Masquerade [ Ft. Banks & November ]

It was something in the tension, the way the air seemed to sit and be still with them when she noticed that her second interaction with Snoke was yet again for negative circumstances. She had made the decision to blow up the ship, destroy any progress and whatever pieces of the HRD were left, blown beyond recognition. The Corvette was irrepairable, and for some reason she felt no regrets from it. Perhaps it was the sudden wave of exhaustion or the fact that she truly didn't care, Phasma breathed out softly as the lecture began, catching Fedorre's eyes as he watched for any sign of reaction from any of them.

Of course, the near frown only deepened on the man's face at how unscathed they seemed to be. It shouldn't have been a surprise, considering what they had been through up until this point, his slight involvement in the conference before making him well aware of that. Turning her head to Hux as he spoke, the woman raised a brow softly, nails tapping along her crossed legs. Another reason to hole himself up somewhere with wrinkled clothes on. The image disappearing now, the Admiral cleared his throat as though he had been saving up for some big, dominating thing to say.

" Dismissed, "


" Commander, I'd like a word with you. "


While both Hux and Ren had protection from different angles, the Admiral knew there was only so much Ren could say to throw his weight around, only so much he could huff about how he had been the one to initiate the start of this AWOL mission. No matter how biologically compatible. Admiral Fedorre was still her clearly frustrated superior. Once it was simply the two of them left in the room, Phasma knew exactly how this conversation was going to play out, long before Admiral Fedorre had even started.

" This is should not be how you put yourself in the Supreme Leader's line of sight, Commander. . "

While it felt like it had lasted for longer than a mere fifteen minutes, when she was finally dismissed, the blonde didn't quite feel the relief she needed until she reached her quarters. The spacious living arrangement given to those with higher rank, though she was never one to sit and bore herself to tears and preferred to be on the ground with her troopers, Phasma would be ridiculous to deny the luxury of a bathtub. And that luxury was calling her name.
"You are just... hilarious."

He put his hand on Hux's shoulder and turned him around. The man looked remarkably sober in the aftermath of their dressing down. Although he could probably spend a year catching up on sleep.

"Did I do something funny?"

"I'm getting chewed out by Snoke. Phasma's getting chewed out by Fedorre. And you're... campaigning for a promotion?"

"Excuse me,"
Hux said flatly, "I don't have the kind of personal time you and Phasma have seemed to get with the old man."

Kylo blinked. "Is that what this is about?"

"It's not about anything. There's work that needs doing and I'm committed to doing it."

"You're committed to getting yourself promoted."

Hux shrugged - doing a little gladhanding on the backs of his comrades was so normal to him that the idea of NOT doing it was strange to him. Hux's heels made a light squeak as he turned away and headed to his shuttle.

Kylo scowled at him. That man was probably going far.

And he had a shuttle.

Darth Vader had a shuttle.

Why didn't he?

It took a few minutes, but he found himself in Commander Phasma's quarters (he had his methods), sulking in a cool corner, wearing a tight black shirt and a pair of workout pants.

Hux had already talked about his "loose ends", but Kylo had a few of his own that needed resolving, and he was almost certain that there'd be a hammer coming down on at least one of them.

Given that, it was best to get this out of the way.

Of course, it didn't hurt that she was making her way out of the shower.
She hadn't heard a sound, too busy enjoying the comfort of the steam relaxing her along with the hot water. The faintest sound of humming emerging from the bathroom blended with the sound of the water, Phasma had already started letting her thoughts go to the lighter side of the situation. Fedorre had made plenty of remarks of taking her cadets away from her, using the typical lines that she should be setting better examples, where Phasma had responded so politely in her tired state, ' At least they didn't come to Carida.' Fedorre had not taken any sense of amusement to that joke however, huffing and puffing all around with consistent arm motions like he was elegantly keeping a bug from landing on his face.

She couldn't blame him.

