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Colliding Worlds (BurningWillows & Greeneyed23)

One second they were walking peacefully, and the next her shoulder was screaming as she hit the ground horribly, not ready for Gerry. She turned to yell but saw he was shooting and panic set in. Crouching behind him she remained there until the assassin was caught and he was offering her his hand. Still she kept the the back of the group, staring at the stranger Drea was pinning. Then her eyes followed Elaya, finally noticing the bullet hole in the Boulder where she'd been standing seconds before.

A hiss left her mouth before she snapped her teeth shut and glared, drawing her knife. Fear bubbled through her that he was here for her, but Lairia had been standing beside her too. Had he just misfired?

Lairia herself was crouched in a bubble of her own making, letting it pop once the threat was diminished.

"I don't recognize him," Lairia stepped up to Seras side, "is he another mercenary?"

"Speak," Sera commanded, crouching down so that she hovered over his face. She carefully hid the flash of pain in her shins as she crouched, knowing she had been injured in Dreas attempt to guard her. Sera had kept tight lipped that the water deity touch inflicted burns on the Phoenix since she met her. Drea was a generous soul, who'd never meant to hurt Sera and she knew that. And it wasn't like the deity would know she could hurt a Phoenix- they weren't the most common of species. Even Seraphina hadn't been aware of this weakness until the first time Drea had touched her skin. It dried and sizzled, and if she had held on too long Sera was sure her skin would have started to crack and steam, like a fire doused with water. It made sense. Sera was a being of fire. Drea of water. But Sera didn't want to hurt her feelings so she kept her pain to herself, hoping Elaya wasn't watching to carefully.

"What are your orders? Who sent you?" Sera asked, focusing on the assassin.

"Is he human?" Tatia finally broke her silence, stepping forward, "I can help if he's mortal."

Her eyes stared him down, seeing the anger behind in his glare. Sera noticed Tatias unwavering gaze, quickly looking up to Elaya and making the slightest nod towards the siren. She was acting out of character today, quiet, moody.

"Answer her," Sera growled, "are you human?"
Elaya had seen Sera's pain and since she had effectively bounced off the ground she had a very clear idea of what had happened. But she let this go as Tatia rushed the prisoner, yanking the siren back as the woman twisted despite Drea's gripped, spit at the siren, then cursed in Venishian.

Narxis whirled at one of his mother tongues and rushed upon the woman slapping her and gripping her hair and snarled. "Remove it."

She sneered. "i shall not."

Narxis looked over his shoulder at Elaya. "Let Tatia speak to her. She's mortal but she just cast a death curse upon our dear siren. tatia you have to make her remove it."

The woman bit at Drea's hand and snarled. "You keep that sea bitch away from me!" Elaya snapped forward now and punched the woman, then grabbed her hair and neck and twisted her around to face Tatia, but preventing her from speaking.

Gerry put his headphones down and turned to scan the area.

Elaya nodded to the siren. "Do your thing kid. A demonic death curse is nothing to play with."

Narxis nodded, his face pale in fear for the young siren.

Tatia gritted her teeth, glaring defiantly at the woman speaking tongues to her. She did not know the language but Narxis did and filled them in rather quickly. Tatia didn't flinch. She didn't even blink. She was watching the woman unwaveringly, as if looking for something. Then Tatia sighed, breaking her focus and nodding, acting as if nothing was going on in her head. She had been hoping to see some clue on the woman of who she was, but she was smart and wore only her gear. Tatia wanted to interrogate this woman and find out if it was Tatia she was after or the group itself, but she didn't want to expose herself to the group either. There'd be far too many questions.

So instead Tatia adopted her mother tongue with an accent that sounded much older than her years in a language no one in the group knew.

"You are well versed in tongues. Do you speak mine?" Tatia asked, testing the assassin. If she could reply back in fluent tongue it would tell Tatia all she needed to know. And if she couldn't...then she wasn't after Tatia and the siren would pick apart this woman with words alone.


Sera stepped back, biting her tongue as a lash of pain shocked through her left leg. Her face remained stoic, concealing it. She moved over to Elayas side to give Tatia room, allowing Drea and Narxis to remain close and help if need be.

"What do you think?" Sera asked, making quiet conversation. She relied on Elayas advice, as she always had. But now it felt different - she wanted to hear Elaya speak, finding excuses to talk to her.
Elaya gently poked the Phoenix's side. "i think you twinged your leg somehow, and that somehow also Drea is involved. You alright?"

The woman smirked up at Tatia and spoke in a tongue not the siren's but that of an ancient foe of her people, the sea witches. "Why should i speak the poorly crafted language of your foolish kind when that of my mothers is so much more...invigorating?"

Elaya's head snapped up at the sound, and Narxis hissed then screamed something straight up.

Amitiel landed and lay his sword across the woman's throat and spoke in the language made for speaking between his kind and humanity, Enochian. The woman twitched as he said, "Your vile tongues are not welcome on this plane. Show proper respect or be awakened to the truth of your fate."

The woman hissed but bowed her head, then turned to look at Tatia, hate burning in her eyes as she did indeed speak the siren's tongue. "Yes i shot at you little fish. i know who and what you are. The weak link of this group."

Elaya gripped Sera's wrist and whispered so softly no one else could hear her. "Sera they are targeting us individually."

Narxis touched Tatia's elbow, drawing her back, also speaking low. "Tatia my friend you must finish this quickly. We are exposed here. Take her under your power so we can question her in full later."

Amitiel, blade still to the would be killer's throat, nodded his agreement to the demon. They were caught in the open, at the base of a large hill leading into the hills themselves that ringed the area of the land that had once been the eastern United States, and would become the Appalachian mountains as they moved west, and would become the now far taller Great Appalachians if they had ventured south.

