The American Dream [Haru|Kitten]


As you wish.
Sep 27, 2011
United States (CST)
Steve Rogers, better known to the world as Captain America, was entering Stark Tower. Under request of Tony Stark of course, and the billionaire had assured Cap that he had some news that Rogers might be interested in. Such a distnguished guest was met by Pepper Potts herself and Rogers was soon led into one of Stark's inner sanctums. It wasn't long before Tony made an appearance.

"Drink?" Stark asked, making his way to the small minibar.

"That's ok. I thought I was here on business." Rogers said, following Stark's movements and walking a bit closer to the other man.

"Avengers business actually. I've found another potential. was hoping you might go and talk to them." Stark revealed, the fine snifter of bourbon pouring two fingers into a glass.

"Oh? Talk to who?" Rogers pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"Just a girl. That's all. I know you're rusty on the whole 'talking to girls' thing. This might be good practice. Get her on our side and all that. Or turn her to the Dark Side. You never know." Tony said with a little smirk.

"Dark Side?" Rogers asked, only vagule yfamiliar with what Tony was talking about.

"You know, turn her into a Sith Lord, or whatever it is that outcome would be. Actually she's a really nice girl. Works as a bartender down at the Snakebite."

"The Snakebite? What kind of name is that for a bar?" Steve asked, wondering just what Tony had up his sleeve.

"It's a little dive bar close to Soho. Popular place for bikers. You should fit right in, just take your Harley." Stark quipped, and took another sip of his bourbon.

Steve rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine, I'll go talk to her. You have the address?" he asked. Stark handed him a business card. Looking at it Steve tucked it in a pocket and headed out.


The Harley pulled up outside the Snakebite, several other bikes there, a couple Harleys and even a few crotch rockets. Even from outside, the sounds from inside could be heard. Steve had dressed a bit conservative. Jeans and a form hugging tee, his motorcycle jacket over that. Cap's six-foot-two-inch frame came up off the bike when he shut it off, and he entered the establishment. Letting his eyes adjust to the lighting, the smell of the bar washed over his senses. Billiard tables and a couple pinball machines were close to the back, and Steve headed toward the bar. Several pairs of eyes followed him but he paid them no mind.
That fateful night not long ago was burned into Olivia's brain. Much as she had tried to ignore what had happened, Tony Stark seemed ever persistent that she join up. You're not like everyone else, you know that, right? He had told her that, sitting across from her in a coffee shop. And she had listened to his sales pitch. But living the life of a hero just wasn't for her, was it? Everyday bartenders didn't get tasked with joining The Avengers or fighting crime. She was tasked with kicking people out when they got rowdy. Her mother had even taught her to be cautious with her powers. Never show them, sweetheart. The world isn't ready for you.

"Hey, gorgeous." A man was across leaning across the counter of the bar, obviously drunk but very obviously hitting on Olivia. She could only take a sharp inhale, hazel eyes decorated in color locking on him. He was a threat, though not an obvious one.

"Don't call me gorgeous. We aren't dating and you don't tip well enough for that." She cocked an eyebrow at him, putting together a drink for someone a seat down, trying to avoid his eyes. Her purple hair, vibrant in nature much like the rest of her, was down so as to cover her face somewhat. Enough that she didn't see tall, blonde, and Patriotic walking through the door.

"Long as you're makin' my drink 'n dressin' like a slut, I'll call you what I want." The man slurred out the words, words that stung. He was drunk, and an idiot, and normally it might not have bothered her, but she felt her own mutation reacting. Clenching her fist, she held it under the bar, feeling it glow blue with power and rage.

"We're gonna have a bigger issue here if you don't shut your mouth, assface." Her eyes narrowed, calming herself enough to lift her hand again, the energy dissipated, finishing the drink and handing it to the customer. She was dressed rather modestly, given the circumstances. Tight black tank top that clung to her generous bust with a diving neckline, tattered jeans hanging low on her hips. Many of her tattoos were visible, and she liked it that way. Never hide yourself, she had promised. She hid so much already. Why add her appearance to the list.

"Aw, c'mon, why you gotta be like that? I'm just payin' you a compliment?" By now, Olivia had exchanged goods for money, her back turned as he finished his words. Putting in the cash, she took a breath again, trying to calm herself down. It was her Friday, and it was the end of an exceptionally long week. Added to that, she hadn't been sleeping well. And another text from Tony telling her to just join up.

Stay calm. Deep breaths. She wasn't like the Hulk in that she couldn't control herself, but her concern was always the mild expression of her powers. What might appear as a gentle blue glow was never welcomed. Inhumans, people with abilities... regardless of what she could do, any signs of it and she'd only be feared.
Steve arrived at the bar in plenty of time to hear the lecherous drunk, and the woman behind the bar, he had to admit, was pretty. It was no excuse at all for the man's behavior and Cap was always a gentleman. The bared skin, covered in ink, and her dyed hair, weren't exactly the sort of look that Steve would go for, and he was sure the man was looking through a thick set of beer goggles. The exasperation of the woman behind the bar was pretty obvious, and Steve placed a hand on the man's shoulder.

"I think the lady said no, my friend. Here, why don't you let me call you a cab?" he said, knowing there was no way he was going to let the man drive himself home in the shape he was in, and effectively deciding to cut the man off. He didn't work here, but the safety of innocents was always his duty, and this guy would be a menace on the road.

"What the... who d'ya think yer pawin' at?" the guy said, standing. He was a bit shorter than Steve, but probably outweighed Cap's 220lb. frame by another 30-40 pounds. Most of it gut by the looks of it.

Steve immediately backed off, hands held up, palms out. "I don't want any trouble. You just seem like you need to go home and sleep it off. That's all. A nice warm bed will do you good."