He had to make sure she was an example, that troopers who did things like this were out of line and would be dealt with. Never had a trooper gone off the hinges like that, though Phasma did combat his words with the fact that regardless of her being out on the thin line with Ren and Hux, it had been for the First Order. It was done for more than just her redemption or Kylo making up for nearly getting them blown to pieces, it was to keep the Order's way of life.

The sound of the water stopping only made the humming clearer as the sound of wet footprints moved through her bathroom, a few things shifting before her dried frame stood wrapped in the comfort of a bathrobe. Nightstand, bed, discarded clothes, and legs. . Wait what. It only took her one glance around to notice a long pair of legs in the corner, nearly jumping out of her skin with a soft " shit. " before realizing who it was, face going deadpan for a moment. Letting her eyes shift to her door just to make sure it wasn't sitting awkwardly like his last shuffle with her privacy, Phasma spoke now with her arms crossing her chest, " So we have sex and then it becomes a thing for you to just sulk around in my quarters? " Though her question could come off as having a bite, the expression on her face proved it wasn't, laughing softly at the brooding expression on his face.
"If you'd rather I waited outside your door... maybe made a few loud knocks? Just let me know." He stepped out of the corner, his pensive expression giving way to a small, crooked smile as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I didn't think you were looking for that kind of attention, but I've been wrong before."

Of course, this was more than a bit bullshit. More than anything, he liked seeing her in that towel. He crossed his legs, his eyes flickering at the (by military standards) high ceiling and modestly furnished room.

"You have your own shower, that's the really shocking thing. When I was stationed here, I asked Fedorre to station me in the smallest, most uncomfortable room on the ship. Remove myself from distractions. There was a Sith Apprentice who slept on the floor of an active volcano. To, you know, train himself to sleep lightly and be prepared for anything. And, you know... he did die. But not from the volcano, which is a sort of victory."

"Anyway." He tilted backwards, flattening his back against the bed. "Am I the only one who think we didn't do that badly? I don't know how fair it is to measure against hypothetical successes. But you're supposed to be the "elite solider", so you tell me."

A little hiss of air came from between his lips as he looked up at the dim light overhead.

"I think it's... politics. We saved the day, but nobody wants to encourage our methods."
Granted, people she didn't particularly care to have involved, were somewhat aware of bits and pieces of their. . Relationship, Phasma inwardly cringing at the thought because again that was just one more thing she hadn't thought all the way through, they both knew that it wasn't good for either of them to be blatantly open about it. Shrugging softly when he mentioned the comfortable accommodations, there were simple reasons for that, " As long as you don't ask for the smallest, most uncomfortable room, they treat you well enough when you're at proper rank. Besides, I can't just shower with a bunch of men. " Well. . She could, but that wasn't anything she wanted to let her mind run through.

Watching him lean back into the soft sheets of her bed, the blonde moved in front of him now as he let his sulking come to the light, for a moment she let her eyes so carefully move down his frame. Well, it only seemed right. Moving easily to straddle his lap, though taking no action to undress him, her palms went flat against his chest, nails tapping him lightly when he attempted to be cute with his words. " Of course from your perspective we didn't. You murdered all of them and I blew up a perfectly good Corvette. It's. . Messy, for the Order. Bad example for others, " Using her hand to make a simple 'et cetera, et cetera' motion, her bright eyes looked down to him now, " Can't have cadets running off with ships to save the day only to make a huge mess of it. " It made sense how Hux had grasped onto the tail of what was left, trying to make himself appear better from it when they had all been there.

" We didn't do badly but it certainly wasn't a shining win. "
The entire generation was made of radicals, in one sense or another. When you studied the history of most planets, a devastating war moderated everyone involved - made them gunshy about starting a conflict. But now it seemed like people either saw war as a horror to be avoided at all costs, or an inevitability to be prepared for. There weren't many "moderates" on disarmament in the galaxy.

Kylo had done his share of reading - for every fist-pumping, resounding victory, there were a dozen... stalemates, mixed results, re-shufflings of the board. This was another one of those. Kylo wasn't sure whether he would have preferred something more... definitive.