Gerry was still masked, Drea stood beside Laria keeping her away from the shooter. Reynault was circling the group, keeping himself directly under Kai. Despite their caution and awareness, they all knew that they were in prime ambush territory.

Elaya squeezed Sera's wrist. "You need to heal and we need Kai back down here to carry the sorceress. I'll take Tatia. We have to move and move fast. Gerry can take point and Narxis can carry the woman." She prayed, watching Sera's face hoping she would be as good a leader as usual and make good but quick decisions.

Tatia snarled at the witch's words like they were a slap in her face, flinching back. She heard the others make their own proclamations and realized all too late that they understood the ancient languages, and she could not hide behind hers. Nevertheless she continued to speak in her own tongue, spitting out her words.

Have the merfolk sunk so low to hire these abominations of the sea to hunt me down? Or is she acting of her own accord? Tatia questioned, but couldn't ask with all the listening ears. And she couldn't have this woman saying anything incriminating. This witch knew she was a siren, and that was enough. Pulling out a short knife from under a secret pocket hidden under her right arm she jumped forward, tackling the woman and pushing the knife against her throat, blood smearing the steel as she cut flesh but nothing more. There was surprise in the assassins eyes and it took Tatia every ounce of her control to turn and look at Sera who was calling her name.

"Do not kill her," Sera ordered, "You still have a curse on you. Control her Tatia."

"I can't," Tatia snapped back, an unusual amount of defiance even for her, "She is a sea witch. Not human. Let me kill her Sera, she is the enemy of my people."

"Tatia no!" Sera snapped.

"Allow me," Lairia stepped forward, pressing two fingers on the sea witches forehead that knocked her immediately unconscious, "A sleeping spell I will lift when we are safe."

"Thank you," Sera sighed, "Tatia. We are leaving. Now."

There was anger in her voice, unpleased with Tatia's behavior, "Elaya take her. Everyone, move out!"
Elaya transformed into her wolf form again and slithered under the siren, then digging in her pads took off with Reynault running with her, while Narxis scooped up the prisoner and followed, while Gerry took Laria's arm and lead her onto the path, while Drea vanished into a mist which followed as well.

Amitiel grabbed Sera and yanked her into the air, flying her own but also needing to speak with her. "Tatia is trying to hide her truth from us Seraphina. She will bear much watching. And despite her claims the woman is mortal. She is the child of a sea witch and a human being. She has no magic or power. That curse must be removed or we should simply kill Tatia now before the pain drives her mad. I leave this all to your good judgement."

His voice remained flat and calm as ever, as he lowered and set her down as Elaya mounted a hill plunging forward with the siren on her back. Amitiel bowed to her then took off until he was out of sight.

Kai touched down and instantly transformed into a huge black horse, easily able to carry two. He whinied as he approached, sweeping Gerry and Lairia onto his back for easier transport. With his strong legs he was able to gallop alongside the wolf, knowing if she wanted to she could easily out run him.


Sera ignored her discomfort to being carried in the sky by Amitiel. She knew it was only in good faith but the Phoenix liked being in the sky when she could soar herself, not be held by another.

"We have no time to speak to her now. Please focus on getting away, and we can confront her later. Tatia has been out of sorts since the attack last night. Now please set me down."

As he did she caught his arm before he flew off, "Lead the group to the Whistling cave we normally bunk in. There's only one exit so if anyone escapes my grasp you will see them coming. I will join you all when I'm finished."

He flew off as Seraphina jogged to the edge of the hill she was on, looking below. She could see movement back in the forest, more waiting to attack. Not that she would allow it. Her hand became engulfed in flames as she snapped her wrist, making a long whip of fire. It became like a snake, worming down the hill and towards the trees. She waited till it touched its first bush then set it on fire, spooking the nearest assassin who moved away too quickly, revealing herself. Sera attacked, her fire lashing forward and engulfing the man. Two more revealed themselves, trying to move away and she caught them both, burning them alive so that their screams echoed through the trees. There was no doubt there'd be a few more but no one revealed themselves and she was too open to remain. Retrieving her flame she turned and ran, keeping to her flesh form to preserve her clothing. She was quite behind her team now but she had no doubt they could handle themselves while she caught up.


Hours past as they continued their fast pace, following Amitiel who had gotten orders from Seraphina. The Whistling Cave was a half days trip away, but as Sera said it was indeed safest, built into a cliff that was shaped as a horseshoe with a small opening. To get to the cave they either had to jump off the steep cliff which was highly dangerous for some, or walk through the small space between the tall rock. No one could ambush them, that was for sure.

In the small grove circled by stone and leading to the cave was rich grass and spring flowers just beginning to blossom. Tatia got off Elaya to walk through this grass, trying to calm her fluctuating emotions. Kai let Lairia and Gerry off before returning to human form, asking for his clothes. Tatia handed them over then looked to Elaya, who to her and most of them was second in command. Sera had fallen behind but they estimated she'd be with them within the hour.

"I will wake the woman and question her now," Tatia offered, "but I wish to do it alone."
Elaya transformed. "You will not. You will wait for your leader Tatia."

Elaya was tired, worried about Sera, and more than little irritated with Tatia's attitude.

Drea appeared and dragged them both outside. "Ok enough. you two need to settle this. now."

