The Legend of Time (Candira and I)



With the sunrise over Lon-Lon Ranch came a new day of more work, and it was rare to have anyone rise quicker than Link. It was an exciting time! It was getting to be racing season, which meant that the finest horses would have to be fed and brushed, their horseshoes inspected, everything would have to be perfect for the initial races in Castle Town to start off the season! It'd be a busy time, because Lon-Lon Ranch was the place in Hyrule for your horse needs. Stallions, Mares, Geldings...they kept a decent tally of everything, and this time of year, demand would be high. Sometimes it was an enthusiastic family who wanted to start breeding, or people who simply needed workhorses. Either way, it was a fresh spring day, the sun was out, the wind was pleasant. He had a lot of work to get done!

Out of his room in record time, Link was already dressed and getting the horses fed, the cows milked, everything had to be perfect and ready by the time Talon and Ingo woke up. It seemed like yesterday, really...that he was just a little boy sleeping in the loft until Talon and the others chipped in to give him a room of his own. He was never ungrateful, and worked hard every single day to repay the kindness of a home. But before anything else could happen, he needed to make breakfast. Every day, he looked at the Cucco pen with an increasing sense of fear, but he swallowed it down every time, eyes alight with determination. For some reason that he could not comprehend, they did not like him. They hated him, in fact. He had no idea why, but those birds just hated him. But he would not let Malon wake up without breakfast, the entire idea alone just seemed not right.

And so, with a heavy heart but an even heavier feeling of courage, he stormed up to the Cucco pen and opened the door. Twenty five souless bird eyes stared at him as if he was their latest meal, and Link's bravery wavered for one second, and suddenly the morning got a whole lot more noisy as an entire army of Cucco's jumped him like he was a walking cob of corn. But he did it! HAH! He did it! He was running for dear life with a trail of feathers behind him, but he did it! He had four eggs to make breakfast, and he would consider that a victory!

...Hopefully, Malon didn't mind the small trail of feathers he had made in the process, but he had milk, he had eggs, he was already working on bread. He was going to make sure she was as ready as he felt for today! There was so much to do and she would need every hand to help her with!
There was a light beaming into the darkness. Nothing was there but swirling mist and the one ray of light. A soft, almost inaudible song was taking form...something familiar, but too hazy to ascertain. And then there was a cacophony of cucco calls jolting Malon from her slumber. A hand on her racing heart, the rancher's daughter and true manager looked out the window of her bedroom. She could see the trail of feathers from Link's attempted egg-run settling into the dust. Malon chuckled and shook her head. When would that boy learn that he didn't have to do that every day? Sighing, she ran a hand through her red hair and yawned. The mysterious dream went forgotten as the young woman rose. Her bed was made, her face was washed, and she was dressed and ready for the day about ten minutes later.

Morning at Lon-Lon was a busy time, but Link actually took care of a large portion of the chores at this time. He was always so reliable. Even when he had to take care of the cuccos who hated him with an otherworldly passion. That one bird with one eye was especially vicious. They never bothered her, though. They were just sweet, docile animals when she was around. Just like most of the livestock, actually. It seemed as though she had quite an affinity for animals, which made her all the more important here. Her father could rarely be counted on for anything managerial, but people seemed to like him, and he was a decent business man...when he way awake. The man never missed a meal, though. He could be counted on for that.

Talon could be heard rolling out of bed as Malon headed downstairs to see if she was in time to help her friend with breakfast. "Good morning," she said, smiling as she entered the kitchen. It was still a bit early, but the sun was rising and filling the kitchen. "Is there anything I can help with, Link?" She asked, but she knew he probably wanted to do it himself. Always so polite. Also, why did he always look so good? It didn't seem to matter the time of day--he was always looked handsome. It was almost irritating. Then again, what was she complaining about? She got to see him every day, after all.
"No, I got it," Link promised with an easy smile, blowing a stubborn feather out of his face to the satisfying sizzle of cooking eggs. Always a mile a minute, even as Talon and Ingo meandered in, the larger owner of Lon-Lon letting out a long yawn. Naturally, he came to the smell of breakfast. But from the look of it, Ingo was already sour with Talon. Link found that morbidly impressive, usually Ingo was in a slightly better mood before breakfast was served, but this was a stressful time. There was a lot to do, and almost not enough hands to go around.

