Same Journey, Different Paths [Azecreth & JmBz]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
*Beep beep beep beep be-*

The alarm clock, so recently sent buzzing by the passing of the time that had been laid out, was suddenly silenced by a pounding hand. A groan escaped from he nearby bed, even as sun filtered through the windows and birds chirped outside, indicating that it was time to get up. Still, there was no motion for a minute or so longer, before at last the occupant roused himself out of bed, scratching his head as he sat up and looked around.

It might not have seemed like it, but it was an exciting day for Red. This was the day that he had long waited for, the day when he would get his first Pokemon and would be allowed to venture out on the journey to become the Pokemon Champion. Admittedly it was hardly an unusual dream in the region of Kanto, but he didn't care about that. He knew what he wanted, and he planned to get it. It had taken a lot of work, preparation, and more than a bit of testing and the like to get here, but at last the time had come. And it was coming soon, if he didn't hurry up.

Quickly he moved to the bathroom, looking over his ragged appearance before he took a quick shower. He then got dressed in a t shirt and jeans, making sure that he had his traveling clothes even as he checked his spiky black hair and slight tan. With that done there was no point in waiting, so he collected his things as best he was able before moving downstairs.

"Hey mom, I'm headed over to the Professors," he called as he reached the bottom of the stairs, moving towards the front door. Sure, he was old enough to do stuff on his own but it was only fair to let her know. But like that he was out the door, headed towards the Professors Lab.

Pallet Town was a small place, and he walked along the roads with a grin on his face. Soon enough he arrived at the Professors Lab, a small and rather unassuming building. This was it, and Red would be lying if he didn't admit to a case of the nerves kicking in right about now. This could be the first day of the rest of his life, for good or for ill.So he took a moment to get a hold of himself before he stepped forward, swinging the door open and moving inside. Time to do this.
At the same time that Red was saying goodbye to his mother, a young woman waited in the the Professor's Lab, leaning against the wall with a look of impatience on her face. Tall and lithe, with soft curves, an hourglass waist, and the slim legs of an athlete, the name of the brown-haired woman in question was Blue. As well as being the granddaughter of Pallet Town's Pokemon Professor, she was also Red's rival.

No one knew who or what, exactly started the animosity between the two of them, just that it had began in their early childhood. Anything that Red expressed an interest in doing, so did Blue; but she strove to do it better, quicker than the boy could ever dream of. And, with some exceptions, it paid off. Still, even those minor speedbumps did nothing to deter her, and she would always get back up, cocky as ever.

At the sound of the door to the Lab being pushed open, the girl perked up, quickly straightening herself from the wall with a grin on her face. Finally, she wouldn't have to endure her grandfather's sterile-ass workplace for much longer AND she'd be walking out with her first Pokemon, ready to begin her journey to become the Pokemon Champion! However, her smile evaporated as she saw who, exactly, was walking inside.

"Oh, it's you." Blue folded her arms against her chest as she leaned back against the wall with a huff. "Got my hopes up there for a minute," she stated as gave Red a sidelong glare before staring back at the wall she had been metaphorically boring a hole in for the last 45 minutes. "Gramps isn't around yet..." she added with a hint of frustration.
Entering the main part of the lab where Oak had told him to show up at for this day, Red was saddened to see that the Professor wasn't there yet. Of course there was someone else to entertain him, or rather make him miserable. Sure, Blue was physically attractive to some extent, but their status as rivals and the continued disagreements between the two of them always nixed that sort of thing in the bud before it could get very far, and it never took long to remember why, whenever they were in each others presence.

"Hey Blue," Red said in turn as he moved into the lab, coming to a stop near one of the tables as he swept the place. So he had beaten the Professor here? Well, that meant he wasn't late, and he was glad for that particular fact. It had been something of a slow morning even with the alarm clock, so knowing that he had gotten here in time was a good thing, even if there really shouldn't have been any worry about that with the preparation he had put into it.

He turned then, facing Blue as he leaned back against the table. "Sorry to hear that, I didn't know that you went for the older type." He grinned at his own joke at her expense, further casting emphasis on the rivalry the two had before he went on. "Besides, it shouldn't have been that much of a surprise. I mean, we both know you did this intentionally, making sure that you left the same day i did and all that." Well, he assumed anyway. It would be just like her to set that sort of thing up, so competitive was she.

Well, for now all he could do was wait for the Professor just like Blue, and he settled in to do that. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long.
Blue scrunched up her nose slightly at Red's joke, letting out an unamused "ugh" that perfectly conveyed what she thought of his sense of humor. At his next words, however, the young woman's cheeks briefly, ironically, tinted a shade of red. But just as quickly as it happened, it was gone, the girl regaining her composure as a cocky smile appeared on her face and a "heh" escaping her.

"Don't flatter yourself," she said, cocking her hips to the side as she rested her hands against them. "Even if had planned this, I'd only do it so I could see the look on your face, when you realize that I'm gonna be a better trainer than you could ever hope to be. Hell, I could easily become the Pokemon Champion!" Those were ambitious words indeed; but, then again, it was to be expected from a girl like Blue, who then stuck her tongue out at the boy.

Before any further snipes could be exchanged, the door of the front lab swung open once more. Blue instanteously turned her attention from her rival to the entrance. This time, the once who entered was indeed Professor Samuel Oak, Blue's grandfather. The girl resembled him the most with their jaw shape, rounding down to a sharp chin. The somewhat stout Professor was, as always, dressed in a pristine labcoat, purple polo shirt, and beige pants, almost all of hairs except for his eyebrows a light grey. Slung over his shoulder was a medium-sized knapsack.

"About time you showed up,.Gramps," Blue stated with a slight pout. "I don't think I could've waited for you another minute." The sound of his granddaughter's voice seemed to have startled the man, quickly spinning from a shelf he had been inspecting to face the expectant trainers-to-be.

