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Looking for a roleplay tonight! Various ideas inside... Check them out!

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Dec 23, 2013
Hello, all!

I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm looking for pregnancy and transformation roleplays. I'm not going to be very willing to hear other ideas but you can go ahead and try sharing them if you really want to! Just fair warning that I'm really only looking for these.

.: This is what I want :.

The Ideas I'm looking for:

****** I AM NOT LIMITED TO THESE IDEAS. I am open to suggestions as long as they contain pregnancy and/or transformation.

1) I want to do something like a transformation but with a latex suit and bondage. A girl is trapped into the suit of an animal and is forced to live like one. She would also be given injections to alter her behaviors and mindset. This is based on a story I read. There would be some themes of physical transformation as well, but not too many.

2) I'm looking for PREGNANCY. I really want to do something with a girl becoming rapidly pregnant. Mpreg would be cool to try too. With mpreg, gender transformation could be an option too. A girl turning into a male and forced to be pregnant.

Something with transformation! I have many ideas for transformation that involve girls turning into animals or partial animals (think very anthro, almost feral (if not feral bodied but sentient in the mind)). Let me know! Pregnancy would still be involved, so you know. Something based on this (NSFW)could be fun, too.

A human girl is somehow transformed into a strange, human-ish plant. I read a story that was really intriguing and thought this could be an interesting idea to work with.

5) [/b]I want to do something based off this picture: Here and also, this story if you can read it: Here

If you can't, that's okay! Basically what I want is a girl who ends up trapped out in the wilderness and happens upon this plant creature that turns her into a plant creature herself, forced to birth new seeds of life into the world. She's captured and brought home by the evil scientist that created her (she didn't know this) and kept as a display/pet. We can figure out more to do with it, too.

.: Guidelines :.

- Be on tonight as well as frequently and be able to post quite a bit when you're online. I'd love to have a good back and forth tonight which is why I'm looking now! For a few hours would be awesome. I can't keep interest if you reply very slowly, I'm sorry. I will drop the RP if you can't commit to this. Communication is a must for me as well; tell me when you have to go or won't be available - I'll do the same for you.
-I do not play dominant characters. I only play subs that are usually feisty, so to speak, when sex is involved. At least for my women.
- I'd love if you'd write her physical changes with the pregnancy/transformation. I'll tell you more about this, don't worry! I don't really budge on this, sorry.
-PMs only.
- 70% plot & 30% or less, smut Failure to follow this will result in me ending the roleplay because we will not be compatible.


I think that about covers it! Please PM me with what you'd like to do as I don't look at these threads and I WILL miss your post if you post here. I hope to hear from you soon~


ALSO -- PLEASE DO NOT POST ON THIS THREAD. I WILL NOT SEE IT. If you want to RP with me and you WANT me to SEE IT then PLEASE PM me. I do not get notified when people post on my thread and I don't check it enough to see if you're interested. D: I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you so PLEASE just PM me. That's the best way to contact me. Thank you!
RE: Various RP Ideas - Come On In - 1x1 Search

Really hopeful bump for partners! I have nothing to do tonight so I'd love someone to RP with. :) Please let me know!
RE: Various RP Ideas - Come On In - 1x1 Search

Giving a shout out for Ceol. She makes a great partner and loves a good pregnancy thread if you want that. I recommend you try a thread with her.
RE: Various RP Ideas - Come On In - 1x1 Search

Oh, thank you, Whisper. ^_^ I appreciate that!
RE: Various RP Ideas - Come On In - 1x1 Search

Still searching for partners! Preferably someone on during the day so I can have some distractions while at work. Let me know!
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy? - Preg RPs - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners!!!
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy? - Preg RPs - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners! Still searching~
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy? - Preg RPs - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners! Still looking for something to do tonight.
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy? - Preg RPs - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners! Still searching for tonight.
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy? - Preg RPs - 1x1 Search

Still searching for partners! Let me know if you're interested.
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy/TF? - Preg & Transformation RPs - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners!
RE: Did Someone Say Pregnancy/TF? - Preg & Transformation RPs - 1x1 Search

I've had an idea for a while now. Basically, a solar storm hits the planet so hard that latent radiation makes the vast majority of the planet completely sterile, but it also sped up our gestation period to just a few weeks. The people who can still breed are rounded up and placed into "population control centers'' where there forced to breed constantly. I was thinking of maybe throwing a pervy mad scientist in the mix to mutate the women until they could lay eggs instead of having live birth... Just cuz there's something hot about the thought of a girl laying an egg:D I would like to play the role of a breeding supervisor who is able to breed, but he hides it out of fear of being thrown into his own prison. If your still down, send me a PM.
RE: Pregnancy & Sex Doll Idea - 1x1 Search

I've updated my search thread! This is a hopeful bump for partners.
RE: Pregnancy & Sex Doll Idea - 1x1 Search

Bump~ Searching for partners once again!
RE: Pregnancy & Plant Pregnancy Idea - 1x1 Search

Still searching for partners!!! I'm going to be around all night and am very ready to do some RPing. :)
RE: Pregnancy, Transformation, & Plant Pregnancy Ideas - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners!
RE: Pregnancy, Transformation, & Plant Pregnancy Ideas - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners!
RE: Quite a few ideas, take a look! - 1x1 Search

Hopeful search for partners! Really want an RP to do tonight. Would be great!
RE: Quick Search (Hoping to RP Tonight!) - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partner!
RE: Quick Search (Hoping to RP Tonight!) - 1x1 Search

Really hoping to find partners to RP tonight! Let me know.
RE: Quick Search (Hoping to RP Tonight!) - 1x1 Search

Hopeful bump for partners tonight!
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