The American Dream [Haru|Kitten]

“I need to grow up? Captain fucking America thinks I need to grow up? Let me tell you what I did growing up, hm? I stayed with my single mother as long as I could. Dad tossed us out. Not that it matters. No, I don’t like cameras because she’s married to a New York Senator, one staunchly against heroes of any kind. I’d be lucky to see her as it is! You don’t know shit about my life, Steve!” Her voice rose, not caring that a few had stopped or slowed to watch the argument. No, she was heated. Her fists were clenched and she was angry.

“Military veterans don’t bench press girls in ice cream shops, you fucking idiot! If they did no one would give them the time of day! They do good work. Solid work. You wanna talk about my maturity level? You followed Tony Stark like the lapdog you are, desperate to do what you personally think is the greater good. Not everyone sees the world the way you do, Steve! Some of us have to do the best we can with what we’ve got!” Her voice had now become a yell, almost in his face, as best she could be given the circumstances.

“I don’t want pictures! I don’t want that life, Steve! I don’t want any of it! Go tell Tony you failed this one too. Have a great fucking life with that stick shoved so far up your rectum you’re coughing up splinters.” She spat out the words and turned, sharply. Tears were now stinging her eyes, not out of sadness but purely out of anger. If she didn’t let off steam soon, she imagined the energy building inside of her would need a release.

Walking towards the street, she began to look for a taxi. It would be a stupid amount of money to drive home from here, but well worth it. She could get home, maybe find someone at the bar to sleep with, stay up all night fighting in the gym. She had to burn this off. She had to get this out of her. How dare he fucking act like he knew her! Her body was shaking with anger as she waved her hand, trying to flag down a taxi.
Steve felt like shit, watching as the livid young lady hailed a cab, specifically to get away from him. It was hard to understand this new generation sometimes, and perhaps his apology had not been heard or been found insincere. "Liv..." he said, and moved to her again. "Liv, I am sorry." he said, and grabbed her to face him, his eyes searching hers. "I'm truly sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." he said, and he felt something - something that harkened back to the feelings that had been between them all evening, that electricity.

"Forgive me. Please." he told her, and then he did something that he'd never have thought he would have done. Pulling her into him, his strength inevitable, Steve kissed her. The kiss was soft and yet insistent, fiery and driven by passion yet measured in its intensity. The Captainn felt himself drawn to her, pulled inexorably like a riptide into Liv's very being. A gentle moan rode the back of the kiss and Steve could only hope that she believed him.
Liv had never wanted to leave. It was all so overwhelming. Exposing herself, showing how vulnerable she was, and everything that came after was always a harrowing experience. Not bad, per se, but just hard.

She shook her head, dropping her hand from hailing a cab and turning back to Steve. She hadn't expected this. Any of this. Her life has been predictable. She dreaded to imagine what might happen when her step father found out who she was running with.

"Steve, I-" She was cut off, but for the best reason imaginable. His lips pressed hard into her own, almost immediately Liv feeling herself falling into his arms. All her emotions, swirling and chaotic, were at once quelled and calmed. She was subdued, her arms wrapped lazily around his neck, holding to him and using him to steady herself.

She pulled from the kiss only briefly, her eyes wide as she breathed out his name, "Steve..." it was all she could manage, pressing her lips back against his, though with more fury and need this time. She was desperate. She felt such a pull, in indescribable pull to this man she'd only just met. And yet she didn't want to let go  it didn't scare her. All she wanted was more of him.
In truth he'd expected to be pushed away. To be slapped or worse. That Liv practically melted into his embrace surprised him, but also stoked something deep inside of him. Steve was a man of deep passions, and even deeper desires. The man was legendary of course, yet there was another side to him that most never saw and he wanted to share it with Liv. As she broke away from the kiss and said his name, breathless, Steve met her returned kiss with equal passion and fervor, pulling her into a tight embrace, her breasts crushed to his hard chest.