The man was having none of it, a smirkish sneer coming to his face. "Nice warm bed... with yer wife, ya prick. Or this young filly here. She looks like she needs a good man." he finished, looking back at Olivia and winking.

"Language." Steve said and grabbed the phone from his inside jacket pocket. He was still getting used to some of the new tech, but most of it was rather intuitive and he was coming along well. Dialing up the number for the Yellow Cab Company, Steve was on the phone with their dispatch and was telling the address when the obstinate man slapped the phone from his hand, the device clattering to the floor, though luckily protected by the rather rugged Avengers case.

"C'mon pretty boy. The only way yer gettin' me outta this bar is if ya make me. And I don't think you have the balls!" the drunk said, and gave Steve's shoulder a little shove.

It was about this time that Steve noticed the strange blue glow from behind the bar. It seemed to be coming from the tattooed young lady, and as his attention was on that, trying to determine if she was the one he was actually here for, that the man sucker-punched him.

It was a solid punch for a man of his size, though it had lost some steam with the man's inebriation, and loss of coordination. Glancing off Steve's jaw, Cap just sighed. Some people never learned. Never a man to be provoked into violence without cause, the slap across the man's face from Steve knocked the spit out of his mouth and left the man in a position where Cap turned him around, grabbed him under one arm, the other hand on the man's belt as he lifted until the man was on tiptoes, delivering a bit of a wedgie, and he promptly marched the man out of Snakebite.

Once outside Steve saw the cab was already pulling up and with the help of the driver he got the man in the backseat. "Hey! Aren't you...?" the cabbie started to ask.

"Long story." Cap said, and grabbed the man's wallet, looking at the address. "Get this guy home will you?" Steve asked, and the cabbie nodded. Pulling out his own wallet Steve grabbed a couple bills and handed them to the driver. "Drive safe." he told the man, and then walked back inside.

Making his way back to the bar Steve smiled and walked back up to the bar, more eyes on him this time. "You know," he said to the woman behind the bar, "a man named Tony Stark sent me down here to talk to a young lady that is a bartender. You're the only one I see here and I have to assume it's you." He gave her his best smile and extended a hand, "The name's Steve Rogers." he told her, his bright blue eyes never leaving her face.
Olivia was ready to turn around and punch the man in the face. He had hit her last nerve and she could only take so much. She was used to lecherous idiots in the bar, and typically had the patience of a saint. But not today, and not right now. So it was a surprise when a different voice chimed in, a man who seemed to be taking care of the situation.

Pushing back her hair, she watched as none other than Captain America threw the man who had been formerly hitting on her, out of the bar. Her jaw had dropped somewhat, not expecting this sort of thing to occur, but appreciating it none the less. She had a sinking feeling, however, what this was actually about. It was highly unlikely that he was here to grab a drink. This was not a bar a man like Steve Rogers frequented. This was a bar people went to when they wanted to feel at home with outsiders.

There was no motion to shake his hand. Though not out of spite; Olivia was more concerned her hands would glow again. It was the last thing she needed.

When he finished, she inhaled sharply, “Of course that’s why you’re here. Why else would you be here?” She tossed on a sarcastic smile as she spit out the words. Normally she had a kinder way about her. She put on a pretty good front at work, but Olivia was typically more docile.

Realizing her temper, she shook her head, holding it after pushing back her hair, “I’m sorry, that was rude. It’s been a long day.” She sighed heavily, glancing around the bar, noting that most folks were being taken care of. The other bartender, a burly man who had been doing this longer than her, was moving at his own pace.

“Thanks for taking care of that jackass.” She put on a friendly smile, full lips curling upwards. Truly, she appreciated not having to throw out the idiots herself. Olivia was by no means a stranger to having to fight. Still, she liked being able to simply do her job, “It’s not gonna make me agree to join, though. I’m not as special as you guys seem to think I am.” She smirked at Steve.

Picking up a glass from the bar, she began to clean it, eyeing Steve, “I didn’t expect him to send you, though. Does that mean he’s pulling out the big guns?” She smirked, leaning across the bar on her elbows, propping herself up. Captain America was admittedly every girl’s dream. Guy like him? Didn’t exactly just walk into your life. Stark had never been her type, and she felt she knew him well enough to say that by now. But Steve… he seemed like a good person. It wasn’t all that common.
Steve withdrew his hand when he saw the young lady wasn't going to accept it, and even as she spoke and went about her duties she never gave a name. Not that it mattered, he knew he'd find out one way or another. "Happy to help out with a guy like that." Steve said, and watched a moment as she cleaned a couple glasses. The smirk she gave him was met with a soft smile. "I suppose if you consider me one of the big guns, then yes. I suppose he could have sent Natasha, or even Bruce, but I don't think those choices would be so... discreet." he admitted and his head canted softly to the side.

"You have a break coming up? Think I can steal you for a minute, or do I need to wait until the end of your shift?" he asked, and then, as if it needed saying aloud he added, "I'm very patient."

Turning toward the jukebox Steve produced a couple quarters and made some choices, and soon Gath Brooks' "Friends In Low Places" was coming out of the speakers, and Steve turned back to the young woman with a shit-eating grin on his face. "I'll have a beer. Whatever you have on tap." he said. Most might not have thought Captain America would drink, and Steve never did to excess, but there was nothing more American than a good brew.

Taking a seat on one of the barstools, Steve grabbed a handful of the peanuts they kept out and casually began to shell and eat some, eyes watching the young lady carefully. The more he observed her the more he warmed to her. save for the tattoos and colored hair she was a classical beauty. Fine features, delicate and feminine lines. She was actually quite the looker. Steve was never known as a ladie's man in any regard, but even captain America could recognize beauty when he saw it. In all his years he had learned to be wary as well. There was a reason some of the world's best spies were female.

