May The Odds Be In Our Favor (randomname98766789 x RareDesires)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Today was a “special” day all across the country of Panem. What made it so special? It was the Reaping of the Seventy-Fourth Annual Hunger Games. Two children between the age of twelve and eighteen from each district would be chosen to partake in the bloody, brutal Games controlled by the Capitol. It was a sport to them and there could only be one winner.

The poorest of the twelve districts was District Twelve, right where eighteen year old Kolton Smith found himself. The blonde haired, blue eyed young man was from the Merchant area of the District. That meant he was better off than the opposite side known as the Seam. As most Town residents did, he and his parents lived above their shop, which was a butcher’s shop. He had helped out there for his entire life and thanks to doing that, Kolton was able to develop quite a chiseled body despite not receiving the proper nutrients. The effects still showed but he was definitely stronger and better looking than most boys his age. Only one more year and he would be done with this, never worrying about the Games again. That was not his biggest worry, however.

What worried him more than his own safety? It was the safety of a young girl named Katniss Everdeen. For two years, they have been in a relationship together and seem to fall deeper in love every single day. They first met when they were about twelve. Katniss was walking through a rough part of the Seam after a day of hunting. She was carrying some game with her before an older boy tried to steal her food and hurt Katniss. Thankfully, Kolton was there to save the day. In the process though Katniss hurt her ankle and really wasn’t able to walk without help so he carried her and the food all the way across the District to her home. From that day, it was a blooming friendship and in five years they started dating and at this time everyone knew they were together.

Panem was not a fun place to live of course but Kolton could always focus on the happy things because he had the girl he loved. No matter how bad things got, he knew he could count on Katniss to be there with him and hopefully they could manage some future out of this mess. Additionally, it was her twelve year old sister’s first time in the Reaping. She still had all six years left and that worried both Kolton and Katniss but being the good sister she is, Katniss never allowed Prim to take any tesserae. That meant her name is only in the drawing once this year. Hopefully things would go well.

As they planned, Kolton left his house early that morning to spend some time with Katniss and her mother and sister early that day. Then he walked both the ladies across the District to the Town Square where everything was all set up. Kolton was wearing a long-sleeved Navy dress shirt with black stripes and khaki pants since this was the one day of the year everyone was expected to dress nicely. While it wasn’t nearly as stylish as other Districts, this was just about the best he could do and it would have to work.

The couple was actually an odd, unconventional couple. Even though everyone in the District shared the common enemy of the Capitol, they were still divided among each other. The citizens of the town were the upper-class citizens working as merchants and shop owners while the citizens of the Seam were forced to do hard work in the mine. Normally they didn’t intermingle and the members of the Town looked down on their inferiors. Therefore when Kolton, one of the most popular Town boys was spotted with a seam Girl, everyone was surprised and it caused quite a few girls to dislike Katniss because of this. However Kolton never batted an eye to anyone other than Katniss. She had his heart all the way.

The only time Kolton released her hand was when they reached the line. They had to get their fingers pricked and then line up. Youngest in the front, oldest in the back, males on the right and females on the left. They dropped off Prim at the twelve year old girls before walking to the very back. Before leaving, Kolton flashed a very small smile at Katniss before walking across to the back row with his eighteen year old male counterparts and it was time for everything to begin.

It was the same thing every year – Effie, Haymitch, and the Mayor walked out. The Mayor gave a speech then sat beside the drunken Haymitch, the only living winner of the Hunger Games in their district, as Effie took her spot at the podium. She showed the same old movie that the Capitol made them watch every year. Then she gave another spill about how happy she was to be here and how big of a day it was. Then it was time for the scary part. She walked over to the bowl with all the slips of paper with the female names after proclaiming “Ladies first!” She didn’t grab the first slip of paper she hit though. She just took her hand, twirled all of the slips around before deciding on one. The flamboyantly dressed woman walked back across the stage and took her spot in front of the microphone and when she read the name, Kolton’s heart sunk out of his chest down his body.

“Primrose Everdeen!”
Katniss Everdeen had a good upbringing. She had a loving mom, and a happy household. Sure, she lived in the Seam and she didn't have much, but she was happy. She was even happier now, however. With an incredibly handsome, and soul mate boyfriend , and now being 18, the least year that she was in the Reaping, life couldn't be any better.

She couldn't believe that fate, and Kolton's patience, had brought them together. Afterall, it took her a while to trust him, not knowing whether his intentions were truly pure. It was highly rare for anyone from the Merchant area to even really acknowledge anyone from the Seam. It took a while for their peers to accept them being together, and being serious about each other.

The 'special' day had arrived. She couldn't wait for it to just be over. She was always nervous on the day of the Reaping, but was especially so because her sister, Prim, was now also in the drawing. The moment Kolton came to the door, she flung her arms around him, holding his toned body tightly against hers. She tried to give him a strong smile, but she was truthfully worried. What if she, Kolton, or Prim got chosen?

