A King Foretold (Applepoisoneer- MellowYellow)

There was a gentle tugging at the fold of Arthur's tent, and a high, raspy man's voice called to him from beyond the rough canvas. "Young man. Are you in? I would have a word with you?"

The crow could not find a suitable pirch close enough for either it or Maleficent to be able to see or hear what was being said. Only that the old wizard was attempting to gain Arthur's attention. And although she would not see or hear him, the sorceress was convinced she knew just what he would say.
Arthur raised a curious eyebrow when a voice reached him. Certainly wasn't the witch's. Hers was strong and could have some rasp to it when emotion overtook her. This was someone altogether different. He opened the flap of the tent and looked at the positively ancient old man standing before him. "Er... yes?" Arthur asked, glancing up at the bearded fellow. Someone new... someone working for Maeven?
The old wizard gazed into his eyes, searching him for answers to some of the questions he was looking for. It seemed like far too long to stare at the lad, but he needed to know. "Young man, my name is Merlin." He leaned in closer and whispered behind his hand. "I am a powerful magician, of sorts. And, you see, I must know if you are yet aware of your true destiny?"
While he was certainly not as serious as his usual 'aide', Arthur could tell off the bat that he was likely hopping with magical potential and power. "More or less," Arthur replied with a small shrug of his slim shoulders. "I'm supposed to become the king of England down the line," he added just for the sake of confirmation.
"Indeed," Merlin nodded emphatically. "Indeed you are, my lad. But there is a dark shadow over you! The being that has told you of your destiny will do you great harm!" He wasn't sure how much of this was getting though to him, but he felt he had to say something before he grew to power and was corrupted.
Somehow he doubted that. How could the person who had raised him up, held him close, and cared for him more than anyone else in the last decade possibly have darker thoughts of his destiny? Still, Maeven did make for a rather dark and imposing figure. Arthur hummed briefly at the news. "I'll keep that in mind sir. But for now I really need to get some rest. The tournament starts tomorrow, after all."
"Oh, yes. Yes, that's ri-" Merlin started to babble before realizing that this tourney was the first bend in the road that he was sure would lead Arthur away from the path of goodly kingship. "No! No, lad! You mustn't compete in the toureney. Do you know what you'll have to do to take up a spot?" He leaned in close again and raised his hand to buffer his voice. "Murder. Murder most foul."
Arthur raised a brow. No such things had been told to him in the past, and he did seem a little concerned. Certainly not in the tournament itself. While accidental deaths went unpunished, and were almost anticipated for some events, Arthur knew that outright murder of an opponent was paid in kind. "Hm... I don't plan on killing anyone. I wouldn't go along with something like that."
"Well, good. Good, I'm glad." The wizard sighed, feeling at least the lad had a moral compass to work from. "But then what was your stratagy for entering the tournament?" That was wherein he saw the murder, or at least, what he thought was a murder. It certainly looked like one. And he was sure that the witch manipulating the innocent boy was responsible. It made his old blood boil to think of it.
The young man shrugged. "There's likely to be some openings. Someone like Sir Dirk is likely to get excessively drunk tonight, and if that happens then it'll likely leave an opening for me." Indeed, if one were to strain the ear they could likely hear some drunken reverie from a few potential competitors. Men who would likely be too hungover to reliably fight come morning time.
Merlin nodded as the young man spoke. "Well, you may be right in that." He sighed and straightened his posture.. "I trust you, as the future king of my country, to make good decisions." He tipped his cap, revealing a spot at the top of his head where the hair had started to thin. Then he turned to go. But before he did, he cast a look back at Arthur, and smiled just a little under his beard.

Once the old man was out of sight, the large crow that had been circling landed on the top pole running along the top of Arthur's tent, causing it to wobble a little. It cocked its head to look ar Arthur appraisingly. It closed its eyes and fluffed out it's black plumage before fluttering away again. But this time, it circled back to catch the young man's attention and swept into a dark alley between an inn and something next door.
Arthur seemed a little uncertain about all this. Would she really expect him to kill someone? He had little intention to become a murderer, and if that was the case... well, Arthur made a mental note to be wary in the future, just as a note of caution. It didn't take long to spy the crow, and he was left sighing before resolving to follow after it. This meeting would no doubt be an... enlightening one.
The alley filled with a light green mist as Maleficent appeared to step through the wall. Through the crow, she had seen there was no one in the alley, but that doesn't mean it would stay that way. She had to make the meeting brief, and be very precise with him.

