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Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
I have a D&D 3.5 Ravenloft campaign that I am rather proud, the first campaign I ever ran to completion, and I am interested in trying to run it once more. Not sure I want to incorporate full on 3.5 rules and rolls, or just modify it for a forum setting.

A few notes about Ravenloft:
This is a highly psychological system, with horror and madness rules I will be incorporating into play.

Good and Evil are not philosophical concept to be debated over. In this realm, such acts have tangible effects both on the realm itself, and on your own character. Evil acts are well rewarded/punished.

Player Characters: Those who live in Ravenloft survive only with a healthy dose paranoia. As such, even new humans and near humans (half elf) are met with a great deal of suspicion when encountered for the first time. Elves, dwarves and halflings are rare, and sometimes completely shunned. More exotic races are liable to be lynched on first sight. Highly recommended that you pick something closer to human, if you expect to make any progress in the world. Also, player character at the start will not begin in Ravenloft, but will be pulled from another realm.

I want to play this with a group of 3-5 players. I would try to post once a day, at the very least, and will announce if I am unable to do so.
Thank you very much. Sheet will be ready in a bit, got backstory in the sheet thread, or at least a rough one.
After looking over some things and thinking.... any chance you'd be willing to allow the Master Crafter Prestige Class from the Encyclopedia Arcane; Magic Item Creation? As really, I could go Cleric or wizard fairly easily, or even Generic Spellcaster, and as the PrC trades away all person spellcasting ability for magic item creation, well... I've been building more of a dour crafter anyway.
Eh, the Master Crafter may lose their ability to cast spells entirely, but the benefits are totally worth it over ten levels. Able to make 10,000gp worth of enchantment progress per day, 1/150th the exp costs, cost to create is 1/4 market value instead of half, and can enter as early as level 4 if your a wizard.... not to mention a free spell of every level you can cast, each level.

Sure, there would be no ability to cast on the fly, and I'm wondering if I can trade in the familiar for +2 skill points per level, but overall, as far as magical item crafting goes? Master Crafter is focused on it.
Will send it. And it fits nicely into the dwarven archetype, as a smith of legend, and a source of potent mystical items.
Everyone, I urge you, hurry up and post. The sooner we start playing, the sooner I can gather power and crafting ability. The sooner I do that, the sooner you all have a source of cheap magical items, in a setting where they are rare.
To all that have not yet posted their sheets. The dwarf smith is getting grumpy. A grumpy dwarf smith means he charges you more for his magic items. And next level, I'm either taking the feat to make EXP costs cheaper, or lets me share it with the bugger that wants it made.....
Great :)

Um do we have to use a particular site for dice rolling? And about HP do we go for average, for max or do we roll dice?
I use myself, it's free and results can be linked. And interested to know about HP as well, as I defaulted to maximum to start the game with.
Hi Troll, I use myself too but didn't know you could link the results, how do you do that?
Click on the little book to the left of the result, and you get a page with a few links and the result. Third link down is the best one in my opinion, as it takes up the least space.
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