Elaya knew better than to argue with the goddes when her eyes glowed like that, and noted that Drea gave the same warning to behave to Tatia, so she spoke. "Tatia i am sorry for being so rude earlier. But I have always known what you truly are. It's pack of my training. What my pack is and does. Why do you care if we know? Merscales have no value on the surface to anyone but a sorceress, and I would have to kill you to get them, and then everyone in the group, Gerry included would kill me. Not to mention no sorceress wants them for anything more than black magic so i would have to kill them as well. Now if you would just calm down and think you could get the curse off you and get her to tell you what you want to know with trying to kill her. And she isn't one of your kind or the sea witches. Can't you see that?"

She started to move away but Drea held her there, held both of them there. She looked to Tatia now, waiting.

Inside Geryr helped Laria off Kai, then patted the shifter's shoulder. "Not bad. Want a sugarcube?" He moved before he could get bitten and swept the cave, then went outside to find his usual perch atop the cliff and watch.

Reynault was back on the trail a ways, watching for Sera, while Amitiel was tending to magical protections, and now Narxis was flying above, keeping an eye on everyone, and the other watching for Sera as well.
Sera caught Reynault on the trail, happy to see him. She looked exhausted, slowly to a walk as she approached him.

"My flesh form does not enjoy this much running," she laughed, "I almost caught up though. How late am I?"

She stepped into line with them, matching his walk as she continued towards the cave,"I took down three. There may be more but I didn't feel anyone closing in. How is the group faring?

Meanwhile Tatia stood with her arms crossed gazing out at the clearing while she listened, unable to look at either of them. If she did, they'd see the fear in her eyes, the fear she was hiding behind her anger. She doesn't know, Tatia thought in relief as she heard Elayas words, she knows as much as any land dweller. I'm safe. For now.

The assassin might know but Tatia could silence her, keep her from exposing the sirens biggest secret. A loud sigh fell from her lips in audible relief at Elayas words, her eyes flicking to the werewolf for a split second before flickering away again. She caught Dreas look, waiting on her to speak. There was no way Tatia was about to admit her secrets, but she hoped an apology would suffice and get everyone off her back for the day.

"I'm sorry I snapped," she replied, her words much shorter than Elayas, " I'm, uh, just a little out of it since last nights attack."
Reynault smiled. "About an hour. I'm going to go eat."

He smiled and set off while Narxis drew closer into the cave.

Elaya could actually sense Tatia's ego and rolled her eyes. "Sure. Go get some rest sweety. There is that hidden pool in the back of the cave. Go do what you need to do. You can even sing down there. No one will hear you or be able to get to you."

She moved away, her eye coming to Drea, who understood and let her go.

Elaya went out to meet Sera and smiled. "Hey beautiful. Only three? You slowing down on me?" Her eyes glowed as she studied her lover, ensuring she was unhurt.

Sera's smile grew as Rey disappeared and Elaya came into her sights. The Phoenix wanted to pull her in for a kiss but she was unsure if that was appropriate to Elaya. She wasn't even sure Elaya would like being grabbed or kissed without permission. I don't know the first step to's been too long.

"Well I'd have gotten more if they'd show themselves. They may not be far though, if they followed. How's the team? How's...Tatia. Amitiel asked me to speak to her."


Malakai pulled his clothes on, and climbed the cliff, sitting next to Gerry to give him some company...and to get away from the drama. He offered the marksman a snack, having a couple of apples.

"A sugarcube?" he laughed, "Those things are nasty man. I don't know why horses like them. They're so...sweet."


Lairia watched the team settle and move around, a little lost to what she should be doing. In the end she decided to use the last of the sun and found a nice spot in the grass, lounging as she practiced her magic quietly. She brought the box out, calling it forth from her protection and hidden spells that kept it from the naked eye, then sat there adding new wards to it.


Tatia frowned, knowing she had struck another nerve in Elaya. Now she was burning bridges with her paranoia. Just deal with the assassin and then you can return to normal. No one saw, no one knows.

"I'm sorry," she muttered to Duldrea, knowing the water deity wouldn't be pleased with Tatia's childish temper. It was as if the siren had been transported back to her teen years, all that fear and mistrust bubbling up. She put on a smile, trying to drag her bubbly mood back but the worries still hung over her head.

"I should get that curse fixed," she shrugged, turning away, "I have no need for water or singing."

And she wouldn't for a bit. It had been too close a call and Tatia would hold out on doing it again for a week or so, until she was sure everything was safe once more. Instead she walked over to the unconcious assassin, kicking her boot in hopes it would wake her up.

"Here," Lairia called out, waving her hand in a weird arch and muttering something under her breat. Suddenly the assassin woke with a large breath, glaring at her.

"Time to fix this curse," Tatia sit down, her eyes boring into the woman's dark ones, "Release the curse. You no longer want to kill me, you want to release me."

She had been feeling the effects of it for a couple hours now, a slow ache in her belly that would spread within the next day. For now she'd been ignoring it, focusing on her worries and not the curse eating at her. But now that she was focusing on it she could feel the stab of pain inside, like sharp needles poking her organs.

But nothing happened. The woman kept glaring at her, unwavering, not speaking.

"Narxis," she called into the cave, "Am I doing this wrong? Is there some way I need to ask? Can you see any magic on her preventing me?"

She wanted this curse gone, and she wanted this assassin silenced. The faster the better. She hoped the demon could find something as he stepped out and over to her, scanning the woman.

"This," he muttered, pulling a talisman from her neck and ripping it off before crushing it in his strong hands, "Try again."

"Release me from this death curse," Tatia instilled, her voice as smooth as honey, "Speak the words to release me."