The day went on until it was time for the Reaping to begin. She had dressed herself in an old red dress, the only nice thing she owned. She walked with Kolton and Prim to the ceremony, and could barely bear it when she had to seperate from him. She took her seat among her female peers, and kept looking over at him, wishing she could hold his hand.

She watched as Effie went onto the stage and gave get normal speech. She tuned most of it out, until she announced that she was going to pick. Katniss dug her nails into her palms, watching her go over to the bowl. She watched her fish in it and pull out a piece of paper. 'Please not us, please not us,' she repeated in her head. Her jaw dropped open as Effie read out the name she dreaded: her sister.

Prim stood up slowly, looking back at her. Katniss quickly stood up as Prim walked towards the stage. "I volunteer!" She screamed, running past her peers towards the stage. "I volunteer as tribute," she said, not wanting her sister to have to play in the twisted Games. She watched as Effie shrugged, then nodded. "Very well, we have a volunteer everyone," she announced as Katniss walked up to the stage. She stood next to Effie, looking out into the crowd at Kolton, tears forming in her eyes.

Next was the boy's, and she begged mentally for it not to be Kolton. That way, at least she could fight to get back to him, not have one of them killed. She watched Effie go to the other bowl, and she returned her gaze to the love of her life. She heard the shuffling of papers as Effie chose one. Her heart practically stopped beating when it was announced. "Kolton Smith!" Katniss couldn't believe it, and she stood there staring at him, mouth agape, tears streaming down her face.
The poor blonde girl was beginning to walk towards the stage when Kolton heard it. That voice he always loved to hear of Katniss Everdeen. Even though he wished that Katniss wouldn’t have done it, he did realize why she did it and he accepted it. It just showed how much she truly loved and cared for her sister. It warmed his heart but broke it all at the same time. The rush of emotions he was starting to feel made him dizzy as if he were going to pass out.

Kolton saw how Prim was really fighting this so he ran out passed the peacekeepers to grab a hold of Primrose and take her back. The entire time he tried to whisper good things to Prim to try and calm her down but it was useless. She kept crying and yelling until she just went into a catatonic state, standing still and staring blankly ahead. By the time he did this, the peacekeepers jerked him away and put him back in place. Isn’t it surprising they didn’t just shoot him there?

His blue eyes finally locked on her gray ones and all he did was give a smile at her. He was proud of her, not furious. That was true love she showed. After Effie introduced her, no one clapped of course. However, they did something else. One by one, every person started to press three fingers to their lips and raise it into the air. It was a symbol unique to their own district done normally around funerals, showing respect. Kolton showed the gesture too and most people were touched by what Katniss did. He just hoped his gesture meant a little more than the others.

His mind was racing now as Effie chimed in. “Now, for the boys!” Should he volunteer? On one hand he wanted to because he couldn’t just sit there and watch Katniss possibly meet her death. On the other hand only one of them could get out and he felt like they would never agree to whom it should be. His mind was pulled from his thoughts though when Effie reached her hand inside the bowl and grabbed the first slip of paper she touched. Walking back to the podium, she spoke the name and Kolton didn’t even need to volunteer. Effie did that for him.

“Kolton Smith!”

It was still shocking to him when he heard his name. In a few seconds, he finally shuffled out into the walkway and headed towards the stage. Everyone looked at him strangely and for those that didn’t know either of these two, they realized there was some connection since he just ran out to get Prim. For those that did know either of these two people, it was a tragic sight. Two lovers being thrown into the Hunger Games, pitted against one another. Before Kolton even took a step towards the stage though he made his decision. Katniss was making it out alive, he didn’t care about anything else. He loved her more than life itself and he even thought about his Dad’s advice back when he was talking a couple years ago about being in love.

“Son, don’t you ever tell that girl you love her unless you know you’d die for her. If you feel that way and you would die for her, that’s being in love.” And sure enough, Kolton knew he loved her. It wasn’t even a tough decision.

While walking up to the stage, he kept his eyes on Katniss trying to keep a neutral face but he figured she had known him long enough to know he was hurting. Finally, he reached his spot and Effie followed protocol. It was procedure to ask for volunteers after the name was called though Katniss had a different idea just before it seemed. Nonetheless, no one volunteered and Kolton was introduced as the male tribute. Then the two tributes turned to shake hands. When their hands touched, he felt a familiar warmth fill him but it didn’t last long because they were soon being hoisted away and led into the bottom floor of the Justice Building to have their five minutes to say goodbye to family and friends in the Visiting Rooms.
Katniss watched as Kolton hesitated a moment, then stood up. She was touched that he tried to calm Prim down, and his salute to her. But, most of her emotion was filled with anger at the Capitol, and sadness that the two were in this predicament. Her brain couldn't really process much, just that she and the guy she wanted to spend the rest of her life with were now supposed to be enemies.