"Eh? Red? Blue?" Oak murmured, confusion wrinkling his face for a moment. However, remembrance appeared in his eyes, and he smiled. "Ah, that's right. I told the two of you to come. Give me just a moment..." He trailed off as he opened the knapsack and began to rummage through it, while Blue gave a small eyeroll. Her grandfather was a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes; she felt like he'd even forget her name if he wasn't reminded.

Professor Oak seemed to have found what he was looking for, as he walked towards the table Red was leaning against, gently motioning for him to move back before placing three spherical, red and white containers. Pokeballs; no mistaking them. "There are three Pokemon on this table, one in each Pokeball," he explained, beginning the spiel that the two of them no doubt had been expecting . "When I was young, I was quite the serious trainer. I had caught enough Pokemon to fill all of these shelves!" he continued, theatrically spreading his arms out towards the room. But a small sigh escaped him a few moments later, a look on his face that seemed like he was remembering a painful memory.

"But alas, I am but an old man, and now I only have 3 of my original collection left." He looked back up at Red and Blue, whatever he had recalled having seemed yo pass, as his tone was back to its chipperness as he spoke again. "And I now wish for you two to choose one of them each. let them be the first of many you collect on your journeys." He looked between the two, a look on his face as if in contemplation, before smiling. "Red, why don't you have the first choice?"

Blue let out a small sputter, boggled. "W-what?" she nearly shouted. "What about me, Gramps?!" The Professor simply chuckled, wagging a chiding finger at his granddaughter. "Be patient, Blue. You can have whichever of the two he doesn't pick." The girl only let out a "Hmmph" in reply, folding her arms across her chest again as she glowered at Red. She should've had first pick, not him...!

"Now, Red," Oak continued, ignoring the sulking of his grandchild as he swept his arm over the table of Pokeballs. "Which Pokemon will you choose as your starter?" Upon closer inspection, there were subtle markings on the white half of the container, indicating the type of Pokemon within.




Options, options...
"I guess you're right. You might," Red ceded as Blue made her defiant proclamation, having completely missed he blush that she got, an easy thing to go with how short it had been. Not that it really mattered at the moment, as far as he was concerned. They'd have plenty of time to see whether words matched up to reality, even if previous experience meant that she had a good chance of doing it. She'd go far, but he wouldn't admit it quite so easily.

Fortunately they didn't have to wait long together as Oak entered the lab about a minute after Red had. He straightened up, grinning as he took a step towards the Professor, who entered the lab at the same time and didn't seem to have noticed their presence until Blue spoke. It looked like the Professor was going for something of a business casual appearance, which Red noted, but he kept silent for now.

"Hey Professor," he said with a grin and a wave once Oak had remembered that they were there, existed, and why it was that they were there in the first place. "Got here bright and early, just like you said." Maybe Oak hadn't remembered right away, but it was nonetheless the truth.

Red turned then as Oak walked over to his table, watching as the Professor produced three Pokeballs and put them down for both him and Blue to inspect. That he did, anticipation welling up inside him as he grinned. The moment had come, and his nerves had risen all the more. Yet he couldn't back out and had no intention of doing so, even as Oak began the theatrical speech of sorts.

He listened calmly, hands resting on his hips as Oak explained that he had been a serious trainer once, and these three Pokemon were all that was left from her collection. "Really? Wow," Red mused, impressed. he knew Oak had been good at that sort of thing, but to hear that he was actually getting a Pokemon from the Professors collection? He wasn't sure what he had done to earn that privilege.

Even better was hearing that he could go first, while Blue protested in sputtering outrage. "Thanks Professor. It means a lot." That said he looked over the Pokeballs, checking the subtle white markings to see which was contained within. There were certainly interesting options there, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and each had their own advantages and disadvantages. But which one would he take? He wasn't sure, and thought it over with a hum.

At last he made up his mind, picking up one of the Pokeballs from the table and presenting it to Professor Oak. "I'll take this one," he said aloud, holding on to the Pokeball of the Squirtle. With that said he waited for further instructions, or for Blue to choose her own Pokemon. The nervousness he had felt vanished in a moment with that comforting weight in his hand, an affirmation of all that he had set out to do. As of now, he was a Pokemon Trainer.
Professor Oak scrutinized the Pokeball that Red held out for a moment, before a smile came to his face. "Ah, so you're going with the water Pokemon?" he stated, a small chuckle coming from him. "She is very energetic, so hopefully you can handle her." Blue, however, couldn't take it anymore; she walked over towards the table of remaining Pokeballs and gently shoved her rival out of the way. Her grandfather frowned for a moment at his granddaughter's display of impatience, but smiled again and gave a shake of his head. Ah well, it couldn't be helped...

"Well, in that case, I'll take this one!" she said with conviction, clasping her hand around the middle container and picking it up. She took a moment to weigh the red-and-white sphere in her hand, a thoughtful look on her face. It was as light as a feather; were Pokemon really stored in these things? She never really heard an explanation for how they worked, exactly.

"Well, it seems like you two are all set to begin your journey," Professor Oak interjected, taking the remaining Pokeball from the table and placing it back in his knapsack. "So I won't keep the either of you. I wish both of you the best of luck!" Blue nodded nonchalantly, turning on her heel and about to give a hearty "smell ya later" to the both of them. However, just before she put her foot down, a smirk started to curl against her lips.

"Heyyyy, actually," she began, her voice taking on a slyly smug tone. "Red, how about we check out each other's Pokemon? Do a little test run of sorts? Come on, I'll take you on!" Blue glanced at Professor Oak for a moment, as if looking for his approval. The man was silent for a moment, a finger against his chin, before he gave a small nod. "Well, I suppose I don't see the harm in it. After all, a quick, friendly match would be good practice for the both of you. Plus, my laboratory is spacious enough for it."

