The Sun and the Moons ( Jemnai x Krystal_Atems_Girl)


Jan 9, 2009
Tempe ,az
David couldn't believe that he was starting his Graduate Study in Japan. He come there since he wanted to get PHD in Japanese Lit and the States were not the best place to do it. He was walking around campus dressed in pair of black jeans, with a red polo and pair black sneakers. He was taller then most of the student as being an American and White he was 6ft tall and weighed about 200lbs but he wasn't fat he toned and worked out.

He did have other reason he had to find the two woman he had sworn to protect long ago in a past life. His dreams pointed him to Japan esp the Juban District.
Krystal looked around campus, taking in a breath as she observed. She had been with her sister at this college for the last 4 years, but today something felt different. She lightly squeezed her twins shoulder. "Something is different. Be on gaurd." She often had visions of the future, but what she'd seen lately had only been happy. Still, she felt something was off. Little did she know it was an old friend from long ago.

The wind blew through both twins hair, and if he were close he would smell Krystal's heavy cherry blossom perfume. Even on the moon, the older twin with hair like the blue moon, loved cherry blossoms. It had always been something she'd admired. She smiled at her sister as Usagi jumped excutedly, ever the hyper one. "Things are gonna be okay, penguin! I just know it!" Usagi quipped, running to her first class. Krystal didn't have a class until later, and would be returning to her penthouse in her father's hotel, the Kobayashi grand..
David felt something sting not bad type but feeling like he was near those he was meant to be with but also knew there were things that would harm those he sworn to protect long ago and he wasn't going to fail them this time around. He was heading to the class he was to teach for his Teaching Advisor Classic Englic Lit vs Classic Japanese Lit with focus on Mythology of the two.

As he walked he basicly crashed into a young woman who was running their heads hit each other sending each other to the ground falling onto their asses. "I am so sorry" the young man said in perfect Japanese.
Krystal rubbed her head a moment to heal the damage, giving him a soft smile. "It is alright. Things happen." She replied in english out of habit. Krystal had lived most of her life in america before coming to Japan to spend time with her father. Once she met usagi though, she never left, if only to visit her mother in Texas. She smiled again at him, holding out her hand to help him up. She stood at about 6'6 in her 6' inch stilletos, her heels clicking on the pavement as she walked closer.
After hearing the woman respond in English " No I should have looked where I was going miss,"he said with a smile as he stood up and brushed himself off. " I am David and you are miss?"he asked her as he looked her over. Still new to the Tokyo area he hadn't made many friends yet. Then again patrolling at night waiting for a monster to attack took up his time.
Krystal smiled. "It is really alright." She promised, brushing gerself off a bit. You could see she was japanese, but she was much paler with striking glacial blue eyes. She wore a a black veil brides tshirt, skinny jeans and black stiletto booties. She smiled at him again. "I'm Krystal. Its nice to meet you David." She added softly, holding her hand out for a shake.
" Nice to meet you Krystal"he said at woman looked like porcoline Metal Doll. as he put his hand out to shake he felt something but shook it off. He goes and shakes her hand as he does he felt sting but not bad on then his cell phone alarm went off as he was going to be late for his class to teach"I am sorry I got to go" he said as it was the first day of the new term and he wanted to be prompt for his students.
Krystal smiled at him, feeling the quick sensation as well, and remembering hownit felt when she'd met the outer senshi again. She knew he was special, but she wasn't entirely sure how. It worried her a little, but she doen played it. "Yo too. Lets catch up later at crown arcade, okay? I'll buy you a parfait " she promised him with a grin, watching him run off.
"Yes I heard of it and alright think of it as date," David said running to his class. He arrived and goes and writes his name on the White Board. Lucky he timed his alarm to go off 10 minutes before he had to be there and goes and pulls out the syllabus for the course work. Being the Professor for this class helped with his requirement for his Doctric. He noticed students filing in. He goes and composes himself as he waits for everyone to arrive.
Krystal smiled "you got it." She said, smiling a little to herself. She couldn't deny he was handsome, and something about him reminded her of her friends back in Texas. She fidgeted with her locket necklace as she walked away, looking for a shadowed corner in which to disappear back home.

Usagi was the first to arrive, sitting right in the front row. She was excited to learn now that she was older and more mature. She noted the mans english name and wondered where he might have come from in the states. Her sister might know him, since she had been to every state in the union when she was younger. She wouldn't know Krystal had met him just a few minutes prior.
Everyone had filed in as he noticed Usagi and did a double take as he could have swore he seen the blonde sitting in the front row was the same as the girl he had meet moments before. "Welcome everyone to Classic English Lit vs Classic Japanese Lit with focus on Mythology of the two. I am Professor David Ballway," he said in perfect Japanese which shocked a lot of his students since most gaijin were fluent in Japanese but their accents slips through. "I am going to be passing out the syllabus then we will start with introductions as to why you chose this class and little about yourself"he said as he goes and starts to hand out the packet.