She walked towards Kolton, and softly slipped her hand in his as they shook them. She felt the familiar feel of his hand in hers, but she hated under what circumstances it was, and why they were doing it. She followed people towards the Justice Building, staring ahead, still in disbelief of everything.

She followed to the bottom level, and waited for her mother and Prim to come in. Prim burst into the room and threw her arms around her. Katniss hugged her, then her mom. She spoke with them until the time was up, and they had to leave. She gave them departing hugs, then looked at Kolton, giving him a slight smile.

She followed the peace keepers onto the train, and once inside and able to have freedom, she ran to Kolton and wrapped her arms tightly around him. She sobbed softly into his chest for a few moments, then looked up at him and kissed him on the lips. "We will figure this out, right?" She asked. She didn't want either of them to die, and knew she was going to figure out some way to keep them both alive. There was going to be no one winner this year, she thought.
Both of Kolton’s parents were quickly into the visiting room when it was opened to them. It was their worst nightmare come true when they decided to have a child. Both of them were hugging him tight and his mother was probably worse off, sobbing uncontrollably. “Please Kolton… You have to come back to us…”

With that, all Kolton did was smile sadly and place a hand on their shoulders. “No.” He stated and before they could retort, he started talking. “You both know that I love Katniss with all my heart. If I come back, that means that she doesn’t. I would have no reason to live, okay? I love you both so much but Katniss is the girl I want to spend my life with. We were planning on our future together… I could never come back here and find someone else. It’s just not going to happen. Besides, you both taught me what love is and if I truly love her, then I’ll do everything I can to get her out alive. You both know that and I ask that you please accept it. I’m not changing my mind. Just make sure she never forgets that I love her.”

The next couple minutes was spent bickering until his mother and father both arrived at the realization that he was serious. Even though they were so scared and filled with sadness, they also were proud. He really had turned into a great young man and his head was in the right place. They did want him to come back, they really did but he was a man on a mission. With that, they hugged tight up until the very last second until they were pulled away by peacekeepers.

When arriving on the train, Kolton accepted Katniss into his embrace with open arms, hugging her tight and returning the quick kiss. “Yeah, we will.” He murmured quietly and leaned his forehead against hers. This couldn’t have been any worse. Kolton hoped this was just some nightmare that they would wake up sometime soon.
Katniss was still in awe of what was happening, but it was slowly starting to sink in to her. She wouldn't go home without Kolton, but also knew Kolton wouldn't go home without her. Their love was so strong, never wanting to be apart. She looked out the window at the passing districts. She just wanted to stay in hers, with Kolton, and never have to worry about anything. But now, there was everything to worry about.

She loved the feeling of his arms wrapped around her. It made her feel a sense of safety and love, and she had always enjoyed the feeling of it. Especially now, when she needed it more than ever. She wrapped her arms around him even tighter, never wanting to let go. She had never imagined this to happen, especially not the two of them together. But selfishly, she was a little glad he was there to help soothe her, otherwise she would be going crazy.

She listened to what Kolton said to her, and that made her feel a little bit better. He always knew how to relax her, and feeling his touch always did that. She felt his forehead against hers, and she closed her eyes, breathing him in. She loved the scent he naturally gave off, though in two years she had never been able to place it. It just made her feel at home.

"We're never going to leave each other, and we'll always love each other," she said in a whisper, something that she said to him often, ever since the beginning of their relationship. She knew even then that they were meant to be, and she knew that she'd have him until the day she died. And if the day came that he died before she did, she would follow him, so they could be together in death.
For the first time ever, Kolton was not happy to see Katniss. While having her with him did calm him down as well, he wished that she wasn’t here. They honestly had a lot they needed to talk about but he didn’t want to think about that right now. All he could do was hug her tightly and keep her tight against his chest. He only pulled back when the colorful Effie Trinket walked in.

“Ah, there they are. The star couple of District Twelve!” Kolton raised his eyebrows at this. Word certainly traveled fast. They wouldn’t know it yet but that was all the buzz about the Reaping. Everyone knew that the tributes in District Twelve were in love.

“Now, now. Don’t look so sad. We have much to get to. I’ll lead you both to your bedrooms where you can shower and change before dinner. It’ll be ready in an hour so hop to it.” Effie ordered, leading the couple through a few train cars. She was so happy and cheerful and it made Kolton sick. When she left them alone, he shook his head and looked to Katniss.

“Obviously, we’re not sleeping separately no matter what anyone says.” Kolton spoke calmly. “Look, let’s just go shower and change like she said then I’ll come over to your room when I’m done. Then we can talk before dinner, okay?” Kolton said before leaning down and kissing her on the lips, cupping her cheeks gently. “I love you Katniss. So much. Now, I’ll see you in a bit.”

