean he didn't want kids? He was talking like a child, not like the wolf she loved. Ivory didn't stop storming until she reached their room, locking the door and dropping to the bed. She'd been raised not to cry, as most in the clan were if they were expected to be leaders. Crying is weakness and no good leader is weak she recited in her head, staring at the ceiling, contemplating his words.
Christian, runs his hands down his face when she snaps at him, his eyebrows knitting together as she leaves him on the stone floor. The wolf part of him is in celebration, his bloodline would successfully be passed on.. But the human side of him is scared, he had sought comfort from his mate, who he believed would give it to him but instead she left him there.

He picks himself up, removing any evidence that he had been crying before walking to the main entrance of the Winter Wolf compound, he needed to take his mind off of things. He changes to his wolf form, bounding outside of the cave and running down to the ravine that Katerina had fallen into.

He runs along the side, his paws sinking into the snow as he moves, ignoring anything but the thoughts inside of his own mind. He pants as he continues to run, eventually he puts his head in his paws and stares down at the ravine, thoughts occur to him that he could be with his sister..

He pushes those thoughts away and goes back to thinking about the possibility of a family.. Why didn't he want to extend his bloodline? The fact is he had always questioned tradition, why couldn't they love who they love? Or do what they want? Why couldn't they live without clans?

All of these thoughts had driven him to explore, to want to break away from the old traditions, though he knows not what would happen if they were to stop following them.

He decides to spend the night out in the wilderness, finding a small empty cave to settle down in for the night.
He never came back. Ivory waited all day, even searched for him during supper and stayed up through the night. By morning she was a wreck, worried senseless about him. She could not feel him nearby. The only assurance she had was he wasn't dead. If he died the bond they shared would break and she'd feel it, the pain would be unbearable. Like a piece of your soul shattering. But she did know he was out of reach, too far to hear his thoughts or feel what direction he was in.

Before breakfast Ivory headed to the throne room, luckily finding Issac and Gareth there discussing something calmly. They both looked up as she barged in, and a look crossed Issacs face, a mixture of annoyance and concern that something was wrong.

"Christian is missing," she exclaimed, looking and sounding panicked, "he get upset over yesterday and I haven't seen him since the throne room incident. I can't feel him, I do not know where he is. Issac please, he's your son. My mate."

"Send out two search parties for him, do not rest until he is brought back," Issac commanded Gareth.

"As you wish brother."

Gareth left and Ivorys heart calmed a little. The alpha was a cruel man, but he did have his moments of mercy and clarity.

"Go back to your chambers Ivory and rest. A mother to be needs to rest. We will send for you when he is found."

She bowed and took her leave, doing as commanded. But she couldn't rest. She sat in her room and waited, writing in her journal, or reading a book, anything but sleep. Because she couldn't sleep, and as much as she knew she should she couldn't until Christian was in her arms.
Christian wakes in the morning with a yawn, deciding to start heading back. His paws hit the snow in a light trot as he makes his way back, he takes in the view, having calmed down while sleeping and thinking to himself.

He is found by one of the search parties, he pants lightly as they explain to him that Isaac sent them out for him, he follows them back to the cave, Ivory's worried thoughts immediately hitting him.

I'm here, love. He speaks to her, walking inside and finding his quarters, going up on his hind legs before pushing open the door with his front two paws.

One moment..

He shuts the door behind him before beginning the process of changing, groaning in pain as his bones stretch and his fur retracts into his body.

Once he finishes he pulls on a light shirt and some pants, giving Ivory an apologetic look. "I just needed some time away." He explains gently.

"I didn't know what to think because fear and anger got the best of me.. Forgive me, love?" He asks quietly, sitting next to her and placing his hand on her shoulder, expecting her to be extremely angry with him.

Ivory sat up when he came in, letting out an audible sigh to see him safe. She waited till he sat beside her before crawling into his lap, her body much smaller than his.

"Don't make me worry like that," she chided, kissing him longingly, "I haven't slept. I barely forced down food, I've been so worried my love."

She kissed him harder, glad he was safe and unharmed, "Please don't be mad at me anymore. We can work through this dear Christian."
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