"Morning, Malon, Link," Talon said, affording his daughter a peck on the cheek as Ingo grumbled and sat down, arms crossing.

"Link! Hurry up!" Ingo said in irritation, eyes closed. "Cook faster!"

"Sorry, Sorry!" Link said apologetically, if someone could move even faster in the kitchen, he somehow managed to make that a reality. Ingo was always a bit of a grumpy person, not that Link entirely understood why. But dealing with Talon on a daily basis was probably not the best way to keep a smile on the face, since he was usually sleeping or laying around. That was fine, Malon knew what to do for the most part, but this season? Everyone needed to work, and work hard.
She'd known Link would turn down her offer. He was always taking on work like that. He just kept right on smiling, sunny as ever. It might have been annoying if it weren't so damn sweet. "Okay then. Hold still. You've got another feather," she said, reaching up into his golden locks. A moment later she pulled a small piece of a feather from his hair and held it in front of him with a smile. "Make a wish," she said. She let it go when her father and company came down the stairs. She gave Link's shoulder a squeeze and then started to get dishes down.

Talon was his usual drowsy self and Ingo was grouchy as ever. Then again, it wasn't like he had no reason to be. Working for her father was no easy task, and Ingo rarely got enough credit for everything he did. She offered him a look of sympathy as her father kissed her cheek. "Morning, dad. Ingo," she said, setting their mugs on the table. as she set the table, she hummed the song her mother had composed--the one that had so charmed Epona and the other animals.

Hopefully, they would be just as responsive today. The horses needed brushing, feeding, and to be put through their paces for the potential buyers. The cows needed to be washed, stalls needed mucking, the office needed to be ready with receipts, and there were other little chores to take care of, too. Plus, they needed to prepare for the sales tour.
Hm, make a wish, huh? He smiled faintly at that as he returned to his cooking. He supposed he'd have to think about that, wouldn't he?

"We've got a lot to do, and I'm not sure if we'll be able to do it all," Talon murmured, scratching his head with a faint sigh. "We've got a lot of horses to prepare for sale, but someone needs to make sure we're recognized at the races, too."

"That's what I kept telling you," Ingo grumbled. "I don't possibly know how you expect us to do all that! Demand is getting higher, and we can't afford to do both at the same time! We're already behind schedule by eating breakfast!" he huffed. "Link! Hurry up!"

"Sorry, sorry," Link smiled, scooting over quickly to settle down the plates of freshly cooked eggs, bacon and toast. Yes, Lon-Lon had always been rather popular...but as the peace of Hyrule swelled, so did the freedom of people's rupees. Horses were always a Hyrulian staple anyway, but now people could ask them for farm work, or just riding, or anything in-between. It was a rather happy note that Lon-Lon was growing as part of Hyrule's prosperity under Queen Zelda. But that also meant they were getting increasingly busy, with no real end in sight.
Malon shot Ingo a look as he snapped at Link again. It seemed to convey extreme displeasure, tempered with a hint of exhaustion. Everyone was under stress, but Link didn't deserve to be yelled at. She poured some coffee into the mugs and set out the utensils so they could eat as soon as Link was done. At her father's complaints, the young woman took a seat and began to think over the problem. Ingo wasn't wrong about the obstacles they faced, but was it really true they couldn't afford to handle both?

Suddenly a plate of food appeared in front of her. She snapped out of her tboughts and smiled at her friend. "Thank you," she said with a grin. She spread some jam on her toast and took a big bite as she thought over the idea again. "Well, if you could spare me, I could ride in the races. I know it's busy now, but if it's only me, it wouldn't be a huge loss of productivity, right? I do a lot, but you could spread my extra work out among the other hands so it would only be a few extra chores."

