Everyday Life with Darling!(Lillythelez x DuxT)


Apr 28, 2015
Miia had been cold that night, the first night in this house, the first night she met her, her 'Darling'. She wasn't called Darling of course, Miss. Smith said her name was Ami, but Miia didn't care, she was her Darling. She took her in despite the mix up and had done her best to make the Lamia, normally a looked down upon race by humans, feel welcome.

Being part snake, Miia had found the night very cold, Japan had been a lot cooler than expected. She'd taken up residence in Darlings spare room and was content for a while. But it soon turned out to be far too cold, the cool night air getting to the reptile. She needed a source of warmth, something to curl around to help her sleep and wake energised.

So naturally, she broke into Darling's room! It seemed logical at the time anyway and Miia was sure her Darling wouldn't mind. So here she was, it was morning and the Lamia lay, coiled around the female form of Darling, a content smile on her face. Darling was warm and so soft, Miia could of spent the rest of the day like this. Waking up, she looked to Darling, a content smile on her face as her big golden eyes opened. "Darling.." She sleepily chimed, sounding just so happy right now, squeezing Darling a little more with her coils.
Ami, wakes up feeling her body being constricted in Mia's boa-like constriction. The dark haired, yet surprisingly plain looking Japanese woman, had one thing that made her unique among monster care takers. In that.. "MIIIA!!!" She woke up shouting as she grabs and squeezes herself free of Mia's constriction.

Then, like always she manages to knot Mia's tail all up in a different style today she was knoted up in a pretzel fashion. If that didn't teach her a lesson in time nothing will. "You know better then that, if you get cold, there is an electric blanket in the trunk in the spare bedroom... how many times do I need to go to the chiropractor before you start behaving hmmm?"

She said swatting the Lamia on the butt while she was in the compromising predicament. Then shook her head, "Now then straighten yourself out, and I will get to work on breakfast, its a wonder I don't just change the light in your room to a sunlamp, and your bed to a rock... surely then..." Sighs, she wasn't angry, but she did have a temper and it flared when her rules weren't abided by. It didn't help that Mia gave into her Monster born instincts so easily. "Just, be careful okay, it wasn't to tight today, but any tighter and you may have snapped me in half..."
Miia's eyes widened as Ami forced her off again, mentally cursing herself. "Darling!" She cried out feebly as her care taker tied her tail up, squirming the whole time. The Lamia really wished Ami wasn't so good at this, but it was her own fault for giving in, even after the first night where she nearly suffocated her Darling. But Miia was a monster girl, not a human, she'd always tend towards her instincts unless trained, whole reason why the girls had to be with a host family to begin with.

Still, rational thought was gone, instead, Miia squirmed and blushed, giving another short cry as the girls bare rear was swatted, jiggling nicely. Head half buried into the pillow, she slowly raised it as her Darling relaxed, eyes dipped. "I'm sorry Darling, I can't help it! You're just so warm and soft! I'll try and be more gentle..." She couldn't promise to stop coming into Darling's room, naked and cuddle with her, Miia didn't have nearly that sort of will power.
Thankfully, Mia's nudity didn't freak her out like another individual might be bothered by it. She sighs, and helps Mia get unknoted and begins to go down to the bathroom brushing her teeth, hair and well doing what her morning routine consisted of, that being. She took a dump, showered, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, showered again, took 3 pain killers thanks to Mia.

Then she was applying a light bit of make up just to make sure she was looking good. Then she changed into a white t-shirt, and some tight fitting jeans. "Okay Mia the tub and bathrooms freed up, the hot waters a little low so its gonna be sorta used and lukewarm." Yes, she was gonna allow Mia to bathe in her own bath water.

She then headed down starting on a real Japanese styled breakfast while watching the news. Talks of the Monster Hosting project and Miss Smith being interviewed with a group of monsters with her. It was a usual morning to say the very least, eliciting a small yawn from Ami even.. "I kinda wonder if anything is in my horoscope today." She said as the breakfast was cooking, she checked the horoscope channel. Signs lean towards it being a good day, but she might need to help someone in a troublesome situation.
Miia came down, just as naked as she was before, but carrying her usual outfit of her skirt and jumper. She felt little need to cover up around Darling, kind of liking to show off to the woman who took such good care of her, knots or no knots. Course she wasn't THAT open in public, she'd cover up so others didn't see and get the wrong idea.

