RE: DAREDEVIL (Marvel's Netflix Original) - *Spoilers* > In Progress
Anya Ranskahov
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Relation: She is the sister of the
Ranskahov brothers (Vladimir and Anatoly).
Age: 25-29 years old
BIOGRAPHY: Anya, like her brothers, is a Russian-native also involved in organized crime. Although, she is not be affiliated with her brothers, as she broke off contact with them shortly after finding out they were trafficking children. Anya's business revolves mainly around the Redlight Districts across Europe and Russia. She runs a chain of highly successful high-class brothels that run legally, fore the most part. Her brothels are government regulated, and medically regulated – making all of her workers and clients completely clean and free of sexually transmitted diseases. The illegal part of her business is dealing and trafficking prescription drugs and hard drugs, which often get supplied to the clients (it's a package deal – a woman and drugs for a night). Despite running an illegal drug trade and laundering the money through her brothel empire, she is mostly untouchable to police, as she makes hefty donations and is an active part of her community (especially through charity). Her businesses and monopoly have made her very, very wealthy.
How she could tie in to the plot: :
Anya leaves her empire to travel to the U.S. for a drug-related business deal, but mostly because she heard about the death of her brother, Anatoly. She meets with Vladimir originally to figure out what happened, but soon realizes – as per usual – Vladimir's head is so far up his ass he can't see the world clearly. She takes matters into her own hands and starts investigating his death – unconvinced “The Man In Black” is responsible.
Amina Marianna
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Relation: She is the sister of
Vanessa Marianna.
Age: 24-28 years old
BIOGRAPHY: Amina is the younger sister of Vanessa Marianna (Wilson Fisk's fiance). Although the two have over 10 years age difference to one another, they share a very close relationship. The two immigrated to the United States from Israel with their mother when they were very young, and grew up mainly in New York. Despite the two sharing a similar childhood – they grew to live very different and separate lives. As Vanessa excelled academically and graduated with Honors in Arts and History – Amina crumbled under the pressure, and failed out of college. She got in with a bad crowd, and ended up addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. With Vanessa's utmost disapproval, Amina turned to stripping in clubs in order to earn a living. Although her sister fought time and again to help her both physically and financially, their relationship turned sour and soon crumbled. Their relationship dissipated from constant hang outs to just phone calls.
How she could tie in to the plot:
I originally designed her character mostly to be paired with James Wesley. You can see the details by referring below under “James Wesley x Amina Marianna”.
If you'd like to pair her with someone else, I'm open to that too! Whether or not she's still an active drug addict and/or stripper is entirely up to you (I can make it that she's trying to clean up her act). We can brainstorm ideas together.
Demetria Fisk
Relation: Wilson Fisk's daughter
Age: 22-28 years old
BIOGRAPHY: Demetria is a young adult who grew up in the heart of New York and the surrounding area. Prior to Wilson Fisk emerging from the shadows and becoming a public figure, Demetria had little idea of the true identity of her father. Her mother had died of cancer just the year prior, though never admitted, not even on her deathbed, who Demetria's biological father was. For many years Demetria believed her biological father was her mother's husband, a latino man named Enrique Martinez. But as her mother became more ill, Demetria began to sort through her mother's documents and came across her own altered birth certificate. To her surprise, the name of who she thought was her father, was in fact not printed on the page. Instead, this new (or old) birth certificate had another name - "Wilson Fisk". For months Demetria searched to find any sort of record of this "Wilson Fisk", but nothing could be retrieved... that is, until Wilson Fisk became the headlight of all New York media. His face plastered across the news, Demetria became determined to find out more.
I'll add to this that Wilson Fisk is
not aware that he has a daughter (or any children for that matter). Demetria was a product of a failed relationship years ago. Her mother became pregnant with her near the termination of the relationship and did not find out about her pregnancy until Fisk was long gone.
How she could tie in to the plot: :
It will depend at which point of time (either Season 1 or Season 2) that we base the roleplay.
One idea I had for Season 1 is that Demetria would end up at the gala/ball/party that Wilson Fisk is having (where Vanessa and others get poisoned). She would have slithered her way into the party with a lot of charm, a handful of lies and an ID that states her last name is Fisk (she would have changed her last name legally to Fisk by using this new-found OLD/ORIGINAL birth certificate).
In Season 2, her father Wilson Fisk is imprisoned. So, we'll have to brainstorm ideas.
The Stranger
Here you'll get to choose the image of my character:
Non-Alternative Girls (No Tattoos, Piercings, etc.):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Alternative Girls (Tattoos, Piercings, etc.):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name: N/A – will name her depending on the image chosen
Relation: None
Age: 18-28 years old
BIOGRAPHY: This will heavily depend on the choice of image – as well as the plot. We can make the stranger pretty much anything!