With those words, the battle was set. Professor Oak watched from the sidelines, Blue on the southern end of the room with a grin on her face. "Let's see what you got, Red," she said, tossing her Pokeball up in the air, catching it, and repeating it for a few seconds before she held it out. Remembering what she had seen other trainers do in their battles, she clicked the protruding white button on the front-center of the sphere. There was a brief buzzing sound, and a white beam of energy escaped from the sphere and took its place on the floor, increasing in size and changing shape as it solidified into its natural form...

What now stood in the Professor's lab was a girl with sky blue hair, red eyes, and dressed in spotted teal-and-green clothing. She looked almost human, except for the large leaves that seemed to sprout from her back and the vines that drooped down onto the floor around her, curling and unfurling at intervals.

"Don't worry Professor, I'm sure it will be fine," Red told the older man confidently as Oak warning him about Squirtles personality. That was just before he was shoved out of the way, a protest escaping even if it was a fairly light push while Blue wen for the Pokeballs. "Geez, some people just have no patience," Red muttered to himself as he stepped back, standing by the Professor with Pokeball in hand as his rival made her choice. If Oak wasn't going to say anything about it, then he wouldn't make an issue of it either, at least in front of someone who was a member of Blue's family.

Fortunately for him Blue didn't take long to pick what Pokemon she wanted, and Oak went to dismiss them. Now Red could get underway, and begin his journey. "Thanks Professor," he replied gratefully, giving the man a sincere nod and a grin to show his appreciation. It wouldn't have been possible without Oak after all, and the lengths he was willing o go to really was impressive for someone just starting out on their journey.

But before he could get more than a step towards the door, he was stopped by Blue's request, or rather her challenge more like it. Red turned once more, arms folded as he glanced towards the Professor, but wih his approval it seemed as though the battle was on. He took up a position at the northern end of the gym, ready and confident for what was to come. It was just another part of their friendly rivalry, but he was determined to win.

Holding on to his Pokeball, he spun it in his grip a few times as he regarded his opponent. "Yeah. Try to not disappoint me Blue," Red countered before he thumbed the button on his Pokeball. "Come on out," he called as the Pokeball activated, a flash of white light breaking from the Pokeball and focusing on the floor before him, slowly fading into a recognizable physical shape.

Another girl entered the lab, this one with brownish hair hat was somewhat short and spiky, with blue eyes, her skin tone around that color as well, a tail protruding from her rear, a shell upon her back, and some clothes to finish off the appearance. "Squirtle Squirt!"

So this was his Pokemon then? She certainly seemed attractive enough. But for now he had to focus on the fight at hand, and so Red did as he said his first command. "Squirtle, Tackle," he called. That earned a nod from he Pokemon before she moved forward, charging at a quick pace to try and slam into Bulbasaur, so as to pin he other Pokemon to the floor. Time for the battle to begin, and Red was more eager for it than ever.
"I feel like it'll be you who'll disappoint me," Blue retorted cockily, watching as Red released the Pokemon that he had chosen. At the reveal of it being a Squirtle, the girl blinked for a moment. A Squirtle? Heh, well if she remembered what she read about type weaknesses and the like in her studies correctly, looks like her rival would have a bit of a disadvantage against her Pokemon. "Hehehe..."

And with Red's command, the battle was finally on. Blue felt her heartrate increase, adrenaline running through her from the excitement of taking part in a Pokemon battle for the first time. As her rival's Squirtle began to charge towards her Bulbasaur, she glanced at her with a slightly nervous look, hoping that she would be able to dodge the water Pokemon's attack. Even if its attacks weren't as effective against the grass/poison Mon, the Bulbasaur could still be brought to climax rather quickly if Blue wasn't careful, or if luck wasn't on her side.

Thankfully, her Pokemon was able to side-step from the tackle just in the nick of time; if she had been only a few seconds off, well...In any case, it was her turn now. She thought for a few moments, attempting to recall the starting moves of a Bulbasaur...Vine Whip and Razor Leaf were a long ways away, so they were out of the question. Should she have her Pokemon try and tackle back?

Her mind was made up, however, a few moments later. "Bulbasaur, use Growl!" she shouted, pointing a finger towards Red's Squirtle.

"Bulba Bulba!" her Pokemon replied with a nod, taking a defensive stance before a grumbling noise escaped from her throat and was directed towards the Water 'mon. The sound of it made Blue's hair stand on edge for a few moments before it passed; what sort effect, then, would it have towards another Pokemon?
The battle was on with a burst of motion, Squirtle heeding Red's request as she charged forward with a tackle. Red waited and hoped with bated breath, aiming for an early win that would prove he was right and show Blue what he could do. As a result, he grunted and clicked his teeth in minor annoyance as Bulbasaur managed to dodge the hit, Squirtle racing back before she could be immediately hit in turn. Well, perhaps it had been a bit much to hope for.

"Don't worry Squirtle, we still have this," Red told his Pokemon, who glanced back to him as she waited for a command, tail wagging even as she nodded her approval. That left him to consider things, aware of the fact that he was a a disadvantage as far as type went, but also aware that it didn't matter since neither of them would have moves other than Normal type that they could actually use. That meant that his chances were a lot better than they might otherwise seem.

Then Bulbasaur growled, the air almost rippling as the hair on he back of his neck stood on edge. If it was bad for him, it was worse for Squirtle, whose eyes widened even as she shrunk a bit, taken aback by the growl and intimidated in a manner that would make it easier for Bulbasaur to assert herself.

"Come on Squirtle, don't let her get to you. We aren't beaten yet," Red said aloud, trying to get her to recover from the growl, and she seemed to respond to some extent as she looked to him for another command. "Tail Whip!"