As badly as he didn’t want to leave her side, he figured they both realized that these two people on the train with them were supposed to help them win or have a chance at winning so he wanted to try and at least hear them out. If they wanted to get out of this, they would need help. Finally Kolton exited into his bedroom that he knew he wouldn’t actually stay in, stripped down and hopped into the shower.

It was one hell of a step up from an old, rugged, cramped shower that his family had in their home. It hardly even worked most of the time anyways. He spent time in the shower, really cleaning up and washing his body. When he was finished, he stepped out smelling like a new man but still looking the same as he always did. He ended up dressing in a light blue t-shirt and some grey pants made out of soft material. It was called sweatpants, something he never heard of before. After changing, he slipped his feet into some comfortable slippers and walked over to Katniss’ room and slowly slipped inside before taking a seat on the bed, waiting for Katniss to come back out.
Katniss loved the feeling of her cheek against his strong chest, and his back on her hands. She reluctantly let go of him as Effie came in, and she tried to hide her emotions. She had to bite her tongue from saying something rude. She didn't realize they would use their love so publicly. She had no problem with everyone knowing how strong their love was, but not for the enjoyment of the Capitol.

She scooted closer to him, wanting him close and grabbed his hand a bit tighter. She very quickly began to hate this woman even more, which was a shock that that was possible. She followed her through the train cars, and kept close to Kolton. Once they arrived at where they would be sleeping, and Effie left them alone, she turned to him. She listened to him speak, and nodded. She closed her eyes as she felt his lips on hers, and she deepened the kiss, not wanting to let go. "I love you too, Kolton," she said with a slight smile.

Reluctantly, she went to the shower in her room and closed the door. She undressed, then turned the water on. She stepped in, and let the hot water relax her a bit, and she closed her eyes. She still couldn't entirely believe all of this was happening. She washed her hair, and her body, then turned off the water. She wrapped a towel around herself and stepped out and went into her room.

Looking in the closet, she pulled out a black bra and black pair of panties. She then grabbed a light gray tanktop, and a pair of nice smooth dark gray pajama pants. She went back into the bathroom to brush her hair, and walked out to find Kolton sitting on her bed. She was happy to see him, and smile as she walked over to sit right next to him, her leg touching his. "Much nicer than home," she laughed half-heartedly. She laid her head on his arm and put her hand on his thigh. She was lucky to be loved this much, and to love him back with her entire soul.
hen Katniss sat beside of him, a small smile spread on Kolton’s lips. Before answering, he just took everything about her into his senses. First, there was her long, beautiful black hair. While he was thinking about it, he ended up taking his fingers and raking it through her locks, pulling it all over one shoulder. Whether she braided it or let it hang freely, he thought it was adorable. Something he could do was play with her hair for hours on end. Next was her gorgeous gray eyes that made his heart melt… her soft lips… her pretty smile… God, she had a pretty face. On top of that, her body was perfect. Even though she was underfed like everyone, she had curves in all the right places and her breast and ass was starting to develop as she grew into womanhood.

“You’re right. I never thought I would ever see anything so decorated or nice.” It was funny how the Capitol gave them everything right before being thrown into an arena where they might die. Kolton figured they might as well try and enjoy it though. Kolton pecked a quick kiss to her soft lips and continued to absently play with her brunette hair. “God, I love you Katniss. I don’t know how… but I know we will have to find a way out of this together. I promise to be right by your side every single second that we’re here if you promise to be beside mine.” He cooed, reaching down and lacing their fingers together, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.

Just then, a knock was heard at the door. It was Effie, fetching them for dinner. Sighing, Kolton stood up to his feet and pulled her with him. With a sad smile, he walked out the door with her and moved to the dining car. When they entered, he was disappointed to see that the two empty seats were all the ways across the squared table from one another. Reluctantly, he released her hand before giving her a kiss on the cheek and then taking his seat quietly. He could smell Haymitch wreaking of alcohol as usual. Was this man ever sober? How was he supposed to help them have a chance in the games if he can’t even but down a liquor bottle for five minutes?
Katniss saw his smile, which warmed her. She always wanted him to be happy, and seeing the smile on his face made her feel good. She watched as he lifted his hand and raked his fingers through her hair, and her smile came back to normal, like nothing else was happening. She looked into his eyes, and she saw his shift to hers. She could tell that he was taking her in, and it made her blush softly.

So she took the time to do the same. She looked at his blonde shaggy hair, which she always thought was adorable, and his incredible blue eyes. She looked at his toned arms, his strong hands, and his body covered up by his clothes. The process of taking him in, and thinking about all of the things she loved about him, made her relaxed and actually happy.