"Do you think they'll do something punitive, or just ignore us?" He wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her closer towards his chest, tilting his head up and trying to kiss her on the chin.

Then he flopped back down, a gloomier expression in his eyes. "And I assume you're not upset at me anymore. I remember you making a few dramatic threats when we first started this."

Ugh. War wasn't the only field packed with messy ambiguities.
" Ignore us? "

It was almost amusing to her the way he seemed almost upset that if he wasn't getting a prize, he wasn't getting anything more than his wrist slapped. As though he wanted something to give him a sense of angry purpose that wasn't just simply being told that they shouldn't be proud of themselves. Cute. Very baby Vader of him. " Go back to ignoring you maybe. But according to my very uncomfortable conversation with the Admiral, I am to be within this ship for a very, very long time unless otherwise told. And training my cadets is now up for a review. " Though with this information in the air, the expression on Phasma's face wasn't entirely saddened, mostly because she knew Fedorre was in a very tight spot on the matter.

Give her cadets to who? Another equally competent trooper? Please.

Sitting up again with her hands further up his chest, the dark cloud over his head almost made her smile, as awful as it was. " Oh, no. My frustration with you went away when I gave you a limp. " There was the smile, biting her bottom lip softly as her shoulders raised, the woman bouncing just slightly as though he needed the reminder.
"Oh? See, I would have thought your frustration ended when I singlehandedly got you out of a giant ship filled with... alien space pirates with advanced experimental weaponry. To say nothing of the dead-eyed killer robot." He wrapped his hands around her hips and hauled her to the side, climbing on top of her and crawling between her legs. He lowered his voice, transitioning to seriousness now.

"And you didn't give me a limp. What happened -"

Phasma was already covering her mouth and giggling at him. Kylo sighed and put on a frustrated pout.

"See, you're already -"

"No, no, it's fine."
She put on a barely credulous smile. "I actually want to hear where this sentence goes."

He opened his mouth and then frowned. "I actually hurt myself. By being so vigorous."
Phasma didn't want to be the one to point out that she had very clearly let him go on his killing rampage, the necessary steam he needed to get rid of evident in the look he had given her after killing that dear Bothan. Instead, she let him have his own opinion of the scenario, staring up at him now as she found her back pressed into the comfort of her bed, his immediate attempt to cover for what had happened gained the appropriate response. They both knew that if he wanted to be like that about it, she could always just ask Hux.

The frown didn't make the situation any better, still visibly smiling because he genuinely seemed upset by the aftermath of such a good thing. It was precious. " Well, next time don't be so. . " Hands reaching up now to pull his face closer, lips murmuring against his, " Vigorous. " Because that was totally what resulted in his limp, surely. Following her last word, her lips pressed into his, that familiar feeling rolling over her skin as her hands slid back against his jaw to his neck. One hand tracing down the upper part of his spine, it didn't take long at all for her to get a grip on the fabric of his tight shirt, the first tug of the material up his back.
That felt so.... that was the best feeling in the world. If this was a distraction, he'd take being distracted a hundred percent of the time. Even when she touched him, it was like her fingers were scraping the back of his mind. He slid the shirt off his fingers and flung it to towards the corner. "I think I can do that. I can be patient."

He sunk his lips into hers, sunk his hips toward hers too. He was already getting hard - just for the way she'd touched him, the tone in her voice, the way she smelled... a dozen different things made him want to have her now, and he could feel just how warm she was a few inches away.

He kissed her again, his hands roaming her legs and digging into the covers. Breathing heavily now, Kylo slid a hand under her ass and squeezed - and something about that sensation urged him forward. He kissed her again, her lips, her jaw, her shoulders, the top of her breasts, his pace gradually gainign steam.

Kylo paused to collect himself. Shook his head, licked his lips, took one slow breath through his nose. "Hm. You really do make it hard. Let me undress, and -"

He paused. "Wait, let me ask you something. We got... captured on Ord Mantell. And we had to make up a bunch of stories. Did a part of you wish that you really could? Run away from everything, go anywhere? I mean, ignoring the thousands of practical issues..."

