Star Wars: The First Order's Rise and Fall (Naomi David x nobody)

"As nice as that sounds, i am afraid that i must keep up appearances. Besides, all my clothes are in my own room." Having said this, Kylo swung his leg over Serena, stood up and kissed her one more time, licking his own cum from her mouth and giving her a little wink. "As i said, we will have plenty of time to enjoy each other, but right now we have around thirty minutes to be ready for the Supreme Leader. Just wear your armor for now, my Master doesn't like covered faces anyway." Then he was gone, and the door shut behind him.
She felt a little disappointment when he told her that he couldn't join her in cleaning up. She happily kissed him back, and she spoke,"Fair enough!" She felt really happy as he left, knowing that they'd be able to do this again. She took another shower, she wanted to look good for the Supreme Leader. The nervousness returned, she was going to meet the biggest bad ass of them all. The one who raised the First Order from the ashes of the Empire after the Battle of Endor. She dried off again, and put her undergarments on, then put her armor plates back on. She was glad everything was all dry now. She stepped outside of her room when she was sure everything about her appearance was presentable, and the room's appearance was acceptable.
Kylo was already in the hallway when Serena stepped out. He wore a new set of robes, since his old clothes had been burnt in several places during the last battle. His helmet was under his arm, but it may as well have been on for all the expression visible on his face. "You're just in time," he said almost absently before turning and walking to where the ramp would soon extend. "Now before you meet our Supreme Leader i feel i must warn you about a few things. Firstly, mind your military bearing. Speak only when asked to, try to look like a strong soldier, and if you value your good looks then please don't stare.
"And when you do speak, remember that you are addressing one of the most powerful beings in the Galaxy, in every category. Just mind your manners, you'll do fine."

Kylo patted the young woman on the shoulder just when the ramp decended on a dark, rocky outcrop on a windy, rainy night. "Come on, he's waiting for us." He then ran down to the ground and disappeared into the gaping mouth of a cave.
Serena half expected a smile on his face when he saw her, but she suddenly remembered that their having sex should not be, and could not be public knowledge. She followed him to the ramp, and she nodded for each direction. A lot of it was just common sense and good manners. She followed him off the ramp and into the rain. She wasn't a fan of rain, it did weird things to her hair if it didn't get dried immediately. The pat on her shoulder was nice, but did little to comfort her. She followed him into the cave, she smoothed down her hair, trying to look as professional as possible.
The rain that pelted the two Humans came in warm, fat drops, so the cool air blowing around in the cave was a bit shocking at first. Kylo lead the way into the cave guided only by the lights from his shuttle at first, but as those faded into obscurity the pale glow of bioluminescent fungi and insects showed the path until they reached a smoothly carved hallway lit with blue tubes that ran along the walls, along with the regular nests of bugs that resembled slick, frozen torches.

As the pair followed the hallway deeper, the wind died down until the air, while still cool, was nearly still. That was when a red-robed man of green complexion with several triangilar tattoos on his bald head and face stepped out from a shadowy side corridor to halt their progress.

The short man eyed Serena suspiciously for a second before giving Kylo a deep bow. "My Lord," he began in a sort of raspy hiss, "Supreme Leader Snoke awaits you in the Hall of Trancendence."

"Then take us there, you snivveling curr! You know i dont have the time to memorize these endless worm-tunnels!" Kylo snapped back loudly. The Kiffar bowed again and hurried down a series of dim corridors until they reached a dark wooden door carved with horridly twisted versions of the most ferocious beasts from across the Galaxy all paying vile, bloody homage to a triangular hole cut deep into the center. Suddenly, a low rumble came from the door as it began to swing inward, and the Kiffar scurried out of sight.

The light inside the high-domed, hexagonal chamber was of a slightly green hue, but seemed to come from the rock itself. Inside, the tall, wiry figure of a badly scarred, grey skinned alien dressed in flowing black robes that were covered in archaeic, shimmering silver runes was standing beside a rectangular table raised from the center of the floor.