Taking a drink of the beer, the cold and slightly bitter liquid went down pretty smooth and he could only hope that she could break free. Nodding back at the pool tables he asked, "You play?" An idea was brewing in his head and he looked at the woman curiously.
It felt strange, having Steve refer to other members of the Avengers team. She imagined it was like being in some alternate universe where she actually mattered. Not that she didn't matter here, but it was limited. She did her own thing. Worked the bar. Made enough to get by and enjoy her life. She wasn't stifled by much, but maybe that was her problem. After her mother married a senator, she had found many different ways to vanish.

"Guessing Tony didn't give you my name, either. It's Olivia. Olivia Hutton." He had been polite about the whole thing, but she had a feeling Stark wasn't exactly going to be kind to Steve about this, either. If he was sending him, it meant he was going to have fun with it.

Smiling at Steve, she nodded, "Steal me? I think you'd have to return me at some point. Good bartenders are hard to find." She smirked at him. He was endearing, and she could tell why Tony might send him along. Much as she hated to admit it, he was almost immediately growing on her. Handsome in a classic way, kind... he wasn't the type of man she dated because he wasn't the type of man that existed.

"Nice song choice." She smirked at him, placing the glass back down, looking almost surprised as he ordered a beer, "Mr. Patriotic does drink... well, we've got a few on tap, but I'll give you my favorite. It's got some bite." She winked at him, turning around to fill up the pint glass. Truthfully, she was glad she had, a flush crossing her own features. When was the last time a man had made her blush? That anyone had made her blush, for that matter.

Turning back, she placed a darker beer on the counter, "It's Mac 'n Jack's. Stout. On the house." It was hard not to try and flirt with the man. It felt in her nature to do so, but something about him made her nervous. She was certain some of it had to do with the fact that he had taken on an army of both aliens, and robots. More than that, he had jumped out of a building, hadn't he? The rumors were insane. Captain America.

When he asked if she played, she shrugged, "Yeah. Been known to kick some ass and break some hearts in the process." Turning, she spotted the other bartender, nodding, "Miles, you mind if I take off early?" She had an hour left in her shift, though she doubted the man would mind tending the bar alone. Tips were great that way.

He shrugged her off, hardly looking up, the woman hardly hesitating as she hopped up with a startling amount of ease over the bar. Sliding across the smooth wood, she plopped herself down on the other side, grey Chuck Taylors hitting the floor, "You ready to lose?" She grinned at him, standing now by his side as she began to walk backwards towards the billiards. Olivia was a good deal shorter, standing only 5'7, but she hardly batted an eyelash at him.
There. Things turned around a little bit and Steve smiled. "It's nice to meet you Olivia. Hope you don't mind if I call you Liv. Easier for this old brain to remember one-syllable words." he joked lightly, referencing his time spent frozen and out of contact with the world. Lifting the glass mug he took a long pull on the drink. "Hey that's pretty good." he said, and gave a little approving nod. A few more peanuts and he regarded her behind the bar and as she asked Miles the co-worker if she could take off early. The fellow seemed rather gormless and Steve smirked.

As Liv came over the bar she showed Steve even more the type of person she was. Intuitive, straight-forward, independent. She could have walked a few feet and come around the bar, and yet she'd come over it. Eager might have been another word for her. Steve stood as well, bringing his beer with him, Liv's head coming up to his shoulder. She walked backward, confident in her steps. A risk-taker even if she knew the interior of the bar like the back of her hand. In that instant, without even know what it was she could do, Steve knew she would be a good addition to the team. Her instincts were good.

"A heart breaker? Now now Miss Hutton, you have to promise to take it easy on me." Cap said and took another drink before he set the glass down on one of the provided tables for players. Grabbing one of the sticks he looked down the length, eyeing the straightness, and then began to chalk it up. "Since you're such a heartbreaker, maybe you should rack the balls? Or do you want to break those too?" he said, lightly teasing her. It had been a long time throwing banter with a woman like this, and despite other connotations, what he was saying was strictly pool-talk. How she decided to interpret was entirely up to her.

The light blue chalk was set aside and Steve leaned on the table a bit and looked at her. "Care to put a little wager on this game? If I win, you tell me what you can do. If you win..." he shrugged, leaving it up to her.
Her face flushed scarlet when he made his own comment about pool, Olivia shaking her head, “I’ll rack ‘em, you break.” Her own form moved to grab the pool cue, almost immediately concerned for the likelihood of losing. In all reality, while Olivia was great at the occasional slip over the bar, she was more of a powerhouse. Olivia, while she didn’t appear large, was more than capable of slamming someone down into the bar and punching someone in the face. Sure, Cap had more on her in that department, but not when she was using her abilities.

Getting the pool table in order, she understood that this wasn’t going to end in her favor. Unless Steve Rogers turned out to be a terrible pool player, she was going to lose. Despite working at a bar, Olivia wasn’t all that proficient in the art form of pool. Style and eloquence wasn’t her thing, and she imagined Steve was far better at organizing and planning. Wasn’t that his style?

The wager struck her as interesting when he brought it up. After racking the balls, she looked over at him. It seemed fair. Biting at her bottom lip, she looked down before matching his blue eyes again, “Fine. I’ll tell you. Hell, I’ll show you.” She was boasting confidence with the hope that maybe she could at least fool him, though she doubted that would last long once he broke first. But her own abilities would be easier to show than tell. Sure, there was the soft blue glow that signified she was exhibiting her abilities, but what were they really?

