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A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)

Flynn hears thr cry and ducks away from the combat he had gotten into, looking around while sniffing, smelling the cut she had received from their wedding before running off down the hallway, following it.

He finds the four wolves, who drop Hayley and charge him, he spins around, slashing at them and finishing most of them off, one still lays wounded but Flynn could care less about him. He runs to Hayley, throwing his arms around her, staining her dress. "Sorry.." He mutters.

Dominik shrugs. "I haven't been able to look, Flynn might have gotten them out." He says while looking around, his hands going out. He motions for Lukai to follow before running down the hall towards another fight, attacking the next mob.
The fight in the mess hall had lessened, most dead or victorious now. Flynn had left after Hayley, giving Nina no time to tell her closest friend she was alive. Instead she focused on a pair of grey wolves corner a small white haired girl who was screaming and crying. Nina cut them down easily with her claws before watching the girl scramble to two bodies, her wails ringing out.

"Mum. Dad. Wake up," she cried, shaking them hard.

Nina spotted Ven across the way fighting and called for him, letting him finish taking two men out before coming over.

"Ven it's me," she grabbed him and hugged him hard, "it's Nina."

They only had seconds to being happy before her attention returned to the crying girl, "please help her get out. I need to find the others, get as many out as we can. Can you protect her? Please?"

"Ven?" Brea looked up with bleary eyes, "Ven they aren't breathing."

"She's in shock," Nina explained, get her out. I'll create a distraction."

She kissed his cheek and was off, letting out a wall shaking howl as she jogged out of the main hall and to the left, away from the cave entrance as she made a scene. The few greys in the halls followed her, giving them a clear path to escape into the forest. All he needed to do was convince Brea to leave.


Hayley clung to him, shaking, "oh thank god. I was so scared. Get us out of here, please Flynn."
Ven finishes off the two wolves, using a table knife he had found and used magic on to make a deadly weapon, though he dropped it the moment the two were dead, not wanting any more to do with it.

He looks over at Nina, his eyes wide as she hugs him, he hugs her back. "I thought you were dead.." He says quietly to her, the happy moment ends and he nods. "I can get her out." He says, when she kisses him on his cheek he is a little surprised but he chooses not to dwell on it.

He grabs Brea's arm, helping her up. "We gotta get Otis and then we're leaving, I promise." He says to her before running with her through the halls to his tiny quarters, ripping off the ceremomial garb and throwing on his cloak, his Chinchilla scampers up his back into the hood, nestling itself there.

He then runs with Brea to the entrance, the fight having ended there, he runs with her past the River Pack fight and into the woods with her, getting as far as possible.
Kayden finishes her fight in time to see Ven and a girl run off. Before she can follow him though she spots Lukai and Dominik.

"We need to get out of here!"she yells over the commotion.

She gets close enough to Dominik that she can reach out and touch him, although her hand burns at the touch making her yip in pain. Still she holds on, pulling at him so he can hear her, Lukai taking on the fight.

"When you get out, go to the Oak Tree. Take Lukai, he knows the way," she whispered, her burning flesh hitting her nostrils, "don't worry about my hand it'll heal. Make it out safe okay?"

It's there in the heat of the moment she knows she's chosen. She kissed him, putting passion into it but keeping it short, then running away. She chases after Ven until she runs into Hayley and Flynn.

"Oak Tree," she states to Flynn, "meet by dawn. I got to find Ven before he gets hurt. And Flynn..."

She had been running past them and stops and turns to say one final word, "you need to know. Ninas alive."


Katerina kept the wolves on her heels until they were in the Pit, thinking they had her caught. But they didn't know Kat or her strategies. When she was young she'd always make that terrifying howl as she chased her brother through these same howls. Now she hoped he'd hear it and come, not because he thought she was alive but because he wanted to know who was mimicking her howl. And she had seen his brigade, praying they'd all come and outnumber these men.
Dominik tries to cool himself down when she grabs his hand, but to no avail as he makes an apologetic face to her burnt hand.

He nods to her words. "I'll see you there.." He says softly before kissing her back, feeling the passion behind it, only making him wish that they could just continue, but he knows that the fight is still afoot.

Flynn nods about the Oak Tree, raising his eyebrows at her next words, he decides to ask about it later, the adrenaline pumping through him refuses to let him be surprised by anything.

He pulls Hayley out of the cave as the entrance is clear now. He changes and starts running to the Oak Tree, expecting her to follow.