She listened to what he said, and nodded in agreement. She had seen how absurdly and extravagantly the Capitol people dressed, and could only imagine the way they lived, and this must've been it. She watched him lean into her and give her a quick peck on the lips, making her eyes light up. "I love you too Kolton, and we will find a way out together, I promise. I also promise to be by your side every second." She watched him lace their fingers together, and loved the feeling when his lips touched the back of her hand.

Her head turned as soon as she heard the knock at the door. She sighed as well, and followed him to the dining car. She was highly dissappointed and outright angered to see the chairs on opposite ends of the table. She leaned into his lips as he kissed her on the cheek, and watched him go and sit in his chair. She sat down in hers, and looked at Haymitch, who looked and smelled drunk. She looked down the table at Kolton and rolled her eyes, knowing for the most part they'd be on their own.
The food presented to the tributes happened to be extremely luxurious. Everything was labeled and Kolton was confident to have never heard of at least three quarters of this stuff. However, he ended up trying a little of everything and most of it, if not all of it, tasted absolutely amazing and it filled him right up. One’s thing for sure that they wouldn’t die of starvation while at the Capitol preparing for the Games. He only wished that his family and friends could have a taste of this food. So many people starved back home with no food but all this food could feed so many people.

Effie commented on their polite manners, saying that the last year’s tributes ate like some savages. This disgusted Kolton because she had no idea what they went through. Of course they scarfed down the food, they were probably starved to death when they got on the train anyways. Haymitch made very little conversation to them, simply drinking his liquor and making harsh remarks saying how ironic it was to have two lovers going to kill each other and more nonsense. Kolton was quiet and didn’t say anything back, just trying to make it through.

When it was over, Kolton and Katniss were lead to sit on a couch in front of a very large TV screen. On the monitor was the recaps of today’s Reaping across all the Districts. They could get to measure up their opponents. When they sat there, Kolton simply took hold of Katniss’ hand as they watched the screen. The Careers all looked deadly as usual and the boy from District Eleven looked especially threatening. When it was all done, Haymitch was still stumbling about and vomiting from drinking so much. It was a disgusting site to see. The only positive thing to come out of this was Haymitch agreeing to trying to help them if they didn’t interrupt with his drinking.

An avox is called out to clean him up and Effie waves her tributes away. “Go on. Get some sleep you two. We have a big, big day tomorrow. I’ll wake you in the morning for breakfast before we get to the Capitol.” After being told this, Kolton took their hands together before walking back through the cars to their bedroom.
Katniss was impressed by the food, and she also had never heard of most of it. It all tasted delicious to her. But because of the fact that her body had adjusted to under-eating through the years, she filled up very fast and couldn't try everything, which was fine with her. She kept looking at Kolton, smiling softly at him as she saw him enjoying the food a lot.

She wasn't too thrilled that Effie was speaking that way about the last year's tributes. If anything, speaking about people who were forced to fight to the death and ended up dying, that was cruel. She also gave Haymitch a few death glares as he spoke, not too enthused about his words either. She tried to focus on Kolton and eating.

After dinner, Katniss held Kolton's hand as they walked to the screen. She sat next to him, not letting go of his hand. She watched as the Reaping from the other districts were shown, and she had expected similar people to who were on the screen. No surprises for his, at least in that regard.

Once that was over, and Effie told them to go get rest, Katniss followed hand in hand after Kolton towards their rooms. "Whose bedroom are we sleeping in?" She asked, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about that. She doubted he did, but she wanted to make sure. She laid her head on his arm, trying to relax as they walked.
“Both bedrooms look the exact same so I guess it doesn’t matter.” Kolton answered and lightly squeezed the brunette’s hand. Of course he hadn’t changed his mind. Kolton refused to spend a second away from Katniss if he could help it. When they stood in front of the bedrooms, he just opened the door to her bedroom and walked inside with her. As soon as she stepped inside, he closed the door and then turned right to his lover, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“You’re beautiful, you know that?” He commented with a charming smile before leaning down and lightly pressing his hard lips onto her soft ones, holding it for a brief second before pulling away. Next, he grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and just pulled it up and off his head, tossing it to the ground. Then, he slipped out of his socks and jumped onto the bed.

Laying on his back, he reached up and grabbed Katniss’ hand, pulling her down onto his chest. When she was there, he squeezed her even tighter and pecked two kisses right onto her lips. “I love you, Katniss. I love you so much.” Kolton whispered into her ear. The reality of it all was hitting him like a freight train. All he knew at this moment was his instinct to protect Katniss was kicking in right now. He refused to let his sweet Katniss to get hurt in any way. Now, his blue eyes locked onto her gray ones, just looking deep into her soul and cuddling with her.
Katniss nodded with a smile. She followed him into the bedroom, and giggled as he closed the door and wrapped his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and lightly ran her fingers through his hair. She had always admired his charmingly good looks, even the first day they met. She stared up into his blue eyes with her own gray ones.