“And if I win…?” She leaned against the table, eyeing Steve carefully, wondering what she could wager in this situation. It was better to keep things pressure-free. Sure, her own meant that she was probably going to talk about joining the Avengers if she lost, but she could make sure Steve didn’t feel pressure from her, “If I win, gotta give me a ride around the city on that bike of yours.” She grinned. She’d seen enough footage of him driving it like a devil down the road and had a feeling he knew what he was doing. Plus, who didn’t like a ride on a motorcycle?

“Ah, Liv is fine, by the way. Kinda like it, actually.” It was hard to hide the blush this time, instead pushing her hair back as she looked down. It had been years since anyone had even given her a nickname. And from Captain America no less? Shit… was she really fawning over this man? The idea that she might be fawning was an obscure one. Olivia prided herself on being as independent as she was. No ties, be your own person. But when the Battle had hit New York, she had fought back. Her quick thinking had arguably saved the lives of dozens. Her hope was that she would be forgotten.

But now? Sitting and getting ready to play pool with a man who struck her as too handsome for his own good? Maybe things weren’t so bad.
The way her skin flushed crimson was rather adorable Steve thought, and he nodded when she said he could break. Not one given to idle flirtation, this was a new game for Cap, but he did it with aplomb, knowing that this negotiation could land them a new team member. Stark, for all his bluster and ego, still had an eye for talent, and Steve trusted him in that regard. Watching Liv place the balls in the rack, Steve tried to guess what her powers or abilities might be. It was an impossible task, because they could literally be anything, but it was a fun exercise nonetheless.

Then she leaned on the table as she accepted his bet and gave her counter-wager. Steve quirked a brow and then nodded. "It's a bet." he answered her, and felt no need to shake her hand. His word was good, and hers should be too. A smile gently upturned the corners of his mouth as she acquiesced to being called Liv, and the blush this time was quite fetching.

"Call me Steve. Or Captain if you like." he said, flirting a little more as he bent and got a feel for the cue, lining up his shot. A dullish crack at the impact on the cueball, and then a sharper sound as it collided, sending balls scattering over the table. The five-ball sank and that meant that Cap had the odds. Lining up his next shot he made smalltalk.

"Heard tell that you helped out during the Battle. I wanted to thank you for that. You saved a lot of lives that day." he said, and finessed his next shot, sinking the one-ball. His next shot missed though and it was Liv's turn.
Olivia was typically good with smalltalk and idle negotiations. Being a bartender meant you knew how to interact. Usually she was a better listener than talker, but Steve seemed to be turning her into a nervous teenager all over again.

"Mmm... Of course, Captain." She added a little umpf when she called him Captain. It felt... charged. She liked it. She imagined Cap was more what she would call him. It felt a nice compliment to his calling her Liv. It felt nice to be calling him anything at all, really. Already he was proving himself to be the man living up to the legend. And why not flirt with the man himself?

She watched as he leaned over and broke, immediately sinking one of the balls. Another followed suit and she felt her stomach churn. Apparently he was better than she suspected. It didn't bode well for her, that he was already doing this well. Evens were her lucky numbers, but it didn't make it any better.

When he spoke, she tensed. Visibly so. Fighting in the Battle wasn't something she advertised. She'd actually gotten quite hurt, broke a few ribs, but she didn't ever advertise being a hero, "Anyone would have done the same thing. Just trying to help." She forced a smile.

Taking a breath, Olivia lined up her next shot. It was a lucky lineup with the 2 near the side pocket. Bending over the table, forced to stretch out somewhat, she focused enough to sink it. She grinned internally. Maybe she wouldn't blow it.

The next shot proved her wrong, however, scratching. She scowled, "Shit..." looking up at Cap, she frowned slightly, "Oh, sorry... I've got a propensity to swearing." She smiled, rubbing her head a bit, "Your move, Captain." She smirked widely at him.
There was no mistaking the little flair she put into the name when she called him Captain. It was kind of nice and his bright blue eyes looked her over as she spoke and as she took her shot. The first she sunk easily. "Nice shot, Liv." he told her, and then he shook his head as she explained about the battle.

"I don't know if I would agree, that anyone would have helped like that. I understand you got a bit banged up." he told her, and watched her reaction. He'd seen her tense as he mentioned the fight, so obviously it was a sore subject. "It was at least enough to garner the attention of Stark... and that's no easy feat."

The white cueball slipped off the table in the scratch and her swear brought another little smile. Cap himself didn't swear much, but most people seemed to forget that he was a military man, and nobody really cursed more or were more foul-mouthed, than men in the military. Steve had seen a heard a lot of things that few living people had seen or experienced. Things had changed of course, before he'd been found, yet people themselves didn't change much, merely the world around them and the technology they used.

"I don't mind. 've heard worse." he replied to her apology and he took the cue and set it in an advantageous position. "You might have just made a grave tactical error." he informed her, eyes on the table, planning several moves ahead, geometry something he was very familiar with. His next shots proved it, and he sunk another three in a row before he missed his fourth shot. "Damn. I left you an opening." he told Liv and walked to the small side table and grabbed his beer, taking a drink.

"Do you work here and attend school?" he asked, trying to determine her age. She looked young. Really young. That was never an indicator of maturity however, and Steve was just fishing for information now and trying to set her mind at ease and get her to open up to him.
He was kind. He was sweet. It seemed surreal, as he complimented her shot. Part of her wanted to tell him an idiot could have made it, but she was trying not to be so abrasive. He was being nice.

She shrugged, leaning on the cue slightly as she eyed the table after the scratch, "I guess I just like to think it's something anyone would do. Humanity, you know? I could have looted, sure but... I don't know. Just doesn't feel right to stop and stare when you know there's something you can do."