Heading into the bath, she slipped in, taking her time with her routine. To a point, she was like a human in it, cleaning her teeth... all four of them, brushing and washing her hair. The tricky part came with her tail, so much of her time was washing, cleaning and drying every inch of her tail. It took so long, that the poor girl was shivering a little by the time she was done, there is a reason she liked the water as hot as possible.

Soon she was out though, dressed and ready to face the world. She immediately slivered to the kitchen, smiling to Darling as she approached. "All ready Darling! Are we doing anything today?" The girl of course, was curious about Japan and its culture, so was always eager to see more, course she had to go with Darling as the law dictated.
"Well, we need to go shopping, we are low on eggs... have you been swallowing eggs whole again... you know they arn't good for you raw.." She mutters to Mia a little scolding, didn't help that Mia seemed to not learn her lessons. It was easy to train a dog not to pee on the carpet, but Mia was no dog.

"I also think we need to get you a sun light bulb for your room, then we can grab some lunch, maybe visit the park, get some of that sun on us, what do you say?" Likely to Mia's scattered love fattened little heart, she would mistake this for a date.

"Oh and, to be sure you don't wander off on me..." She pulls out a collar and leash from under the sink. "You will be put on the collar and leash today, I don't want you getting lost." It was amazing that, that was a thing she had to worry about, but despite Mia being part snake she was surprisingly quick. "Now come on up to the table breakfast is ready."
Miia's ears flattened a little, much like a dog when it got scolded, much like she was now. "I'm sorry Darling, it's hard to chew them like you want." Less teeth meant she much preferred swallowing down everything... well maybe not everything, that was to be seen. Moving over to the table, she settled down on her tail, unable to really use chairs for a few reasons.

As expected, her mind latched onto lunch and the park, eyes widening. "A date, well of course Darling!" Smiling wide to Ami, eager to finish breakfast and get on the date. In fact, Miia began devouring the plate of food eagerly, treating it much like a snake would, a very uncivilised one at that.

She was half done eating when Darling brought out the leash, causing a blush from the girl. "If... if you insist Darling." Being treated like a dog wasn't too dignified, but she would do anything for her Darling.
Just like that then, the two of them finished breakfast then were out the door. Not only was Ami prepared for every case that Mia could get into she had a safety harness attached as well. After all, it wouldn't take to much force to get her free from the collar but the harness was sturdy and a gift from Miss Smith, well, Ami had lots of gifts from her estranged big sister. To which she had lots... of toys.. She thinks to the closet of hers marked biohazard, and shrugs her shoulders.

While out and about Ami was wearing her fleece pink casual jacket while walking with Mia down the street scape. It was a bustling place even for the late fall, and thankfully she had remembered to get Mia a jacket during spring so she wouldn't be to cold in the crisp autumn. Walking, or slithering together down the street the falling leaves brush along the ground as a nice bit of wind. "Its getting cooler out huh." Ami gave her hair a gentle brush back, giving her a rather attractive look to her as she looked like a gentle woman, despite the fact she was in fact the half sister of Miss Smith, which all together explained her monstrous strength, same mother different father was the word to it.
Miia eagerly headed out, giving a few experimental tugs at her restraints. She wanted to see her limits now, although, if anything got her excited enough, she'd forget those limit quickly. The poor girl tried to do as Ami wanted, but she was just got distracted so easily! There was a reason Miss. Smith had given Miia to Ami, out the blue too. Miia would be a handful for a regular family, potentially deadly too. So Miss. Smith, being the caring wonderful sister she was, dropped Miia on Ami without warning.

Miia's attention soon was on all the sights and sounds of the city, the trees, buildings, all of it. She was cold, but the jacket helped, besides she could always try snuggling with Darling! "Getting cold yeah... Is winter bad here?" Turning to her companion. Back home, it was tropical enough that winters were more wet than anything and still kinda warm. Had to be for Lamia's to survive during that time and not all hibernate.
Ami calmly walked with Mia a bit further, the streets around here now had a rather colorful mix ever since the monsters were admitted as possible citizens. Harpies flew over head, orcs, and other races were about doing work for local businesses as mascots, or greeters.

"It sure has changed around here, with all the monsters moving in..." Ami muttered to herself, before reacting to Mia's question about the cold. "It gets pretty cold going into Winter, but I like the Autumn and Winter, cool weather does me plenty well." Ami flashed a charming smile, they arrived at the grocers and picked up a few things as well as a new roll of toilet paper and a few sticks of butter.