The next time the kiss broke it was by him, his lips slightly colored from friction and his bright blue eyes searched hers a moment. "I want you Liv." he said. It was a simple statement and yet it meant so much. It had been decades since he'd said those words with such wanton desire to a woman, and he felt them as well. "I'm taking you to bed. The question is; my place or yours?" There was no doubt in his statement, no question. He'd put forth his mission statement and all he needed was a destination. "We should get back to my bike." he said simply, wanting to get somewhere, and quickly, before some rather questionable pictures of Captain America and this gorgeous woman were taken out on a NYC street.
Liv hadn’t expected the kiss, but she was more than drawn into it. Passion, need, desire… everything she had ignored was suddenly being felt and all at once. And for this man. This man who was to be seen as the epitome of all men. This glorious creature holding her warmly and hard. This creature who she suddenly wanted to be very, very alone with.

“Oh god…” She whispered the words when he said that he wanted her. There was no denying she wanted him just as much. Just as hard. It hadn’t been decades for her, but she felt like a different person with Steve, that was sure. His words, statements that felt demanding but necessary, made her shudder, “We can go to mine. Neighbors won’t care, and we can see how solid my bedframe really is…” She bit her bottom lip, grinning hard, still tasting him on her tongue. And she did want to see if that cast iron frame really was as sturdy as was advertised.

She almost ran with him to the bike, her chest still heaving from the kiss. She let him mount it, carefully as she did as well, though sure to tease him once she was on it. She pressed herself back hard against him, her rear against his groin, this time knowing she was going to feel his arousal, and certainly hoping for it. Some kind of hint as to what she was getting herself into. Leaning back against him, she spoke, “Twenty blocks straight ahead, just about. 1041… apartment 4B.” She had a feeling he’d be speeding, and she had a stronger feeling they’d be wasting little time looking for parking or strolling casually up to the building. No, she wanted him just as badly as he did her.
The argument between them had evaporated like smoke, and Steve wanted badly to make it up to her. He'd seen how he'd hurt her, however unintentional, and the fact he could assuage that pain was a balm for himself as well. The bike started up and Liv had pressed her firm backside into him, and likely felt the growing bulge there. Steve was, after all, the perfect man. Engineered perhaps, but perfect in all the ways a man could be. The motorcycle roared down the street and when he let off the clutch that hand slid briefly along her thigh, giving a squeeze, and then went back on the handle. The apartments were not far and he'd even split lanes to get there faster. Pulling into the lot the bike was on the sidewalk as they got close to her building, and the engine cut off. Steve was off the bike and lifting her in his arms before she knew it.

To him she was light as a feather and she was cradled in his arms, the super-soldier taking steps three at a time, swift enough that the wind rushed past her hair, and as they reached the 4th floor Steve stopped on the landing to kiss her again, hoping to steal her breath away, the kiss needful and without that measured tone to it like last time - pure passion and want that burned through him. Before he knew it he'd pressed her back against the wall next to the stairwell door, hands on her rump as he pressed the kiss to her lips with a feverish want.
His hands on her body made her feel like she was on fire. Every inch of her that Steve managed to touch was another inch that felt ignited. She had almost wanted to throw cars out of the way just to get them back to her place faster. It was times like this she had wished that instead of her energy she had the ability to teleport. Lord, would that have been a blessing.

She gasped slightly as he carried her, unable to help the brief bit of laughter that escaped her lips. No man had ever carried her, save for as a child, and here he was flying up the stairs and hitting her landing in no time at all. When he kissed her again it did indeed take her breath away, unable to speak or to tell him how bad she wanted this. How badly she needed this. There was nothing more Liv could imagine in her world than getting Captain America into her apartment. And even as he pressed her against the wall, the hallway thankfully clear, she was taken back. His strength was clear as he held her up and gripped her rear, Liv wrapping her legs around his waist.

A soft moan left her lips and into the kiss as he pressed harder, her entire body filling with desire. She wrapped one arm around his neck to keep herself steadied, the other fishing into her jeans as best she could to get out her damn keys. And it felt like an eternity, finally withdrawing them, fumbling blindly as she returned the kiss, powerfully. It took a few turns before she finally got it open, throwing the door open as best she could and tossing the keys in. Breaking the kiss briefly she whispered, “Wanna test out how sturdy my bed actually is?” She grinned, nipping at his earlobe after she spoke.
There was no misinterpretation of signals this time, no way that his old-fashioned and sometimes out-dated way of thinking could misconstrue what was happening between them. Steve was a man, and she was a woman, and the most base desires of both were becoming quite clear. She fumbled with her keys and the lock but finally got the door open and as he let her down so they could go inside, he would shut the door behind them and lock it. It was the equivalent of a do-not-disturb sign in his eyes, but he doubted anyone would want to interrupt. As he turned toward her and shrugged out of his leather jacket, muscles corded and bunching beneath his skin, his blue eyes settled on her face.

