The Sun and the Moons ( Jemnai x Krystal_Atems_Girl)

David heard his name being called as he noticed it was the blue haired young woman that he bumped into earlier. He goes and heads over to the booth. "Nice to see you both," as he couldn't believe his eyes. " May I join you two" he asked as he couldn't help the feeling about meeting these two something telling him they were meant to meet.
Krystal grinned at him, but it was who spoke. "of course professor" She muttered timidly, going back to her milkshake. Krystal was all hyper now. something about him being with her and her twin felt so very right.
David goes and sits with the two as he felt this was right. Just as he sits down Mamoru and Rei walk in and come over. "Hello Krystal, Usagi," Mamoru said to them "Whose the new guy?"he Rei asked them as she was picking up strong energy about David.
"Well Krystal its actually Professor David Ballway as I am Usagi's Professor" David said as he stood up and shock Mamoru as there was tention between the two of them. Rei keeping her eye on David. "Well it nice to meet you David" Rei said as goes and starts dragging Mamoru off as she could tell this wouldn't end well like it was something from the past. " Alright see you around" Mamoru said as he just didn't like or trust this David fellow.
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