She blushed as he complimented her, and she looked down slightly, smiling wildly. She looked back up at him, "And you're incredibly handsome, did you know that?" She watched as he leaned down and she closed her eyes as their lips met. She kissed him back lovingly, moving even closer to his body. She felt him pull away, and she smiled as she reopened her eyes. She watched him take off his shirt and socks.

Taking off her own socks, and her bra, she followed him to the bed. She felt him pull her onto his chest and she laughed softly, propping herself on one elbow. She returned his pecks, and she lost herself in the moment of his body against hers. "I love you more, Kolton," she replied softly. She looked back into his eyes, feeling so close to him. She ran her fingers on his cheek and his neck, over and over taking the same path.
“Silly girl.” Kolton teased and took his fingers, starting to stroke it through her hair. To be honest, he found it kind of unfair that he was sitting here shirtless and she still had that tank top on, so he helped her get rid of it and tossed it away. “I think that’s a better look on you.” Kolton winked playfully at her and then pressed a kiss to her lips.

“So, what should we do now?” The blonde male murmured and placed his hand on her abdomen, lightly tracing circles with his pointer finger. To be honest, he didn’t want to sleep. Actually, he didn’t think he could sleep even if he tried. What he hoped to do was play with her some and just enjoy things a little. Besides, there were a few things he wanted to explore with Katniss. They didn’t have much time left no matter what happened, and that meant they needed to try out their wildest desires.

Finally, he crawled on top of her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. His hard lips were now peppering kisses up and down her neck, deciding to leave her a few love bites here and there, moving to her collarbone and doing the same. His hot breath rolled off onto her skin and every inch of their flesh was touching. Kolton could lose himself in Katniss and just think about her instead of what bad things lay ahead.
Katniss blushed and giggled as he pulled off her tanktop. She helped him out, and then laid on top of him with just her black bra and pants on. She loved when he played with her hair, it always made her feel good. She smiled when he commented on her now and she kissed him back happily.

She listened as he asked what they should do then as she felt his fingers tracing along her bare abdomen. She felt butterflies in her lower stomach and she flashed him a smile. "Maybe we could make the best of this nice comfortable bed, and I'm not talking about sleeping," she said with a wink. She began to run her fingers on his hip and down to his stomach, right above the hem of his pants.

She watched him climb on top of her and she smiled brightly at him. She wrapped her arms around him, running her hands up and down his muscular back. She kissed him back whenever his lips were on hers, and she felt her breathing get a little ragged as he kissed up and down her neck and her collarbone. She loved losing themselves in the moment. "I love you more than the world, Kolton," she murmurred as he kissed her skin.
“Katniss, I love you too… so much.” Kolton whispered with a smile on his lips. His hands now went down to her pants and slowly tugged them down off her body. Pretty soon she was left in just her bra and panties. “This is what I wanted to see. We will make the most out of this bed… I promise.” Kolton whispered and slowly slid a hand into her panties before starting to slowly rub on her clit. He did this for a few moments and slowly removed his hand. “I want to try something with you Katniss…” He paused with a smile on his face, now straddling her at the waist and looking deep into her eyes.

“I love you and I want to explore a new world with you. For a long time… I’ve wanted to tie you up. I am very interested in bondage and I fantasize about you all the time. Can we try it? I can use some of the scarves in your closet. I will be gentle at first. We need to explore our deepest desires now, while we can.” Kolton pointed out with a smile, leaning down and kissing her on the lips.

Kolton really wanted to do this with Katniss. He wanted to have her tied up and gagged and he wanted to play with her and fulfill his dreams. Kolton wanted this for a long time and he knew that Katniss would love it if she tried.
Katniss smiled as he said it back. She knew he loved her, but hearing it just made her heart melt. She watched as he grabbed at her pants, and she lifted her hips to help him slide them off. She giggled when he promises they would make the most of the bed. She felt his hand go down her panties, and she soon felt his fingers rubbing on her clit. She let out a breath as she bit her bottom lip, looking up into his blue eyes.

A few moments later, she felt him remove his hand. She squirmed, wanting his fingers back on her clit. She listened to what he said and she smiled but raised an eyebrow at him. What was he planning? She listened to what he was saying, and she was a bit surprised. She had thought about it, but never brought it up. She felt her clit pulse a little as she thought about herself being at his mercy.

"Of course we can try it. I've thought about it as well, but never thought to bring it up. I trust you, and whatever you want to do, we can do it," she said with a bright smile. "I love you," she added. She felt his lips place a kiss on hers, and she was excited. She knew that she was going to enjoy it, and she knew that he would too. "Grab whatever you need to tie me up, Kolton," she said with a wink.
Kolton’s eyes lit up brightly when Katniss agreed to try this with him. “I love you too!” The young male exclaimed and then leaned forward to peck a kiss on her lips. Not wanting to waste any time, he stood right to his feet and walked over to the closet. His time spent looking gave him three silk scarves. Turning back to the brunette, he approached her with a devious smirk on his lips.