Five minutes later everyone had a packet and he goes over it explaining there would be project at the end of the term that would count for 50% of the total Final grade Participation would be 25 % and attendance would be 25 % he wasn't going to bog them down with tests and the what not the Final Project is what really matter. " Students Final project will be based on how the two Mythologies are compared and contrast each other and the vital roles they played in shaping cultures" he said

After several moans and grones from students. " Now I start the introduction I am David Ballway just moved here from Phoenix, Arizona in the United States. I came here to do my PHD on Japanese Mythology in Lit. I hold a Master in English Lit and a Bachlors in Computer Science and English Lit. My favorite video game is Sailor V and in my High School was the Champ at it." David said
Usagi was first to raise her hand when he asked for names and everything, hyper as ever. Her voice mirrored her sister's though Krystal's was slightly lower in pitch. She stood. "Hello everyone, i'm usagi tsukino-Kobayashi, and i'm here because my twin sister krystal often tells me of legends from the states, and I wanted to learn more. No, in case you're curious, I kind of suck at cooking, so no mochi for me." She explained with a laugh, sweat dropping slightly.
David watched as the blonde introduced herself to everyone in class. Over the next hour everyone introduced themselves to the whole class. David goes and takes out the first book they would be dealing with that was Cantaberry tales for the English Lit and then Japanese counter part. "Alright I want you all to ready and compare and contrast the stories in these books and at the next class session we discuss them," he said as he looked at the clock as it was about time to leave. "Alright I let you all leave early since it the first day see you all back here in two days"he said as he starts packing up.
Usagi smiled at the teacher, gathering her books. She would be returning to the penthouse to have lunch with her ssister, and then they had a political science class together. When they had all left, Usagi smiled. "Wanna come to lunch with me at my sisters, professor?"
David noticed that Usagi had stayed behind " Well that would be nice but also inapprote to have such a meal with a student. Not that I don't want to but me being new to the school and your Professor I don't want folks to get the wrong idea about me. Though if I happen to be at public place that is more then fine to join me for lunch," David said to her as he looking her over but then again he didn't want to have rumors go around about him and a student.
David trying figure out in his mind where he had seen those Twins from but alas he had to head to his office to take a power nap. He walked in the quad as he headed to his office as he goes an grabs a soda from the vending machine. He didn't have another class for a few hours and nap would do him some good the night before he was out late on his patrol. After a ten minute walk he went into his office closed the blinds and locked the door setting the alarm on his cell for the time he needed to wake. He goes and lays on the sofa as he drifts off to sleep. As he starts to dream his mind takes him back to the distant past.

Flashback dream~~~

There stood David in but little younger in a throne room where a woman with long silver hair sat on the throne next two her was two cat a purple and a white one" Thank your Majesty for allowing me to come here in my exile from my kingdom," he said not knowing what happened to his kingdom of the Sun or the Solarian Kingdom had just fell since he was banished for wanting to fight along side the Moon. He was dressed in red princely jacket with white leather pants and black jackboots. Around his neck was gold chain with Dragonhead with medium blood red solar ruby in it mouth.
The fair queen smiled, shooing her cat advisors away. "It is my pleasure, good prince. You were exiled for standing up to an injustice." She said with a smile, taking asip of wone. She often drank white wine when she was worried, and this whole uprising had her worried. She didn't know what to do. She feared for her daughters, even if she knew Krystal would and could protect her sister with her very life.
"Well for me it means a lot since my family comes from both the Moon and Earth and I want peace once again" he said as he watched the two cats leave. " For payment of allowing me to stay the Moon as my blade and my life," he said with a bow to her. His words were true he would die to protect the kingdom his own payment for this oath was to stay here till the war was over then hoping he could return to the Solarian Kingdom with vindication.
As she goes and kisses his head he was able to look down her lovely white dress and see her large breasts. He had heard tales about the Moon Queen and how behind close doors was a wanton nymph but he couldn't believe that about this kind woman. "Your welcome your Majesty,"he said to her. She was his distant cousin and she wouldn't do anything to shame that or would she.
The prince moved slightly as his face went to her breasts. He gave a low moan as he takes into her scent."I am sorry your Majesty"he moans
Queen serenity let out a small chuckle as she ruffled his hair playfully. "Don't apologize younv prince. I do not mind. In fact I think some sexy fun is long over due. Come. We shall have somd harmless fun." She murmured her smile just slightly turned up mischievously as she lead him to her room.
Just as he was following the Queen he started to wake up. " Why was I dreaming of that time " he said to himself as he looked at the clock it was only an hour. He hadn't had dreams like that in years. "I got head to class " he said as he rubs his eyes as he puts on his glasses. He heads back to his class room to do the same he did in his class earlier one.

Hours later David heads to the Crown as he had to just get his mind off that dream. He hadn't had much of a chance to see local hang outs or such since he got to Tokyo.
Krystal was sitting with her sister in their usual booth. she sipped a strawberry milkshake while he sister had chocolate. She grinned as she saw david walk in. "David!" She called excitedly, waving him over. usagi looked a little confused. So her sister did know her professir.
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