The offered solution wasn't perfect. The ranch needed as many hands as possible just now, so racing was probably not the best use of her time. But if they wanted to keep their revenue up, they needed to advertise in the races. Malon was easily one of their best riders, so it seemed crazy to send someone else, but her going out alone was probably not the wisest thing for a number of reasons.

If only there were someone who could go with but losing her was a big enough issue without adding on. She frowned a little at this thought and worked her way through the plate of food Link had prepared. Delicious though it was, she was too distracted to fully enjoy it.
"No no, that simply cannot do," Ingo snorted. "Talon should be the one to oversee such things! He is the owner of Lon-Lon Ranch! It is our task to handle the racing, Malon. You shouldn't be worrying yourself so much about it!"

"Hm," Talon mused, taking a sip of his coffee in thought. "Malon, you know the horses better than anyone..." he said, his ears perking up. "Why don't you go out and promote our Ranch this year? It'd be a great oppertunity! Think of how many more people we'd draw in! Who better to tell them just how well bred and mannered our horses are! And Epona would be a great example! You could take Link with you!"

Link blinked faintly at that, glancing at Malon as Ingo's nose twitched faintly, his mustache moving in thought. It was...a wise idea, he supposed. But Hyrule was still not without it's dangers on the road. Not that it would be a particular deterrent to Link, who seemed uncannily apt with a sword in his hand. Still, they had very few options, and Talon needed to oversee the Ranch during race season.
Malon hadn't thought of that. Bringing Link was probably the best solution. Horses responded well to him, he knew pretty much everything Malon knew, and she was sure to be safe with him--he was alarmingly good at fighting for someone who was never trained formally. Plus, he was pretty strong, so she could count on him for help. He would watch out for her in the bigger cities, too. They were very close, and he would be sure to protect her. Plus, the unfortunate truth was that he would probably draw more attention than she would. It was irksome that she was the less appealing of the two.
Still, if he was willing to go with...maybe it was worth a try. The two of them had traveled with the team before. They could handle it on their own...for the very first time. Plus, she would miss him if she was all by herself. And she would worry about the cuccos killing him one morning.

"Well, if he's willing to come with, I think we could do it. What do you think, Link? Will you come with me on the race circuit?" She smiled at him and waited for him. It was going to be interesting to hear his answer. Link seemed to enjoy his work here. Would he be comfortable enough to leave for this journey?
"Well..." Link murmured. "I mean, if you need my help, Malon. I'd love to," he smiled easily, ears flicking. He had honestly seen no reason to ever leave the ranch, but...maybe it would be nice? Helping them still, but seeing Hyrule? He had always wondered in some small way or another just what was out there. How bad could it be? He always saw Castle Town and the other villages in the distance, but the curiosity never much overtook him, he was happy here.

...Plus, he'd be away from those devil birds. How was this a bad thing?

"Hm," Ingo said curiously, rubbing his chin. "Well, two want to do it, I suppose..." They didn't have a lot of options, truly.
Talon was relieved that his daughter would be in good hands. Link was good in a fight, and he would keep Malon safe. Not that Malon had any trouble handling herself. But it would be good for both of them. Especially Link. It was all well and good to love one's home, but the boy had never even thought of leaving. Maybe it was time be saw the world firsthand. And Malon would look after him. She was like a sister to the boy. And he was still too naive to think of her in any other way. At least, in Talon's estimation.

Malon smiled back at him, glad that he was going to come with. She hadn't realized just how much she wanted his company until he'd agreed. The redhead put her hand on his shoulder, excited about the journey they were going to take. "Great! I'll start making preparations after my chores. This is going to be fun." With that, she started in on her breakfast again.
"Sure," Link smiled faintly as Ingo snorted.