"I have no time for your excuses, just bring the girl here." Kylo paused halfway into a bow, looked to the Trooper beside him and nodded for her to approach the table, which was blanketed with blood-colored shimmersilk under which lay a humanoid figure.
Damn, this planet had weird geology to her. Warm rain, then cool air from the cave. Light was abundant at first from the shuttle lights, but then it faded. Then their way was light by the most gorgeous bioluminescent fungi and bugs. All sorts of blue and green lights. She was a sucker for a planet's natural beauty. One wouldn't expect a Doctor to have appreciation for such, but since she was always surrounded by so much death, beauty from the planet always pleased her since it took years of life and evolution to make such pretty things possible. Then the hallway there were in, the stone grew smooth, and the light grew artificial. Then bug nests. As much as she appreciated the beauty they brought to a planet, she half hated them because when on nasty planets like the one the First Order had just battled on and lost, bugs were the main source of infection and ills. More work for her.

Then the air grew still, then a stranger stopped them. He gave her a look of deep suspicion, maybe because she was a storm trooper who didn't have her helmet on, or maybe it was rare that guests came. Either way, she didn't like it. She smirked when Kylo snapped at him, it amused her. The door they eventually came upon gave her the creeps, the carvings, while well done, were just not to her liking. Then the door swung inward, it looked like it was done by itself. The light inside the chamber looked slightly green, casting the most unflattering color on the Supreme Leader. Awe, respect, and fear were all things she felt at the same time. She made the gestures of respect before she went to the table, and she waited for the order to remove the silk. She smelled a most foul odor. It smelled like something that had been dead for quite some time. Decomposition probably a week. Did they honestly expect her to bring back to life somebody who was clearly dead? Yes, they probably did. But honestly, of all the people she had saved over the few years, how many of them were honestly, truly dead but she wasn't paying attention to that when she managed to bring them back? How much of it all was actually good medicine, how much of it was the Force?
Supreme Leader Snoke kept his eyes fixed upon the supine figure under the shimmersilk. Once the medic reached the table, he spoke slowly, deliberately.

"Kylo Ren has told me of your talent. What you can do is exceedingly rare, trooper. Many lifetimes have been spent in vain search for a way to cheat death, so to be granted this innate ability is nothing short of remarkable.

"You know, i could sense you as soon as you stepped foot on the stone. It really is a shame that one as... Potent as you should go this long without training, but if you prove yourself worthy I shall teach you as much as i can."

Without another word, the eight foot tall alien pulled the silk cover to the floor. Lying on the table was a Human male of about average height and a strong, muscular build. He wore only a ragged pair of shorts and had a myriad of complex tattoos across his pale skin up to the collarbone. The young man's face was gaunt and twisted up in an expression of agony, subdued only by the fact that the corpse wasn't actively voicing any pain.

"You will find no physical injuries, it was his mind that could not handle my experiments. I have learned my lesson, but i must have him back... I have put too much work into this project to loose my most successful subject. I am relying on you, trooper SI-0617. Revive him."
Even without knowing now what the Supreme Leader looked like, when she heard his voice, she knew there was power in the man. Charisma. The sort of person people would want to listen to, to follow. She kept her face impassive, but respectable as she listed to him speak as he pulled away the silk that prevented her from seeing what was underneath. The odor grew slightly stronger as the silk was removed, but what she saw broke her heart, as what she saw first was his face. The dead man looked to be in such sheer agony. Would she really be doing him a favor if she 'revived' him? She kept her emotions in check when he said that he'd teach her how to control her abilities if he found her worthy, even though she was very dearly excited for the opportunity. When he was done talking, all she spoke was,"Yes, Supreme Leader."

She placed both of her hands on his chest, and took a deep breath, then let it out. What was it that she did when she 'revived' people? She concentrated first, then put as much good will and desire into wanting to save the subject she was working on. Hope, faith, good emotions and feelings. Now she was aware that she was Force Sensitive. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the dead man's pain, then used her ability that she did not know had the name 'Dark Transfer'. As she did it, she got terrible feelings. She saw bad things, awful things that one should never see. This never happened with any of the others. Then the man's eyes opened. As his body began to work properly again, she kept seeing more things, she tried to remove her hands, but it was like they were stuck to him. If one was Force Sensitive, trained or not, they could now sense a massive disturbance in the Force. Like she had revived something that should not have been revived. Color began to return to his skin, and she could feel his chest go up and down, and she could feel his heart beat.