Christian hears the howl, he motions for a few of his men to follow him before sprinting off in that direction, still in wolf form. He sees Katerina surrounded by wolves, he growls and jumps forward, tearing out the throat of one while his men go for the others, easily taking them down.

He nods to his sister, though he still thinks she is Kayden, having not seen them together.
A smile lit up her face as she saw her brother, in all his glory, taking down several men. God she had missed him. But there was no time for words, they needed to get out before more came. With the grey wolves and western pack working together they outnumbered the already vunerable Northern pack and the equally small squadron of river wolves. Katerina needed to get who she could out, and flee to the woods.

"C'mon," she beckoned Christian, jumping up the stairs two at a time. They wove through the maze of halls to the exit, just barely missing two tall men fighting their way out. Katerina helped them fight off the swarm, getting everyone she could outside.

"Katerina," one of the tall one's with chocolate brown eyes looked concerned about her, although she had no clue who he was, "I'm glad your safe."

He must be a contestant. It's the only explanation.

Yes, well we need to get out of here before we are truly safe."

She looked to where the river pack had been left. Few were dead, but most survived, having stayed outside the real battle.

"Go home and rest," she urged, "I will come when its time."

"Be careful my queen," the Beta bowed, then turned her group back to the woods.

"Dominik told me you want us to meet at the tree?" the man stated, verifying that the quiet man was indeed the demon her twin had fallen for.

"Uh yeah," Katerina had to think fast on her feet, "We should still go. It's safest. Christian, come too."

He was unable to speak, but the look in his eye told her he was thinking about Ivory. She had heard his mate was pregnant, and was overjoyed, but now worry crept in. She hadn't seen Ivory since the start of the battle.

"I'm sure she's at the Oak Tree too. She'd know that be the best place to find you. C'mon, there is little left here."

She was right. Many had fled into the trees, or were slaughtered, The few left alive in the caves were out for blood. Staying here would cause nothing but more trouble.


Kayden caught Ven's trail and followed it into the woods, weaving through the trees until she caught up with him.

"Ven!" she called, racing up, "Ven stop!"

She caught them in time, gasping out, "Oak Tree. We are all meeting at the Oak Tree and regrouping. C'mon."


Ivory didn't think of the Oak Tree. Her first thought was her pack. If the Grey Wolves had gotten through, then an encampment had failed, meaning they were deserters or dead, and she feared both. Instead of running away from trouble she ran towards it, manuveuring back to the mountains to check. Because of the wolves chasing her she made sure to conceal her scent by rubbing her fur in mud, so they couldn't keep tracking her down. She assured herself she'd find Christian soon enough, but the needs of her pack were priority, knowing her mate was more than capable of protecting himself. All night she spent checking one encampment after the other, slowly realizing they were all dead. The Grey Wolves had to have ambushed them one by one, picking the encampments off so no reinforcements came. This wasn't just an attack. It was the start of war.

It wasn't till the sun started to rise that Ivory finally found a small hidden burrow safe from predators and collasped, exhausted and hungry, worried about her safety and her pups. Only then did she start to worry about Christian, still unable to feel him, wondering if he'd return to their pack to look for her or go elsewhere.
Christian follows Katerina through the caves and out to where the River Pack stands, bodies around them. He nods to Katerina, it's obvious that she can read the look in his eye.

He hopes that Ivory will meet them at the Tree.

They start the short trip to the Tree, he looks very confused when there are two identical copies of Kayden standing in front of him, he suddenly wishes that he could speak.

Ven had stopped and gone with Kayden, leading the shell shocked Brea with them, glad to see that the small group of friends were starting to meet at the Tree.

Katerina sighed in relief seeing her sister, pulling her into a hug. Lukai of course saw no problems, not ever knowing of Nina's "demise". Dominik was clued in, and she had just told Ven so the only weird looks they were getting were from the wolf form of Christian, and Flynn.

Katerina moved to Flynn first, letting Kayden ask Christian to go Change and handing him a pair of pants. She pulled him into a tight hug, missing the only man who had treated her like a daughter in a way Issac never could.

"I missed you," she sighed, "I'm so sorry I was gone."

Flynn hugs her back, relieved that it turns out she is actually alive. "Where did you go?" He asks quietly. "And why?" He pulls away from her, his eyebrows raised. "Last I heard you fell off a cliff." He says to her.


Christian grabs the pants in his mouth, jogging over to a nearby bush before changing, about ten minutes late her emerges with just pants on, looking at the rag tag group of people. "Other than finding my mate, which is our first priority, what are we meant to do?" He asks.