What was he really asking for here? Asking for her to ignore the practical was like asking Snoke to grow a jaw. He tossed his hair and reached for his waist buckle.

"Actually, what a weird... forget I said anything."
Her fingers were busy, one hand finding comfort within his hair while the other traced the shifts of his muscles along his back, skin left exposed thanks to the shirt being discarded. Only once did her hand flatly graze him, feeling the heat against her palm when his lips pushed back into hers, the push of his hips causing her knees to bend and her thighs to remind him of the heat he was bringing out of her. Truthfully, if patience began to eat at him, Phasma wouldn't have been offended if he went beyond and into his vigorous nature, almost surprised in herself that it didn't matter to her how, just so long as he did. She wanted him, and it was just that simple.

The soft fabric around her body doing very little to cover her frame at this point, when his hand met with her tender skin, her nails lightly moved along his spine, breathing into his kiss. Even though her eyes had become half lidded she could almost pinpoint the exact moment the question popped into his head, shifting her head against the soft sheets now when he began his unexpected question. It was then Phasma remembered that neither of them had actually heard the other's interrogation conversations, momentarily thankful that this wasn't some jab at what she had said in obviously trying to convey why they were running in the first place. . She'd have to find Hux and ask him about that recording. But just as quickly as he had asked, he was brushing it off.

" I used to think about it all the time, "Sitting up now, the blonde knew this wasn't necessarily a situation like before where she would simply remind him that she didn't like him, because god was it a lie. But instead it was almost. . Comfortable. " But despite how big the universe is, I didn't know where I would go. " Maybe that was why she eventually succumbed to him asking her to go with him on the sporadic mission in the first place. One hand reached out now, nails tracing the 'V' to its point before her soft fingers slid up his exposed shaft, looking up at him with a raised brow, " Answer your question? "
"More or less."

Kylo felt a rush of electricity through his body. He was swelling, pulsing under her touch as her grabbed her behind her neck, his fingertips just brushing the edges of her hair as he kissed her with a fresh focus. Nowhere else to go. He understood that perspective for her - this was what she was good at. The stress and the... well, the order. It was cumbersome sometimes. It wasn't exactly a life of leisure or anything. But there was a sense of community and support that you didn't get storming from gutter to gutter as a bounty hunter or detective or merc or... whatever people did where life was cheap.

There was history to think about too. Working for a large organization kept you from feeling... anonymous.

Kylo had the opposite set of problems. He could think of plenty of places to go and be happy. Everyday, he could think of a dozen different ways to be happy. But happy wasn't just a set of electrical impulses flying around in your brain. Not smiles from friends or good food or sleeping in warm places. Happiness was... doing something that challenged you, that had some impact on things around you. On history.

He knew that. He believed that with everything he was worth, and yet...

Kylo grabbed her behind the knees, pulling her legs apart, elevating her hips as he pulled himself closer to her. He looked her up and down one more time, his eyes flickering somehow between arousal and outright challenge as he grabbed his shaft and slowly plunged into her, piece after piece, surprised with himself for how smoothly he was sliding in.

"Fuck." He growled and suddenly thrust forward, their hips clapping together in the bed while he rose on his toes, trying to get as much of himself as possible inside of her.
To put it simply, the Order was the only sense of family she remembered. Dysfunctional as it was, when it was all you had, you simply dealt with it as though it were nothing. Nothing you minded, nothing unusual. And once you found out enough answers about the life you had and potentially would have been lead down, most people stop looking. Phasma had stopped looking when the answers were so plainly laid out. Occasionally, she supposed she could run, after all she was no number within the system. She had a name. But even that made things more difficult.

The kiss he offered was another reminder that this was a distraction from those things, a reminder that they were both here to surrender to other things.