The assassin hissed and snarled but eventually the tongue of Venishian came out as she retracted the death curse. Tatia smiled at Narxis who was already moving away, his goal completed. Alone with the woman, Tatia's cold eyes turned to her. Narxis was now in the cave, not listening, and Elaya was out with Sera. Gerry was preoccupied on top of the cliff, out of earshot. The only two nearby were Drea and Lairia, and Tatia trusted Duldrea. The sorceress was still too new to trust. She decided to speak in tongues, referring back to her mother language. She wouldn't be able to ask all she wanted to know with Drea listening, but at least the sorceress wasn't eavesdropping.

"You will speak only in my tongue, and you will whisper. You will not make any motion or noise to attract attention. Were you hired to retrieve the box or me?"
Elaya smiled, then surged forward and kissed the Phoenix, wrapping about her, moaning into the kiss. "I know it sounds weird but I missed you."

She kissed her again, then nuzzled into the woman's burning neck. "You smell so good..." She nibbled lightly, then her ears twitched and she groaned stepping away.

"Yeah you need to talk to Tatia. Her secrets are going to be a problem."

Gerry carefully kept Kai's attention. "Well I've found that horses like the more powerful flavors. Salty, sweet, and so on. The weaker tastes don't interest them much. They eat hay and grass because they can and likely it tastes good to them. They lick salt blocks and eat sugar cubes much more happily." He shrugged. "Maybe it's not as sweet to them? Your palate is much more refined good sir."

The assassin sneered up at the siren despite her control, but did speak in the tongue of the sirens, though a bastardized dialect of it. "Fuck the box. i came to kill you split tail."

She snarled twitching then settled back gagging. "This is why we hate you you know. Why your 'friends' are so afraid of you. You make anyone do anything you want just with a look of those big pretty eyes."

Elaya winced and grabbed Sera's hand. "Come on!" She yanked her on toward the siren, shouting "TATIA NO!!!"

Seraphina's hands were instantly on Elaya's waist the second their lips connected, dragging her closer. She smelt of earth, and fur, and blood and it made Sera's heart pound. She wanted the kiss to last longer, and it felt too short as Elaya pulled away.

"Can she wait?" Sera began, "I could use a few more minutes of just you."

But it wasn't to be. Elaya had heard something Sera had not and was pulling her forward unto the trail, setting them into a run as she yelled.

"What's going on?"


Tatia's eyes grew dark, her hand snaking forward and gripping the assassin's throat, squeezing down hard. Her mind blanked and she forgot who was listening, or where she was. That scared teenager bubbled up, full of rage and fear, "God you sound like them. They are hiring sea witches bastards now to do their bidding? When will they give up?"

She was speaking of the mermaids of course. Contrary to most land dwellers beliefs, sirens and mermaids were not one and the same. Sirens never corrected the mistake though, preferring to be considered as such. It kept the truth hidden, and it protected seafolk from too many land dwellers understanding their world. The biggest threat to Tatia was her closest relatives: mermaids.

The assassin's harsh words only enraged Tatia more as she spat in her language, enraged, "You know nothing about me! You know nothing about who am I! You're just a half-breed wishing she could live up to her mother's ancestory but you can't! You know nothing of the world under the sea or you would know what I can do. You would know not to anger me! You want to see what fear is?! Here!"

Her breath was coming in harsh swallow gulps, her chest heaving as hands grabbed at her, trying to pull away. She let go of the bastard woman but continued yelling in her mother tongue. She already had control of the assassin, the woman had gazed into Tatia's eyes too long, and bent to her will. All she had to do now was tell her what to do. The assassin had no choice but to bend to her will, not because Tatia wanted her to but because the woman would want to. Such was the power of a siren, to make her targets willingly obey them by believing it was their own wish.

"Stand up child! Go on, stand up and brandish your knife. You feel that? You feel that fear?! Now point that knife at your heart, feeling your heart stammer against the cold point of your blade! Feel the terror rush through your veins you bitch!"

"Tatia stop!" Sera yelled, peeling into the clearing with Elaya, "Someone gag her! She's not thinking clearly!"
Elaya went further. She tackled Tatia, and as she went she kicked the assassin full in the diaphragm ending all movement while she struggled just to breath. Elaya dragged the siren down and bond her, then covered her eyes and mouth, then hissed in Tatia's mother tongue. "You make too many assumptions Tatia. She isn't from your cousins."

She had hoped she wouldn't have to reveal that she was aware of the truth of the sea folk. Her kind had been forced to kill many sirens, merpeople, and sea witches, as well as hundreds of other sea powers. The sea folk thought because they were under water they were safe, but far too often their kind went bad and wanted land dweller help, aid, slaves, or just to use them to power magics, or just to watch one drown. Either way she was well aware of the difference between the species, but now she wondered why Tatia was so terrified of her the mer people.

She dragged the siren away, then removed the blindfold and gripped her face. "Tatiana what is wrong with you? If you had been the direct target you would be dead. They are trying to pick us off, the people who know us or our kind best targeting us. Who knows more about killing Sirens and Merpeople than sea witches? Think before you hurt yourself or worse."

She sighed then removed the gag, but also made sure Tatia saw that she had her protective charm on. "I'm going to take you to the pool Drea mentioned. You need to calm down before I can let you lose."

She carried the siren to the pool easily laying her in it, but leaving her wrists tied. While it would feel good to be in water, Elaya also knew that the pool was filled by cave condensation and had no caves or escapes, and was too shallow for Tatia to get a leap high enough to reach the prisoner.

Once she had her in the water she sighed and brushed Tatia's hair back. "Tatia sweety you need to understand something. You can't lie to me or hide your truth." She touched her nose. "No matter the form I can smell the sea on you. And I do know the difference between mer and siren. Would you like to know how much siren scales go for on the black market? Do you think i would endanger you like that? I was TRYING to help you keep your secret. We have a sorceress around us. But you are all but telling her. Do you know what she could do with your remains? I mean really do you have any clue?"