Liv was well aware she had essentially given the sales pitch all on her own. But being on a team was different. Others depending on her. Accountability. Being held in some kind of regard. She hated the idea of it. She got why people wore masks and stayed quiet.

A grin danced over her lips, "I think it's more than my helping that attracted Stark's attention." She motioned to herself.

When he noted about being hurt, her eyes fell to the floor, "Others got it worse." It was all she said. Truthfully, she has watched people die. Her own friend had been killed, something not known to Tony. She felt selfish talking about her own pains.

"I make a lot of tactical errors, Cap. This isn't my first." She smirked at him. Mostly she thought one or two moves ahead. A tank, not a statistician.

"Ah. See now you're just being nice with the opening." She grinned once more, moving past him to situate herself on the table. It was an awkward opening, but he wasn't wrong. Taking in a breath she propped herself up a bit to get a better angle, leaning across the table as she angled with the four ball. Squinting, she hit the cueball and watched the four sink.

"Bingo." Moving to the other side nearer to Cap, she shook her head, "Graduated a few years ago. Full ride scholarship. Let me sort of do whatever I wanted when I left. So here I am." She lined up the shot with the six, wincing as she hit it only to have it ricochet off the side. Admittedly she was close to the pocket, though still missed. It was becoming clear she was not going to be the victor unless he managed to incorrectly sink the eight.

"You're up, Cap." She walked near where he was and brushed her hand warmly against his arm. It was more to signify her comfort than anything else. She was typically a friendly person, touchy feely with those she felt warm enough to show it to.
Steve shook his head once more at her explanation. "You're probably right, that more people would help, but not everyone is able to. That's why we have the team, to help the people that can't fight back, that can't help themselves." he explained, though he knew she'd heard it all before. It didn't matter though, and she needed to hear it again.

"Stark has an eye for certain things, that's for sure. I trust him though and truthfully, he's hardly ever wrong. I don't think he's wrong about you." he told her, letting her interpret as she saw fit. He knew what she meant by her statement, but he wasn't going to play the game the way Stark did.

Steve also didn't comment about how others had it worse. He'd seen more death than he cared to remember, and though they might have saved the city, thousands had paid with their lives. There was no way to save everyone, but you did what you could.

Liv took her shots and Steve felt a frisson of excitement as her hand drew along his arm for the briefest of moments, the tiny hairs standing on end. If she was paying attention the tiny soupcon of a smile betrayed how much he liked the touch, though he didn't say anything. Perhaps his eyes might have told her as well, but Steve found himself oddly attracted to the young woman.

"My turn." he said, and moved to take his shot, lining everything up just right, and soon he was aiming to sink the eightball, to win the game. "You ready to show me what you got?" he asked Liv, eyes on her, not even looking at the table as he took the shot and sank the ball to win the game. Standing up straight Steve took the couple steps towards Liv and "Seems you have something I want to see." he told her, obvious tease in his tone. "Your place or mine." he finished, obviously still teasing, though getting the hang of it. Putting the stick back in the wallrack, Steve turned to Liv. There was excitement in his features, obviously the man looking forward to seeing what this young woman could do.
“Yeah, yeah. Not everyone weilds a magic hammer or was injected with super serum, I suppose.” She grinned at him. He had a fair point. Not everyone was imbued with magic, or serums, or was a god or goddess in their own right. Most people lived in New York City hoping that they just didn’t get mugged. There were rumors of smaller heroes, fighting in the burbs of NYC, but she’d let Frank Castle and Daredevil mind their own business.

Liv was forced to look away nervously when he made the comment about Stark’s eye. Of course, she might assume that he was referring to Olivia being a good member for the team. But was he flirting? Had Steve really just hit on her? She really wanted to hope so, “Guess I just prefer hearing it from someone else.” She smiled. Steve had more than warmed on her; he had burrowed in deep already. He was giving her that strange feeling in her stomach she so avoided from most people. Falling for anyone got her into trouble.

It was hard not to notice Steve’s reaction to her touch, though her notice was almost unfair. She thanked her abilities for that one. She could feel the energy coming from him like electricity. It was startling. It was good.

“And Captain America wins… tell you what, handsome…” She swaggered up to him, putting her own cue stick up as she placed her hand on his waist, leaning up and in, “Let’s try mine, if you think you can handle it.” She winked as she pulled away, a devilish smirk on her face. If she was really going to do this, she needed all the courage she could muster. Olivia had shown very few folks her true abilities, and while he would get a limited show, it would still be something.

Taking his hand, gently, she guided him through the busy bar and through the back hallway. Moving down a few doors silently, she let go of his hand and produced a key, opening up a heavy red door at the end of the hall, “I promise, I won’t bite.” She grinned again as she opened it, letting him step out into the evening air.

It was dark, a back alley sort of setup, though more isolated. Olivia had joked it looked like the kind of place someone got murdered. And while it was dark, it wouldn’t be for long. Shutting the door behind Steve, she took a breath, wordless as she held out her hand. Her arm was outstretch, palm splayed as she closed her eyes. Almost immediately her hand began to glow a brilliant light blue. An azure sort of brilliance radiated from her palms, the glow becoming larger and lighting up the world around them. The energy seemed to come from her palms, light beginning to swirl as she opened her eyes.

She had done this a million times, but every time she felt the warmth in her chest as though it was the first. Releasing the energy from her body was calming. Soothing. It always felt cathartic. She was grateful for the quiet night, the isolation from the rest of the world as the energy continued to swirl. It began to build, covering her hand and arm now, the glow brilliant and blue. It was warm. It was perfect.

