May The Odds Be In Our Favor (randomname98766789 x RareDesires)

Katniss enjoyed the feeling of his cock just absolutely pounding into her. She blushed as she heard the bed creaking and moving. It turned her on because it was a testament to just how hard he was fucking her, and she absolutely loved it. She kept moaning into the gag, and she could tell her squirming and moving was turning him on. She began to squirm even more, just to tease him, struggling as if he were her captor.

She felt his hand reach down and squeeze her breast hard again, and she arched her back as she let out another moan, each getting slightly louder than the last. She knew no one could hear them, considering their bedrooms were away from everyone else's, which she certainly enjoyed, especially right now.

She moaned again when she heard him say how good she felt, and she would say that as well if it weren't for the gag, but she was certainly enjoying the gag. And without it, she would be making a lot more noise. She felt his mouth on her toes, and that was all it took to send her over the edge. She arched her back and moaned out loudly, as she felt her orgasm rush through her very powerfully.

As she was going through her orgasm, she felt Kolton explode inside of her, and her orgasm continued as he moaned out her name. She was breathing hard as he pulled out of her and collapsed on top of her. She kissed him back through her gagged mouth, and closed her eyes as she felt his tongue on her lips. She relaxed with him, trying to come down from an earth shattering orgasm that she had just had.
A few minutes later, Kolton had finally calmed down from the orgasm. “You’re so pretty when you’re all bound and gagged. You make the hottest noises. I love you.” The young male whispered before pulling back slightly and undoing the scarf around her wrists. Then, he went about untying her ankles and the gag was the last thing to come off of course. When she was free, he leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to her lips, cupping her face in his hands and tilting his head at her. “I had so much fun…” He whispered and let out a gentle little sigh.

Finally, he rolled off her body and wrapped his arms around the dark-haired beauty tightly. “I think we should get some rest now. I love you. We have to get up early so… good night.” After telling her good night, Kolton pressed another set of kisses all over every inch of her face. Then, Kolton pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. He knew that sleep wouldn’t come easy that night but in the morning they would be arriving at the Capitol. They would then have to meet their stylist teams and get ready for the Tribute parade. It was a busy day tomorrow and they needed energy.

His strong arms were tightly wrapped around her small body as were his legs. Even with all the horrible things going on around them, he was able to finally fall asleep while holding her against his chest. It felt so good to have Katniss in his arms. Sleep and exhaustion finally took him over and he was able to drift away in bed with her.
Katniss watched as he began to come down from his orgasm and she smiled at him. She blushed at what he was saying, and she watched him unbound her wrists, and then her ankles. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, feeling him untie the gag and remove it from get mouth. She wrapped her arms around his back and kissed him back lovingly. "I had so much fun too, and I love you so much, Kolton," she whispered softly.

She watched him roll off of her and wrap his arms around her. She smiled and nodded at him. "You're right, plus I'm exhausted, you wore me out," she said with a giggle. "I love you too, good night Kolton." She giggled more as he kissed all over her face, and she kissed his lips once he finished. She wrapped her arms around him, and enjoyed the feeling of their foreheads pressed together and his arms around her. It took her a little while to fall asleep, but she felt safe in his arms and eventually drifted to sleep holding him.

Once it was morning, Effie came in and woke them. "Good morning, my adorable lover tributes," she said cheerfully. Katniss groggily opened her eyes and looked at Kolton. She kissed his lips and all over his chest and neck to wake him up. Effie saw that they were having a personal moment, and was satisfied that they were awake, so she left them alone for a few moments. "Good morning, baby," she said softly with a warm smile on her face. She knew today would be rough, but at least they got to wake up in each other's arms.
Kolton groaned, not sure how someone could be so eagerly awake so early in the morning. “Hi…” He murmured in a sleepy voice, barely holding his eyes open when looking at Katniss. At least seeing her in his arms when he woke up was a very good thing and it brought a smile to his handsome face. He pecked a kiss on her lips and sat up. “I guess we should hurry and get dressed. We’ll be at the Capitol soon.” He said, a little frown replacing the smile now. He didn’t want to face the reality of the day but they really had no choice. With that, he stood up and quickly pulled on some clean clothes that were in the room and then escorted Katniss outside to the dining room.