The warmth there made any and all of those thoughts burn away, at least for now. One hand shifting back against the bed, the other only reluctantly let him go when he went to grab for it and was reminded of that wonderful sensation. The electric tickle in the back of her head, the one that felt new every time he entered her, moaning out softly as he loomed over her body again. Instinctively, her body shivered when his hips finally made their way to her own, bright eyes staring back into his as though silently drawing him closer.

The hint in her eyes taken after the initial, welcomed shock was finished, Phasma welcomed the kiss that followed, a soft bite placed against his bottom lip.
That slight bit of pain felt somehow magnified, deepened coming from her. He broke away and kissed her again. The smack of their lips felt deafening in the quiet of this room.

Kylo shifted and drew his cock most of the way out, and waited for her breath to catch. Then he drove forward, faster this time, his muscular hands gripping the sides of her softer hips and guiding him back inside. He worked up to a slow rhythm, pounding his hips against hers as he pumped his cock inside her faster and faster.

"I am so glad," he said through his teeth, "that we get to do this on an actual fffFFUCKING bed."

He slapped her on the hip and growled, making short, firm strokes into her cunt. The feeling of forcing his thick length into her, that friction of flesh on flesh, it felt brand new, and the heat was raising a thin layer of sweat over his skin. He traced a couple of fingers along his chest, flicking a couple of drops to the sheets as he lifted her up to a sitting position. His tight stomach was on full display as he flexed his stomach, pulling her into him.

He reached back and slapped her on the ass, driving her chest into his. They felt so good together, almost like a natural fit despite all common sense and reason. He bounced her up and down, his mushroom still scraping her insides as he looked over her shoulder. And as he did, a sudden thought came to him.

"If anyone tries to get between me and... this," he grumbled into her ear, "I'll probably kill them."

This. What did he mean. And why probably?
The soft hiccup of breath when his hips skillfully rolled back into her, the sound starting to become one of her favorite parts of the distraction. Her favorite mind numbing point to think back to when say, Hux was speaking, to imagine his hands the way they were. Grabbing and searching for places on her body as though they were new to him. One of her legs wrapping around his waist to pull him in closer, the hard thrusts that resulted were taken with a welcoming smile.

Familiar smacks of skin blending with heavy breaths and louder moans, the room was no longer filled with soft conversation, words rushed between sexual desires. When she felt the pull, instinctively her other leg wrapped around his waist, thighs spread around him as they should be. Hands at his shoulders, gripping and bracing with each thrust upward, her lips and warm breath met with his skin, unable to keep the moaned " Kylo " from slipping out and against his neck. Amazingly, she didn't care.

He was deep inside her and it was perfect, as if he belonged there. Her skin glowing, her eyes closed, and her nails clenching at his shoulders, occasionally releasing with the sole intention of letting her fingers assess any potential damage. The soft sound of panting and laughter surfaced against his skin now, lips raising to the tender space of jaw beneath his ear, his threat to seemingly no one oddly. . Comforting.

" This? "
"Let's see, what do I mean by this."

He let out a short, shuddering breath with their sudden pause. Well of course, she had to just nail on that little ambiguous spot in his head, right when he would have rather concentrated on...

"I don't just mean the fucking amazing sex..." The sound of his own voice pulled him over the edge and he swung his hips up, driving into her and following up with three or four long, deep strokes, tracing his hand up her back and moaning before slowing down. "And I don't just mean relieving... a hundred and ten percent of the stress from work. I mean that... I have the potential for impossible power. And I've spent months trying to isolate myself and scrape that potential out. And it feels like all of the parts of myself that I've walled off start... spilling over when we're alone. I can say all the things that I've only been able to say inside my own head."

He grabbed her breast, cupping it in his palm and admiring the texture and weight before grinding her nipple under his fingers and thrusting up slowly, letting the pain and pleasure rise together.

"You've never tried to... change me, or steer me onto some other path. You're the only person that wants what I am and what I'll become. So that's... this. I'm a little protective of it."