Squirtle nodded before acting. The Pokemon turned around, bending over to present her rear to Bulbasaur as she whipped her tail back and forth, a move designed to entice and make it that much easier for Bulbasaur to become aroused by whatever Squirtle did afterwards. With that done she sprang back, waiting for whatever her opponent did to follow his move. Time to see how smart Blue was when it came to this sort of thing.
Blue clenched her teeth as Red's Squirtle made her next move. She watched as the water mon turned its back towards the two of them, then bent over and exposed its ass, their tail swishing from the rapid movements. The trainer simply scoffed at the provocative act, but it had a different effect entirely on her Bulbasaur. The Pokemon's pale cheeks had a slight red tint to them now, an uncertain look on her face and the vines that protruded from her back were wriggling manically.

Realization hit Blue. Oh, that little...!

"Bulbasaur, snap out of it!" She shouted towards her Pokemon, giving her fingers a snap in attempt to coax her out of her aroused state. The blue-haired girl blinked once, before glancing back at her trainer, appearing to have been jarred out of her stupor to some degree, though the blush still lingered.

All the while, the Professor continued to watch silently, a wistful look on his face as if remembering something fondly...

Blue, meanwhile, suppressed a growl. She wasn't going to be beaten. Not like this. "Bulbasaur, Tackle!" she issued, pointing at the Squirtle. The Bulbasaur hesitated for a moment, her face still flushed, before it blanched and she gave a nod, running forward in an attempt to bumrush the turtle girl. Blue watched intently; if she was lucky, maybe she'd be able to win with just one successful attack.
Red grinned and gave himself a silent cheer as Squirtle's move had exactly the effect he had hoped for, countering the Growl by making it so that it would be easier to arouse Bulbasaur, effectively negating the less than forceful nature that had been instilled by the earlier attack. Of course he had to ignore anything that might be tugging on him at the same time, if only because he couldn't let himself be distracted like that in the middle of a fight. Priorities and all, you know?

Still, it didn't make a real difference as Blue managed to get her Bulbasaur to recover, Oak observing them all the while. Following on the heels of that she ordered her Bulbasaur to a tackle as well, trying to replicate what Red himself had done earlier. Well, admittedly it wasn't like they had options there, but still.....

"Watch out," he called, allowing Squirtle to defend as she wanted. Sadly, she didn't dodge, but she wasn't taken out in one hit either. Instead she was tossed down by the sudden impact, Bulbasaur allowed to do as she wished for a few brief moments before Squirtle managed to toss her off, getting some breathing space once more.

It would be well needed, the Pokemon sporting a similar red tint to her cheeks as she breathed deeply, a sign of the arousal afflicting her. "Our turn now," Red replied with a grin. "Tackle!" Squirtle took a moment to steady herself before she moved forward, once again trying to knock Bulbasaur down and pin her in place, just as had been done to her.
Blue was unable to contain her glee as her Bulbasaur slammed Red's Squirtle down onto the ground. Sure, she wasn't able to win the battle instantly, but she nevertheless finally managed to land a hit on her opponent. The plant Pokemon loomed over the turtle girl, her somewhat prickly vines running over the water Pokemon's body and lewdly caressing her chest, between her legs, before it was unceremoniously shoved away.

"Good job, Bulbasaur!" she said with a laugh, as her Pokemon made its way back to the side. It was clear from the look on the Squirtle's face that it had gotten hot and bothered by the move. If things went her way, she'd have this in the bag, not to mention another accomplishment for her to rub in Red's face.

However, that line of thought was quickly derailed when her rival made his next move. Before she could tell her Bulbasaur to get out of the way, the plant girl was flat on her back, her leaves making a subtle crinkling noise on the floor and her vines thrashing wildly. Eyes wide, Blue quickly started shouting at the Pokemon, telling her to get up, push the Squirtle off, do SOMETHING besides laying there and taking it from the turtle girl...!

Her voice died down, though, when she saw her Pokemon briefly spasm, a shrill cry escaping their lips before slumping. In spite of the type advantage that she had, Red had gotten lucky and made the Bulbasaur climax first. "NO!" Blue shouted in frustration, slumping down on her knees while gritting her teeth. She fumed silently for a few moments, calling her exhausted Pokemon back into their ball, before getting up. "Unbelievable!! I picked the wrong Pokemon!" she complained with an arrogant stamp of her foot.

Professor Oak finally made his presence known again, having quietly clapped at Red's victory and now letting out a small chuckle as he walked up to his granddaughter. "Now now, Blue, no need to say such things," he lightly chastised. "There's no such thing as a 'wrong' Pokemon; only an inexperienced one. I'm certain that, if you spend enough time with your Bulbasaur, the next time you two go against each other, the outcome will be different."

Blue only gave out a small huff in response, turning her head to the side with her arms folded across her chest. However, after exhaling, she faced Blue, clenching her fist in determination and a grin on her face. "Well, in that case, I'm gonna take my Pokemon into a bunch of fights to toughen her up!" She pocketed her Pokeball, heading towards the door to begin her journey.

But not before spinning on her heel one last time to look at the two of them. "Gramps! Red! Smell ya later!" she chimed in, thumbing her nose with her rival's name, before leaving.

The Professor shook his head with a smile. "Ah, she almost reminds me of myself when I was your age...." he murmured, before turning his attention back to Red. "A job well done on your victory, Red. But try not to get in over your head. Things will not be so easy from here-on out, so keep on your toes." He then smiled. "Now, I don't want to keep you. After all, I'm certain that you'd like to say goodbye to your mother, as well as any of your friends in Pallet Town, before you head off. After all, it might be a while before you come back home..."
Red watched anxiously as Squirtle went to work with her successful tackle, hands and tail taking advantage of the arousal previously kindled to bring the offensive to Bulbasaur in turn. At the same time he had to do his best to keep from being distracted by less relevant things, such as the erotic scene going on before him. The last thing he needed was his boner to start thinking for him in the middle of a fight. That was basically a guarantee that it would end badly for him.