"Fun? This isn't fun! This is business! It's important that you two maintain the quality that we are known for!" he huffed. He was not looking forward to having to deal with Talon on his own, but sometimes some focus did the fool good.

"Well, sometimes work is fun," Link said cheerfully. "What's wrong with that? It'll be good to have you two showing the best we have!" He wondered, faintly...what it was like outside the ranch. He supposed he was due for a trip outside, he never really did much or needed to. But now Malon was depending on him, he'd do his best to learn.
Malon didn't even bother dignifying Ingo's negativity with a response. Link had already jumped in anyway. It was good to know that someone at the table understood what was in her head, even if he didn't know much about the outside world. The redhead finished her breakfast and started to clear dishes that were empty.

"Don't you worry about us," the redhead said confidently as she filled the sink with hot soapy water. "We'll be an excellent team. You just worry about keeping up with all of the customers we send you."

Talon chuckled at his daughter's bravado, but he couldn't deny that There was a ring of truth to what she said. The rancher clapped his hand on Ingo's shoulder. "Don't worry, friend. Have a little faith in our best hands. If anyone can do it, it's them. they'll keep each other on track." He gave a healthy belch, let go of Ingo, and brought his dishes to the sink while Malon started. "I'll leave it to you, dear. Plan to leave tomorrow morning so you can get settled in and warmed up before the races." With that, Talon kissed the top of his daughter's head and took off for the office to get some records taken care of.

Malon smiled as she scrubbed the pans Link had used for breakfast. They would be heading out together to show off their horses and race. They would get to see the sights Hyrule had to offer, meet new people, and not have to do their regular chores. She started to hum as she washed, Epona's favorite song on her lips.

Ingo grumbled as he brought his dishes to the sink, clearly unhappy about...something. As usual. Then he was gone, and there were two.
Link wasn't sure how to process it, it wasn't as if that he would be leaving forever. But there was a strange anxiousness about it all that he couldn't quite place, excitement, maybe?

"Well, I better get everything ready," Link decided, slipping up with an easy smile. He had to pick the right horses, get the wagon ready to go. Make sure the horses were well fed before they started what was probably the only exciting thought he had as of late. Was that a bad thing, though? He wasn't sure, something was tugging at him in ways he didn't understand. Like it was a natural feeling, he felt like he should have been more nervous, or really anything other than what he did feel. There was a whole world out there that he had never even thought about, and he wondered just how he'd feel about the ranch when he'd seen it all.
Malon got through her morning chores quickly before she started to get things ready for their trip. She hadn't been out of the ranch proper since she was a little girl. She was nervous about going, but that was tamped down by how excited she was. So many things awaited on the race circuit. So many sights to see, and the travel would be rough in places. Plus, there was the idea that if she didn't do well, the Ranch would be shamed. She tried not to dwell on that as she got together the supplies they would need. Spare pots and pans, food stuffs that wouldn't spoil easily, blankets and pillows in case camping was required, a tent, canteens for water, bottles for milk and potions, various first aid supplies, and more.

She gathered items for laundry and toiletries that they could bring with, clothes for the both of them, and, of course, her mother's treasured ocarina. She kept the latter with her at all times, but now it was wrapped in a soft cloth to protect it in a pouch on her belt. When she was finished packing, they had several large, heavy packs full of helpful items they would need for the trip. She carried them out to the wagon two at a time smiled at her accomplishment. It was just after noon when her preparations are complete, so they could leave today, or spend one more night at the ranch. She would leave that up to Link since she'd sort of dragged him into this mess.

He was a good friend for coming along. She would have to think of a way to thank him.
It wasn't really much surprise that Malon was prepared before Link was, Malon was always the first one prepared in everything. He gathered what he could gather, his own clothes, a sword that he had gotten from a wayward hyrulian guard as a gift for a horse. He still remembered the movements like they were yesterday, he caught on quick, they said. He could probably find a place in the guard if he wanted. The thought was tempting, but...he kind of liked being here, too. But now he'd get to see what the rest of Hyrule was like, at long last. He hefted up his backpack with a faint sigh, moving out to join the wagon that she had unsurprisingly already gotten ready.