It was a kind of complete relief that didn't feel like cheating. And maybe talking about what he would become was presumptuous, but between getting in the governor's head and clearing a ship full of pirates armed with anti-Jedi weapons... he did feel... better... than the week before.

"There's the other thing. And it's weird."

He touched the back of her head, guiding her to look him in the eye for a second before turning her back around and kissing her on the shoulder.

"I like your voice. I like how... upright you are sometimes. I like it and I hate it at the same time. What I'm saying is, you're a quintessential FO officer, and some small part of me is hatefucking the chain of command. I mean, you and Hux have your little similarities."
Maybe somewhere in the deeper, darker pits of her mind she had expected him to say something else. There were plenty of things he could have said, potentially even should have said that fit into the black hole that was Kylo Ren, moody and tense as he was. Was it in the way he moved against her, their hot bodies blending together so perfectly that she was potentially reading too deep into what he was leading up to? Probably. But to be fair, could one blame her. One hand snaking down to his back when another thrust left her bouncing up and filling his head with another one of her moans, the slow timed thrust leaving her cheek pressed against his now. Again, his words did nothing to go against that tiny piece of slack she was giving him, and then she found herself giving him more.

Well, there was this. And it was all fine and well, truthfully, deciding she couldn’t exactly pin point what she would have expected him to say. The sex, was obviously going to be a part of this, but anything else almost seemed messy to include. However, there it was again, him leading up to things that made her debate herself. Her half lidded eyes stared down, faintly nodding as a sign that she was listening despite the mangle of moans dancing around them only to have her gaze turned into his. There was no searching for something in the expression on his face, because before she knew it she was shifted again, body shivering lightly. Her eyes had just grazed the wall when he began, and if there had been another watching, they could pinpoint the exact moment the skin under her eye twitched faintly.

Of course. OF COURSE.
This is why I don’t fucking like you, Kylo Ren.

The hand against his back had curled into a fist, raising it and dropping it hard against the back of his shoulder, her eyes tearing away from the wall after giving it the clear blank expression for more than enough time. ” I’ll make sure to tell Hux the next time I’m letting him –“ Pausing as she dropped another heavy hit into his back, the blonde glared at his cheek now, Similarities. “ She grumbled, well aware that if he wasn’t buried inside of her, she would probably have more mental clarity to be fuming with him. Similarities. You're similar to Vader and look what the fuck happened to him.
Well, that was one way to keep her from dwelling on his big emotional monologue. Of course, that gave him other problems to deal with. He smirked as her fist pounded into him. And he responded, gripping her ass tightly for a second before smacking it with one strong hand, just a touch harder than she'd hit him. "Shut up."

Kylo hauled her into the air, lifting her up to the head of his dripping cock before slamming her back down, bending her roughly around him as he savored the feeling of his body exerting itself on hers. "You aren't telling him fucking anything, funny girl. Turn around." He lifted her off him again and did most of the turning for her, putting her on her knees facing the wall.

He rubbed the broad head of his dick in her juices, but could only tease himself for a couple seconds before fucking her from the new position, his fingers digging into her hips (one of his many favorite places) as he started again, feeling a new level of pressure and tightness from this angle.

He needed this, all bullshitting aside. They'd wanted this for hours, had to tolerate the kind of long lectures you'd give a child. And who knew what those people were cooking up for them even now?
Instantly, she could feel the stinging pain his hand left against her skin, and despite jumping softly in his grasp, even beyond the " ah! ", it felt good. The lingering feeling of his hand left in the print, the firm grip he held onto her ass pushing the smile up despite how she attempted to keep it from showing. Of course, it wasn't like feeling his cock shoot back inside her didn't help that, fist unclenching rapidly to place her palm back to his skin.

" Fuck! "

There were several more of those to come after she was shifted onto her knees, her back arching slightly. Whatever rupture of annoyance she had held toward him before was momentarily forgotten when her shoulders dropped slightly, allowing her plush ass to welcome more of his impact. Again, Phasma was reminded that this was a damn good distraction.
Had he blacked out or something?