How she could tie in to the plot: :
Anyway! We can brainstorm ideas together.
Real Name: Jadzia Gajos
True Polish Pronunciation: Yah-jah
Current American Pronunciation: Jahd-zee-ah
Gender: Female
Accent: Polish accent when speaking English
Organization: HYDRA
Age: Over 85 years old (appears in her 20s)
Powers and abilities:
Jadzia is an enhanced bionic human with an impeccable immune system. Jadzia has become notorious for her two cyborg legs, which possess immense strength, speed, and agility. She is an expert in mixed martial arts and a lethal combatant; knowledgeable in many guns and weapons.
Examples of her bionic abilities:
- She can obliterate someone's skull with just one kick (similarly, a kick to the chest would instantly kill her enemy).
- She can jump off the roof of a skycraper and land on her two feet without any injury to herself (the ground takes a hit).
- She can run up to 60 miles her hour (100kmph).
Jadzia Gajos is a Polish native who was born sometime before the Second World War. Originally of Jewish faith, she was recruited as a teen by the Nazi Regime and was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. There she fell victim to the many maniacal experiments of Josef Mengele, intended to achieve their Final Solution. Mengele, dubbed the "Angel of Death", subjected Jadzia to brutal torture and radiation. Despite his efforts, Jadzia was incredibly resilient to all of his experiments. Josef became obsessed with Jadzia, convinced that the key to the Nazi mission for the ultimate Super Soldier lay within this young woman's genetics. Jadzia was enrolled into a Nazi scientific program, where she spent the next year undergoing intense biological and physical testing. After a breach in security left the lab vulnerable, Jadzia took the opportunity to outwit the guards in an attempt at escaping. She ran frantically onto the tracks of Auschwitz, with gunfire licking at her feet as she moved further away from the camp. Unfortunately, there were too many Nazi soldiers and she ended up outnumbered. Realizing she could not escape this hell, rather than being taken back as a guinea pig, Jadzia decided to take her life. Before the men could grab her, she threw herself in front of Auschwitz's on-coming train, where she was instantly struck and blacked out. Although Jadzia's lower half was chewed between the tracks and the iron wheels of the train, she miraculously survived the suicide. The accident left her amputated from upper thigh and down; rendering her completely legless and unable to walk. Having barely survived, Jadzia was left paralyzed and comatose. Despite her now useless and mangled body, Josef's obsession only grew. Rather than believing her genes create a Super Soldier, he now believed she WAS a Super Soldier.
Determined to turn his efforts into success, Mengele fled Auschwitz before its liberation, taking with him all of his work and the comatose Jadzia to an off-site base in Soviet Russia. With the help and funding of HYDRA (from MCU/Avengers/Captain America), Josef continued his work with Jadzia, who was renamed Proxy SS (Agent Schutzstaffel). There Josef worked for HYDRA developing a line of cybernetic prosthetics that would eventually be implanted onto Proxy SS as leg replacements. Unfortunately, the project stalled, as Jadzia, against popular belief, hadn't awoken from her coma. She was eventually pronounced brain dead in late 1945 and frozen until further notice. The project turned from Jadzia to Sergeant James Barnes, who had been found unconscious and armless. The research previously reserved for Jadzia was turned over to Barnes, who became the new leading obsession and Super Soldier possibility. James Barnes' experiments were successful, and he was implanted with his infamous cybernetic arm. He was brainwashed through electric shock therapy and used as HYDRA's personal assassin (The Winter Soldier).
Current Day:
It wasn't until decades later, where many scientific and technological advances occurred, was the Proxy SS program revisited. There, under the newest wave of HYDRA (disguised as SHIELD and run by Pierce), Jadzia was defrosted and revived from her coma. Under HYDRA, she received two cybernetic prosthetic legs and was trained to be an assassin and a weapon. She too, like Barnes, was mentally controlled by Pierce and the HYDRA organization through the use of ECT (electroconclusive therapy). For several years, the ECT proved effective in leading Jadzia into a life of ruthless mercenary work. With two nearly indestructible bionic legs, Proxy SS was a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately for HYDRA, Proxy SS became resistant to the treatment, and began to rebel against Pierce's efforts. In a means to lock Jadzia back down to HYDRA's philosophy, Pierce tattooed Jadzia's neck, as a symbol of ownership. The intricate tribal tattoo served as a figurative collar; a constant reminder that Jadzia was not a human being, but a robot and a machine - Property of HYDRA. For every time she disobeyed, she obtained another facial piercing. The organization used the tattoo and her piercings as a way to degrade Jadzia, and to punish her into conforming with the HYDRA values. Pierce promised Jadzia her freedom if she completed his designated missions. Though, he was an evil madman, and found constant reasons and excuses not to set her free with every passing mission.