She was finally able to pull back her hands... Then the crash of energy that came with reviving somebody began, only now, it was that much stronger. She staggered some, fighting away the darkness that threatened to steal over her eyes. She could not, and would not pass out in front of the Supreme Leader, or Kylo Ren. It would be terribly embarrassing. Then she began to see things, the ceiling? But she wasn't looking at the ceiling. The man she had just revived was, he was still on his back. She blinked several times, trying to see from her line of vision. She weakly, slowly spoke,"Supreme Leader, I don't know how, this never happened with any of the people I've revived before, but I can see through this man's line of sight."
Both the Sith Lords watched intently with all of their senses as the Doctor did what she did best. Both of them were curious about her power, both of them craved it and knew- or hoped they knew- that they could unlock this arcane secret by developing this girl's powers until she could teach them or until they could find a way too do it themselves.

Both men in the room were unsurprised at first to sense the seemingly Light-side intentions in SI-0617, and Snoke smirked a bit when the energy suddenly took a darker turn. The Force made a strained burp of steaming Darkness; sensations of pain, dispair, rot, phosphor and confusion festered within the corpse as the Living Force slowly repaired long-cold synapses and the subject began to breathe.

Air came from him with a dry rattle at first, then he coughed and opened his eyes. It took several blinks to actually see the dully glowing ceiling and the dark figure of his Master standing over him. The young man was so confounded to see this place again that he took several seconds to do anything.

There was a voice, a girl he did not know, saying something about seeing from his line of sight, and then he felt a strange mind touching his own. Somehow he knew that she had brought him back here. Only then did he realize that he was back in his old body, on this plain of limits and pain, and immediately felt the burn, the fury that had driven him to break through boundary after boundary before that immesurable time spent outside this heavy, limited shell.

He wanted to jump up and run right into a battle, either destroying everything in his path or earning his way out of his body once more, but found himself assailed by the crippling pain of long-inactive muscles and locked-up joints. The wretch opened his mouth and released a monstrous howl, more out of frustrated anguish than actual pain and sqwirmed in place. Soon he was exhausted and just breathed in place before passing out of consciousness.

The two Sith Lords remained silent and still as they observed the whole scene, then looked to the trooper for her assessment of what had just happened.
The sounds of the newly brought back to life man's pain rattled around in her head, but it was almost like an echo. She could hear it in her own ears, but it was like she could almost feel his pain and suffering as well. Interesting, these sensation has never happened before with anybody else, or maybe it was because none of her patients that she knew of were able to use the Force. Then his howl came, and she winced, the noise got to her. Then she sighed in relief, he passed out. She touched him again, wondering if he was dead again, but he wasn't, he was still very much alive. She spoke,"He is alive again, clearly, but bringing him back to life feels so much different than any one else I've brought back. I've never had horrific visions in bringing anybody else back, so I'm curious if this is a side effect of bringing back somebody who can use the Force-" Her eyes looked darker for a moment, her one eye looked like a night sky blue instead of its usual morning sky blue, while her other looked like a much darker green instead of its spring grass green. She continued, though her voice was far slower,"And I need to rest. Find me a couple of dead Force Sensitives, light, dark, new, and I'll give a better judgment." The darkness in her eyes cleared up, they looked as bright and pretty as ever.
"No, no, you've done well, my child." The Supreme Leader replied in a tone of dismissal praise as he bent over to examine his warrior reborn. "Kylo, take her away. Feed her and let her rest, i need to ensure that Silas makes a full recovery."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Kylo Ren gave a deep bow before beckoning to the trooper. Just as they were stepping through the door, the old Sith Lord called out, "and don't leave this place, we have much to discuss."

As soon as he finished speaking the door slammed shut with a resonant thunder. Upon turning around, they would see the short Kiffar again, staring at the Doctor in disbelief. He had clearly been waiting just outside the whole time and he knew what had happened. "What are you looking at, Gorr? No doubt you heard every word spoken, so why don't you take us to the Kitchen?"

"Of course, Lord Kylo,"

"I HAVE TOLD YOU NOT TO USE MY NAME!!!" The Human snapped, rage radiating from him like the red light of a dying sun. Gorr bowed, turned and began to amble forward in what seemed like a groveling-run until one realised that the hunched over alien actually had several small deformities to include one leg being a couple of inches shorter than the other.