"I absolutely want to see how sturdy that bed is." he told her, the veracity of his words as solid as the man himself, and the bulge in his jeans not being hidden now at all. Still, despite his hunger, Steve was still a gentleman, and held out a hand to her. "Lead the way Olivia." he said, and it was the way he said her name, fully, and the husky tone to his voice, that left no doubt of what he was going to do to her. "Open my eyes to your world Miss Hutton, and I will immerse you in mine." he said.
When Liv was let down, she adjusted her own jeans a little, her top having bunched somewhat. She turned in time to watch him lock the door, her stomach fluttering as he did. His affect was serious, and as much as she was one to adore the modern feminist, there was something unbearably attractive about watching a man take control the way he was. Even the bulge in his pants was arousing just to see, a hint, she was sure, of what was to come. And as intimidating as it was, she wanted it so very badly.

She could only watch his muscles move, his body guided to her. And still he was a gentleman. Still he was exactly as she had imagined him to be. Gently taking his hand, she walked through the modest one-bedroom apartment. There wasn’t much to stand out within it; an old place with wooden flooring and modest, minimalist decorations. Clean lines and dark tones were clear, a modern touch she imagined was quite counter to his own.

She was trying to contain her own hunger as she led him into the bedroom, a large, king-sized cast-iron bed with deep purple sheets across it in the center. Letting his hand go, she stepped back from him, using all her willpower to keep herself calm. Taking a breath, she turned and faced him, slowly reaching at the hem of her tank top and carefully pulling it up and over her body. Tossing it aside, she slowly undid the jeans, already low on her body, peeling them off and the sneakers with them. Soon, she was standing in nothing but her black bra and panties, her body showing and even more of her tattoos as well, “Tell me, Captain… do you like what you see?” She bit her bottom lip. Nervous as she was, there was no doubt how badly she wanted this.
Steve leaned lightly against the wall as Liv put on a small show. Those deep blue eyes of his drank in every inch of her as it was revealed, and there was no surprise in the ink that decorated her body. It was far more than most women he had seen, much less been with and yet there was some exotic quality to it that roused him even further and made him want to explore them with his mouth and hands. Trace them with his tongue. Her question brought a soft smile. "I very much like what I see Olivia." he confirmed for her, and then began to slowly undress himself as well, a soft hiss of relief as his jeans came off, the confining denim no longer so snug against his half hard cock, and his shirt and boots as well, until he stood before her in nothing but his boxer-briefs, and her question was echoed back to her. "Do you like what you see Liv?" he asked, a small wet spot near where the tip of his member was within his shorts, though she could tell he was not fully hard just yet by how the cloth held that shaft to him, and yet he was already 7"-8", his eyes searching hers for approval. "Take off the rest. I want to see you." he told her, his tone firm.
It was hard for her to stand still as he removed his own clothing. She had wanted to rip it apart, tear it off of him and tackle him onto the bed. She wanted to simply go at him. But she had a feeling that in due time it would happen, and instead she licked her lips, inadvertently of course, as he removed his clothing and his more intimidating features were revealed.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she could see the outline of his cock. Her mouth watered and she felt her own panties growing wet as she stared. She could only nod when he asked if she liked what she saw, suddenly feeling meek and small. It was hard not to, when standing by a man like Captain America. A man like Steve Rogers… a man.