She sighed again. "I'm sorry Tatia. I know how hard it is to be away from your home. I miss my northern forests more than words can say. But you are with us now. Would we ever let anything hurt you? I know it seems that you have every reason to distrust us, but you can trust us. To guard you and your secrets."

She gestured up toward the prisoner. "But shit like that? Losing control like that? We cannot allow. We can't know whether the sorceress knows your tongue or has a translation rune or stone. Whether she is trustworthy. And that's not to mention the any number of watchers or listeners around. The bitch was toying with you Tatia. playing on your fears and insecurities. You're smarter than that. You just need to remember it."

She kissed the siren's forehead, then spoke in her own tongue. "May the pack everlasting guard and protect this cub, and may her hunt always find meat, her nose ever lead her home, and may her coat never lose warmth. She is loved by the pack, and is bloodkin to all wolves. The moon shall guard you eternal sister." She then raised her head and howled, the sound pure and powerful despite coming from her human throat.

She let the note hold for a long minute, then looked down at Tatia and smiled. "You are safe here with us Tatia. Never forget that." She removed the arm bindings, then left the pool, letting Tatia thinking.

Up on the cliff, Reynault had joined the hunter and shifter wanting away from the fighting below should it happen. "The Metuzi. Know-it-alls."

Gerry shrugged. "It is kinda important they do so Rey. Sorcery, magic, and bad guys come from every species. Can't be caught unaware."

Rey grunted. "Well...still Elaya is a bit intense."

Gerry smirked. "She does that when the pack is threatened. Especially by a member."

"What pack? We're no pack."

"Speak for yourself fangface." Gerry pulled his shirt open and down, revealing both his slave brand, and a red wolf face tattoo. "I am bloodkin to the Metuzi. So are you Rey."

Rey grunted. "Then why did she let me get scarred?"

Gerry rolled his eyes. "She didn't let it happen Rey. They had crucified her remember?"

Rey grumbled. He did remember but he didn't like to admit that both the scar on his face and her inability to help him was his fault. She had maimed herself to rescue him as they were bathing him in holy water...He shook himself. "Well you could have done something."

"Like what? i was trapped in that vamp killing constriction net. Only reason I'm still breathing is because i got my limbs out and shot out the gears before it cut me apart."

Rey grunted. "Alright alright....but you two had been chasing me before that."

"Well you were murdering people Rey."

"They deserved it!"

"Not our job. You were a vamp killing humans. You had to be stopped. You're lucky the Church of Cleansing didn't get to the third stage of preparation." He looked at Kai, doubting the shifter knew what the Church was or what they did as they focused solely on vampires and other 'former humans.'

"First they brand the vamp with a holy relic, like the Cross of Paul they used on Rey here, then they dunk him a bath of holy water. It's supposed to burn the evil out of the flesh. Then they were going to pump the water through his mouth and nose, cleansing him of the blood of his victims."

Rey shivered. "Don't let them kid you Kai. Holy water hurts. Because it's not holy water. It's a special acid and chemical mix that eats away dead flesh. And i'm here to tell you it fucking hurts."

Gerry nodded. "I've seen it reduce a four hundred year old vamp to ash. Sick stuff."

Rey nodded brooding on the memory.

Drea stopped Elaya as she went to the cave exit. "Did you have to be so rough?"

"She is trying to get herself and us killed Drea. I had to wake her up. Besides Sera's the people person. I'm the fangs." She grinned wickedly.

Drea sighed and let her go, then went to check on the siren, worried about the girl who had been so roughly treated for the last twenty four hours.

The fight rushed out of her as soon as Elaya tackled her. Wit came back and she knew she'd made a mistake, one Elaya was going to chew her out for. Tatia didn't fight, laying limp as her thoughts went in circles. The assassin needed to die...she needed to be silenced...she needed...

Tatia's eyes snapped to Elaya's, her words striking a cord. Land dwellers were not to know of the sea's world. When had it changed?

"I..." she started but Elaya cut her off, continuing on her lecture. Tatia's eyes looked down at her lap, the water too shallow to cover her entire legs...thankfully. The last thing she needed today was an internal struggle to keep from her scales growing. If Elaya was right, and she knew it all, then one look at her tail and the werewolf would realize Tatia was more trouble than she was worth. And that was the only thought that stuck with her. Elaya would protect long as no one saw her tail. I just have to hide it. They haven't seen my scales. I'm still safe...I'm still safe.

Elaya turned and left and Tatia sat in her armor in the water, looking rather odd and out of place. She pulled herself out of the pool, needing to get the metal out of the water before it rusted. Curling up in the corner of the cave, she went over Elaya's words again and again, trying to make herself believe them. But memories swam behind her eyes, horrid things reminding her of why she had to be so careful.

"You musn't let anyone see your tail. Not on land or in water child."

"But father," Tatia cried, her tiny, ten year old hands shaking as her father touched them, sitting his young daughter on a rock outside a cove.

"Listen to me Tatiana," he spoke calmly, "Your mother died saving you today. Your uncle has risked his life getting us here. We cannot risk yours now by mistake. You must never trust anyone with your secrets."

"Come with me daddy," Tatia cried, "Don't go back."

"I must. It is our kingdom, and are people are down there dying. Christof will protect you on land. I will come back to you my sweet flower."

He kissed her on the head then, before diving below, leaving his little girl on the rock, her violet tail cold and shivering in the wind. She had never been above surface before...she was so scared.