Then she flashed a smile to Mia "So, let's head to the park then." Upon leaving the store they arrived at the park however she couldn't help but notice that there was a group of boys gathered around the door way of the parks men's restroom. Curious as she was, Ami walked Mia and herself closer to get a better feel for what was going on.
Miia happily followed along, eager to spend time with her Darling. Despite her large size, the serpant was quick when she wanted to be, so kept up with Ami effortlessly. Even upon reaching the park, she didn't try tugging at the lead. She'd somewhat learned her lesson and was doing her best to be restrained, for now anyway.

Course soon Miia's attention soon turned away from Darling and the park, much like Darling's attention. Instead drawn to the crowd of men and boys gathered around a public restroom.

"Heh, look she thinks she's people too!" The first kind of call the pair heard from the crowd. Plenty of chuckling and people rotating back and forth to look inside. As such, the rather forcful Ami would have little trouble barging through, especially with the giant serpent at her beck and call.

The sight inside was quite the unique one that was for sure. There, the front end of a Centaur girl stood, straining to pull herself free from the stall, where her rear seems to have been stuck. The clearly feminine figure was quite a sight of the men, who of course were teasing her. Some even wanted to grope the girl, but the sword across the girls back kept them at bay. "Stop it you perverts and help me!" The girl pleaded desperately, eyes closed as her arms pushed against the stalls, unable to unwedge the horse half out of the stall.
Ami wasted little time becoming the poor centaurs white knight, the front half of the girl was out of the stall but her more powerful back legs were stuck with her wide horses ass the stall was a few centimeters to small for her to fit. Ami did what she did best. "Mia chase the boys around a bit but don't hurt them, I gotta fix this situation." Ami popped a piece of gum in her mouth Mia would know this to be a sign Ami had gone into Badass mode. She moved fearlessly right up. "Boys, your better off scramming before my girl swallows you tiny pieces of shit for breakfast." The men sure enough looked once at the Lamia, and ran screaming."Now for you.... why are you backing into a bathroom stall?"
At the signal and Ami's warning, Miia went feral, hissing and narrowing her eyes. Without another warning, she began racing after the men, changing targets as she went, till soon enough the stall was clear. Heck, even the boys outside cleared out when they saw a half dozen men run for their lives, plus the hissing Miia gave. She may be cute, but a Lamia could be terrifying when they wanted to be.

Centorea watched with wide eyes as Ami strode in, all confidence and power. Her and her Lamia had just scared off the men harassing her, leaving the three alone in the restroom. At the question, she blushed, ears lowering in embarrassment. "I was... trying to make use of the facilities, I prefer the privacy... But the stall was smaller than I expected." Pushing again, she huffed, looking up at Ami pathetically. "I am already in your debt m'lady, but please.... Could you help me out of here, I'll be forever in your debt."
Ami listened to the pleading. Then blew a big bubble, before letting it pop then answered Centorea. "In my debt huh... so, by that you mean you will be my most beautiful steed for me then, maybe wear a maid outfit, and perhaps have to live with me and do your business in my back yard, if you answer yes to all of thee above I think I can get you out of there in no time, Mia go and grab a nice long flat stick, I need to wedge her out, and judging from smell she hasn't managed to go yet." Imagine what a load of horse manure would do to the pipes. "So, if we are in agreeance I want you to stamp your right front hoof."
Centorea's eyes widened and blush deepened at the suggestion. Yes she had been looking for a Master.... well her mother wanted her to find a teaser, which a female would work for, but that wasn't what Cerea was looking for. Her pride wounded anyway, she wanted out and Ami was offering it, with strings sure, but she'd get free. So, before long she stamped her right front hoof, signaling her agreement.