But ultimately his worry came to nothing, as Bulbasaur was finished off first with a cry of delight, shuddering as she came first. That earned a fist pump from the grinning Red, who glanced over to see Blue fuming as usual. "Good job Squirtle," he called, the pokemon stepping back with red tinted cheeks and her own crotch glistening. It had been a close run thing, and it could have easily gone another way.

"Thanks Alicia, you did a good job," he said to his Squirtle as he settled in an impromptu name, before returning her to her Pokeball so she could rest and recover. well, hopefully anyway. With that done he walked over, listening with a sigh as BLue through a small tantrum, pouting and bemoaning her loss. Fortunately he didn't need to intervene, as the Professor handled everything himself.

"Don't worry Blue," he added with a grin. "I'll beat you again any time." A challenge, but one he knew that she wouldn't refuse. And indeed she didn't as she chose to make her exit at that point, voicing her determination to get stronger and win some day. That was the Blue he knew, and he didn't doubt that she would do exactly as she claimed. It was going to be interesting the next time that they met. Even if she insulted him in the process.

With that done he turned to face Oak once more, grinning with a hand on his hip as he listened to what the Professor had to say. "Right, I'll be careful," he agreed, taking the mans words very seriously. If anyone knew how dangerous it was it would be Oak. Who knew what sorts of things he might run into along the way? The following comment earned a firm nod from Red, who had been considering that very fact as well. He couldn't just leave without looking back. It would be unfair to the people who cared about him.

"I will. See you later Professor, and thank you," he said with a wave as he walked towards the door and made his exit. He was sure he'd see the Professor again, even if it might be some time. The man had helped him get to where he was now, and had made this whole journey possible. He would be eternally grateful for that.

It was a quick trip back to his house, as he resisted the urge to run back in sheer excitement and joy. Even then there was a spring in his step as he arrived, stepping through the door and closing it behind himself before moving into the living room. "Mom," he called, holding the Pokeball in his grip as he went to find her. "I'm back from Professor Oaks! He gave me a Pokemon, so I'm going to be leaving on my journey now...."
Professor Oak laughed, giving Red a wave back. "Well, once again, I wish you the best of luck on your journey," he stated as he watched the young man head out of the building. A look of nostalgia etched itself on the old man's face once again, before he turned his attention to the work that he had to do. After all, being a Pokemon professor was a busy and tireless job...

Delia, Red's mother, looked up from the television show that she was watching when her son entered the living room. She had married and gave birth to Red at a relatively young age, at the cusp of 19, and as a result she still had a relatively beautiful appearance, which no doubt caught the attention of the men in Pallet Town. However, if she noticed, she'd likely have no interest, as she still loved her husband. Even though he had left when their son was a year old, to continue his own Pokemon journey, her devotion had never wavered; to betray it would be inconceivable...

Anyway, her expression brightened at her son's news, and she leapt from her seat and brought Red into a rather smothering hug.

"My baby's about to head out and see the world," Delia said excitedly, although there was a hint of sadness in her voice. Still holding onto her son tightly, she went into the spiel that other beginning trainers got from their parents-"Be careful."; "Make sure not to spend your money all at once."; "Contact me from time to time." If Blue ended up stumbling across this, Red would likely never hear the end of it....

His mother finally, if reluctantly pulled away, a thought having came to her. "Oh, that reminds me," she said cheerfully, clasping her hands together against her chest. "Daisy from next door said she wanted to give you something before you left." Her facial expression and tone took a stern turn at her next words.

"Now, I know that you and Blue don't get along with each other, but I don't want you causing trouble at her home, especially not towards her sister. Are we clear, young man?"
Arriving back at home, Red was unsurprised to find his mother watching tv at the time. She did plenty of work around the house, but she also knew when to get in the time to relax, if it came. At least she wouldn't have to work as hard now that he was moving out, and he was glad that he wouldn't have to worry about her while he was on the road. She could take care of herself.

He stepped up to her and accepted the hug, grinning as he said his goodbyes. It might look bad if Blue came upon the scene, but that didn't matter to him. He was just sad to go, and didn't mind the manner in which they went about parting. "Don't worry, I will," he assured her, with full intent to hold to his promise.he wouldn't treat her like that, not after everything she'd been through and done for him.

At last the hug broke, lingering warmth seeping away in the process as he took a step back, only for a grin to sweep his features as his mom mentioned that Daisy had wanted to see him, only to shift to chagrin as she chastised him. "Relax mom, I promise I'll be nice to her. You know I'm not that petty." He should certainly hope so, given the way she had raised him, and his own particular interest in Daisy Oak.

With that said he stepped up to her once more, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Well, guess I should get going. The day's wasting." If she agreed then he'd go off to his room, packing up the stuff he'd need for the journey such as extra clothes, toiletries, and materials he'd need for the journey before heading off to Blue's house to see what Daisy wanted. This was quite the busy day, but he was determined to make the best of it.
Delia smiled at Red's reassurances, a motherly hum escaping from her as he pecked her on the cheek. "Yes, you should head off while there's still daylight," she agreed, giving her soon a wave as he went off to pack his things. Kids, she thought to herself, sitting back down on the sofa as she thought back to her own short-lived experiences training. They grow up so fast.... When he left to see Daisy, she would give Red another wave, beaming at the thought of the great things her son would no doubt accomplish on his journey.