"So scared," Tatia whispered, shivering as she curled into herself seeing Drea approach and raising her voice, "I'm fine. I...uh, I just...I'm okay."

But she was crying. She hadn't realized there were tears rolling down her cheeks, the memory of the last time she had ever seen her father making her sad.

"It's okay child," her Uncle had wiped her tears away back then, pulling the siren into his arm's, "Your father is strong. He will last, and he will come back for us. Let us dry you off before people see us. It's time for you to walk on land now little fish."

He never did come back. Within that week Tatia had been thrust into a human life, taught what it meant to lie and mistrust, and watched her mother die before her own eyes. And within that week she had lost the last of her family; her father had passed, and her Uncle Christof in fear for both of them sent her to an orphanage before fleeing, knowing they would chase him and she could remain safe.

"Please," Tatia held her hand up, wiping tears with the other, "I just want to be alone."


Lairia watched Elaya leave with Tatia and immediately turned her eyes on the assassin struggling to breath.
She had no idea what had transferred between the two, only adversed in the languages of magic. Still the assassin had upset the brunette rather badly, and they did not need her running off while Elaya calmed her down.


The assassin fell over, frozen stiff. The spell barely cost Lairia any energy, and she was easily able to hold her there, trapped in Lairia's spell until the sorceress felt like releasing her. All castors magics were tied to their own energy. The stronger the energy, the stronger the magic they could perform. There were, of course, talisman's and trinkets to help grow one's power but Lairia was one of the more natural sorceress', preferring strengthening her own talents over using cheap trinkets. And she had grown very strong over the years.

"You can sit there till someone comes for you," she chirped, returning to her box, "I'm not having you escape when you've cost us all so much trouble."


The conversation about sugar cubes was forgotten as below a fight broke out, Tatia screaming in her own tongue. Kai wanted to help, but Gerry stopped him, advising him to leave it to Sera and Elaya. As he did Elaya tackled the siren, kicking the assassin down in the process. The sorceress paused in her work, watching with an open mouth while Sera took a few steps back, giving the werewolf room. He was watching the scene when Rey joined, pulling his attention. Kai remained silent, listening to the conversation with a sliver of envy. They all knew each other so well...and he was still so new. He didn't have any interesting stories either. He'd been raised by his clan in the south and when he turned of age he moved away to become a traveler. He'd spent years honing his skills and collecting coin, until he'd run into the team on the road as he fought off a band of thieves. He'd been injured, and afterward Elaya finished them off Sera offered to get him to the next city safe. He'd been with the team since.

"Never heard of the Church," he exclaimed after Gerry's explanation, "Sound like a nasty group though."

His eyes turned back to look down at the group, only to see Lairia and the assassin lying in the corner. The rest were gone, most likely in the cave. At least he thought that until he heard a shrill cry like a hawk and then Sera running through the stone arch into the clearing, collapsing to her knees with an arrow stuck in her shoulder.

"Shit! We are under attack!" Kai yelled, jumping to his feet.


Sera sighed, pausing between the arch of stone into the clearing, rubbing her temples. It didn't seem enough that her band of mercenaries had to fight enemies daily. Now they were fighting amongst themselves? Seraphina was going to have to sit all of them down and remind them who the real enemies were.

She made to step into the clearing when a crackle behind her caught her ear, so soft she almost missed it. Elaya was too busy with Tatia to notice, and Gerry was deep in conversation with Kai and Rey. It could have just as easily been a rabbit, and Sera didn't want to disturb the remaining frays of peace so she turned and slipped away undetected. All she had to do was sneak towards the sound and investigate. If more assassin's had followed Sera could take them down on her own, her flames being enough.

As she got closer the crackle moved away, either sensing her and fleeing or just not silent enough as it walked. She got closer, and then it got further, leading her away from the Whistling Cave and into the small batch of trees around it. She could barely call it a forest, the hills less than a mile in either way but it was the start of the forest leading into the cliffs and rock faces they'd be traversing through tomorrow. Nevertheless there was only so much of these trees to utilize for hiding, and Sera only needed to herd it towards the edge.

Suddenly it turned sharply and she did too, but the soft crackle became a crashing sound and her eyes caught a flash of brown fur and a fluffy tail, a hare racing through the bush.

"I'm becoming paranoid," she laughed, standing up and turning back the way she came. She was partway there when a bush rustled to her left but she shrugged it off, assuming it was just another hare.

Suddenly a arrow whistled through the air, and Sera tried to turn and duck behind a tree but she was too late, the arrow embedding itself in her shoulder as a piercing shriek left her throat. It was a nonhuman cry, sounding more like a cry of a hawk than that of a wounded person. Sera bolted for the cave, crashing through the trees and bounding into the clearing before her legs gave out, feet from Elaya.

"We are under attack!" Kai yelled, motivating everyone to their feet.

Seraphina yanked the arrow from her back, blanching at the pain as a shock jolted through her muscles. Staring at the arrow point she could see it coated in her own blood and something dark.

"Poison," she breathed up to Elaya, her vision getting blurry so that she couldn't see the werewolf's beautiful face properly, "Strong, deadly poison."

Her temperature would stave off any poison and cauterize her wound pretty quickly, but this particular poison wasn't diluted, and such a concentrated dose was messing with her senses. She knew she'd burn through it, but it was still taking a momentary hold of her, making it hard for her to move or fight. It was up to the rest of them, their leader down for the count.

"Be careful," she coughed to Elaya, curled in the grass with her head pressed into the cold dirt, "Be...careful..."
Elaya had just been turning away from Drea's retreating back and toward Sera when the Phoenix had screamed in pain.