His tone was not lost, and her eyes clouded over with lust, locking onto his, “Yes, Captain.” She said, softly, avoiding any smirks or smiles. Carefully she stepped towards him, her body craving him as she undid the latch of her bra. The straps slid down and off her shoulders, teasingly slow, letting the item fall to the floor. She then bent over, carefully removing the panties and stepping out of them, taking a step towards him. She was clean and rather immaculately groomed, her exotic form completely visible to Steve now as she stood, “May I…?” Her fingers danced along his chest and down his stomach, lightly brushing over his muscles until she reached the waistline of his boxer briefs, tugging gently, though waiting for his approval.
Steve's felt a familiar aching throb in his loins as Liv bared her breasts and then her sex was bared as well. As she stepped closer, her warm fingers running down the hard planes of his body, Captain America's eyes remained locked onto hers. Steve Rogers was going to have this one thing, this one beautiful thing, all for his own. Whether she joined the Avengers or not he wanted this woman, and Steve didn't do casual hookups. No, the question of the girls back at the ice cream parlor played in is head, and though he hadn't asked Liv, Steve wanted more than a sheer casual fling and romp in the hay. "Of course you may." he told her, and would stand still and allow her to do as she so desired.

Rogers was not the largest of men, as far as his manhood was concerned. Not the longest, nor the thickest... and yet, he was perfectly proportioned almost, and still not fully turgid, and was of an obvious size that would make about any woman in the world quite happy. His sculpted body like a work of art almost. As those briefs would come down his cock would bob free and fall, the weight of that impressive shaft bringing it down and hanging slighly between his legs. "I have a few ideas of what you can do with that." he told her, and brought his right hand up to her cheek, brushing the warm skin with the backs of his fingers as he tilted his head and kissed her again. Slower, and still with that edge of lust, though he deepened it as the tip of his tongue traveled along the seam of her lips, begging entry to her mouth, and down below the heat of his cock was palpable.
The only thing Liv could think of right now was Steve. All she wanted, all she needed, all she craved was this man in front of her, in all his glory. And just as Steve wasn’t into casual hookups, Liv had no intention of simply sleeping with him and leaving him behind. She hoped, though not that she would say it, that he would stay. More than just sleeping with him, Liv had a desire to be touched by this man in every way. And when he gave her permission, Liv was careful. She was slow to pull down the briefs, eyes breaking only temporarily to watch as he came forth.

And indeed, he was impressive. Certainly more than any man she had been with before. She bit her lip as he sprung free, trying to control herself. His hand on her cheek felt warm and inviting, closing her eyes as he kissed her once more. She wanted to ask what his ideas were, though her hands were already finding themselves in very happy places. She gently moved one hand around his neck, the other almost immediately drawn to his member. Pressing her tongue back against his as he parted her lips, she gripped warmly to his cock. Certainly not hard, but firmly, eager to have him in her grasp. Her own body was dripping with signs of arousal and she was eager to show him.

Still gripping his cock, beginning to move her hand up and down slowly, she let go only briefly to run her fingers between her legs. Once certain she had gotten them quite wet, she gripped at his cock again, rubbing her own juices on his manhood, using herself as lubricant.
The kiss he shared with Liv was far more than friendly, and their tongues crashed together like soft waves, rubbing and dancing, and Steve felt her slender fingers wrap about his shaft. A gentle moan of encouragement left him, and his fingers dug tenderly into flesh as the hand at her face dropped and both hands were on her hips, one sliding back and down a bit to caress over her firm rounded rump. Her hand briefly left his cock and he pulled back from the kiss to look at her, wondering, his eyes dark with his want, and then her fingers were back, obviously slick. Her juices coated her fingers and slid along his veiny shaft, coaxing him to even more hardness, and he smiled softly. "The next time you do that I want to taste." he told her, and then said, "Or I might just take a taste myself."

The hand on her left hip slipped between her legs, warm on her soft mons as he caressed her sex, rubbing her pussy gently for a moment before his middle finger slipped along her cleft then between her soft lips and into her slick folds. He could have tried to enter her, penetrate her, but he didn't, and merely rubbed her slickness, gathering some of her effluence on his finger. Not once did his eyes leave hers, and he kept that eye contact, confident in what he was doing, and watching her reactions, before he lifted that finger, softly glistening. Without pause he brought that finger to his lips and slipped it into his mouth, sucking it clean, the taste of her bursting on his tongue. "I want more." he told her as his finger came out of his mouth with a pop.
She shuddered as his hands ran down her body, more so as she felt his fingers digging into her flesh. When he pulled away from the kiss, she felt his eyes on her intently, her own looking back up. While she was full of want and need, there was something else as well. A piece of her that was giving itself up to him, a sort of softness and submission taking over. It was a side almost none saw, but she was showing Steve fully. His smile made her shudder, his words causing her eyelids to flutter slightly as she inhaled sharply.