Kolton took the first scarf and held it to her lips. “Open up that pretty mouth of yours, Katniss.” He whispered and then pressed the scarf in between her teeth and lifted up her hair so it didn’t get tangled in the scarf and then proceeded to pull it tightly around the back of her head before tying a tight knot right at the base of her skull. “This is called a cleave gag… really simple but really sexy. Gags are my favorite thing in the world. I always wondered what you sounded like with a gag in your mouth.” He mused, tugging on the scarf to make sure it was in place.

While most people thought gags were only meant to keep someone quiet, Kolton liked them for another reason. He thought there was nothing sexier than the sound of a girl gagged, trying to moan and talk but being restricted to sexy mumbles and noises. “I also still expect you to kiss me when you’re like this.” Kolton ordered and to place emphasis on that point, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips over the gag.

Next, he took her hands behind of her back and crossed her wrists. He took the second scarf and wrapped it all over her wrists and looped the ends through, pulling it tight against her skin and then adding a tight not on top. Once that was finished, Kolton playfully pushed Katniss onto her back and brought her feet into his lap. He placed a kiss on the side of her feet before pushing her ankles together and then repeating the same process he used when tying her wrists.

When he was finally finished, he gave her breast a quick squeeze and now propped up beside of her on an elbow. “How does it feel, Katniss?” He purred, running one hand down her abdomen towards her panties.
Katniss smiled as he looked excited. She kissed him back, then watched as he went quickly over to the closet and grabbed what he needed. She giggled softly, thinking he looked like a child on his birthday, highly excited. She watched him turn back to her with a smile. She blushed and smiled back, knowing the look on his face meant she was in for a very fun, pleasurable time.

Blushing at what he said, she obediently opened her mouth, and watched as he put it in her mouth. She felt him tie it behind her head. She gave a muffled giggle at what he said, and watched him make sure it was in place. She blushed at what he said, and kissed him back when his lips touched hers. So far, she was definitely liking it, and the wetness between her thighs emphasized that.

She felt him grab her wrists, cross and tie them behind her back. She giggled and looked at him as he pushed her on the bed. She watched as he kissed her feet and ankles, and then watched him easily tie her ankles up. "Looks like you practiced in case this happened," she tried to say, but the words didn't entirely come out, and she smiled.

She listened to his question and blushed. "Great," she again tried to say, but her message wasn't conveyed due to the gag. She smiled and nodded, signaling that it felt incredible. She was excited as she looked into his eyes. She shivered slightly as she felt his fingers on her abdomen, going down towards her panties. She reached up and kissed his lips lovingly, which was something she would have to practice with the gag.
The combined feeling of Katniss' soft lips along with the silk material of the scarf gag aroused Kolton to no end. The way she tried to kiss him and talk to him despite being gagged drove him crazy. Honestly, he wouldn't even need to tell her this information because his thick, hard cock was now pressed firmly against her thigh. It was almost throbbing already, almost painful. Returning the kiss, his warm tongue slipped out and started running over her gagged lips until he made her lips moist. So many times Kolton had imagined this moment in his fantasies. He could safely say that nothing in his imagination compared to the real thing.

Seeing it as a hindrance, Kolton lifted up the brunette's body and unstrapped her bra. Then, he did something he always dreamed of. They had all the clothes they needed provided so he gripped the hem of her panties with both hands and just ripped it straight off her body. An amused grin spread across his lips and he tossed it to the side. Leaning back, his hands gripped the back of her legs and raised them in the air so her bound legs were raised against his shoulders.

Reaching out, he started to kiss and suck on her bound feet again. AT this angle, her plump, pink pussy lips were available to him between her legs. Before entering her, he took the throbbing tip of his length and gently massaged her folds. "Katniss... I'm not going to give you what you want unless you beg me for it so be a good girl and beg for my cock while you struggle in your bondage. If you turn me on enough then maybe I'll have some fun with you." He challenged, winking playfully at her.
Katniss felt herself get even more wet as she felt his hard cock against her thigh. She was aching for him inside of her, needing him. She felt his lips on hers, and she kissed him back as best as she could. She felt his tongue on her lips and the sensation made her shiver slightly. She felt him lift her body, and she was curious as to what he was going to do. She felt him unsnap her bra, and she blushed, her breasts now free from it and at his mercy.

She then watched as he grabbed her panties. She wasn't sure how he planned to get them off her legs, but she very quickly knew the answer. She watched as he ripped them off her in a quick motion. She moaned and arched her back, that small action turned her on a lot. She was quickly finding that she really enjoyed bondage, and that it drove her absolutely crazy. It was even better than she thought it would be.

