Blood on my name (Dragonfoot455 and Kaiden)

At her words he shrugged and turned his focus to her, "I ain't gonna sleep until I'm away from these guys." He lowered his crossbow and turned to her, studying her for a moment before gesturing to her, "You should take your own advice though. You look like you haven't slept in weeks." He turned and started back towards the temporary, whatever they called it, looking back to make sure Alyissa was keeping up with him.
Alyissa heeled after Daryl as they headed back to the garage. "I would sleep but how can anyone sleep with the dead devouring the living and being around Them. I'll sleep when I'm safe" she said before being cutting off by a yawn. "If we do make it then I'll find a way to repay you" she said grabbing his elbow so he'd meet her Amber gaze before she maneuvered around him so she would lead.
"The only way you could repay me is by staying alive, I don't want your blood on my hands too." He followed her back, laying down on the concrete floor once more and staring up at the ceiling in silence. Morning quickly came and the group set off again, going wherever they were.
Alyissa went back to her claimed spot and watched Daryl stare blankly up at the ceiling until she eventually dozed off but not before being awoken by the movement of the other Claimers ready to head back down the train tracks to where they had been tracking a man down who had killed one of their own a while back. Alyissa grumbled to herself and hauled her belongings over her shoulder as they were on the move again. She kneeled down next to Daryl where she placed the remaining leftovers of the cooked Possum from the night before. It would be more like jerky from it drying out but it was better than nothing. "I'd eat what you can, got a long walk ahead of us. We're getting closer to where Lou's killer is" Alyissa was vague about it but knew that Joe would clue them in on what they were doing.

Alyissa had heard of some Safe havens such as Terminus but never mustered up the courage to seek it out though they were on the right path following the Train tracks as many signs had been showing at map to a cross section of the Railroads met. Not knowing that it wasn't a Sanctuary at all but a trap laid down by Flesh eating Monsters of people. Joe hadn't suggested going there but were close by.
Daryl grunted and took the possum meat and ate it quickly before standing up and heading off with the others, he hung back once again, head filled with thoughts as he ambled along. They were tracking down a killer, and this guy was following these signs to a place called Terminus. He wasn't so sure about it himself, but he wouldn't be around to see it, he would leave with Alyissa before they found the man they were looking for, he didn't want some strangers blood on his hands.
Alyissa heeled close to Daryl but didn't talk very much on the way. Night was starting to fall and while Joe spotted a old Pick up Truck along what seemed to be a makeshift camp off to the side. The men were intent on taking over on what was up ahead. Meanwhile Rick chatted with Michonne as Carl rested in the Truck. Joe signalled his men to ambush that camp slowly. It started with a snap of a twig which alerted Rick to stand up. As soon as he settled back down Joe cocked a .45 against the man's temple.

"Oh Dearie me, you screwed up Asshole" he gruffed as one of goons kicked Michonne's katana out of reach. "You here me?" You screwed up" he repeated while Rick stood Still trying to think his way out of being held at gunpoint. "Today's the day of reckoning sir. A restitution, Balancing of the whole God damn universe. And shit I thought about turning in for the night on New Years Eve" he laughed looking up at his goons "Now who's gonna count the ball drop with me huh" Joe sneered then began to count down. Alyissa felt tension in the air as she came closer up with Daryl at her side.
"Hold up!" Daryl moved around the back of the truck, he hadn't known who it was until he came around, the shock obvious on his face for a moment. Turning to Joe Daryl gestured to Rick and Michonne, "These are good people. You let them be." Joe started in on how Rick had killed Lou, and left him to turn in the bathroom and attack them all. Shaking his head Daryl set his crossbow on the Hood of the truck and raised his hands slightly, "You want blood, take it from me. But leave these people alone. They're good people." Daryl knew exactly what he was saying, and didn't even flinch as Joe told his goons to teach him all the way for his supposed lie.

A fist smashed into Daryl's face, he went with the punch, head snapping to the side and body following slightly. He didn't have any time to prep himself for the next hit, or the next, or the next. He was having the shit kicked out of him, and he knew the guys wouldn't stop until he was dead. But Rick needed to live. Michonne needed to live. Carl needed to live. Daryl was optional.
"Daryl No!" Alyissa cried trying to intervene but Tony blocked her at Gunpoint "don't worry Sweetheart you'll get what's left of him" he sneered while they took turns kicking and beating him. Dan had pulled Carl from the Truck to try to molest the boy while he struggled to grab the knife. Rick bristled trying to stand up "You leave him be" he snarled as Joe forced him back down. "Listen it was me, it was me" Rick tried to reason with the larger man

"See now that's right, that is no damn lie. See we're reasonable Men; first we're going to beat Daryl to death then we'll have the girl then the boy. I'll shoot you and we'll be square" Joe laughed as Rick stared hard at his son thrashing under Dan "Let him go" he said in a raged filled breath. "Let him go" he repeated then reversed headbutted Joe which made the Gun fire and deafened Rick. Joe coughed, reaching up to touch his nose where it was bleeding. He swung at the older man who then returned it with a elbow to Rick's face. It knocked him down to the concrete.