Never in her life did she imagine such a scenario, especially as his hand made its way between her legs. She gasped, audibly, as he played his fingers against her. And she wanted him, desperately, to slide his fingers in. His eyes on her own was far more intense and penetrating on its own than she wanted to admit, wanting to look away nervously, though finding herself locked onto him. As he licked his own fingers, the ones coated in her juices and spoke, she shuddered, nodding, “You can take whatever you want, Captain…” She emphasized the name, once more, implying his own power over her. Her face was flushed as she looked up at him, leaning up to press her lips against his once more, tasting herself on his tongue. It was certainly a side of him she hadn’t expected, but was very much appreciating.
This was something that Steve had missed, and the way she spoke his name brought a familiar throb between his legs. The audible gasp from her was welcome, and the way he saw her practically melt at his touch, her sex soft and warm, dripping. Because of him. It was an intoxicating feeling in so many ways, and he bent slightly, catching her just enough to lift her without hurting her, moving her toward the bed and laying her down. "A gentleman always makes sure that his lady is primed and ready." he told her as she lay there where he had put her on her back. "I want to trace all of those tattoos with my mouth." he told her, his voice taking on a certain tone.

Steve's mouth did drop to her skin, landing almost immediately between her breasts. His longer torso and his height allowed him to reach her there and those powerful hands caressed up her body to her breasts. As his hands traveled up her feminine body to those soft luscious mounds, his mouth began a downward descent. Lips trailed kisses over inked flesh and his tongue dipped playfully into her navel, traveling around the perimter with the tip almost ina swirl, and at the same time the pads of his thumbs rubbed over the pebbled flesh of her nipples.

Ever downward his mouth moved until he reached her soft warm mound, nuzzling his nose there and taking in the smell of her before he kissed her nether lips in almost a chaste or reverent way. Blue eyes lifted then, finding her face, seeing if she was looking and gauging how her expressions might change as he kissed her pussy again, and finally, almost torturously slowly, pressed that warm pink muscle between her lips, feeling them part for him, and finally tasting her truly. A gentle moan left him, breath warm on her skin, as he gently lapped at her cunt, the flat of his tongue rubbing upward, friction along her folds and then her clit as he, Captain America, ate her pussy.
If it had been a long time since Steve had been intimate with a woman, it certainly didn’t show. All at once Liv felt like a nervous teenager. He was so perfect, and so gentle, but so commanding at the same time. It was invigorating. And as he lay her down and spoke, she could only shudder. His tone was stoic and she enjoyed it. A man who stated what he was doing and what he wanted. It was something so new and unfamiliar. It felt as though all those other men were just fodder.

When he did press his lips against her, she squirmed immediately, her body practically writhing beneath him. But she was able to compose herself enough as he kissed and caressed. Her own hands found themselves in his hair, the only thing she could reasonably grab a hold onto, running her fingers through it warmly.

Feeling him reach her ever-sensitive pussy, she gasped, looking down with a sort of profound need. Her eyes were wide, bright hazel gazing down at him as though he were the only thing present. And indeed, in her mind, he was. Her body was practically buzzing with electricity, shivering as he began to eat her out. His tongue felt expert, all at once arching her back and tilting her head back. She gripped hard to his hair, though not nearly enough to cause pain. It was enough to let him know he was doing something very, very right.

“Oh god… Steve!” She gasped the words out as best she could, immediately beginning to moan. Logic hadn’t even settled in to turn on music or anything to drown out her noises. She squirmed beneath him, legs parted as he continued to play with her body, “Oh, please don’t stop!” She felt the pleasure in her body building as he continued, unsure how he could be so good at this but desperate to let him know he was.
As Olivia's body writhed and squirmed under his attentions, Steve smiled into her slick sex, his tongue keeping those lips parted as he probed gently at the opening to her very core. She was hot and wet and he could feel her pulse through the little bundle of nerves at the apex of her slit, and his tongue lovingly swirled around that small nub, flicking over it briefly before moving back down to her tight entrance, collecting her effluence which he swallowed. The words she spoke encouraged him, and giving her left breast's nipple one last little tug, his right hand slid down her body and then between his own legs, where he grasped his cock and began to stroke himself.