"Ready to go?" Link smiled, casting a look back at the ranch. It wasn't as if they'd be gone forever, but...he didn't know. He felt like it'd be a while.
Malon had forged ahead with preparations so that she wouldn't have time to worry about the future of this endeavor. They had plenty of time, but her father was right about getting settled before a race. Arriving with tired horses and riders did no one any good. Plus, it was no fun traveling if you couldn't see the sights. But there was a nagging doubt at the back of her mind. Her father often needed her to be around, and he and Ingo rarely got along when she was there as a buffer.

Maybe good business would help sooth the frustrations of working with her father. Of maybe Talon would step up. Being pessimistic helped no one. Link brought her back to the world with his smiling and reassuring presence. Having him around was definitely going to hell keep her calm, but she couldn't tell him that.

She returned his smile and nodded. "I think so. We have everything. I know I'm going to miss this place, though. We should say goodbye to dad before we go. But, I think we could leave tomorrow and still have time before the races if you want to wait. Either way, we can leave whenever you want."
He considered it a moment, his face settled into a remarkable amount of focus for such a simple question before he smiled all the same. "No, I think it'd be best if we got to Castle Town as soon as we could, it'd look good for the ranch, wouldn't it?" he asked. "Besides, I want to see what it's like being there! It's probably going to be filled with people, it's a busy place, right?" All kinds of different people, from all over Hyrule. He wondered, much he'd like it.
Malon smiled at her friend. His excitement was contagious. She put her arm around his shoulders and squeezes. "That's the spirit. You're right. It definitely looks better if we're there early. Plus, it'll give us more time to look around." His notion that Castle Town was a busy place was right on the money. "Of course! I haven't seen much of it, but whenever I go to help with deliveries, it's full of people from all over Hyrule!"

Full of anticipation, the young woman turned to face Link and held out her hand to him in solidarity. "Let's do our best and have some fun," she said, eager to get going.

Talon was just heading over when he saw the two of them. He paused for a moment to see how the scene played out. Often, the two of them were friendly, but every once in awhile he got the notion that there was something more between them, and it made him both uncomfortable as a father, and reassured as a man who knew that if Link was the one who won his daughter's heart, Malon would have to take him by the hand because the boy was pretty dense in that department.
Heading out was a strange feeling, truly. The only thing that Link knew was the Ranch and the Hyrule fields around it, often a sea of golden wheat, or whatever else the farmers had decided to plant during the season. It was Hyrule's breadbasket, and it had flourished since it had fallen into a long standing peace. The rolling fields of gold were breathtaking to Link, which were broken by irrigation rivers, windmills and stone houses of the farmers scattered across the plains.

It was a peaceful life around here, but nothing could describe the majesty of Castle Town. He had only seen the walls from a distance, but he had no idea how huge the place actually was as they neared it. He swallowed faintly, glancing up at the high towers, the gate open and watched by two guards. The noise alone from the inside of the city made his ears twitch. So many noises! So many smells and voices!

"Ah, Lady Malon!" The guard said, skirting up with a polite bow. "Her majesty has been expecting you!"
Malon always enjoyed Link's reactions to being outside the ranch. It hadn't really occurred to her, however, that he had never really been inside of Castle Town. Normally when deliveries were made, he was still back on the ranch taking care of...well, pretty much everything. There was very little that Link had no hand in. Plus, since he was so trusted, he pretty much had the run of the place...after Ingo of course. Malon smiled as they neared Castle Town, excited for what was to come. They had their first race here, plus the meeting with her highness at the castle. It would be the first time she would have come without her father, and it was kind of an honor.