When Red entered Blue's house, he would find Daisy Oak seated at the table, having apparently been expecting his arrival, judging by the smile that was on her face. Compared to her younger sister, Daisy was more developed, her curves more pronounced and womanly, accentuated by the tight clothing that she wore. Her dark brown hair fell down to her shoulders, and as she got up to greet him, holding something in her hand, there was a certain bounce to her movements.

"Red, I was wondering if you were going to show up!" she said, quickly concealing the item behind her back before he could get a good look at it. As if in anticipation to any worries he might've had, she added with a chuckle, "Don't worry, Blue isn't here; she just left actually." She knew full well about the animosity between Red and her sis, having playfully teased Blue about it from time to time. "You must've really pissed her off back at Grandfather's lab; she barely even talked to me when she was packing her stuff..."

Daisy gave a dismissive wave of her hand, deciding to get to the reason why she wanted him to come over...well, one of them. "Anyway, since you're going to be heading out on your journey in a little bit, I thought you could use this," she stated, removing the object from behind her back and handing it to him, revealing it to be...a folded up map? "It's a map of all the towns in Kanto," she explained helpfully with a smile on her face. "It's a big world out there, and getting lost...well, it'd be kind of dangerous." She grinned mischievously as she added, "Blue didn't want me giving this to you; you know how she is. But, well, sisters don't always listen to each other..."

She stuck out her tongue playfully, waiting for him to give his thanks before her expression turned sly. "There's another reason I wanted to see you," Daisy began, her voice a bit softer now, leaning towards Red slightly. "I...know that you used to have a crush on me when we first moved to Pallet Town. Maybe you still do, who knows?" She gave a light shrug, before turning her attention to the young man before her, smirking playfully. "And I was thinking, since there's no telling when you'll be coming back to Pallet Town, I could give you...something to remember me by?"

Daisy's eyebrows were raised slightly after her suggestive words, her lips pursed together into a smile as she gave Red a kiss on the cheek. Her next words came out as warm breaths against his ear.

"What do you say?"
Arriving at Blue's house, Red made sure to knock before walking inside, where he would find Daisy Oak waiting for him. Admittedly the rivalry between him and Blue meant that this sort of thing didn't happen often at least as far as visiting went, but he did not shy away from the opportunity to see Daisy again. Honestly he had had a crush on her since he was younger, and since he had started to pay attention to those sorts of things. And who could blame him? She was definitely attractive.

Of course, it was a crush he had never really acted on. The rivalry with Blue had made it awkward at best, and so it had languished out of sight. Yet it always provided a tug on his heart when they interacted, and he stepped inside to see her expecting him at the table.

"Hey Daisy," he said with a grin, noting the object that she hid from him but not prying too much. He had waited this much, so he could wait a bit longer. Her comment about Blue earned some relief, even if it was a bit sad that the two had barely talked. He let out a chagrined chuckle, rubbing the back of his head at the same time. 'Yeah, sorry about that. She challenged me to a match back at the lab when we got her Pokemon. As you probably guessed, I won."

That said, he was soon rewarded as Daisy revealed what she had, and Red took the map carefully. "Wow, thanks," he replied with a grin and sincere gratitude. Honestly this was something he probably should have gotten before, if only so he didn't wander around Kanto like a moron. But if it meant getting it from her, then he was totally fine with it. "I'll take good care of it." And somehow he wasn't surprised that Blue had wanted Daisy to not give this to him. It was petty enough to be like her.

Yet it seemed there was more to it, an eyebrow rising as Daisy brought up his past crush before playfully offering him the chance to make some more interesting memories, the warm breath certainly doing it's job to get his blood pumping in anticipation. Past dreams were on the verge of being realized, and it took all he had to not grin like a loon at this point.

"Hm, I suppose I'd be willing to agree to that," he replied in turn, a rumble catching in his chest as he wrapped an arm around her at the same time, if she would allow him to do so. A wink accompanied it, making eye contact in potential anticipation. "What Blue doesn't know won't hurt her."
Daisy chuckled at Red's comment about Blue, as if she knew something he didn't, before winking back at him. "Indeed it won't," she agreed, gently clasping her feminine hand around Red's. She could tell that the young man was excited; after all, who wouldn't be? And she was more than happy to indulge him, as she dragged him up the stairs and into her bedroom.

The eldest Oak daughter closed her door behind them, quickly locking it, before turning her attention back to Red. Smiling mischievously, she gave him a light shove onto her bed, cushioned by green sheets and a few blue and red pillows. Her bedroom was rather sparsely filled, with a dresser, a somewhat old-fashioned looking PC and desk, as well as posters of various Pokemon lining the walls.

But before Red could take any of this in, Daisy walked towards him and pressed her lips against his, straddling his hips as she got on top of him. Her lips had a sweet flavor to them, although it was one where it was hard to place what, specifically, it tasted like. Her soft breasts pressed and rolled against Red's chest as she intensified the kiss, gently sucking against his lower lip; it must've been a dream come true to him...

Suddenly, the girl's hands could be found at the hems of his shorts, slowly tugging down against it. It might've seemed a little fast-paced; after all, it was highly unlikely that Blue would come back into the house, and her grandfather would be busy all day in his lab, so it's not like they were on a time crunch. But, Daisy was certain that Red wouldn't mind, and...well, she had to admit-as she slid his lower clothing downwards-she was a bit curious about what the boy next door was packing...
Oh yes, Red was more than excited. It was a childhood crush finally being realized, and he had no reason to go against it. Even the possibility of Blue finding out was worth it, since it wasn't like the two of them would meet for a while. Kanto was a big place at the end of the day, so if he needed to hide he could do so for a while. But that was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment.

Red followed along eagerly as they moved up the stairs, eventually arriving in Daisy's bedroom. It was fairly sparsely populated, but Red hadn't exactly had any preconceived notions about it. It was definitely colorful, and he could respect what she had here, what with his current distraction.