His left hand tweaked her nipple and stayed where it was as he probed at her pussyhole with his tongue, driving into her as far as he could, almost desperate to taste her fully. He could feel that tight ring of muscle and his nose pressed hard into her clit. This continued for several moments and he finally pulled back to get a breath and he lapped eagerly at her pussy, his tongue dragging from taint to clit, all along her slit, pressing apart those lips once more and the Captain was glad to see the hue of her skin was deep and pink as blood rushed to her sex. Liv was swollen as well, proof more that her body was growing ready to accept him, as her glistening pink folds just peeked from between her swollen labia.

Kissing her pussy as if it were a thing to be worshiped, Steve's tongue chased that little bundle of nerves, flicking over her clit, pushing it around, showing that pearl who was boss, and finally catching it between his lips to suck gently. The hand on her breast finally slipped away from that soft mound and down to her cunt, thumb and forefinger used to spread her lips a bit more, giving better access to that little pulsing nub peeking from under its hood. Never once did he let it go now that he had caught it, and Steve sucked on her clit, the tip of his tongue still flicking over the love button of this woman that he was in need of and quickly growing to adore.
Her body was already growing warm, her naked form beginning to glisten with sweat, sticking to the sheets beneath her. Between her legs she was getting impossibly more wet, the arousal clear even beyond his licks and kisses. She could only hold desperately to him, initially concerned she was gripping his hair too tightly, though all complex thought was thrown out the window as he continued. When one of his hands left her body, she felt the shift, able to guess what he was doing, suddenly concerned about his own pleasure. Here she was, being greedy as he got her off. And lord was he getting her off.

The pleasure in her body continued to build, harder still as he found that sensitive bundle of nerves. The moans that escaped her lips were that of pure bliss, his name mixed in with a few obscenities, desperate to try and hold off her orgasm. He seemed intent on pushing her over the edge, however, and despite how hard she was holding it off, her own orgasm overtook her.

All the pressure in her body built at once, and then suddenly released in a wave of passion and pleasure. She almost screamed as she came, hard, pressing his face against her pussy as she did. Wave after wave overtook her, forced to let go of his hair as she gripped tightly to the bedsheets, feeling as though she might tear them apart, “Oh god, Steve!” She screamed it as the final waves overtook her, slamming against her body.

Once it had passed, her body relaxed onto the bed, her eyes closed as she felt the ecstasy still washing through her. One hand reached up, pushing back her hair that had fallen by her face, her lips parted wide as she gasped. Air was sweet as it entered her lungs, her body feeling so good. But still she wanted more. Even as she lay there, trying to gather herself together, she knew she wanted Steve to feel just as good as she did. She wanted him inside of her, filling her up. Even with her orgasm there was no way that she was done with him, “C’mon, Captain… don’t tell me you’re done yet…” She grinned, Liv unable to see him, though speaking from her sprawled out position on her back.
The way her body shuddered, the way her core became even more slick and gifted him with warmth to drink from her - all this was as nothing compared to the noises she made for him. A soft squeal and her fingers, which had gripped his blonde hair so tightly, left him to clutch at the duvet, the fabric bunched tight in her grip as her hips raised and she pressed her dripping cunt hard into his mouth.

Steve loved it.

His lips had let go the suction on her clit, but he could almost see the little nub pulsing in her need and lust as her climax rode through her. The scream that accompanied it made his cock throb in his hand and slowly his ministrations became more gentle, lessened, so that he did not overload her sensitive pussy and overstimulate to the point of discomfort. It was part of the reason he;d not slid fingers into her. Kept all his attention on the outside. Now he could enter her and give her all new sensations.

Lifting his head he grinned and made a show of wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Tilting his head to gie a last parting kiss to her swollen and quivering cunt, Steve then stood, thick cock in hand, a thin strand of precum stretching from the tip to her thigh, where he'd purposefully rubbed the swollen tip along her skin as he stood. It let her feel the heat from him, and he looked down at his thick-veined prick. "Do I look like I am done?" he asked her.