Real Name: Verena Fox (originally Fuchs)
Gender: Female
Organization: N/A
Age: 26 years old
Powers and abilities:
Verena was repeatedly exposed to lethal doses of radiation, which lead to several mutations. Verena possesses impeccable eyesight and heightened senses, including an incredible sense of smell, and hearing. Her general survival instinct and intuition is vastly engrossed, allowing her to sense danger and potential trouble from miles away. She also has an extraordinary healing factor, allowing her to recovery quickly from serious injuries such as fractures, cuts, and burns.
Verena Fox is a German-American, her family having immigrated to the United States during the Second World War. Originally, her last name was Fuchs, though upon seeking refugee in the U.S., Verena's parents legally changed their surnames to Fox (the German meaning for Fuchs). Because her parents are German-born, Verena is perfectly fluent in both German and English. Having been born and grown up in the U.S., Verena possesses no accent when speaking American English. She had a relatively normal upbringing, in which her parents were successful and fairly wealthy. Despite pressure to pursue university studies, Verena chose instead to join the United States Navy. She requested to take the SEAL Challenge in attempts to become the first female Navy SEALs, though at the time, it was not yet admissible. Instead she trained with the organization and rose the ranks, even out-performing most of her male colleagues. Still adamant of wanting to become a Navy SEAL, Verena is approached with a unique offer: to become a spy. Because she was fluent in German, the United States wanted to use Verena as a way to garner intel to several suspicious organizations, through both her physical expertise and her feminine attributes. She agreed, seeing the offer as not only a promotion, but a challenge.
Though, all that soon changed. While dispatched on a mission overseas, Verena and her team were captured by an unknown and unidentified group of armed maniacs. She was taken to a bleak facility where she was tortured, not only physically but mentally, and emotionally... but most of all, scientifically. For months Verena endured the worst of the worst; countless experiments and exposure to chemicals, drugs, and radiation. The end goal? It wasn't intel they wanted from her, it was something else.
However, upon admission into this hellhole, Verena was expecting, having gotten accidentally pregnant shortly before being dispatched on this mission. Unfortunately for Verena, her pregnancy did not spare her from the cruelties of this unnamed organization. Rather than terminating her pregnancy, they harvested it - using the unique situation to further their crazed research. And when Verena reached her final trimester, before she had the opportunity to go into labor, they cut the baby - a baby boy - only to reveal the experiments on Verena left the infant horribly deformed and ultimately still-born. It was in that moment that Verena truly lost her mind. She became demonically enraged from the loss of her child, belligerent as she broke free from her restraints and unleashed an agonizing wrath. All hell broke lose, and within an hour, over three dozen people were dead, the place was evacuate and the facility was burning to the ground.
Though, one subject survived: Verena Fox.
Current Day: Verena was rescued in a nearby town and returned to the United States ultimately broken. Her soul had died in that god forsaken facility and she had nothing left to live for. She could not eat, she could not sleep... not until she found out who did this to her. Instead, Verena turned her agony to vengeance - determined to find out what that facility was, who was running it, what they were doing, and why. The roleplay will take place a couple to a few years after her return.
Additional Info: The vast amount of radiation exposure took a physical toll on her body. Throughout the process she lost all the hair on her body, leaving her bald from head to toe. Verena has no real eyebrows, so instead, she had her eyebrows tattooed. The hair on her head never recovered properly. Depending on your preference, I can have her two different ways - 1) she's bald and wears a wig, or 2) her hair is white from the radiation, so she dies it red/black because she can. In this scenario, she would have shorter/ not as much hair, and would be wearing a head full of extensions to make her look more normal.
Name: Dahlia Kurosawa
Origin: Japanese-American
Age: 18-25
Organization: N/A
Powers/ Abilities: Dahlia is an inhuman (or mutant that carries the X-gene) capable of allowing her to manipulate and control glass materials. Dahlia is able to move and dislodge glass, similar to how a telekinetic would any object, though at a much more fierce and accelerated pace. She can break it apart and similar, put it back together with little to no imperfections. However, Dahlia is unable to control her abilities when angered; particularly when her heart rate begins to exceed 150 beats per minute.
Dahlia is of both Japanese and American descent. Her father immigrated to the United States from Japan where he met Dahlia's mother, a Caucasian woman from Boston, Massachusetts. Dahlia's mutation was suspected even as a baby. As a child, when Dahlia became frustrated, upset, or injured, strange events would unfold. All mysterious incidents, such as windows, vases, cups, televisions, and etc. cracking or shattering, shared one common denominator; they are all made with glass. At the beginning, her parents could not make logical sense of the events, and by the time Dahlia turned 10 years old, her mother was convinced that she, or the house, was possessed by an evil spirit. When proof of the (x-factor) mutation hit media spotlight, Dahlia's connection with glass became all too clear. She wasn't demonic, she was an inhuman (mutant). Dahlia's parents, both scientists, agree to stop at nothing to find a cure for their daughter. Her father, a geneticist, and her mother, a cytologist, began pouring their life savings into research behind trumping the mutation.
