[Sugo & Razz]

Itachi looked down at the girl as she spoke. He didn't respond to her at first, he just held her by the waist band of her shorts and another hand on her hips, not sure if she would be able to stand after having felt her legs quiver earlier. He didn't look away as she started to cry, but he didn't seem to console her either. He just let her cry. He watched as the tears fell down the blonde's face as she began to realize what had happened. Itachi wanted to tell her that regardless of if she'd found Sasuke, regardless of how hard she tried to convince him, he wouldn't have come home. Sasuke has one goal in this world, a goal that Itachi himself had given to him. To get strong enough to defeat his older brother. Itachi watched as she cried and then she blurted out how she didn't want to be carried anymore.

Itachi's mangekyou activated. In what felt like a blink Ino was transported, to a genjutsu dimension. The night was dark, lit up by just the moon and she was stood in.. A house? A leaf village house judging by the decor. With a turn around in the room Ino would see several key points, the Uchiha shrine, sitting at the front of the tatami room. That was the only notable furniture but one thing that was notable was the two Uchiha that knelt at the back of the room, a man with an ANBU mask hanging around his neck stood behind him. It was a man and a woman that knelt, and the man spoke. 'You truly are, a kind child.' The room was silent after, so silent one could hear a pin drop, and so one did. A tear dropped from the cheek of the man that stood behind the two kneeling figures before a blade slashed through both, dropping the two dead on the ground in the room.

The room seemed to jerk and jar, time seeming to move quicker for just a moment before it came to a halt. The man who'd done the killing facing away from the corpses, the Uchiha symbol on the back of his robes. The door to the Tatami room at the back of the room slid open, from the door came a young boy, with stark black hair in blue night robes. The boy was aghast at what he saw and ran forward screaming for his father and mother. The perpetrator turned to face the young boy and moved towards him. The young boy screamed, screamed at his brother, asking him why, why would he do this the boy seemed to scream. The perpetrator, Itachi Uchiha looked down at his little brother and said only a few words. "Hate me, Sasuke." Itachi said, pressing two fingers into his forehead pushing the young Sasuke down onto his back. Itachi then seemed to move towards Ino, who no one else had paid any attention to so far, and as he got close enough to her, as close as he was in the forest before this genjutsu had happened the world around Ino seemed to melt, and the forest reappeared.

Itachi spoke, the second the vision faded. "Sasuke would not come with you. Sasuke has a goal. A goal I gave him." Itachi said in the same emotionless tone as before. He lent into Ino, her head against his shoulder as he reached around and cut the fishing line before taking a step back. "Go, I will be following behind you. Do not stop following Kisame." he commanded, waiting for her to move.
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