They ate a quick breakfast but it was still all pretty delicious in Kolton’s opinion. Haymitch and Effie were explaining what their day would be like. As soon as they arrive, they would be whisked away separately to meet with their stylist teams in preparation for the opening ceremony and parade tonight. They would spend quite a few hours today away from one another and as badly as Kolton despised it, he knew they had no choice.

When they were coming near the Capitol, they were met with screaming fans outside whom alreay were going crazy over their romance. Kolton didn’t want to wave but the voice of Haymitch was behind them and out of sight, telling them to hold hands and wave – it would be their benefit to do so. Kolton obliged and waved while holding Katniss’ hand and did the same when they made the short walk to the Tribute Center. Almost as soon as they stepped foot there, the stylist teams were ready to pull them apart so with a sad smile, Kolton kissed his girlfriend. “I love you. I’ll see you later, okay?” He whispered, reluctantnly having to walk the opposite way from her.
Katniss watched Kolton slowly awaken, and she smiled thinking how absolutely adorable he looked when he just woke up. She nodded at his comment, her smile fading as well. She also didn't want to face the day at all. It just didn't seem fair after such a great night to have such a shitty next day. She climbed out of bed and went to the closet. She pulled out a new black bra and panties, a pair of tight jeans, and a nice red top.

She followed him once she got dressed out to the dining room. Katniss ate her breakfast, which consisted of some more things she had never seen nor heard of before. When they were told they would spend hours away from each other, Katniss' somewhat sad look turned to utter disgust aimed towards them and the people at the Capitol. She knew they didn't have a choice, but she hated being away from him at all, and didn't want them to decide that.

Katniss looked out at the large crowd that were screaming for them. She heard Haymitch's instructions, and sighed. She had no problem holding Kolton's hand, she loved it, but being told to for publicity, she wasn't excited. She waved and held his hand, and did so when they made their walk into the tribute center. Once inside, she was overwhelmed. She kissed Kolton back, aching when they had to part. "I love you, too. I can't wait to see you again," she said in a whisper, and allowed herself to be dragged off.

Once they got inside the room they needed to be in, Katniss was overwhelmed again as stylists we're poking and prodding and mulling her over. She felt them tweeze her and fix her, doing her hair and makeup. She had never had anyone all over her like this, and it was making her feel strange, and she didn't like it. She was also measured, she was told for her outfit to make sure it would fit. She sighed, wishing Kolton was next to her.
This was pure torture. His stylist team was ripping apart his identity. Kolton lay there while they waxed his hair, trimmed the hair on his head, trimmed his nails, and ended up doing something to every single inch of skin he had. He felt like a different person and that wasn’t a good thing. The only thing getting him through all this was thinking about Katniss. He pretty much tuned out the stylist team that was gawking over him and his body along with constantly saying how precious himself and Katniss was at a couple.

It wasn’t fair that millions of people would now know intimate details about their life but the publicity was the least of his worries – the Games were worse of course. Finally, he was able to meet his lead Stylist named Portia. The woman explained to him how things were going. She and his team coordinated with Katniss’ team on what to wear for the parade tonight. They would wear these black fire suites that would cover them from head to toe, only not covering their faces. They would have matching boots and matched headpieces to wear. They would also have the material on fire and this worried Kolton but Portia assured him it was safe even though he still had reserves about it.

Kolton asked when he could see Katniss again and Portia gave him an answer that made him upset – he couldn’t see her until they meet at the chariot tonight. Simply, he went quiet the rest of the evening while eating his meal and showering quickly. After being done with this, he quickly got dressed in the suites and received instructions from his stylist team before he finally was led down to the chariots and was able to meet up with Katniss. Kolton arrived first so he just simply stood on the chariot and waited for Katniss to join him.
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