At this point Miia came over to Ami with a broom, smiling wide. "Will this work Darling?" Eager to please her Darling as always.
Grabbing the broom Mia brought she looked it over. Then with a few well timed chops, the broom handle was flattened out to a ruler thin shape. Seeing the horse woman give her concent she nods. "Alright, now then." She stepped to the side and carefully slid the thinned broom handle in the place between Cerea's right side and the stall door met. She then looks up. "Now, push forward with all your might." Thus she pressed the broom handle in towards Cerea's body thinning a little bit of space between the horse woman and the door. "And pull forward now!"
At Ami's signal Cerea pressed forward with all her might. Hooves dug into the tile, arms splayed back to push against the stall. At first no ground seemed to be gained, but with a crash of tile and wood, the Centaur broke free of her restraints, what remained of the broom snapping in two. Centorea managed to barely stop herself crashing into the far wall, skidding to a halt of the tile floor. Turning, a huge smile was on her face, surging forward and wrapping her arms around Ami. "Thank you!" The girl was strong, picking Ami up and ending up pressing the girls face into her enormous bosom, getting a jealous hiss from Miia.
The girl was free and was now smooshing her into those massive tits of hers. Ami, heard Mia hissing, resulting in her reaching up giving Cerea's breasts a few squeezes before freeing herself. "So, your free now then thats good... because now you will be my ride home, oh and I would advise if you still have business to do there are some tall bushes outside you can squat behind." "Oh and you can call me Ami from now on." She said moving with ease to sit upon Cerea's back.
"Yes Ami, my name is Centorea, my friends call me Cerea." She allowed Ami on her back, reluctantly at first. Though this raised a brow as she headed out. "Uhm, Ami, would it be best you not be on me when I..." She blushed again, lowering her head. "When I... do my business?" Heading for some bushes like the girl said. Miia meanwhile followed behind, seeming more grumpy now her Darling was focusing on someone else.
Ami flashed her a smile hopping down and dusting off, she glanced over, and saw Mia. The pout of hers was evident, she drew close capturing her face in her hands and kisses the Lamia deeply. "Don't be upset we, need more hands and legs around the cafe, and with her extra legs we can now have door to door delivery." She then slips a camera into Mia's hand. "Now I want you to go make a video of our hooved friend doing her business if we figure out how she does her business we can get big sis to put in word for buisnesses to have more monster accessable amenities." Plus a video of the proud centaur in such a situation could be perfect black mail. "So what ya say be my snake in the grass?" She winks using Mia's own affection against her.
Miia's eyes went wide as Ami, her darling, took hold of her face and kissed her. The Lamia half melted in her arms, resisting the urge to not coil around Darling again. Taking the camera, the Lamia nodded, giving a quick salute. "Yes Darling!" And like a flash she went off on her covert operation.

She evidently wasn't caught since soon she returned, handing the camera back with a huge smile on her face. Followed shortly by Cerea who was much relived and relaxed.
Ami takes the footage. Then plays it back watching the horse woman making a nice big horse pie behind the bushes, she even squatted to do so from the looks, a well mannered woman, and a beautiful steed. Once Cerea returns she clears her throat saving the dirty deed onto a spare memory card. "You look like you are quite happy to have relieved yourself, I hope you don't need to wipe, would be quite embarressing, now then, Cerea as my newest house guest I will be putting you to work at the cafe I run, with your four beautiful legs we can finally get some door to door deliveries started up." Ami was taking liberties it seemed non-chalantly mounting Cerea nice and easily it was clear she took charge quick.
Cerea began walking as Ami mounted, following any directions she gave to her home. While normally a centaur wouldn't let anyone but their masters ride them, Ami took such domineering control that Cerea couldn't not submit. "Delivering food and drink? I can manage such a thing." A waste of her combat skills, but Cerea doubted she'd get much use out of those in Japan.
Riding atop Cerea, she was so comfortable, sitting side ways more treating her back like a comfy couch. She rode like a lady, and maybe to Cerea's 15th century concept of chivalry and her knightly up-bringing. She likely would have even more trouble against turning her away.The breeze in the air tossling her beautiful black hair around. "Yes, as you say, I run a cafe catering to both human and monsters, till now its just been Miia and me, with your help we can get our name around, plus as you gallop through the streets brandishing the cafe's mantle more will know to come." As she stoked Cerea's pride she also brushed her fingers through Cerea's mane of blond hair, Ami was very good.
Cerea began to relax and get used to the idea of being Ami's steed and delivery girl. A lady riding atop her like this she could easily handle and the more Ami talked the more it sounded like being a knightly standard barer and messenger. So her pride swelled and Cerea strode forward home, Miia having a time to keep up with the constant pace Cerea set. "It will be my honour, Lady Ami, anything for you." Smiling wide, she relaxed back as Ami played with her hair some more.
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