She caught Link gulping a little bit and put her hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be great," she said with a reassuring smile. It wasn't so much that he was nervous, just overwhelmed. But her attention was soon stolen by one of the guards as she slowed the wagon to a stop to talk to the man. "Hello, again. Thank you for letting me know. We'll head straight to the castle. Oh, did your son like the mask of that character? I never did get to hear."
"Oh, very much, thank you," The guard smiled. "He's always running around with it, honestly, go ahead in, Lady Malon. Her majesty is waiting," he said with a polite bow. Link glanced at the guard a moment, before swallowing again. They...they were going to meet the Queen? In her castle?

"I'm going to make sure the horses are okay," he decided, shifting to the back of the cart. They had brought plenty, with the hope that most of them would be sold off to good homes by the time they returned. Did they meet the Queen regularly? He had never met anyone that important before!
Malon smiled at the guard, glad that his son was enjoying the mask. It had been easy enough to pick it up on the way out of town. It seemed to have made all the difference. She waved and nodded as he told her to head to the castle. "Thank you, sir. I'll do just that." She was about to when Link shifted positions. "Oh...kay. Be careful back there," she said with a smile. "Once we get to the castle, come back up so they know you're with me." She smiled and then guided the horses back onto the path, humming Epona's favorite song as they went.

People milling around in the streets stopped to catch a glimpse of the horses and the rancher's daughter. She waved at the children who waved back, held by the hand or ear by their mothers. She saw a few Gorons at their stands and waved to them, too. They seemed to recognize her and waved back.

When they approached the castle, there were more guards, all of whom nodded in acknowledgment of her and her large cart. A few stared a little longer than necessary, not noticing the blonde hand in the cart who was taking care of the horses. Of course, she knew well that the attention would be elsewhere if he was with her. Often, Link turned more heads than she did.

Finally, they had reached the castle courtyard and she called to Link to come out with her. "Hey, we're here. Come on out so you can meet the queen." She smiled and straightened herself up after riding for so long. The queen would be out soon enough, and Malon, though familiar with the queen, always felt a bit...nervous, in her presence.
" always meet the Queen?" Link asked curiously, skittering up to the front to dust himself off carefully. He had never met a Queen, or...really anyone important that he knew of. Malon seemed to know this place like the back of her hand, how did she know so many people? Link didn't know what he would do with that many friends, just going through the town was overwhelming to his senses and the comfort of the horses was all he had.

But now he was staring at a huge castle, with well armored guards who were eyeing him curiously. The front yard alone was almost as big as their entire ranch, he couldn't imagine what the courtyard was like.
"I've met with her before in the past. She's very kind. I'm sure she'll take a liking to you, too. It's hard not to," she teased, brushing off his shoulder where a piece of hay had gotten stuck in the seam of his tunic. "I never really got a chance to talk to her much because I was taking care of the horses, but this time is a little different. And let's be honest; no one can ignore you."

She guided the horses into the court yard, pulling the cart off to the side. "Well, let's let the horses out and start putting them through their paces. The queen should be out soon enough." With that, she carefully got down from the cart and moved to let the horses out of their trailers.

She hummed Epona's song and guided the large animals out into the courtyard as the guards patrolled. Several had been watching Malon, but more of them were watching Link--partially because they had never seen him before, and partially because he looked so nervous. Then again, he was probably just some lowly trainer from the ranch who'd accompanied the owner's daughter to help out. Perhaps they were being overly cautious, but their queen was well deserving of their vigilance.
"Sure," Link said, content to be in something he was familiar with while a bunch of heavily armed guards seemed to watch his every movement as he opened up the cart to allow the horses to gallop out, he guided them carefully, moving them to allow them to graze. He tried not to look, honestly...he didn't feel like he was worthy, but when the guard parted and Queen Zelda arrived, her face filled with warmth and happiness as she moved down the stairs, he was struck at just how beautiful she was.

...And struck by how sharp the dark skinned hylian woman was behind her, her red eyes boring into his very soul as he swallowed, returning to brushing one of the mares.

Just let her handle it...

"Malon," Zelda smiled warmly, tilting her head. "This is a surprise, where is your father?"
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