The missionary was the most mundane and vanilla of sexual positions. Steve actually liked several others. However, it was still a very intimate sort of affair, and put you face to face with your lover. Only the Lotus might be more intimate in his eyes and this was an experience he did not want Liv to soon forget. Steve bent over her and kissed her, passionate and deep, the taste of her cunt still lingering on his tongue, and he playfully nipped her bottom lip as he pulled away. Down below he'd brought that wide flared muhroom head of his cock to her soaked and very slick pussy and rubbed that head along her sex. It was like this, looming over her in this ages old position, that Captain America, Steve Rogers, took Olivia Hutton as his lover.

There was nothing but adoration and want in his eyes, her lithe body beneath his muscled one, and he could feel that damp heat from her pussy as he settled the head of his cock at her hole, that tight orifice having caught the tip of his shaft as if it belonged there. Steve pressed forward, just barely, but enough to feel that first tight stretch around his thick shaft, that first snug glove-like fit as he pressed just the ridged head of his cock into her. Just enough to announce his presence, and look down to see how he started to split her. Then, eyes on hers, Steve Rogers slid home, feeling her heat engulf him, her tightness welcome him, as he nestled balls deep in her pussy.
Olivia was more than grateful for the lessening of his touch on her more sensitive regions as she came down from her high. How he had learned that was a question for another day, a day when she wasn’t feeling drunk on ecstasy or worried she might explode with energy. This man was doing things to her body that years of her own personal exploration and years of experimentation with other men had never done. He was giving her more than just an orgasm.

Feeling his arousal against her skin sent further vibrations through her, opening her eyes to look at him as he adjusted his form. She could feel his tip pulsing, see his entire body throbbing with need. And it was need for her, something that tugged at her stomach, something that turned her on all over again. And she was eager as she watched him position himself, closing her eyes only once he pressed his lips against her own. Liv was certain that once she knew him more, she would have more than enough time to let this man know what she was capable of. But for now, the intensity was almost more than she could take. And she adored it.

Watching him pull away, she almost pouted, though stopping as she felt his cock against her womanhood. There was another inadvertent gasp, surprised to feel how large he really was. Certainly more than she had experienced before, and was eager to experience now. As he slowed in, her lips parted, wide, making almost no sound at first. But as his eyes locked onto her own, sliding himself inside her completely, she moaned out intensely.

He felt so far away as he slid inside of her, Liv desperate to keep her eyes opened and locked onto Steve, “Oh… Oh my God, Steve… you feel amazing…”Her back was arching once more, begging to be touched by him, her own arms only able to grip the sheets as she looked up. There was something so terribly innocent, she thought, about laying vulnerable beneath him. She knew he could see all of her, hair splayed out by her head, body already glistening with a soft sheen of sweat.

She was there entirely for him, her pussy tight around him as he pressed inside, “I don’t want you to hold back.” She managed to get the words out, breathily and desperate, but she wanted him to know. Liv didn’t want him to think he had to be fragile with her, or hold back by any means. She wanted everything Captain America had to give.
She was so tight. And hot. And wet. Steve shuddered and held himself buried deep in her for a moment, not only to allow her the chance to adjust to his girth and legnth, which rendered her replete, in fact he'd bottomed out in her needful core, the head of him pressed to her cervix and still another couple inches that he could only fit should he force himself further and into the sanctity of her womb. Closing his eyes to steady himself he'd also stopped due to his own rising pleasure, which threatened to spill over into her. Literally. A small spasm inside of her of pleasure as she arched her back for him, and Steve gasped at the feeling of it all. Her instruction not to hold back was met with a breathy, "Ok baby.", the little pet name, innocent as it was and so cliche among couples, slipping from his lips.

Pulling his hips back that thick steely rod of flesh threatened to exit her and leave her empty and wanting, the tightness hugging him. But as the ridge of that flared head seemed about to leave the confines of her core, Steve slammed back into her. A hard and sharp thrust that suddenly filled her, almost violently, her breasts bouncing wildly, once, and his balls slapping her ass. Steve repeated the motion, and planted his hands just above her shoulders to keep from scooting her off the bed as he thrust into her several times before settling into a rhythm that seemed comfortable for them both. The wet sounds of their coupling filled the room, and the next time Liv arched her back, she'd find one arm of the Captain move under her and lift as he rolled to his back, bringing her atop him, gravity impaling her on his cock, and her own weight threatening to allow that shaft to penetrate her cervix and bring the Captain home in a way that brought pain mixed with the pleasure.