"I got him, oh it's going to be so much worse now" he said through gritted teeth while kicking Rick in the stomach. Rick held his face as he tried it stumble to his feet. "come on get up!" Joe snarled as he tried to get to his feet once again.

Alyissa tried to wrestle the Gun out of Tony's hands as he pulled the trigger making it go off while he used his free hand to slap Aly's face.

"C'mon let's see what you got" Joe smirked hauling Rick to his feet. "Whatcha gonna do now Sport?" He said that made Rick hesitate before biting down on Joe's jugular then spit it out as the other man choked on his own blood. It made every goon pause in shock. It was the only distraction that Alyissa needed to turn the gun under Tony's chin and splatter his brains out then turned to fire it at the thug that was roughing up Daryl.
After everything was said and done Daryl got to his feet, wiped the blood from his mouth and moved over to Rick, pulling the rag from his back pocket and dumping some water onto it, "Here." Rick tried to tell him to save it, but Daryl shook his head and stuffed the rag into his hand, "You can't see yourself, he can." Once Rick had started cleaning the blood from his face Daryl turned and walked over to Alyissa, nudging her shoulder lightly, "Hey, thanks for that."
Rick had disembowelled Dan for trying to Rape Carl. She didn't know who he was but he was one tough son of a bitch. Daryl had curb stomped the last thug that remained. Daryl was alright and it brought some relief to Alyissa "I told you were my Ticket out. Couldn't stand by and watch'em kill you. Guess we're even now" she joked her hand reaching up to touch her split open lip. "Son of a Bitch" she hissed but it could have been much worse than it was.
He shrugged and leaned up against the back of the car, looking in on Michonne and Carl before returning his attention to Alyissa, "You can come with us. Rick, Michonne, Carl, all good people, all strong people. You'd be safe with us. It'd be better than if you went off alone, or even with me." He pushed off the car and walked over to Rick, kicking his foot and gesturing for him to follow. Rick nodded and stood up, following Daryl as he finished cleaning his face off. Daryl came to a stop in front of Alyissa, gesturing to her, "Rick, Alyissa." Rick held out a bloody hand and nodded, "You helped Daryl out, thank you."
Alyissa was a bit surprised that Daryl still wanted to her to stick around if she choose too. "I got no where else to go, might as well trail after the Man who saved my Ass." Aly turned her attention to Rick about keeping the sacks of shit off of her sort of a friend. "No worries, he agreed to help me. I returned the Favor, you on the other hand...I've never seen the throat out of another" she smiled giving her a firm handshake in return. Alyissa gazed over Rick's shoulder to where Carl still looked shaken. "You and you're boy didn't deserve such a fate" she admitted tapping the toe of her boot into the gravel.
"No, he doesn't." Rick nodded and patted Daryl on the arm before turning and walking over to Carl, Daryl watched the father and son before looking down at Alyissa, "Come on, let's find them some food, they probably haven't eaten in days." He didn't really wait for a reply from the woman, simply slung the strap of his crossbow over his shoulder and headed off into the trees. He had his knife in his hand as he looked down at the ground, alternating his gaze between the ground and checking his surroundings. He picked up a set of paw prints on the ground and began to follow them, they looked like some sort of feline prints, but Daryl couldn't be certain until he found the creature he was tracking.

He glanced back to see Alyissa following him and gestured to the ground, "Some sort of cat or feline came through here about twenty minutes or so ago, if we're quick, and quiet, we can catch up to it. It looks like it's got a good amount of meat on it, so it'll be prefect to feed them tonight."
Alyissa watched Rick go and comfort his son before quickly catching up to Daryl. "I hope its no Mountain Lion. Could be Bobcat, Couger would be much wider then these." she whispered keeping her eyes close to the ground. "I could be wrong, You're the expert Tracker here after all." Aly smirked before observing the underbrush a second time to see if there was anything Daryl must have missed though it would be highly unlikely.
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