With the light push he sat down on the bed, watching as she closed and locked the door to make sure they weren't interrupted. He waited patiently until she had returned, watching her sauntering until she was right in front of him. Their lips met then, a hum escaping at the strange yet warm taste. He let her do as she wished, enjoying the feel of her soft breasts against his, even as their lips meshed.

He acted in turn, hands roaming and rubbing her sides, feeling out those deliciously waiting curves, up until the point where she moved to get to the real prize. She would find a small tent waiting there, a sign of his eagerness and arousal at the current situation. Removing his shorts she would not be disappointed, the thick shaft springing to life with a iron posture, raised in the sky and a bead of pre beginning to bud from the tip already. She certainly would not find him lacking.

"I hope it's good enough for you," he asked as he glanced down at her, waiting to see what she would do next. As it was her gift, he'd let her take the lead for now. But needless to say, he was definitely looking forward to whatever came next.
Daisy pulled away from Red's lips when his shorts were finally removed, taking in a breath of air before moving her gaze downward. She was unable to suppress a soft, delighted gasp at the sight of his cock, staring at his size and girth for a few moments before she removed herself from his waist. She knelt between his legs, humming with a smile on her face. Oh, Blue had no idea what she was missing...

"It's more than good," she replied, swirling one of her fingers against Red's glans before pressing her fingertip against the droplet of pre leaking from his tip, pulling it away and licking the viscous liquid off of her finger. "I think you're going to make a lot of girls...and Pokemon...very happy," she added with a grin, looking at his erection hungrily for a moment before leaning her face towards it.

Daisy began to dab her tongue against Red's hot length, not breaking eye contact from him as she moved it up and down his shaft in a rhythm. Wrapping her fingers partially around his base to keep him steady, she licked the vein trailing down the underside of his manhood, soft moans of delight escaping her mouth from the taste. Her tongue began to swirl around the crown of his glans, alternating between clockwise and counter-clockwise motions every five seconds. She gauged his reaction, before deciding to step things up.

Without any forewarning apart from a quick wink at Red, Blue's sister took his cockhead between her lips and into her warm, wet mouth, groaning. She locked eyes with him, her lips stretched lewdly around his thick cock, before she began bobbing her head at a measured pace, her tongue circling each inch of his length. Daisy was doing this so he wouldn't forget about her, yes; however, she was also doing it because, with him being a Pokemon trainer now, he would soon find himself dealing with them becoming needy, either wanting pleasure or to give him pleasure. And she hoped that this would help him be prepared when the time came.

She thrust her head downward, able to take three-quarters of Red's cock down her throat before her gag reflex kicked in. She gagged and sputtered against him for a couple of seconds before she quickly pulled off of him, catching her breath before smiling at him, her saliva having made his length partially slicked. "I can use my breasts, if you'd like," she offered, cupping the bottom of her clothed bosom for emphasis.
Red couldn't really explain it, but he felt a rising surge of confidence and gratitude as Daisy caught sight of his length, struck silent for a few moments before removing herself to instead move between his legs, where she could get at it better. It did a lot to buoy his resolve, though a small part of his mind did wonder on what basis she could make the comparison and the compliment that she gave him. Well, there were more important things to worry about right now.

"Glad you like it," he replied in turn, a slight shudder running through his form at the contact against his glans and the tip of his length. It was light, but just enough that he could feel it, and with the arousal he was currently feeling it did no harm to his state. Even if she did bring up the future, that was the furthest thing from his mind as he focused on the beautiful girl in front of him.

His body shuddered,heated air rushing from his lungs in short bursts as he tilted back, keeping eye contact with the lewd image at the same time as Daisy got to work. It was good, far beyond what he had expected and what right it had to be. Sure, he had a crush, but to have it fulfilled like this was only making it all the better for him as his body heated to a breaking point.

She wouldn't have to work hard to earn some sort of reward, hips slowly moving on their own even as pre began to trickle in a small stream from his tip, a sign of the effect that Daisy was having as she worked with what seemed like expert precision upon his solid and eager girth. The only thing that could have made it better was what followed, Red still taken fairly off guard and nearly cumming on the spot from the shock and the unusual sensations of being embraced by the warm cavern of her mouth, his rod massaged by the muscles of her throat in the process. "Oh fuuuuck~"

At last he began to reciprocate, hips moving upwards on their own to try and get more of this sensation that had become seated in Red's brain, a sign of how successful Daisy was being in her lesson. If this was what he could expect, then he would not object.

He needed the moment to recover as much as she did, watching with some satisfaction as she gave him a look at just how much she was enjoying herself at the moment. To know he was making Daisy feel that good was all the better, and her offer was one he could hardly pass up. "Go ahead," he replied with a nod as he kept his hands to his sides, lest he fall down from what he was going through. "Let's see if reality matches up to the dream, shall we?"
Daisy let out a small giggle, that smile of hers widening into a grin. She had felt Red's hips thrust againsf her mouth when she had partially hilted him, and...well, she couldn't help but feel a bit excited by his eagerness. But that would have to wait, she supposed..."I don't think you're going to be disappointed, then," she replied teasingly, before she removed her shirt in one swift movement...

There they were, the breasts that Red had no doubt fantasized of numerous times. They weren't the largest, but they were nevertheless quite round and ample. Daisy had decided to go braless that day, possibly in preparation for this moment. And so no inch of her creamy bust was unexposed, broad pink nipples hardened with arousal and a tight line of cleavage running down the center.

She wasted not a second, lifting herself up a bit and balancing her breasts against his glans, before pushing downwards, Red's hot thickness now enveloped by the soft pillowy embrace. A sigh came fron her. as if pleased by the warmth pressibg avainst her chest. She looked up at Red, a lustful glint in her eyes before she made her next move.

