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Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
I have a D&D 3.5 Ravenloft campaign that I am rather proud, the first campaign I ever ran to completion, and I am interested in trying to run it once more. Not sure I want to incorporate full on 3.5 rules and rolls, or just modify it for a forum setting.

A few notes about Ravenloft:
This is a highly psychological system, with horror and madness rules I will be incorporating into play.

Good and Evil are not philosophical concept to be debated over. In this realm, such acts have tangible effects both on the realm itself, and on your own character. Evil acts are well rewarded/punished.

Player Characters: Those who live in Ravenloft survive only with a healthy dose paranoia. As such, even new humans and near humans (half elf) are met with a great deal of suspicion when encountered for the first time. Elves, dwarves and halflings are rare, and sometimes completely shunned. More exotic races are liable to be lynched on first sight. Highly recommended that you pick something closer to human, if you expect to make any progress in the world. Also, player character at the start will not begin in Ravenloft, but will be pulled from another realm.

I want to play this with a group of 3-5 players. I would try to post once a day, at the very least, and will announce if I am unable to do so.
I've heard things about this, including the fact that their is a well done vampire, of the brutally insane style, and not the sparkling disgraces.... or the whiny 'conform by expressing gothic individuality' porn vamp.

Still, think a dwarf barbarian could make it here? Think grim, taciturn, and really, really just wants his booze, because he does not want to put up with this mannish shit. Think borderline Warhammer Fantasy Slayer.
He isn't going to win any friends, but he probably doesn't care, right? i will same a large portion of the encounters are not combat orientated, so he may be be a bit out of place in that case, but it's not a huge detriment.
As a dwarf, he is skilled in the noble arts of brewing ale, smithing, and glaring at the younger races while muttering and nursing a keg. And then, when the monsters come, picking up the hammer, and breaking some kneecaps and skulls, before going back to the bar.
Definetly interested...

...As in, I have wanted to play it since skimming my older brother's old Dragon Magazines I found something called a Death Knight :heart:

But I have never played the setting itself, so I'll love to try it out

Do we have to be good in this one? :D
Evil in Ravenloft is simultaneously well rewarded and well punished. It is a dark allure that empowers and imprisons all at once. I don't recommend going evil, but it isn't off limits, and in some cases may be inevitable. You cannot start off evil, though.
Good thing I asked, because I would totally be down with playing a paladin and make the slow spiraling into evil

Otherwise I might go with a Cleric of some god I find interesting, tho, if we are from another world, how would that be handled?
I see no reason you can't pick any God you desire. I am fond of Forgotten Realms but if you something form somewhere else, then perhaps your character is from a different realm.

And a cleric or paladin is highly recommended, but also challenging in this campaign. Paladins in particular act as beacon within the darkness that is Ravenloft, and might attract your character more attention that they prefer.
Once a friend of mine commented that Raveloft is a setting where you likely leave with fewer levels than you entered with ... :)

A bit too grim and dark for my tastes, but good luck and heaps of fun to those willing to try.
I will play if you have an open spot. Probably go for something like an archivist if you will allow that. (Heroes of Horror)
Aww this filled really quick would have loved to join in, haven't play ravenloft in years (as a matter of fact of fact I only played once :p but it was a long campaign) If a spots opens up I'd love to go in too ;)
Yay!! :):):) uhm not sure what would I build yet but I have an idea of a warlock who thinks she is some sort of a vampire (emulating vampire abilities with invocations), maybe she went a bit crazy already and also thinks the mist granted her immunity to sunlight.
On my end, I was wondering if I could use the Quintessential Barbarian and Dwarf? Reason being, the Dwarf books have special smelting and smithing options, not to mention potent herbal ales. Sure, most of you pansy-arse humans can't properly hold yer liquor, but nothin gives yer the ability ter ignore eldritch abomernations like a pint er five a Bugmans.

Because hey, my character may be gruff, he may be rough, he may fully return the sentiments the locals have of him, but he brings the sweet oblivion of hardcore booze.... and the ability to make a very nasty non-magical weapon and armor.

...... If it's allowed of course.
Everyone play what they want to play, let me just warn you that I detest powergaming. I am looking for a roleplaying experience, not a dick measuring content. And I can powergame with the best of them, so if you bring powergaming into the mix, I will too. And It won't be fun or pretty.

(actually I might have to nix the Caliban just because I want all of you to play outsiders to Ravenloft. All apologies there.)
Eh, the smithing and brewing takes time and money, and a good few skill checks. Powergaming? Sure, he'll be tough in a scrap. Yes, if you give him six months he can whip up a batch of herbal ale that gives you +4 on will saves (+8 to resist fear) for 1d8+2 hours.... with the side effect of -2 to Reflex saves, and you have to make a fortitude save or you get -2 to attack rolls (-4 to ranged attack rolls), not to mention gives you 15% spell chance failure... no save.

As for the smithing, eh, it's making additional components, for which there is a minimum skill rank requirement, and can only be done at item creation. Which, takes time, and costs more gold.... and most of the weapon ones don't stack with magic bonuses anyway. Even alchemically treating the ore just gives some benefits.

For the most part, looking at flavor, that also happens to pack a punch, but is far from power gaming.

Here is the character page. You can use a site like mythweavers or a Google document, whichever you prefer.
On the equipment front, it is okay if I go just 30gp over on a particular item? Grudge-Hacker, my Masterwork Dwarven Waraxe, made from Laminated, Folded Steel, and Serrated to boot, is just a touch over the limit for a single item. Totally non-magical though. Looking at a few enchantments down the road (Magmatic and Wrathful Healing will be..... beyond epic), but in general, will be using as few magical items as possible. Sure, there will be a few, but eh.
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