His hand was around her throat before he understood what was going on, and his body was on autopilot. He was deep inside her now, and he roughly pulled her closer using her neck as a handle, gyrating powerfully against her and manipulating her lower back with his free hand.

He was like this all the time, wasn't he? He was measuring her body's reaction with each stroke, seeing which angles made her arch her back, made her moan, made her shiver.

And when one place got a especially mind-melting reaction, he stayed there for a while. He held her tight enough to keep her from slipping away and pounded her, pausing a little to flex his rod inside her before churning it inside her.

And after one low howl, he decided this was where he had found his place. He tightened his grip on her neck and pushed in deeply.

And she was responding in just the right way - thrusting her ass up to meet him despite the stress on her throat. He looked down at the view that she was missing, his cock stretching her and sliding in and out, faster and faster - until he felt a familiar pull that he could only stop by slowing down. And a familiar apathy that said there was absolutely nothing more important than getting relief right now, in this moment.

She was shuddering and screaming around him, and he was slumped over her, coming hard and heavy as he finally, finally, let her throat go and wrapped around her waist, dragging her to her side with one more animal grunt before laying down, finally relieved by a soft surface, silently hoping she didn't have the energy to turn around and kick him out of the damned thing.
Whatever it was that made sex with him so glorious, Phasma was grateful.

Grateful when his big fingers spread over her hips to get a grasp at more of her skin, amazed at how flawlessly her body reacted. It was as though they were speaking through his heavy grunts and her own spilling moans, telling one another without making proper sentences where they wanted to be. Even if his emotions had, for the most part, failed her, Phasma knew there were better ways to make up for it.

Her own hands gripping into the sheets as her body remained wonderfully bowed, that wonderful feeling was creeping back into the lower part of her stomach. Warm and dancing down her thighs, each thrust aided the push further and further until she felt the end crash down, her walls silently begging for his release as her own spread across his length. It was like clockwork, grinning with pink cheeks and lustful eyes as her back remained arched and accepting of each shift, Phasma's body shivering wonderfully when she felt the last few hard pumps into her body.

Luckily for him, the orgasm left her momentarily in the high it gave, closing her eyes for a moment. " Did you feel that was as vigorous as usual? "
"Yes? No?"

He didn't feel like anything so much as a bug that had been slammed into a windshield. Except the windshield was made of orgasms instead of fiberglass. And he felt like his whole body was twitching in unison, completely exhausted - except for one part of him that considered this more of an intermission than a conclusion.

"I feel like my pelvic bone is in better shape? But the rest of me..." Kylo creaked his neck downwards to survey his body, and chuckled in disbelief at the landscape of sweating flesh and shaking muscle. Which of course led to him looking across the bed. She looked like she'd been in a fight, and he looked like he'd run a marathon. "I'd call it a wash."

Kylo covered his eyes with his palms, as if trying to dig deep enough to massage his brain. "Not that I wouldn't take a couple of painkillers and do that again. You're very good on top. And. Y'know. Everywhere."
Fingers shifting up and through her hair, Phasma considered for a moment the sort of slap in the face it would be to have him limping through the ship again, someone murmuring something about it and Fedorre taking it upon himself to ask. After all, the week without his mask was basically up and it was potentially a lot easier to ask things of him when you weren't directly staring at a scowl. The thought made her smile for a moment, turning her eyes to him now as they both scanned his body for any signs of trauma, easily confirming to herself that she got more out of that than he did.

Laughing now when he admitted that painkillers would essentially be ideal, Phasma moved carefully, sitting on her knees next to him and shaking her head, " If you have to take painkillers, I feel like that still counts as a loss for you. " Certainly, it did. Already sure he was prepared to argue about it, the blonde smoothly guided the conversation elsewhere, nonchalantly returning herself back to his lap. The sensation was completely different than before, no layers of fabric protecting his cock from her warmth as it rubbed against him, feeling it twitch beneath her as if it were begging to return. " You know, you didn't actually say what this is. You just alluded to something and tried to be cute about it, " With this, her hips rocked forward carefully, bringing her wet slit up his length but again, leaving him out of her warm home.