"Come," Kylo said to Serena quietly, "I think you will find that the food here is far better than the rations you're used to."
Serena was pleased that she had made the Supreme Leader happy. Kylo was totally right, he was the one person you didn't want to tick off. So that was the name of the man she had revived, Silas. Good. She liked to know the names of her 'patients', even if it was just a designation. As soon as they left the Supreme Leader's chamber, the doors slammed behind them very loudly. Dramatic. Then the Kiffar made his reappearance, she had a sneaking suspicion he had been eavesdropping, judging by the way he was staring at her. She put a gentle hand on Kylo's back when he snapped at the Kiffar, and she spoke,"I look forward to it. Every time I bring somebody back, I experience a huge drop in blood sugar." It was highly risky for her to not have eaten immediately after she had brought the trooper back to life earlier, and to have revived somebody again without eating was foolish, but there was food coming, and she was eager for it. She looked at the Kiffar as the man ambled away, she realized he had many deformities. She could fix that, given the time and tools. With great power came the great need to feed her face and sleep.
It took only three minutes to reach the kitchen, which was a wide, long hall lit no better than any other place they had yet been to. There were several others already sitting at the singular stone table, whispering harshly and pretending not to notice that the two had entered. Kylo spent a second eyeing the group of twenty-something Humanoids before deciding to leave them be.

He brought Serena over to the end of the table closer to the actual kitchen and a smallish droid consisting of head, shoulders and chest atop a repulsorlift floated up with a datapad. The scratched-up robot handed Kylo a datapad, which he tapped at before handing off to the famished soldier.

The datapad was a menu, and it showed a myriad of dishes from across the galaxy, anything from simple meals for powering an athlete to the kinds of delacacies that most people got to try only a handful of times. No prices were to be found.

Meanwhile, the group of young adults at the other end of the table whispered away with no signs of stopping what seemed to be an argument.
The kitchen, when they got there, was as poorly lit as the rest of the place. Hell, once she saw some bright light later, it'd wreak havoc on her eyes for a moment when they readjusted. She could see a group of people that didn't look much older than her and Kylo sitting at the only table on the place talking. She was glad he brought her to the end of the table that was closer to the kitchen, it was warmer. She was smiling as she got the menu. She immediately began to browse the menu, and she began to relax, and closed her eyes for a moment.

A bowl of soup was on the table in front of her, steaming hot, a little boiling, it was filled with all sorts of meats and vegetables, and had lime wedges floating in it. There was a spoon right next to it. On top of it all, the dish and spoon in her sight seemed to be child sized.

She opened her eyes, and immediately scrolled to the soup section, the first thing on the soup list was what she had seen. What she had seen had the foggy quality of a memory, and a very old one at that. She picked the soup, and had the look of deep thought. Was she remembering her childhood before the First Order took her?
Naomi David said:
The kitchen, when they got there, was as poorly lit as the rest of the place. Hell, once she saw some bright light later, it'd wreak havoc on her eyes for a moment when they readjusted. She could see a group of people that didn't look much older than her and Kylo sitting at the only table on the place talking. She was glad he brought her to the end of the table that was closer to the kitchen, it was warmer. She was smiling as she got the menu. She immediately began to browse the menu, and she began to relax, and closed her eyes for a moment.

A bowl of soup was on the table in front of her, steaming hot, a little boiling, it was filled with all sorts of meats and vegetables, and had lime wedges floating in it. There was a spoon right next to it. On top of it all, the dish and spoon in her sight seemed to be child sized.

She opened her eyes, and immediately scrolled to the soup section, the first thing on the soup list was what she had seen. What she had seen had the foggy quality of a memory, and a very old one at that. She picked the soup, and had the look of deep thought. Was she remembering her childhood before the First Order took her?

Once the trooper finished her order, the droid took the datapad and dissappeared into the kitchen doorway. Kylo decided to sit down across from the woman and wait. The argument across the table died down to only one or two people talking at a time, but they were still too quiet to hear properly and they were casting their eyes over at the couple with greater frequency and less discression.

It took only five minutes for the little droid to hover out with the food, two bowls. Kylo's bowl was filled with a thicker stew, but the dish consisted of mostly the same ingredients, if spicier. "You have good taste," he said simply.
Serena just knew the group at the opposite end of the table was gossiping about them, they weren't even being subtle about it, they kept staring. It really annoyed her, she was about to go say something or show a rude hand gesture just as the food arrived. She smiled when Kylo said that she had good taste. She spoke,"Thank you." Then she began to eat. Boy, was she hungry. Despite the fact that the soup was very hot, Serena ate it very quickly. It felt good to eat proper portions and not the crappy rations she normally had. She felt alive again. Sure, she was still really tired, but she felt like she could go a couple of rounds before going to bed. She finished eating relatively quickly, then just sat quietly, and relaxed, and found her happy place.
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