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A day at the beach.(Panda and Cysma)

Aug 21, 2009
"Hey, Jenny, can you give me my sunglasses? It's super bright out here."
"Well, duh, your at the beach, silly."
Ling sat up slightly, leaning back on her elbows as she flipped her hair back slightly. The panda girl really was a gorgeous specimen. Short black hair that stopped at her jawbone, baby blue eyes, long, thick legs, and curves that made you just stop and stare. And the best part was, it was a nude beach, so clothing was discouraged. As the girl lay there naked, she ran a hand up and down her thigh, mhmming softly at the contact before rolling onto her stomach and showing that taut little bottom of hers. Her tiny tail twitched slightly as her ears went up to listen to a loud noise that was coming from a child in the water. She smiled slightly, being handed the sun glasses and slipping them on before rolling onto her back once more. She had quite big breasts that bounced as she rolled over, the girl letting out a sigh before shutting her eyes slightly.
A red fox walked quietly along the beach, enjoying the water and the sand. Cysma was quite shy about nude beaches at first, but by now he had gotten used to it, and went about the sand and water with nothing on. He noticed a really cute panda girl sunbathing, and walked up to her, staring down and admiring her gorgeous nude body, while making sure he wasn't in her light.
"Ling, open your eyes. Some cute guys staring."
Slowly, her eyes opened, looking at her friend before looking up at the cute fox boy. She sat up, taking the sunglasses off slowly, smiling as she watched him stare at her body. She reached up and took his paw lightly, pulling him closer before giggling.
"You wanna come sit with us? Or do you want to just stand there and watch m?"
She asked softly, winking at him once before letting go and laying back down. She then ran a hand through her hair slowly, smirking slightly as her eyes shut.
"Oh...if you'd let me..." Cysma nodded and took a seat next to Ling. His tail was now being used to cover his private area, as seeing naked women had the effect of him getting an erection, which caused his penis to emerge from its sheath. It was rude and indecent to flaunt an erection in public, even on a nude beach. Although there were times when some girls asked him to show it off to them...that was fun.

"So...her name's Ling?" He asked Jenny. "I'm Cysma, and you are...?" He looked to her curiously, admiring her nude(?) body as well.
"I'm Jenny. But I'm going to let you guys talk for a little bit. Later, Ling."
The blonde rabbit girl stood up, walking off towards the water as Ling sat up slightly. She pulled the sunglasses off once again, tossing them into the sand as she giggled and turned to face him. She ran a hand through her hair again, smirking as she looked him over.
"You are pretty cute. So, how long were you going to stare at me before you talked to me?"
She asked softly, rolling onto her side and looking up at him slightly. She was propped up on her elbow, her free hand on her hip as she waited for a reply.
"Oh, umm..." Cysma blushed. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd find someone so beautiful here. I...I'm surprised you're letting a man see you naked...I'm not used to seeing that." He blushed harder, but it was hard to tell under his red fur. "How often do you come here, Ling?" He looked her over as she lay on her side. Cysma's tail was the only thing hiding his growing erection.
She smiled at him, slowly moving her free hand to his and taking it. She put it on her hip and giggled, putting her hand on his chest afterwards as she flipped her hair back. The girls tongue poked out between her lips, licking over them slowly before blushing.
"You wanna go over to the cabana? Jenny and I rent one every time we come up here, which is once every couple of weeks."
She ran her fingers up and down his chest, leaning forwards so she was only about two inches from his face.
Cysma looked a bit nervous as the ursine leaned into his face, and weakly answered, "Yes." He looked down to his tail. "I can't walk around in the state I'm in right now, anyway. Please, lead the way." He slowly stood up, extending his hand to her.
She giggled and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist before kissing his cheek lightly. She then took his and and stood up, slowly brushing the sand of her legs before smiling at him.
"Follow me."
She said as she headed towards the cabana, hips swaying back and forth slowly. She made it to the cabana within a few seconds, heading inside and laying down on the small cot they had in there. She then turned to look at the doorway, smiling as she shut her eyes slightly.
There was a considerable tent in the front of his towel as the panda put it on him, so he tried to cover that up as well as she led him into the cabana. He looked around the inside and closed the door behind him, then looked admiringly to Ling as she lay on the cot. "Does your lapine friend stay here as well? Jenny, I think you called her?" He turned around and took off his towel, but didn't face her yet; it would be rude to.
"Sometimes, but not often. And come here!"
She giggled, standing up and slowly walking over to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzling his back lightly before smiling and taking a deep breath.
"Why won't you turn around?"
She asked softly, leaning her head into the crook of his neck before biting it lightly.
"Umm...seeing you naked got me quite a bit excited..." Cysma admitted sheepishly, nearly gasping as the panda girl pressed up against him. "...and I don't think you'd want to see my penis, would you?" He looked to her over his shoulder.
Ling nodded, planting small kisses up and down his neck as a paw slowly moved down his stomach and towards his groin. She stopped right before she touch it, giggling softly as she traced the tip of her paw against his belly.
"If I didn't want to see it, why would I bring you back here?"
She asked softly, taking his hand and moving it back to her hip lightly.
"Don't you want to play with me?
"Yeah...yes I that you mention it." Cysma said, turning in her direction to expose himself. "I hope my looks will suffice for a beautiful woman as yourself, Ling." He said her, smiling as he rubbed her hips with his hands.
She smiled as he turned around, mhmming at the way he rubbed her hips as she wrapped her arms around him. She leaned forwards, pressing her lips to his firmly and kissing him softly. Slowly, she backed up towards the cot, smiling slightly before petting his cheek lightly.
"Cysma....I want you...."
Cysma wasn't expecting the kiss, but he tried to return it as best he could. "Wow...and I just met you on the beach minutes ago...I bet you're real popular with guys like me..." He said, trying to compliment her. He pushed her back onto the cot, as he figured that was what she wanted, and stood over her, his rock-hard length quite prominent from her perspective.
She smirked as she was pushed down, the girl biting her lip as she looked at his length. She leaned forwards, running a finger down it slowly before she giggled and licked her lips slightly.
"Come here, baby."
"Of course..." Cysma stepped closer, putting his length right up to her face, as it seemed pretty obvious to him what she wanted to do.
She smiled up at him, giggling softly before shutting her eyes and starting to lap at the tip slowly. One paw moved to the base of his member as she slipped the tip in her mouth, a soft moan coming out as she did. She put her free paw on his hip as she slowly pushed more into her mouth while opening her eyes slightly. SHe obviously loved what she was doing, and slowly, the paw on his hip moved to his stomach and then to his chest, rubbing the fur softly before moaning again.
Cysma let out a soft moan as he felt the panda's moist lips around his sensitive length. He was enjoying this as much as she seemed to be, and he put one of his hands on her head, stroking it gently to show he appreciated this very much.
She groaned softly at how nice it felt in her mouth, the girl starting to slowly move faster and faster over his length. Her ears were perked up completely, her paw still stroking on him at the same speed as her mouth was. After a few moments though, she pulled him from her mouth, still stroking him as she got on her back.
"Put it in me."
He had quite enjoyed how she had been stroking and sucking on his sensitive penis at the same time, and he figured that it would only be a matter of time before she wanted it somewhere else. He nodded at her request and lowered himself over her, pressing the tip of his erection against her crotch as he used his hands to gently push her legs apart.
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