If he thought he was getting out of these feelings, he wasn't.

Knees on either side of him, her fingers slid against his inner wrists, tracing the veins as she leaned over him now, eyes moving over his face before meeting his eyes. " What is this and why are you so protective of it? "
"I was exaggerating about the painkillers. It was funny." And he was exaggerating, just not as much as she might have thought. He let out an oof as she leaned into him. He could try to be crabby with her, and yet... their bodies seemed to respond to each other without words, and it made him seem like a liar no matter what he said.

Regardless, she seemed weirdly proud of herself. She was thinking like a man, if so. Really, if Kylo Ren looked like he'd been jammed into a trash compactor while these rumors were flying around, it would only add to everyone's droid theory. And maybe nobody would say so to her face, for obvious reasons... she'd know somehow. Absolutely.

"Can we talk a minute," he said, grinding his teeth together and looking away as his cock lurched forward at her touch, "to appreciate the irony of you trying to force me to emote?"

It seemed unfair, the more he thought about it. Kylo hadn't gotten her stirred up and asked about her inner monologue. Probably because he didn't want to hear it, but still. And he felt like he'd talked about it, enough. Talked about it at length. And he didn't want to add to it because...

Well, now he wasn't just having to work out how he felt about himself. Now he had to work out what she felt about what he felt about himself. And that was just fucking dizzying.

"I mean our relationship. It used to be a nice thing that made me feel sane." He put his hands behind his head, wearing a smile that might have betrayed his words.
There it was again, the gentle twitch attempting to speak for him when his answers didn't flow from his lips, her nails traced the veins again carefully before guiding over the rest of his arm. Studying them without actually looking at them, meeting the warmth of his skin with her own as her hips subconsciously moved again, bringing her folds lower down his shaft. " Kylo Ren, you have been on countless missions and in the faces of dozens of men and women who hate what you are and what they know you'll become, " Sitting up now, her palms pressed against his chest, the familiar feeling of his heart thudding there being ignored, narrowing her eyes softly, " And yet you act like I am ripping your fingernails out for an answer. "

Granted, Phasma thought, he could very easily turn the situation around to her. And what would she have said if he had asked, well that wasn't important, because she had knocked his train of thought away again when she arched her back again and let his length fill her up.

The distraction had done its job for the night, lingering in their minds for perhaps a day or two after before they each became too busy to simply stop and enjoy their surroundings. Only once had their been a pause in this, when a conversation of little hints and subtle teases turned into more, relatively quickly, the blonde took this opportunity to remind him. It had happened all so fast, and ended just as swiftly, the narrow, empty room littered with huffs of breath beneath his mask before she stood so calmly from her place on her knees, murmuring, " Similarities my ass. " And left him there with a saliva coated erection. That had been a week ago, both falling in line in front of the watchful eye of others within the Order, Commander Phasma sighed softly when she remembered the decision to tentatively give her her cadets back.

Things were falling back into line, for the most part.

She had almost gotten used to not being in her standard armor. Almost. Of course her alternative had been to wear the other variety of her uniform, getting over the reaches it made to have feminine qualities. Blinking out of her trance as she moved through her rounds, it was as though by chance that the redhead found her, easily stopping his shuttle to move swiftly toward her. " Commander Phasma, I'd like a word. " Of course you would. Turning her eyes from the vision of black outside the ship, Phasma watched him shuffle a stack of folders in his gloved hands before he spoke again, " About, Lavish's party, hm? Do you remember any of the people he was sitting with at that table? I think I've found- " His words were cut short by the haste of another, both noting the flustered expression on his face as though he had just been bullied for his money. " Whatever it is you have to say, I'm sure it can wait. Now, Commander- "

" I'm sorry Major General, but Commander. You're going to want to see this. "
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