` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - OOC/Main


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Estrogen is scarry...
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

It can be.
So I took a "Brain Sex ID" thingy...
Apparently I'm a perfect balance between male and female mentalities.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

I dunno whether to be amused or terrified by that revelation Nymphie.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!


  • But...
    Ooooh~ hope you do well on them <3
    Hm..this week lagged for eclipse, but I
    assume we're all in school, so midterm
    weeks are exceptional. ^^[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

We need to get this back up and running! D:<
Are we waiting on Gerrit's post or something?
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Kitty mentioned a posting order... so yah
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Fuck. x.x
-Scampers off to figure out w-t-f to post-
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • *drags in*

    So. . .fuggin tired. . .
    Head is killin' meh. . .

    Ah. . .so far as I know, Kanda is pretty much MIA.
    Apparently she doesn't get on regularly.
    I can make a post with Ari, but so far as posting order goes,
    whoever is next is going to be. . . pretty much screwed until
    Kanda pops back up according to the rules.

    If I just need to do something to help people get going,
    I'll make a post with Nekar. Not sure what that something would/could
    be though.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Malak is going to suggest they stick together, The elves should erect barriers to protect their shard, and individually they would have a little difficulty taking them down.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

I have a huge head-ache.
I'll try to think up something for Gerrit to do, tomorrow.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • @Nymph: Take it easy then. Grab some
    Tylenol or Advil or one of the billion other
    types of aspirin and get some sleep.

    @Middie: Do the Elves even know there is
    a shard there? I'm sure that if they did know,
    Ari would have the main group going for the
    shard rather than just leading them into the
    village/city/wherever they're going now.

    She was up there enough in ranking to
    know about such a thing.

    Even so, Nekar is a bit difficult. She wouldn't
    go along with them even if Malak suggested
    such a thing. Too many people there for her
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Good point... we haven't decided if the elves actually even know they have a shard...
Kitten mentioned it was in the elder's crystal, surely they would have figured out it is only a matter of time before the forces of darkness comes for it.

Hm... Perhaps they don't know, but detected the forces arriving and are preparing their defenses... It would give me something do do in Malak's next post. Malak probably wouldn't mind them splitting up in small groups either, but tactically they are stronger in numbers... and without someone to cover him he isn't too useful.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • That's a point we'll have to inquire about when Kitten is on next.
    I must have missed that bit about the Elder's Crystal though.
    I'll go back and take a look.

    Even if they don't know it's there, we could always come up with
    some reason that Malak is needed there.

    Nekar doesn't like big groups of people, but if they split up and
    Malak is in need of someone to cover him Nekar could always
    follow him from the trees. Or maybe she would reveal herself.
    I dunno. Depends on what happens.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

I dunno, I may have read it wrong or something...

Having there be barriers makes things easier for Malak, gives him something to do. I had an idea for a post and how he deconstructs them. Otherwise I can just have him wander off in my posts, maybe take a merry stroll, corrupt some critters on his way to make some trouble for the good guys.

Yeah, Nekar and Malak can pair up, so long as she keeps the good guys away from him they can be a pretty deadly team.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • We'll sort things all out soon enough.
    No need to worry about it too much right this minute.

    The Elves may not have placed a barrier around it themselves,
    but it could have like. . .an auto barrier on it. Like. . .something made
    from the light in order to keep it from being taken by the dark.

    He could always break through that.
    Nekar can protect him while he goes to break through it.
    This way she can just pick it up and move on from there when
    he's done since she'll be taking it back to the king.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

I meant like some kind of intruder-prevention system, like a series of barriers that the elves would use to keep baddies out of their forests.

I do imagine a more powerful barrier surrounding the shard itself, that will take a while to break, but Malak would be able to break through standard barriers easily.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • Oh, the forest.
    Yeah, there would be barriers around it preventing just
    anyone from waltzing in there and doing as they please.

    Kitten will have some more information on the shard for
    us in one of her upcoming posts I'm sure, so we'll soon
    know exactly what we're dealing with.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

Yeah, those are the barriers that I mentioned.
Something the group will need Malak to break through, and he can, easily.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!


I keep forgetting about the Eclipse, wondering how the vampire can wander around in broad daylight when I remember there is no real daylight...
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

  • ^ What Dude said...and lol, Middie xD
    Well, they probably still have a bit of 'light' crawling at the edges of the eclipse,
    in certain slivers in the world. But overall, yeah, they're in darkness~

    As for Kanda's frequency, I'm not sure what we should do. o.o Suggestions...?

    I'll elaborate more on the location...perhaps leave it somewhat vague
    so that it's up to the RP'ers to kind of paw their way towards the general direction.

    Hm...not sure on how to decide which side gets the first shard.
    Kind of defeats the purpose of a bit of a surprise, if one person
    just goes "*grabs* hahah pawnt! >8D" .......>.>''

    It's a bit away, so I'll keep that updated and opened to some ideas (pm me ideas guys? XD)

    Other than that, I'm going to be MIA for most of tomorrow's morning/afternoon.
    Family stuff is killing. But if there's a post required of me tomorrow, I'll get on it when I get home <3

    Hope all is going well for everyone~ *e-kisses*[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - Searching for One more ~!

I am bored, I think I will post as Malak soon...

So kitten, should there be barriers in the forest that Malak breaks for the group?
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