Focusing now, she narrowed her eyes, “Now… I’ll show you what I can do.” It was confidence she boasted as her hand jutted forward as though she had thrown something, a burst of blue energy shooting forward, slamming itself into the already dilapidated dumpster out back. The metal slammed back hard into the brick wall of the building, rocking but not falling over.

Forming the blue glow once more, though keeping it gentle around both hands, she turned to face Steve fully, “I can’t let out the blasts like I did at the Battle but… you get the idea. I use energy. I absorb the energy around me and I let it out. Shields and blasts, mostly. But I can read energy, too. Can tell if someone’s nervous or excited. Sort of an empathetic thing.” She grinned, feeling more relaxed now that she had shown her own abilities. The first time in along time… and to a man she was already rather smitten for.
Steve was a little surprised by the electricity between them as well, and there was particular notice taken when she called him handsome. He had heard such compliments before, but he'd always brushed them off. From Liv it somehow seemed different, but he knew that was how Natasha drew people in as well, and it paid to be wary. Liv didn't give off the same vibe as Natasha though, and that helped Steve relax a little. Liv was no spy, just a regular person who happened to be able to do... something.

At the large door at the end of the hall her comment made him chuckle. "I do you know I don't like biting?" he asked. It was a simple enough question and retort to her. Everyone assumed he was so straight-laced, and yet most might be surprised. He had, after all, set the Hulk loose in New York. One didn't do that without some balls.

Once out in the alley he watched with interest as she allowed the energy to build, and then released it. As she explained her power he did have a couple of questions. "Is it all sorts of energy, or mainly one type? Have you noticed any difference in what you can do during the day for example?" he asked. She was like Stark in his suit, except she didn't need a suit at all. A walking energy projector. Nifty.

"I'd love to see more of you." he said and then added, "More of what you can do." Just in case she might take the first part of his sentence the wrong way. "So what do you say we get out of here and I take you on that bike ride anyway." he said, and knew they'd talk more about what she could do, but he didn't want to pressure her at all. "My bike is right around front. Do you need to grab anything from inside?" he asked, making the decision for her. It was what he did after all.
Liv wasn’t totally sure what she had expected from Steve. She supposed, probably what everyone else had done. Stark had treated her like just another person to add to the army, and others had treated her with fear and apprehension. But Steve? He was curious. He wanted to know about her abilities without looking at her like a rat in a science lab. She was a person.

“It’s influenced, really. I mean, I don’t have a lot to go off of, but I found when I was near Stark’s suit, it felt different. I’m guessing it varies depending on what sort of energy source I’m getting it from.” She shrugged a little, holding up a hand to watch the blue swirls dance and twirl around her fingers and arm, wisping about.

“No difference between day and night. I have trouble sleeping, though. I can’t really control what I absorb or how much, so I wind up needing to burn off the energy somehow. Bartending has been great for that. Earn money and work.” She smiled a bit. It was true, she had more than her share of sleepless nights. Alcohol had helped somewhat, but mostly she had to exhaust herself. There were, of course, activities that helped with that, though she hesitated to share that with Steve quite yet.

“More of me?” She grinned, biting her lip again. When he clarified, she laughed a little, keeping the glow going on her hands simply for the sake of keeping the world around them alive, “Really? You’d take me out on the bike?” She looked over his shoulder, towards the door that would lead them back inside and towards his bike. The door that he didn’t seem afraid of exiting or entering with her. It was nice.

“I’d be honored to be taken out on a bike ride with you, Cap.” She smiled, “And I’ve got everything I need right here.” She patted her front pocket, referring to the phone, her own wallet in her back pocket. She was a woman of little needs, low-maintenance if there ever was one. But she was stupidly excited to get to ride with Steve around New York City. The idea of enjoying the night, dancing along with Steve Rogers as her personal driver through the city felt exciting. It was a rush. She knew her own energy spiked when she was excited, almost disappointed that she couldn’t let it out while he drove.

Making her way back through the heavy door, Steve by her side, she smiled warmly, “Am I the first girl you’re taking for a ride on that bike of yours, Captain?” She let him decide this time if she was referring to the bike, or something else. Two could play at this game.
The way she explained her energy absorption made sense and Steve wondered what sort of influx she might feel around Bruce. That could be a scary combination. "I can see why you keep yourself so busy." he told her as she spoke on the subject of insomnia. A knowing grin and the crossing of arms punctuated the look he gave her of 'are you kidding me?' when she seemed incredulous that he'd take her out on the bike.

"I'd love to take you for a ride." he told her, and seemed pleased that she had everything she needed. When she asked if she was the only one he just smirked. "I gentleman never revs and tells." he quipped, and soon they were walking back through the bar. as they crossed the floor Steve's hand came to rest on her lower back, gently guiding her through the maze of chairs and tables despite the fact she worked there and knew the terrain. It was just a warm gesture and soon they'd exited out the front and Steve pointed to his bike. "That one." he said, and it was then that Liv would see that the bike was a single-seater.

"Guess you'll have to sit in front of me." Steve said, knowing she couldn't sit on the back fender. She'd be pressed right back into him, but it wasn't like he would mind. He'd suggested the ride after all. Throwing his leg over the bike Steve steadied it and patted the tail end of the tank. "Have a seat." he told her and started the bike, the rumbling v-twin coming to life. Waiting until she got one, her firm backside pressed to his groin, Steve would take off, a bit slow at first. "I have the perfect place to take you." he said in her ear.
It was true that Liv didn’t exactly know the limits of her powers. She had a sneaking suspicion that while Tony did want her on the team, he also wanted to know the limits. What happened when she hung around a nuclear reactor? Would it matter if she stayed near Thor while charged up that hammer? There were variables she had never tested, and Stark more than likely wanted to know.