The eldest Oak daughter squeezed her hands against the sides of her mounds, tightening her valley around Red's rod, before she moved them upwards. His cockhead was seemingly swallowed up by her bust, bjt then abruptly reappeared as her breasts slid downward, her soft flesh rippling gently when it smacked against his hips. She repeated the process, gradually building up speed and friction, soft pants escaping her as her own arousal built up. She woud lap her tongue around Red's still-leaking glans, pulling away as it was engulfed by her cleavage and then leaning forward when her breasts slid down.

"Don't feel like you have to hold back for me," Daisy said eith a slight coo, looking down at Red's pole between her breasts, her mouth open as if to catch any imminent cum...
Red was practically mesmerized, watching with wide eyes as Daisy took off her shirt to reveal bare breasts beneath, a further sign that she had probably planned this from the start. As if he minded that fact though. Right now he was a bit distracted looking over the sight of his fantasies. They weren't incredibly large, but there was a good thing in moderation, and he was willing to overlook any flaws with the sheer headiness of the experience.

He remained in place as Daisy got to work, smothering his shaft in her soft breasts. "Ohhh." A gasp escaped at that, the radiating warmth and softness of her skin providing all the encouragement that he needed. "That feels good." Epic understatement, to say the least.

But that was all he could say as Daisy got to work, pressing her breasts together to create an envelop of heat and soft flesh around his rod, moving up before pushing back down, and all while a glint of desire twinkled in her eye. He leaned back a bit to make it all the easier, pants escaping at the same time as his slick length moved in turn, peaking into existence to be lapped at by her tongue before vanishing from sight once more while pre began to coat her mounds.

He held on as best he could, but soon enough his resolve gave in as he began to move, pushing his hips forward to meet her as she went down, the smack of colliding flesh filling the room as his tip pushed all the harder against her lips and tongue. Shock traveled along his spine, bursting with ever increasing intensity, even as she urged him onwards, vocally and in actions.

It would be a bit longer, but the end result was inevitable. He had simply wanted to make this last as long as possible, since he might never get this chance again. But it had to end, and so it did. "Daisy, I'm cumming!" Actions met words as his cock pulsed and shuddered, tip flaring before he released his load. Her open maw would be rewarded, some cum spilling inside and the rest falling in ropey strands across her face. At the same time he was swept away by the blissful delight of his climax, a grin on his face. Oh yes, that had been worth it.
Daisy felt Red's cock twitch between her breasts, now sticking together a bit from the copious amount of pre he had let out. She looked downwards, just in time to hear his warning and see his crown split open before he came. She felt the warm, viscous seed shoot into her awaiting mouth, quickly closing her mouth so that none of it could escape. As the torrent continue, she felt it hit between her eyes, her cheeks, her nose, chin, and even in her hair.

By the time he had finished, basking in the post-orgasmic afterglow with a smile, the girl of his dreams was a right mess, her once flawless-looking skin now mottled with white tangents of cum, dripping off her face and onto her breasts. She stayed there, between his legs, for a moment, before she swallowed the sperm she had collected in her mouth-not bad, she thought-and released his cock from the cushioned embrace.

She looked at him with a smirk as she expertly gathered the ropes off her face with a finger, licking each drop off of her digits, before giving his soiled member a quick kiss. "You sure came a lot," Daisy stated matter-of-factly, her tone carrying the smallest hint of amazement as she eyed his balls. "Your Pokemon are definitely going to love you."

She lapsed into silence after that, the only sounds escaping her for the next half a minute being soft, heated breaths. Finally, she got up from between his legs, and placed herself back onto the bed, laying herself on top of Red once more, her bare breasts squishing against his shirt and her skirt-clad legs straddling his bare hips.

"I don't want to keep you from going on your journey," she said quietly, smiling warmly at the boy next door, the boy whose mind (and dick) she had just blown. "But...if you want, we can go a little further? I could give you an even better memory..." As if to emphasize, her skirt brushed against Red's rod, and he could feel the soft fabric of her panties rub against it...and they were quite damp. Daisy looked up at Red, resting her head against the crook of his neck, waiting for his response.
The post-orgasmic bliss was something else, a different fare compared to when he had simply gotten off by himself. Then again this was an entirely different situation, with the girl of his fantasies sitting before him looking all the hotter now that he had claimed her as his own, in a way. It was better than anything he could have imagined, and all the more erotic as she swallowed what had fallen into her mouth before cleaning off her face.

The kiss to his length went a long way towards preparing him for another round, youthful hormones assisting as well as he gave her a confident grin that was also tinted with the heat of what had happened, and the promise of future anticipation. "Thanks," he replied with a grateful nod. "It means a lot to hear that from you. And I'm glad you enjoyed yourself as well.

He let the silence lapse, simply recovering and not sure what else to say. It was true enough that his Pokemon would probably appreciate what he could give them, but he hadn't considered that too much. He was simply wrapped up in the moment, and that held sway over his thoughts right now.

Yet it was easy enough for his attention to be brought back, a soft grunt escaping as Daisy moved atop him, their bodies pressing together in a heated embrace. From there it wasn't hard to feel the wet panties beneath her skirt against his length, and such an invitation would be impossible to ignore. Besides, with what she had done for him it would only be fair if he did the same for her in turn. She wanted this as much as he did, so who was he to refuse.

"Sure," he agreed with a nod, hands rising to hold on to her sides for the moment. "I'd be more than happy to go all the way, if that's what you want too." He wasn't going to force her to do something she didn't want. But judging by appearance he was fairly confident she would agree, and he was more than ready to assist her in removing the rest of her clothes, or following her lead once she was ready.
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