"Hello, my dear Arthur." Smiling a little, she extended her hand for him to take. "I see you have met Merlin. He is an amusing fellow, don't you think?" She paused only a moment, then pressed on as though the question were rhetorical. She withdrew a little vial from her robes and extended it to him. It was a dark blue glass filled with an even darker liquid and corked tightly. "This is is for the knight whose place you will be taking. Give it to them in a cup of ale before the tournament. Then be in the wings, ready to fight in their place. I shall give you all that you need before you enter the arena."
There she was, just as he'd anticipated. The blond eyes her for a moment and then gave a skeptical once-over to the glass vial she handed him. Was this what the old man had been talking about? Seemed to be. "I don't plan on poisoning anyone," Arthur remarked to his teacher, keeping a firm tone. "I don't mind fighting for you, and I know I can win, but I'm not going to have murder as the first step on this journey."
Maleficent sighed, raising a hand to her face clearly exasperated with the impertinence of her vassal. "Why are you men so apt to make things harder on yourselves." She pressed on, reserving the statement as rhetorical. "If you only use half the vial, the knight would only be rendered ill. Take his place, and I will deliver your armor, your weapon and your steed. Will you do at least that?" Her tone had a quiet snap at the end.
Arthur watched her closely, and then took the vial from her grasp. "Very well..." He turned and was about to leave, only to halt and glance over his shoulder at his mentor. "I want this to happen... and I want to make you proud too. But... in some cases, I still need to be my own man." While Merlin hadn't severed their connection, Arthur didn't seem to be a mere pawn. It was impressive, in its own way.
Maleficent pinched her lips closed in a disapproving scowl, but let them soften after less than a few seconds. "As you wish, my young liege." She forced the words from her throat. While she didn't like to be disobeyed, she knew that he was going to walk his own path for at least a little way of his journey. And this was not a consequential death. It was merely an excuse to test his boundries.

She vanished and left the alley dark, but the crow remained and narrowed his eyes down at the future king.
At that point Arthur had gone on to place the modest dose of poison in. But ultimately it proved irrelevant. One porter, a surly and easily angered sort, had gotten violent when the knight Arthur was targeting insulted his lazy eye. The stab to the knight's chest was not fatal, but he would not be competing. It left an open spot for the young blond to take, and he had been happy enough to snap up the opportunity.

He awoke that morning with a small sigh, rolling to his side on his bedroll and feeling... heavy all the same. Nerves, Arthur supposed, but they were quickly pushed aside as Arthur moved to get dressed for the day.
Out side of Arthur's tent, a heavily cloaked figure stood with a coal-black steed with deep purple barding. It's armored head piece was ornamented with silver and a single black metalic horn, giving it the appearence of being a unicorn. Its eyes blazed with red coals and it pawed at the ground. It's padded cloth body cover was also deep purple and embroadered with silver, and it bore the image of a dragon.

The figure leading the horse was very tall, taller than any man, and no part of it was visible, except for it's hands, the skin of which had an olive-green tinge and one of the fingernails on the left hand was completely missing. In it's left hand were the reigns on the horse's bridal and in the other was a peculiar lance.

The lance had a strange, rough texture and was a little curved, as though it had been repeatedly slapped against something that resisted it. Bit it wasn't flimsy, and it didn't wobble when it was moved.
As he stepped out he was more than a little stunned to see a looming shadow cast over his shorter frame. Soft eyes glanced up at his unseen face, then to the steed and lance. By the look of things this was definitely Maleficents doing, for surely nobody else could employ so strange an entity.

"Mine, I take it?" Arthur asked. He raised up the lance and felt the modest weight, tensing it in his grasp. It was lighter than he thought, and in truth he had to admit that it felt sturdy too. "Well thank you. It'll come in handy."
"You are most welcome, my Lord." Maleficent's voice slipped from beneath the cloak with a chuckle. She stepped back to admore the sight of Arthur with his lance and steed. "Of course, you will need armor. I had hoped you would take it from the knight you were meant to... subdue. But no matter. Come with me to the crevice where we met the last time, and I shall enchant it there." Like a phantom, she swept across the stones between the tent and the alley, leaving the horse where it stood.
No matter how many times he saw her, he had his doubts he'd ever really be used to Maleficents ghostly motions. He followed after her regardless, careful to remain unseen for the time being. As they entered the alley, Arthur nodded at his guide and smiled "Well, it's fair to say you have me excited. I'll follow your lead."
As soon as the two were alone in the alley, Maleficent, Still Maeve to the future king's knowledge, dropped her hood. The horns of her helm had been what gave the cloaked figure it's unusual height, though she was still quite tall. Facing him, she couldn't help but smile. Her foul mood was short-lived, as she could hardly stay angry with him with a face like his.

"Hold perfectly still until I tell you you may move" She had to create matter, not an easy task, and if he moved too much, it could prove dangerous. Transfiguration was much simpler, and she found herself wishing that she had simply brought armor to enchant. But there was no sense in complaining about it.

She raised her hands and forced energy through them, again in the form of a green flame. It surrounded Arthur, though it did not burn him. It glared brightly before turning black and hardening into platemail suite of armor. The last of the flames to die were a flicker on his chest. A purple dragon emblazened itself on his chest, and streaks of purple decorated his arms, legs and helm.

She nodded, satisfied with her work, though a little weakened by the effort it took to not only create it, but imbue it with magic. It meant that she would have to find another way to watch the proceedings instead of what she had planned initially. But there was one more feat of magic she had to perform. She put a hand to the alley wall in front of Arthur and created a reflective surface for him to see himself in.
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