Elaya immediately hit her comm unit, moving to cover Sera. "Narxis, Amitiel full flight pattern. Kai sight in targets. Gerry you are weapon's free. Rey sniff them out. Drea!"

The goddess moved, then reached out with tendrils of water, shielding and enveloping both Laria and the assassin, and pulled them into the cave, then created a wall of ice between the opening and the three behind her, leaving only a small space to breath or crawl through if the group failed, then moved to the opening of the cave.

Elaya knelt over Sera, and ignoring Drea's presence, kissed the Phoenix. "Always am boss. You take care."

She kissed her again, then snarled and transformed into her were form and leapt out of the cave into the brush, soon followed by screams of pain and death, while Gerry began to fire, Reynault's victims could be heard screaming as he drained them, and the angel and demon would alter forms, either shining brighter than the sun, or burning darker than the pit itself, and unleashing power or blade into their foes.

The smell of blood grew thick in the air, and Drea kept a running tally for Sera, confirming at least nine fully dead, while six more were mortally wounded and dying, and no sign of the life water of the group, though Elaya was proving to be even more deadly than the demon or the sniper.

Seraphina stayed to the ground, listening to Drea's words while she tried to burn the poison from her veins. It clung to her, making her senses awry and everything feel fuzzy. Her flesh form wasn't going to cut it.

"Duldrea, I can't fight off the poison in this form," she coughed, "I need to become flame. Stand back."

Her clothes would be incinerated but she'd worry about that later. Waiting until Drea was out of the way she let her flesh dissolve, becoming pure flame that crackle and stretched, growing larger and larger. The poison almost instantly faded away, and she could not feel any wound. She was no longer held by constraints, so there was no arrow wound to be felt. Dancing forward, she hit the rock and heard it sizzle then continued into the trees, coating them with her flames. She let them all burn, furious at being hit. Luckily it was a small patch and not an entire forest, as the fire spread. It would push anyone hiding into the hills, exposing them to Elaya would sounded furious. The rest were taking men out too, but not at Elaya's speed or precision. Sera continued pushing through the trees, her fire growing. She caught the sight of an archer racing, possibly the last of his group trying to outrun a werewolf. Fool.

Sera let out a scream to alert Elaya, which sounded more like a loud fire crackling whistle. All eyes turned to the fleeing archer. And Sera swooped down on the dead victims, turning their bodies to ash. She could feel her power waning, the energy involved in sweeping the forest almost too much. She pulled back,m reigning in her fire so that the trees that were burnt only smoked now, and a few remained unharmed. Her body dropped, retreating back to the cave's clearing as the fire began to eat at her, threatening to consume her. Sera returned to her flesh form with a shaky sigh. She curled into the stone wall, seeking the coldness to numb her skyrocketing temperature, warning Drea to keep her distance.

"I'm too hot Duldrea," she explained, gulping in air as her chest rose and fell rapidly, "It's wiser you wait over there."
Drea obeyed as Sera began to heat up, then watched in awe as the Phoenix took off.

Gerry and the other four kept fighting and killing, carefully staying away from the enraged werewolf, who even the sniper and vampire couldn't even see.

When Sera screamed to alert her lover Elaya did not answer.

She also did not appear.

The archer continued to run, thinking he was safe when the flames had turned away from him, suddenly fell onto his butt. The werewolf rose up from before him, then snarled and plunged her talons into his gut, digging them in, and with one flick of her arm hurled him across the valley to the cave entrance, breaking his hips as he landed. She stalked forward, utterly drenched in blood as the man screamed in pain and horror, seeing Drea and Sera he began to beg.

"Kill me! Burn me up. Drown me! Do anything but keep that crazy bitch away from me!!!"

He was coughing up blood, and his guts had spilled out around his hands, but he wasn't dying, yet. And still Elaya walked on, her seemingly endless fangs bared and so very bloody as she snarled, stalking her prey.

Drea whispered softly, "My her something.." The deity could not hide her terror of the enraged werewolf.

Elaya was at her biggest, nearly ten feet tall, her chest, arm, and legs impossibly thick with muscle, and her fur, thicker than ever before, and all of her fully drenched and dripping with what had to be gallons of blood and gore. And she was not satisfied. She wanted her last kill, and only one being could stop her.

Reynault had returned to report the deaths of the attackers, but he too watched both the werewolf and Sera's flames in terrified awe.

Gerry also was watching his friend, but while her rage frightened him, he knew he was safe because he was no threat. He touched his comms and spoke softly. "Drea you should put out the fires so we don't have a signal for their backup."
"Elaya," Sera called, her body shaking from the effort of her fire, "Elaya stop. Look at me."

Seraphina was curled in the Corner of the clearing naked, looking exhausted. She hated how weak she probably looked but she needed to break Elayas focus.

"Look at me," she stated again, flicking her hand at the man. He burst into flames, screaming as he died slowly and burnt to an ash. Even the effort of that took too much more out of her and she was shaking badly now, eyes closed in concentration to keep from burning up. If she wasn't careful she was going to hurt herself. The fires in her could burn her up as they burnt her foes, killing the Phoenix if she mistreated her powers.

"Elaya," she breathed, needing the pool in the cave to cool her dangerously high temperature but unwilling to move and break her concentration to keep her heat from killing her, or exposing her naked body, "Elaya help."
Elaya's eyes moved to Sera the first time her name was said, and seeing the Phoenix in pain, she forgot about the archer.

