"Yes, it's good luck for travels!" The priest added in cheerfully. "This is the time of the yearly pilgrimage! Under the rule of our most benevolent Queen, the faithful are able to travel far and wide and pay respects to the world and it's natural bounties, after all, the temples pay respects to the many elements of nature!"
"Well," Link murmured, ears flicking. "We are going to do a lot of traveling..." Something about that guy felt weird, but he had never met a priest before either. Maybe all priests felt that way? He had some...aura about him, but he couldn't quite place why.
"Well," Link murmured, ears flicking. "We are going to do a lot of traveling..." Something about that guy felt weird, but he had never met a priest before either. Maybe all priests felt that way? He had some...aura about him, but he couldn't quite place why.