"I want you to ride me, Miss Olivia Hutton. Don't hold back and give yourself to your Captain." he told her, his hands finding her breasts, nipples pressed to his palms as he throbbed gently inside of her.
She had been with different men, though none like Steve. His allowance for her to adjust was throughly appreciated, feeling herself tight around him. It was heaven, though. She had initially attempted to bite her bottom lip to try and keep herself some semblance of quiet, though that had gone out the window.

When he pulled out, she almost protested, though had no time to as he slammed himself back in. A scream escaped this time, of pleasure and pain, gripping suddenly at his arms above her shoulders. It was good he was there to keep her from falling, his strength obvious as he thrust into her, her entire body moving as he did, gasping and screaming and moaning all the while.

Feeling herself lifted, she gasped, almost giggling but instead grinning, biting at her bottom lip as she fell hard onto his rigid cock. He filled her immediately and without hesitation, clenching tightly around him as he did. She gave herself a moment of adjustment to this new position and all the glory of Captain America beneath her. He didn't even need to ask, but she enjoyed that he did. He'd feel her twitch lightly upon his telling her to ride her Captain, enjoying the name thoroughly.

Her palms pressed down onto his chest as she steadied herself, hair falling by her face and down her back. She locked her eyes onto him just as he had done to her, a smirk playing onto her lips as she began to rock.

She did this slowly at first, adjusting to him as her hips ground down against him. Soon her eyes were closing as the pleasure invaded her, beginning to build once more. Her fingers dug lightly into his chest, practically clawing him as she began to lift herself, slowly falling back down onto him. Doing this a few times, she began to escalate the frequency, her stamina clear already as the moans escaped her lips, taking the time as she came down to grind on his cock. Her chest heaved, breasts bouncing as she rode him, rode the Captain like she'd never ridden a man before
Steve gazed up into the face of the angel now impaled upon his throbbing proud erection, and slowly she ground her hips, eliciting a gasp from the super-soldier. It was not long before he let her bounce as she so desired and his hands dropped from her breasts. He loved watching them bounce and sway with her movements, and instead he gripped her hips, flesh pillowed between his fingers a little as Liv began to rise and fall on his cock. Steve could feel how she stretched around him each time, and her fingernails furrowed his chest. In response his hands moved back slightly, muscles rippling in his arms as his strong hands spread her cheeks more, rather, keeping them spread. Lust-filled eyes stayed on her face as he palmed her ass, and a hand shifted, forefinger rubbing gently over her tight rosebud, the Captain testing her boundaries.

His hips rose and fell in time with her, penetrating her deep, plumbing her depths as she rode him to her own pace. The sensitive nerves of her asshole now stimulated as he continued to rub that finger over her tiny backdoor hole and gently probe there - not quite penetrating her, but definitely putting some pressure on that tight little ring of muscle, determining how he might proceed by whatever reaction he got.
Hearing him gasp, even if that was all he did, was enough to drive her mad. The idea that she could have this kind of effect on him was quite arousing. Already she was soaked, her slick wetness allowing her to easily rise and fall on his cock, soon picking up her own pace. Her moans were echoing desperately, her grip against his firm pectorals, ones that felt like steel, desperate as he gripped into her. She could feel him pressing at her tight rear, her pace suddenly getting faster.

She reached up with one hand, her head falling back and pushing her hair back with it. She felt as though she might fall apart, the pleasure in her body building. His name was all she could muster as she moaned it out, panting. While she liked the idea of Steve stimulating her ass as well as penetrating her pussy, she wasn’t sure she could manage both at the moment. Instead, she used all the power she could muster, pulling his hand playing with her asshole and gently guiding it towards her clit. She tilted her head forward again, eyes locked onto him, “I want you to make me scream, Captain.” She bit her lip, already loud as it was, though wanting more. Always wanting more.

She wanted Steve to know just how good he made her feel, her fingers dancing over his as she rubbed his hand against her sensitive nub, immediately shuddering and tensing even as she rode him hard. Her eyes didn’t leave him, even as she dropped her hand away and went back to gripping his chest, moaning loudly.
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