She felt him lift her legs and put them up on his shoulder. She watched as he kissed and sucked on her feet, and she moaned. She squirmed, trying to convey the message that she desperately needed him. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt the tip of his cock on her pussy. She wiggled, trying to push it inside of her, to no avail.

When he said those words, she moaned again. He was turning her on so god damn much at that point. She began to squirm and struggle against her binds, playing for him. "Please, Kolton, I so badly need your cock, pleeeeeaaassseee," she begged in a muffled voice, and she was pretty sure he couldn't understand her, but she just hoped he would give her what she wanted and needed: his cock inside of her.
Indeed, Kolton did not really understand what Katniss was saying to him. However, that wasn’t important. What was important was hearing Katniss make those muffled noises. To say that they aroused him would be a MASSIVE understatement. His blue eyes looked down at the girl to see the way her pink lips hugged the scarf so snugly. Good God, his lover was so hot. Kolton knew her well enough to tell when she was enjoying something and that’s definitely the vibe he got here.

“Keep on struggling baby. I love you so much. I’m ready to have some fun with you now.” Winking a flirtatious wink at her, his large hands reached down to grab her full breasts and give them a squeeze. His fingers dug into the flesh and he continued circling his tip around her open hole. The young male was almost throbbing painfully now so without another word, he slowly entered his thick, juicy cock inside of Katniss and started to slowly roll his hips against her.

Sure, they’ve had sex plenty of times before but there was something special about this. She was bound and gagged just like in his wildest dreams. His arousal levels were out of this world right now. It was difficult to contain himself and take this slowly, but that’s what he wanted. This was a moment he wanted to live in forever where they had nothing to worry about other than focusing on each other.

His hips slammed forward and his hip bones pressed into hers before he pulled back, his rough skin of his cock rubbing all against her walls. The tip of his cock continued to press into her g-spot with each thrust and he slowly began to increase the pace. His eyes were dilated and full of love. He didn’t know where to focus his blue orbs, whether it was looking into her eyes, looking at her gagged lips, looking at her bound feet… there was so much going on! Kolton was absolutely loving this.
Katniss looked up into his eyes, and she could tell how much he was enjoying this, which made get incredibly happy. She wanted him to be turned on just as much as she was. She listened to what he said and blushed. She continues to move around in her binds, hoping to drive him crazy. She was relieved when he said he was ready to have fun with her now. She needed him more than ever.

She moaned softly when she felt him grab her breasts and squeeze them. She squirmed against his cock, trying to get it inside of her faster. She loved when he teased her like this. It drove her absolutely mad, but she loved it. She felt him slide his cock inside of her, and she arched her back as she moaned against the gag. She felt his hips against hers, and his cock against her cervix. She looked up into his eyes with a lustful look in hers.

She couldn't believe how good this felt. She had imagined this plenty of times, but nothing compared the to reality of it. Her breathing began to quicken as she felt his pace slowly start to increase. As he began to hit her g-spot repeatedly, her moans became louder and more frequent. Looking up at him, and looking at her bound feet on his shoulder, and at his cock pushing in and out of her, she knew she wouldn't be able to contain herself for long.

She closed her eyes, just enjoying the feeling. The feeling of her body being completely at his mercy, the feeling of his thick cock inside of her tight pussy, the love that she felt and that they shared. She couldn't imagine a better person to be with than Kolton, and she honestly wouldn't be with anyone else, there was no way, even before she knew his love. But from the moment she saw him, she knew she would love him forever, until the day they died.
Kolton was definitely not holding anything back here. The bed was starting to rattle and creak loudly with the box spring about to give. All the young male could think about was how much he loved his little damsel in distress and how sexy she was. He knew that Katniss would never take on that kind of role of being helpless but he loved seeing her like this. She was his little captive and he was ravaging her hard. It seemed like the more she made those sexy, muffled noises, the harder he got. His large hands reach down and squeeze her breasts hard again and continued to slam inside of her over and over again.

“Ah fuck… Katniss! You feel so fucking good.” He groaned, his voice laced with pleasure, so much so that it sounded like something out of a dream. His lips were now wrapping around her toes again, kissing, licking, and sucking on them while he continued to force his thick cock inside of her time and time again. After a few more thrusts and a few more of those sexy moans, he hit his orgasm hard and tilted his head backwards and moaned out her name loudly.

A pulsating feeling rushed up and down his manhood from the base of his cock to the tip. Finally, his cock reached his potential and the male felt himself release, exploding four spurts of cum inside of her and filling her up with his sticky juices. “Oh… Fuck yes… Baby…” Kolton groaned and tilted his head back again, riding out his orgasm. When he was done, he pulled out of her slowly and wrapped his arms around her tightly and started to kiss her over the gag, running his tongue all along her gagged lips happily, holding her at the waist as they could calm down.
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