Nevertheless, Dahlia remained under constant supervision despite her parents' undying support. Though, Dahlia's mother became pregnant, and just before entering full term, there was a domestic altercation between Dahlia's mother and father. Dahlia became frightened at her parent's incessant yelling and subsequently, became uncontrollably enraged. She let out a scream that shattered all the windows in the house like an explosion. Rather than the glass just falling to the floor, it formed into a barrier surrounding her before jutting forward towards her parents. Although her father was critically injured, Dahlia's outburst left her mother and unborn sibling dead. Practically shredded by the wave of broken glass, the bloody scene was a horrific sight. With two innocents were dead, Dahlia fled the scene.
Post Incident: Dahlia's father, Dr. Kurosawa, required a 2 month induced coma to heal from his wounds, and by the time he awoke, his daughter was missing. Dahlia was taken into custody by social workers and government officials while he was being treated, as she had no other known family to take her in. While under the care of the government, Dhalia was kidnapped by a trusted caretaker, who knew of her mutation and wished to exploit it. She was sold illegally to an underground black market group who sought to use her powers to their advantage. Little did they know, that Dahlia was a destructive, lethal force to be reckoned with. Although the troupe tried to train her enough to help them commit high-end robberies, it ended with everyone, except Dahlia, dead.
Current Day: Dahlia, dubbed "Black Dahlia" by most, is a modern-day low-level criminal who uses her abilities to commit crimes such as basic theft, car theft, house and business burglary, and most recently, major bank robberies and fraud. Dahlia wears a heart rate monitor watch on her wrist at all times. When she is aggravated, upset, or afraid, she uses the watch to regulate her response. Although indicative of her distress, the watch cannot accurately predict her responses to different physical stressors. Similarly, Dahlia avoids any sort of excessive physical activity. Although it does not trigger a loss of control, it does make it easier for her to lose control of her abilities if she were to be met with any sort of high emotional crisis. For example, having a heart rate of over 150 alone does not cause her powers to explode. Rather, an accelerated heart rate combined with emotional stress (and even physical pain) would. Additionally, the NYPD and FBI have recently increased their efforts to locate her and stop her. As she has recently graduated from robbery to stealing highly classified information. This recent development has landed her on the "Most Wanted" list, as her last theft landed her the title "spy" and "terrorist" in the eyes of the government.
Fake (Stage) Name: Maya Myers
Real Name: Roya Yilmaz
Gender: Female
Organization: N/A
Age: 18-25
Powers and abilities:
Oculus has impeccable eyesight. She has been tested and rated over 20/5 vision, ranking her as having one of the best visual acuity ever recorded. Her eyesight is compared to that of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or a hawk. By just looking into someone's eyes, Oculus can also tap into an individual's memories, emotions, and even their dreams. Additional to this, Oculus is also a sort of oracle and seer - she is capable of seeing visions of the future (rather, possibilities of the future) via peering into another person's eyes. The vision she sees is specific to and revolving around the person she is looking at.
Oculus is an inhuman (mutant) who's gotten her nickname name from her unique visual traits. She was born with complete heterochromia; with one eye hazel in color and the other eye a clear blue. This was as a result of her mutation, which progressed after puberty into many visual abilities. Maya Myers was originally born in Turkey, her real name being Roya Yilmaz. She immigrated to the United States as a teenager after ditching Turkey to pursue the American Dream through modelling. There she changed her legal identity from Roya Yilmaz to a more American name, Maya Myers. Along with the name, Maya masked her Turkish accent to sound American, having talents not only in modelling, but also in acting.
Soon after arriving in the U.S., she was noticed and contracted by a modelling agency. From age 16 and onwards, she become increasingly popular in the modelling world – gaining her vast reputation for her enthralling eyes and tall, voluptuous physique. Despite her seemingly ordinary life as an All-American girl named Maya Myers, secretly, Roya was a Turkish teenage spy. She had been trained from a very young age by the NIO (National Intelligence Organization) in Turkey as part of a child-spy program. As she excelled in martial arts and weaponry and intel training, Roya was given a mission to infiltrate the United States, specifically New York. Despite her spy intelligence, Roya is currently posing as an American teenage model (pretending to have moved to New York from Vermont).
She is a big name among social and celebrity media, being the next best thing to a Victoria Secrets model. Pictures of her face are plastered across many billboards across New York, advertising a wide-array of products from lingerie, beachwear and swimsuits, to sports equipment.
If you're interested in a Marvel crossover with other Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, you can check out my MCU request thread below:
Superheroes, Mutants & MARVEL ~
I'm more than open and willing to take the Daredevil verse and have it cross over with characters I have listed in the above thread.