Mass Effect: The Illusive Soul (Azecreth x DuxT)

The dreams went through and played, slowly doing their work of wearing down on Shepard. It disturbed her sleep, and would perhaps make her mentally weaker. It would be a slow process of wearing her down, but the Illusive Man in her head was not wasting any time in doing it.

But soon enough she would wake up, and the new day would begin. Here was hoping it was better than the last nee she had been put through.
The next day, Shepard went to consult with EDI, the ships AI. EDI was originally a Cerberus machine, but like Shepard and Maranda, broke away. Heck EDI did it twice, hyjacking a Cerberus inflitration bot to use as a body. Said body was off the ship, on earth with Joker, helping him get rest. But EDI was still on the ship too, able to split her mind quite effectively. Course even then, she still couldn't help.

"What the hell do you mean, you can't?"

"I'm sorry Shepard, although I can locate the chip in question, I do not have the ability to interface with it. This chip's only ability to communicate, has been deactivated. It was likely the part that was awaiting signal for the Illusive Man's death, now that he is dead, that part has been disabled, thus no way to remotely get to it." EDI explained calmly, the little holographic ball that was her original avatar showing before Shepard.

"Can't it be turned back on?"

"Internal functions or direct interface would be required. I do not see a way of directly interfacing with the chip while keeping you alive."

Shepard sighed, glaring over to wherever the Illusive Man showed himself, figuring he would be there to gloat. "How about it, care to turn your little transmitter and receiver back on? Maybe the real you is alive and trying to tell you to stop?"
The Illusive Man had appeared about halfway through the diagnosis, Shepard having turned to EDI for support. It was to be expected, but in the end it had come to nothing. Really, did she not expect him to have taken all precautions when it came to this sort of thing? He wouldn't make it so easy, not when it came to such a valuable asset. And now it was confirmed as EDI voiced her inability to do anything. It was just a pity he couldn't subsume the AI back to his control. Not yet. All in due time.

As she glanced over to him to make her request, he was obviously less than receptive to it. "Judging by your memories I would say that's fairly unlikely, wouldn't you Shepard," he noted as he stepped forward, moving around the holographic avatar of EDI at the same time. He wasn't about to give in so easily,

A slight grin broke out at the same time as he stopped, watching her carefully. 'Besides. I'm sure he would approve of what I'm doing right now." And he would know. He was himself, after all.
"There's always a chance, I was pretty dead when you got your grimy hands over me..." Shuddering, she still had bad thoughts about the fact that he was the one to save her. She thought killing him would free her of the burden... but here he was, mocking her from beyond the grave.

Sighing, she turned back to EDI. "Okay, keep looking for a solution on this. Also, brief my trusted team members on what's going on. If I go mad and start trying to reform Cerberus or some shit, I want them to put me down." She glared over to the Illusive Man again, a small mocking smile. "After all... Don't want someone thinking they can hold me hostage to get what they want."

"Understood Commander." EDI responded, having expected such a request given how Shepard always acted in the past. The Commander was not afraid to sacrifice herself for the greater good.
The Illusive Man continued to watch with some amusement as Shepard made her counter plans, as if that could make some sort difference to his ultimate goals. He was in Shepard's head itself, and he certainly had more in mind than something as mundane as reforming Cerberus, though he would probably get around to that eventually. For now though, he had to focus on the priorities at hand.

"Really Shepard, you should be thanking me," he said, pacing around EDI and looking over the AI. A pity that she had been turned from Cerberus to something like this. Just another failure to be rectified. "Indoctrination notwithstanding, I did save the galaxy after all. Surely that's worth some gratitude."
Shepard rolled her eyes at that, continuing to glare as he paced. "I admit you did help me save the galaxy. You also tried horrible human experiments with reaper tech and almost doomed the galaxy with that last stunt you pulled. Indoctrinated or not, our goals couldn't of been further apart..."

"If I may suggest Commander, the Illusive Man in this state might not make a horrible ally. Free from his indoctrination, you both might be able to find some middle ground while you are stuck with him." The A.I chimed in, getting half the conversation as she could not see or hear her old master.

"Thank you EDI... I will keep that in mind when I don't want to choke him..." Shepard spoke with a half growl, not liking the idea of making nice with him after everything he pulled recently.
"I just want what's best for humanity," the Illusive Man replied nonchalantly, leaning against the nearby table at that point. "Just like you. I just happened to have the backing of individuals scared by the First Contact War, who saw what needed to be done to ensure the human race can secure its place in the galaxy. That's all."

Well, he certainly wasn't going to argue with EDI if it thought that the two of them could get along, and perhaps even prove a valuable pooling of resources. Whether it proved true or not was, of course, another matter entirely. And at the moment it looked like Shepard would be as adamant in her refusal as she had always been. But that wasn't his problem. He had all the time in the world.

He grinned then, waving his cigar around even as he pointed out the obvious. "You're free to try all you want Shepard. You already know that you can't hurt me. Fortunately for me, that is a more one way street." He looked away, yet she would be able to feel it nonetheless as his next action took effect, a headache springing into existence as a result of the control that he had. Not enough to be classified as a migraine, or even a real detriment, but definitely noticeable.
Shepard rubbed her head, giving a small snarl at his action. It was clear it was his doing, that was the point after all, wasn't it? She had to admit, she might have to play this situation with some tact, a prospect she didn't enjoy. She knew he wouldn't kill her, that'd be killing himself, but she wasn't sure how far he'd go. "Fine... let us play nice here. But keep in mind, our positions aren't identical. I seek the best for all the council species, this galaxy has more than enough room for all of us. Your only backer is me and my crew now, keep that in mind."
"I'm well aware of that Commander," the Illusive Man replied even as he allowed the headache to ease away, returning her to her normal frame of mind and her state of health once more. "Though I think you underestimate the sorts of connections you have to draw upon. But it's alright. I'm sure we'll make good use of them in time." He definitely planned to when given the opportunity.

That said, his patience at last began to wear out, probably to her misfortune. "Now then, don't mind me. I'm sure you have better things to do that hang around with EDI all day, don't you Commander?" Well, he really didn't mind if hey stuck around here, but that would make for a very boring day. And she could rest assured that she didn't want him thinking up ideas to amuse himself with.
Glancing away, Shepard hated to admit he was right. "I suppose best get moving. Take care EDI and take care of Joker." The commander spoke as she left the room, returning to the rest of Normandy. She started by doing the rounds of the ship, checking if everything was up to spec and the skeleton crew on board were doing well.

After some time, she spoke up again, glancing over to the Illusive Man. "So... if we are pretending to be friends, what would you like to do? If it's reasonable I might even follow through with it." She didn't sound as pissed as normal with him, trying her best not to get annoyed with his constant presence.
The Illusive Man nodded to EDI whilst unseen before following after Shepard, vanishing and reappearing at certain points depending on how bored he was. He'd let her do her rounds though, since pretty much everyone expected it to happen, and interfering with the operation of the ship would be one of those things the good Commander frowned upon.

He was visible when she spoke to him again, her attention returning for whatever reason besides her whims and interests. It seemed she was trying to be a friend, and he treated that well enough. "Me? Well I enjoy the finer things in life. Reading, music, doing business, that sort of thing. I like to consider myself a fairly low maintenance individual." Still, they needed something, and he eventually came up with it. "I don't suppose the observation deck is still working."
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