Katerina rubbed his shoulder as she spoke, "My father hired a wolf to push me off. I never fell. I survived luckily, and the river pack harbored me these last weeks until I was healed."

She turned to see Hayley, who was watching her with a mixture of surprise and confusion, and a little annoyance that she was touch her man.

"I'm so happy you found someone Flynn," Nina smiled at Hayley, "You two look perfect."

"Christian's back," Kayden muttered.

They heard his words and Katerina spun on her heel, showing her face to him, "Our first priority is me, my favorite big brother."

Tears were in her eyes seeing him, "It's me Christian. Really me."

Christian bites the bottom of his lip. "As much as I missed you Katerina, my mate is still out in the woods alone while pregnant and scared." He explains, looking around at them. "This isn't some happy family reunion, this is where we decide how the fuck we're going to survive out here with no pack, no clan, nothing except for our wits and skills." He spits.
His dismissal made Katerina back away upset, feeling like she meant nothing to him. Kayden backed up with her, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm sorry," Kayden murmured to Nina, "I know this wasn't as you expected it. Christians just under pressure. "

"That doesn't give him an excuse," she looked hard into the face of her older brother, a man she used to believe in. A man she used to trust with every particle of her being. How long ago had he become a stranger?

"Let's get to the river pack," she stated calmly to Kayden and Flynn, who were at both her sides, pushing her hurt feelings aside, "they can shelter us. Anyone who survived will be running south, as it seems the western pack and grey wolves have taken over the north."

"Let Flynn and me go to my people," Hayley offered, "if my father has survived he will head there, and I will alliance my people with the river pack. We can hold the south."

"Plus most of the eastern wolves are the the fire pack right now. Any children or pregnant wolves moved there when the fighting started. I'm sure any eastern wolves that are running will move there," Kayden added.

Katerina nodded, "Hayley and Flynn can go to the southern pack alone," she looked over at Dominik, Lukai, Brea, and Ven, "the six of us will go to the river pack and see what can be done. The fight is not over, but we might still reclaim our home and lives."

She turned and started past Christian, brushing his shoulder hard, "She'll move to the southern pack since she's not here. Go with Flynn. I'm done with our 'reunion'."
Dominik walks with his group towards the River Pack, walking next to Kayden the whole time while talking to her quietly, nobody else would really be able to accurately make out what they are saying to each other which makes their conversation private.

Christian doesn't respond, his eyes flicking to the ground as if showing some form of shame. When it's all said and done he walks with Flynn and Hayley towards the South.
The walked till the sun had risen. Throughout the day they planned and strategized, finally coming to a agreement and sending it off to the southern pack via scout. It wasn't safe to stay in thier packs anymore, not since the two opposing packs knew thier locations. The safest thing was to find a temporary home and meld both packs together, raising thier numbers and remaining hidden.

The plan was to move the next morning. The scout that came back reported that Hayley had agreed to the move, but there was a small hitch.

"Gernesh arrived during the afternoon," the scout announced to the group of six plus the Beta, "he brought with him a few of the Elders that survived...and Issac."

Katerina and Kayden groaned in unison. If Issac was alive he'd be blaming this whole mess on Layden. And he didn't know Katerina was alive yet."

"Does he know of me?" Nina asked.

"No ma'am Hayley and Flynn thought it wise to keep that to themselves. But Gernesh and Issac have taken over the pack. Hayley worries she won't be able to rally any of them behind her."

"Christians there," Kayden offered, "can't he take at least his people?"

"Yes but they are children. Without support he'd be extremely vulnerable," Nina explained, "plus I think we can all agree Christians priorities are not to moving children. He wants to find Ivory, not even my resurrection seemed to matter to him as much as that did."

"Let me go," Lukai offered, "the eastern people will follow me, they see me as a champion. And I can help Flynn and Hayley round up any who wish to leave."

Nina nodded, "that sounds wise. Take a few river wolves and go."

"What of the rest of us?" Kayden asked.

"I'm going to take Ven to find a secure location," Nina explained, "he can protect it with magic so no one can lay any traps after we leave. The rest of you should rest. Kayden you've had a whirlwind week, take the night off. Dominik make sure she does so."

Katerina knew she was pairing them purposely, smiling innocently at Kayden, "and we need to get, it's Brea right little one? We need to get Brea some rest too. She's had a horrid day."

The group split, Katerina stealing Ven for the rest of the evening while a few wolves escorted Brea to a tent she could sleep in undisturbed. As for Kayden she had a rather large tent to herself off to the side of camp, and was to be escorted by Dominik, to make sure she didn't skip out.