She proved this by running through him and his flames, dashing them apart, and scooped Sera up, and shouldered through the ice, dragging several large chunks with them, pressing the ice about the Phoenix, as Drea once again yanked Laria, the assassin, and this time Tatia out of the area of the pool and sent the ice and more water down the cave into the pool just as Elaya leapt into it with Sera still in her arms.

She remained in wolf form, which was hot and resilient enough to withstand the phoenix's heat. "More Drea!"

Drea obeyed sending a river of freezing water down into the pool, using the fountains of blood in the valley and even that on the wolf, easily able to make the blood become water.
Steam billowed around them as Seras intense heat met with ice cold water. Normally she hated this sort of cold but at her temperature it melted and warned easily so that she barely felt the sting of it. As her core temperature lowered back down, Sera let out a breath, her shaking ceasing and her body returning to normal.

"I overdid myself," she sighed, angry only at herself for not being more careful, "I got careless for a moment and almost burnt up. Are you okay?"

Even though she was the one in need of help she turned and checked Elaya over, looking for wounds. The water was washing the blood off, and Seras wet hands cleaned the werewolf more as she checked for scratches. It was needless, the wolf healed immensely fast, but Sera didn't care. She had pushed herself and she wanted to make sure Elaya hadn't as well.

"Thank you," she sighed, content that Elaya was fine. Standing up she kissed her softly before turning to see if people were staring, "you wouldn't happen to have an extra tunic would you? I'd rather not be naked in front of company that is not yourself."

Meanwhile outside the cave Tatia had gotten a grip and was standing near the assassin who was kneeling and bowed.

"I got a handle on this now," Tatia explained to Drea, "she'll stay like that till we ask her to stand. I'm sorry about my...moment."
Drea nodded. "As you say my dear. We're here with you."

Gerry spoke into the comms. "Uh Elaya tell Sera that the perimeter is secure and now sensor wired, under, on, and above the ground, and the winged ones are setting up magic wards in the air."

Elaaya smiled and kissed Sera back, unable to resist cupping Sera's left nipple and her right buttock and squeezing both. "Must we? I rather like you holding me."

She kissed the Phoenix and squeezed again, then broke the kiss. "You scared the hell out of me Seraphina. I should have been there. I'm sorry." She lowered her head and kissed Sera's chest, not her breasts, but above them, not sexually, but in the same way she had Tatia. She held the kiss and growled, then bit slightly before raising her head. "I name you bloodkin in full, an alpha of the Mutazi. Should you meet any were wolf, speak my name and this mark will appear to show your rights to all privileges of a bloodkin."

The mark was Elaya's purple lip press, and it quickly faded. She gestured behind her on a rock where an extra outfit, not as revealing as Sera's normal style, but likely much tighter and form fitting.

Now she grinned. "you sure we have to go? Tatia could use some more time to stew and the boys have things handled."

She bit her lip and looked into Sera's eyes, wanting her so bad, but not willing to push into the realm of business and Sera's leadership without Sera's permission.

Sera yipped when Elaya nipped her, surprised. Looking down she watched it fade, giving the werewolf an arched eyebrow.

"And what does this entail? I've never been bloodkin to any clan."

She kissed Elaya again then pulled away with a sigh, "as much as I wish we could fool around, I am still exhausted from the flame and I must sort things out with Tatia before I pass out. Perhaps later when all are asleep."

She pulled on the outfit, unused the the amount of cloth on her skin, "I won't object to cuddling you tonight again though as well. The cold ground compares little to your soft and warmth. If you could get Narxis to build a fire and send Kai and Rey out to hunt down dinner, I would like you to talk to Tatia with me. And I want Duldrea with us. She has a way with the siren."
"It means that you are one of the Metuzi, and are protected from all other werewolf packs, and will give pause to all other were's. It also means that you are under my direct protection, and in your cause it also amrks you as especially loved by Elaya Blood-Fur."

She sighed and kissed the Phoenix again, then smiled watching her get dressed. "You know while I like seeing your skin..this is interesting." The outfit accentuated Sera's body in every way despite the modesty.

Elaya whined then sighed. "yes boss. I'll get everyone."

She stole another kiss and could not resist groping Sera's ass, then left to obey.

When Sera came out a large fire was burning and four smaller deer were cooking over the flames. Drea had drawn Tatia over but was now adding spices and salt to the meat. She was using this as an excuse to see everyone and use this large meal to settle the arguments and fighting throughout the group.

They did well, and enjoyed the meal, though they all teased Drea that her meat wasn't as fresh or succulent as Sera's, which Elaya had to agree with when asked. Elaya ate quietly, watching everyone, lounging between two broken rocks, her legs up, trading jokes and stories with the others, filling Kai in on the history of the group he had missed.

She didn't want to be the boss just then; she wanted to stay and fool around with Elaya while no one was watching. But unfortunately she knew shirking her job would not be wise. There was too much held by too thin of threads, and if she didn't fix it all soon she'd have a major fight on her hands, one that could turn deadly. When she did emerge from the cave she found a fire built and everyone enjoying dinner, the sun just beginning to set. She took her own portion, thanking Drea and telling her not to worry, the food tasted just fine. Then with a stroke of sudden confidence she strolled over to Elaya and practically sat down in her lap, smiling at the werewolf. Seraphina wasn't sure why she did it, or what got to her, but she had never been so forward. The entire group drew quiet as Sera stuck to her guns and settled in against her lovers legs which were pulled up so that Sera's back only leaned on them. If Elaya wanted she could slide her legs open and Sera would shimmy back into her embrace, or worse she could kick Sera away from her if she had stepped over a line. The last thought hit her a little too late and Seraphina hoped she hadn't crossed any boundaries.

"Uh," Kai hummed, looking confused alike most of the others.
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