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Their Journey Through the Path (Fancy_Brat and I)

"Huh? I'm not exactly the best with helping someone else with clothes. I mean, just pick anything you think will look good." she said, following him inside. The design of the clothes were rather simple, but they looked like they would last a long time. " see anything you like?"
Dairiku looked at all of the clothes, sighing. He had no idea! He usually had servants that helped him with this kind of stuff! Taking out a good looking pair of matching black shirt and baggy harem pants. "How about this?"
At the same time, Minagi took some time to look around. She would also go here every now and then, waiting for just the right clothes to pick. She turned to look at Dairiku as he came with the clothes. She gave him a little nod of approval. "Those look fine to me."
Dairiku nodded curtly and vanished in the back, struggling to get changed....

A figure strode into town, a large black cloak covering his features completely. Walking over to a group of men, he began to converse with them. After a minute of two of questioning, he placed in each of their hands a weighty bag of what possibility gold. With a silent thanks, he walked into the small clothing shop, his hand gently holding the hilt of the Claymore beneath the cloth.
While Dairiku moved to the back to change, Minagi continued to look around in the shop at the clothes. Her attention however turned to the man that had walked into the shop. He certainly didn't seem like the kind that would be out shopping for clothes. she couldn't really catch any of his features under that massive cloak he was wearing. she didn't want to be caught glancing at him though. Just looking gave her the creeps. She moved further back in the shop, moving to another set of clothes that she was interested in. She still kept a close eye on the man out of the corner of her eye.
Walking up to the owner, the man placed down another lumpy bag. Clearing his throat, he spoke audibly, "I heard there is a boy here; just came in. Is he here?" he asked the owner, his voice gravely and deep.

The owner glanced down at the bag of gold and looked back up at the man, getting a bad feeling from him. His eyes narrowed quickly; he obviously wasn't one to sell out a stranger. "No. No one except the girl." he said cautiously, then glanced at her. "Mina, tell your father that I have a shipment for him, please." he told her, tapping his left fingers on the counter as his right hand slowly reached under the wood to grasp a weapon.

"Mother--" Dairiku cursed quietly, trying to get into the harem pants, which wasn't exactly easy to do. He unknowingly kept silent, hopping multiple times to get the other leg through.
Minagi had found herself wondering just why she was actually here with Dairiku waiting for him to get all dressed up. It was very much like a big sister babysitting. She looked over as the man in the cloak began to speak up. He mentioned a boy...Dairiku? Looking at the owner, she was wondering just why he hadn't mentioned Dairiku. From the looks of things, this man wasn't the friendliest of people. "Uh...all right." she said, quickly moving past. She was a bit worried about Dairiku now though, having him there alone.
Once they were alone, the owner suddenly drew out an iron longsword, a trying grunt escaping his throat. The figure in the cloak sighed; another one that needed to die. Sidestepping the heavy slash from the owner's weapon, the figure drew a black steel short sword and stepped towards the man, plunging the blade into the owner's stomach. "You should have just told me the truth." he whispered, watching as he slid off the blade and left a splatter of blood around the edges.
Completely unaware of what was going on in the shop since she left, Minagi headed back to her home. Luckily it wasn't that far away, but she couldn't help but worry about Dairiku being left back there. She headed inside the house, finding her father right away. "Ah Minagi. I didn't know you had gone out. You were practicing earlier but I went out and didn't see you." he said. She gave him a little smile, remembering the task she was given. "Well, the owner of the clothes shop says he has a shipment ready for you." Her father seemed a little bewildered at that. "Is that so? Hmm...well then, I'll be out in a bit. I hope you don't mind running back and telling him I'll be there soon." "Not at all. I'll go back then." she said, heading out the door again. In all honesty, she just wanted to see how Dairiku was doing. That man earlier gave her the creeps.
The figure wiped off the blood from his blade and gazed around the store. "Where are you boy..?" he muttered, then thought about the changing rooms. With a methodically technique, he slowly searched the room while Dairiku had no idea what was going on.
In a matter of minutes, she had gotten back to the side of the store, still wondering what exactly the store owner had for her father. It wasn't somewhere he went often, and he seemed really surprised as well. Perhaps he had forgotten about that sort of thing, like he tended to do. She was going to move to the door again, grabbing the knob and pulling it open slightly. The horrid scent filled her nostrils and her eyes widened with shock. She had to cover her mouth completely to prevent any sound from escaping. She didn't see much, but she did see the blood from the counter. " safe please." It was then that she noticed the man from before. It was him. She had thought there was something wrong with him, and now she knew it.
Dairiku, still numb as ever to the situation, slipped on the new pair of pants and rested against the wall, making a very loud noise that reverberated inside the entire building.

The figure obviously heard the noise and began to walk towards the stall, readying his weapon, he lunged towards the curtain and sliced into the room.
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