"You don't have to babysit me," Kayden joked.
Ven walks with Katerina to the secure location she led him to. He closes his eyes and lets a breathe escape from his mouth, the world seems to pause for a moment before the walls in the cave she had shown him turn purple, waves upon waves of darker and lighter purples collide with each other.

Dominik shakes his head with a small chuckle as they walk into the tent she had acquired for herself. "It's not that I don't need to, it's that I want to." He explains with a grin on his face.

He sits down on a bench inside, pulling off his boots before looking up at her. "Everything is going crazy." He says with a chuckle, resting his head against the fabric of the tent.
"You can say that again," Kayden sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "it won't get easier that's for sure."

She took off her boots before sitting beside him, "you know you dont have to stay right? You could leave our territory and never look back. Your not a wolf."
Dominik looks up at her when she sits down, her words bring thought to his mind, he places his hand over here before laughing.

"I don't exactly want to leave, there's something anchoring me here, and I can never ignore it." He admits, trying to get her to realize that she is the reason he is staying here.

She stared at him a little confused. The events of today had completely muddled her brain, and any thoughts of the Trials or mates, or love had gone from mind.

"What's anchoring you?" She asked sweetly, looking down at his hand over hers on her lap.
Dominik raises his eyebrows, laughing quietly while looking down at his feet, a little embarrassed that she is making him say it. "You're anchoring me here, Kayden." He admits to her, deciding not to go on a rant about how much he cares and all of that, those words would be enough.

It's all she can say, all that her mind can come up with. Suddenly she is drawing a blank, her brain refusing to work as all her senses tune into him. His heart beat, the smell of his skin, what he might taste like.

Without thought she lets instinct take over as she launches herself into him, one second sitting at his side the next pushing him down on the small bench, her lips hungry for him. Her nails turn to claws as she shreds his shirt, a clear indication of what she wants. Kaydens tired of talking...she's chosen, and she wants him to know it.

She stumbles up to her feet, pulling him with her so thier lips never break contact. Shuffling back she feels her heels hit the bed and falls backward, taking him with her so that he is pinning her, enticing all kinds of play from him, wanting him to show her all the ways he can make her heart dance wildly in bed.

"No more hesitating," she groans into his mouth, her cold temperature clashing with his, the feel of his heat erotic to her cold touch.
His hands immediately clamp to her hips as she tackles him, his back hits the bench and them her lips are smothering his, he knows that wolves are rough and that's part of what he loves about Kayden. He feels his shirt torn off and he knows that the time is now, they are alone after all.

He stands with her, walking with her to the bed while still kissing her, loving the taste of her cold lips as she trips and falls on to the bed, taking him down with her, his hands moving up and down her body as she groans into his mouth, he agrees, the time for hesitation is over.

His hands act, tearing her shirt off and throwing the remains away before his hands grope her breasts, as if they had been waiting to do so for awhile, when they move elsewhere his chest is pressed against hers. The kiss continues with its intensity, his tongue snakes from his mouth and intrudes into hers, not even wanting permission to do it.

His hands move back to her hips before tearing off her pants, his arousal presses into her thigh, if it wasn't obvious before, it's obvious now that he doesn't just want her, he needs her.
Kayden was all for it until he ripped her pants away, and then a single thought hit her, What if he leaves?

He wasn't wolf. He could leave even after sex, and never think twice. But he'd be leaving her with a life of misery. A wolf with no mate, and no chance to find another love. Trapped. If he left and didn't die she could not move on. She'd be stuck mated to him, and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

"Dominik," she pushed her hands on his shoulders, pushing his lips away enough to speak, "Do you understand what it means to be a werewolf? Do you know about our mating rituals?"
He groans softly when she pushes him away, his eyes meeting hers as she speaks to him. When she is finished he presses his lips to hers a single time.

"I read about wolves, remember?" He whispers. "I could never imagine leaving you Kayden." He mutters to her.
"Then prove it," she whispered to him, wiggling her fingers, "Make a blood oath with me. We usually do it in the wedding ceremonies but I don't feel there will be any time for such celebrations. There's a knife somewhere in here. I have the oath and vows memorized. If your truly willing to be with me forever."
Dominik nods to her, getting up off of her before looking around the tent for the knife she had mentioned. He finds it before walking back over to her and handing her the knife. "I want to be wiyh you forever." He says to her quietly, taking one of her hands in his.

"Do the rites if you feel the same." He simply says, though he knows that she wants to do it already because of how she had been acting around him.
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