There was a slight laughter from Liv when he made mention about not revving and telling. She instead shook her head, walking with him. Feeling his hand on her lower back felt nice. It felt warm and inviting in a way she didn’t really expect. A shiver ran down her spine that he might have felt were he paying attention, though she tried to act as though nothing had happened. Despite his own personality of being quite… docile, or at least non-threatening, she did find him a bit intimidating. Perhaps because she was walking with a legend. A hero.

“I think I’ll manage, Cap. Just don’t try any funny business.” She smirked, waiting until he got on to slowly mount herself on the ride. It was a bit chilly out, though nothing she couldn’t handle. Her hands went onto the handlebars by his own, not messing with the clutch or the accelerator, getting to where she wouldn’t be in the way. Her body was pressed hard against him, somewhat out of nervousness, but also because she liked the feeling as she got on. He was safe, secure… and it was exciting.

Biting her bottom lip as he spoke, she grinned, speaking up in order to be heard, “Should I be nervous?” She turned her head slightly in order for him to hear, though there was only a grin readable on her face, eyes alight with excitement. It was taking all her self-control not to let bits of her energy go, swirls that would light up the night. She was excited. She was thrilled. Being on a motorcycle with a man she had only ever dreamed about meeting. And here he was, pressed against her. It was hard not to admit that she was more than a little turned on.
The man had willpower, there was no doubt about that, but sometimes, even riding by himself, the vibrations of the bike caused a bit of.... arousal. Now, with a pretty girl seated before him, and the smell of her so close, the feel of her - Steve was not ashamed at all, but worried that she might be offended. Her smile was making her more attractive and there was no denying the electricity between them. She was like a forbidden fruit; much younger than him, born of a whole different generation, and her look wasn't anything like any of the women he'd grown up with. That in itself made her different. Exotic.

"You shouldn't be nervous." he assured her, and he remained silent as she mentioned funny business. How was he supposed to reply to that? That Captain America wasn't also a man, and had desires? That was ludicrous. She might soon find out that she was growing on him.

The ride was nice, and Cap pressed close to Liv, sharing body heat a little, and soon they pulled up outside his secret weapon. An ice cream shop. Nobody could say no to ice cream, right? Shutting the bike off he dismounted first and his bulge would be noticeable, though he didn't flaunt it. Offering her a hand off the bike his strength was apparent, and he gestured to the door. "I thought you might like a cone or a sundae." he said, realizing that neither of them had had dinner, but he wanted to get right to dessert. Opening the door for Liv, the little bell above the door announcing their presence, Steve walked in with her, once more his hand on the small of her back. A gaggle of young females, likely college age, sat in one booth, and their chatter stopped as Steve and Liv entered, and they whispered between themselves.
It was hard not to notice the bulge against her own rear. It was actually quite nice, not that she’d say it out loud. Knowing he was at least somewhat aroused by her was quite a turn-on. And if the bulge spoke anything of his true nature, she had a feeling he was blessed with more than just a strong body. Steve was admittedly more than attractive. He was gorgeous in a way that was almost unfair. Liv, not usually dissuaded by men for being more attractive, felt almost intimidated. She was actually self-conscious.

The ride was indeed pleasant and Liv had closed her eyes more than once, savoring the feel of his heat on her body. He was slightly warmer, but then again, so was she. It felt intoxicating, being this close to him. Feeling him. Touching him. She loved the ride if for no other reason than to be speeding along with Captain America.

When he finally did pull up to the shop, she smiled widely. She had a sweet tooth the size of Texas and adored ice cream. Smiling, she nodded, “I can’t say no to a sundae with Cap, can I?” She smiled, following inside with him.

His hand on her lower back again felt nice, that little spark of electricity flowing through her again. She almost didn’t notice the girls staring, immediately taking out their phones. By the time she did, she was at the counter, the server at least seeming to be able to hold herself together, “Hey… can I get…” She bit her bottom lip as she looked up, trying to decide, “Chocolate peanut butter with rainbow sprinkles? Cone.” She smiled. Her favorite. Always a woman of color and flair, she figured Steve wouldn’t be surprised at all.

That was when she felt it. The eyes were even more on them, hearing the girls as they ran up, ”Uhm, Captain America? Oh my god, I love you! Can I get my picture with you?” The woman was attractive. No older than nineteen with blue eyes, a thin figure, and long, gorgeous blonde hair. Liv didn’t exist to her, or her friends at this moment. Just Steve Rogers. And it was becoming clear Liv was not excited about this, forced to stand aside as the rest of the girls came over.
If Cap had planned it then it couldn't have been better, the warmth of her and her easy acceptance of his obvious arousal without judgment. He smiled and shook his head, "No, you can't say no to ice cream with Cap. That's an order." he teased, and once inside he started looking over the flavors and heard Liv's order and was about to place his own when the young girls came over. There was a trio of them, the girl with the long blonde hair obviously the leader, and he smiled, friendly enough, and said, "Sure. A picture would be fine." he said, and gave Liv an apologetic look. Steve had to deal with things like this now and then, it was simply the nature of things, and he did pose for a couple of pictures, a couple of them with the girls practically hanging off of him. One with a girl sitting on each bicep as he held them up, a show of strength.

The girls were enamored and giggled as the pictures were taken, one even pressing a kiss to his cheek, and looks cast between them at the bulge that had not quite gone away, and probably wouldn't with young women pressed to him in various ways. One bit her lower lip and eyed Liv as her bright blue orbs then raked over Steve and settled on his crotch. "Is that your girlfriend?" she asked.
It felt cliché to say that Liv had problems with trust. Her own mother had told her not to accept herself for who she was, and she had stayed away from relationships out of fear. Dealing with people was not her forte. She did well to listen, and to remain judgment free, but that was when she was getting paid to do so. Otherwise she was fairly lonely. Add a cheating ex onto that? The girls fawning made her blood boil.

Some of her was concerned about the energy pulsing forward, though most of her was just angry. Sure, she understood that Steve Rogers was sort of obligated to play the All-American hero to the world. But all she wanted was ice cream. Another reason she hadn’t signed on to be an Avenger.

When the girl asked who Olivia was, she flashed a smile as she withdrew her wallet, tossing a five onto the counter, easily paying and tipping for her ice cream, “Just gave me a ride over. He’s all yours, girls.” Her venom was clear to Steve, she guessed, though the girls clearly couldn’t care less. They only began to giggle again and hang off of Steve, selfies galore as they helped him show off his strength.

Her walk out the door was done with speed, though not with obvious rage. She shook her head, mumbling to herself, “They’re all the same. This is why you didn’t sign up, remember?” She was walking down the street at a brisk pace, eating the ice cream despite her frustrations. She didn’t like the idea of fame. Of being a face people knew. She didn’t like that the one person she had found herself taking a liking to was just as happy showing off with a bunch of girls six or seven years younger, “Always go for the newer models.” She muttered again.

She felt stupid for thinking that Rogers was different. He was Captain America, sure, but he was still a man. Still a man who wanted to play around with pretty girls and pretty things. As her grey chucks breezed down the cement sidewalk, weaving through people and eating the ice cream, she was calming her rage. Anger bubbled, but she had control. Just let off her aggression the best way she knew how. Exercise until she passed out, maybe. Just… let it all go. No, Steve wasn’t worth her time, apparently. And she wasn’t worth his, as it turned out.
Shit. Steve was losing Liv as he saw her pay, her body language telling him even more than her words as she departed, simply leaving him there. "I'm sorry girls, but I really need to go." he said, and gently extricated himself from the fawning females, one even daring to drag fingers across the front of his pants as he left, pushing open the door and looking down the walk, spotting Liv because of her hair. She was moving fast, but he could move faster, and Steve took off after the woman, leaving his bike behind.

It didn't really take long to catch up to her and this was the part where being forceful, but not too rough, was a fine line to walk. "Liv. Please." he said just as he approached, more to announce his presence than anything. What was he supposed to do? Apologize? That seemed the best course. "I'm sorry Liv." he said, and caught her gently by the elbow, using just enough force that he should be able to slow her down. "Talk to me." he told her.

"What did you want me to do? Ignore them?" he asked . "They're just kids. They don't know any better. You're a woman, and there's no way they could ever compare to you." he told her honestly.[/php][/align]
She heard him before she saw him, a flattened affect of her own across he features as if to show she didn’t care, even if she did. Her eyes remained on her ice cream, ignoring some of the looks she was getting. At this point, it was the leering that she was getting. It didn’t bother her. She was used to it. Standing out did that to a person.

When he grabbed her elbow, even gently, she yanked with enough force to free it, “You of all people should know that it’s a free country, and I can do whatever I want. I don’t owe you anything, Steve.” She turned, deciding on Steve versus even calling him Cap. She was angry.

“You know better. You’re an adult. I’m not here to stand idly by while you entertain children’s fantasies about being with Captain America.” She shook her head, turning to face him, her movements forward having halted at this point. A hand lifted and she poked his stupidly hard chest, “This is why I told Tony no. I don’t want this kind of life. I don’t have time to stand around while you, or anyone else, entertains cameras. “

Olivia found herself angry still. She wanted to be sad, to be crying, but it wouldn’t come. It was frustration about the situation, “I can’t believe I actually expected you’d be different.” She laughed somewhat bitterly, tossing down the ice cream into a nearby trash can, “It’s all just a show to you guys, isn’t it? Avengers? Earth’s mightiest heroes? Just a title so you can parade around and act like the world owes you a favor. Well I don’t owe you shit, Steve.”

With one final poke to his chest, she turned again, huffing somewhat. She wasn’t totally sure where she’d go right now. Her own apartment was twenty blocks from here, at best. All she wanted was to be away from this. From Steve. From Captain America.
There was no surprise as she jerked away, and Steve let her say what she had to. He wasn't going to rise to it though. Much. When you said things in anger you often said things you didn't truly mean, or were misinformed about. His eyes settled on hers as she threw away her ice cream and when he spoke his voice was calm and measured. "If that's what you really think then you need to grow up more than those young girls in there. I expected better of you Olivia." he intoned.

"Being recognized comes as part of the job. I'm sure you think the same of your local police and firemen, not to mention your military veterans that come home mangled and with lost limbs - yet the news covers them. People recognize them. They're all just camera hogs though, right?" he shot back.

"You're right. You don't owe me shit. But getting so bent out of shape because a few teenage girls are excited to see me in public speaks volumes about your own maturity level. I am sure it would have looked much better for me to blow them off to spare your fragile ego. Tony's may be large but yours is paper thin. I came here with you, and I wanted to spend time with you. If you really can't see that, then I don't know what to tell you because you're blind to the fact that I rather admire you. Not them. Not those girls that just want a picture so they can brag to their friends. They don't care about me, or what I do. I'm a news blurb. A headline. A sideshow. Yet I still put my life on the line to protect them, and to protect you too. I don't do it for glory. I don't do it for recognition. I do it because it's the right thing to do."

Pausing a moment he finished, "Just the way you helped out in the Battle - because it was the right thing to do. You think if you saw those people again, that you saved, don't you think they'd want a picture with you? Give you a little bit of recognition and praise? Oh, but wait... that would make you simply out to parade in front of their cameras too. It's all so black and white."
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